Provided by: cod-tools_3.7.0+dfsg-1build1_amd64 

cif2cod - parse a CIF file, prepare a COD database table entry from it.
cif2cod --options input.cif inputs*.cif
Parse a CIF file, prepare a COD database table entry from it.
-C, --cod-number 1000000 Use the specified number, 1000000 in this example, as a COD number for this structure; do not take the number from the data block name. -c, --always-continue Continue processing and return successful return status even if errors are diagnosed. -c-, --always-die Stop and return error status if errors are diagnosed. -h, --print-header Print header with data column names at the first line for CSV output format (default). -h-, --no-print-header, --dont-print-header Do not print column names on the first (header) line for CSV output format. -k, --keywords Print values in separate lines prefixed with keywords. --include-keywords-with-undefined-values Print the keyword line with an empty value if the value is undefined. --exclude-keywords-with-undefined-values Do not print the keyword line at all if the value is undefined (default). --use-attached-hydrogens Include number of implicit hydrogens, specified using _atom_site_attached_hydrogens tag, into the formula sum (default). --no-use-attached-hydrogens, --dont-use-attached-hydrogens, --ignore-attached-hydrogens Ignore number of implicit hydrogens, specified using _atom_site_attached_hydrogens tag, in calculation of the formula sum. --reformat-space-group Correct the formatting of Hermann-Mauguin symmetry space group symbol. --no-reformat-space-group, --dont-reformat-space-group, --leave-space-group Do not correct the formatting of Hermann-Mauguin symmetry space group symbol (default). --use-datablocks-without-coordinates, --use-all-datablocks Do not filter out data blocks without coordinates. --no-use-datablocks-without-coordinates, --do-not-use-datablocks-without-coordinates, --dont-use-datablocks-without-coordinates, --skip-datablocks-without-coordinates Filter out data blocks without coordinates (default). --require-only-doi Do not require all bibliographic details (authors, journal name, title, year, volume and first page of the publication) to be present if publication DOI is specified. --require-full-bibliography Require author names, journal name, volume, publication title, year and first page to be present (default). --columns file,flags,Robs --columns "file flags Robs" Print only columns specified in this option. --validate-by-schema doc/CODDictionary.xml Validate the output by supplied XML schema, where the SQL data types are given in the following manner: <CODDictionary> <CODParameter name="file"> <SQLDataType>mediumint(7) unsigned</SQLDataType> ... </CODParameter> </CODDictionary> --continue-on-errors Do not terminate script if errors are raised. --die-on-errors, --no-continue-on-errors, --do-not-continue-on-errors, --dont-continue-on-errors, --exit-on-errors Terminate script immediately if errors are raised (default). --continue-on-warnings Do not terminate script if warnings are raised (default). --die-on-warnings Terminate script immediately if warnings are raised. --continue-on-notes Do not terminate script if notes are raised (default). --die-on-notes Terminate script immediately if notes are raised. --use-perl-parser Use the Perl parser for parsing CIFs. --use-c-parser Use the faster C parser for parsing CIFs (default). --cif-input Use CIF format for input (default). --json-input Use JSON format for input. --help, --usage Output a short usage message (this message) and exit. --version Output version information and exit.
Report cif2cod bugs using e-mail: CIF2COD(1)