Provided by: compartment_1.1.0-5_amd64 

compartment - secure program/service wrapper
compartment [--cap CAPSET] [--chroot PATH] [--user USER] [--group GROUP] [--init PROGRAM] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--fork] /full/path/to/program
The Secure Compartment was designed to allow safe execution of priviliged and/or untrusted executables and services. It has got all features possible included, which can be used to minimize the risk of a trojanized or vulnerable program/service.
--cap CAPSET sets the defined CAPABILITY for the process. See the README file and the section LIMITATIONS for more information and examples. --chroot PATH chroots to the PATH defined. It has to be a valid chroot environment. See the README file for more information and examples. --user USER runs the program with uid/euid of USER --group GROUP runs the program with gid/egid of GROUP --init PROGRAM runs PROGRAM before running the untrusted program/service, e.g. to build a chroot environment --verbose prints detailled information what compartment does. --quit does not print syslog information about the use of compartment --fork forks if everything was set up correctly, mother process will exit.
Linux Capabilities supports all Linux capabilites (see /usr/include/linux/capability.h and the README file) Chrooting supports a chroot setup Privileges supports running with defined user and/or group privileges Setup Scripts supports running of initial scripts before running a program/service, e.g. to build a chroot environment.
Currently the kernel does not allow capabilities on processes which are not running with euid 0. Therefore compartment will exit with an error if --user and --cap is used together. Please note that this will change for the 2.4 kernel.
No bugs are currently known
Marc Heuse <>
compartment is part of the SuSE Linux Distribtution since 7.0 so it can be downloaded as an RPM file from the SuSE FTP servers. It can also be downloaded as a .tar.gz file from It has been also part of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution since just after woody (Debian 3.0)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; Version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
capset (2), chroot (1), chroot (2) COMPARTMENT(1)