lunar (1) dachs.1.gz

Provided by: python3-gavo_2.7+dfsg-2_all bug


       dachs - data publishing infrastructure for the Virtual Observatory (VO)


          dachs [global-options] <subcommand> [options] function-argument ...


       dachs  provides  support for data ingestion and publishing, for metadata handling, and for
       a variety of VO protocols and standards, e.g. the  Table  Access  Protocol  (TAP)  or  the
       Simple Cone Search (SCS).

       There  are  numerous  sub-commands  covering the various tasks (importing, controlling the
       server, running tests, etc).

       Subcommand names can be abbreviated to the shortest unique prefix.

       A centeral concept of DaCHS is the Resource Descriptor (RD), and XML description of a data
       collection including metadata, ingestion rules, service definitions, and regression tests.
       They are usually referenced through their RD ids, which are the relative paths from DaCHS'
       inputs  directory  to  the  file  containing  the  RD, with the conventional extension .rd
       stripped.  For instance, in a default install, the file /var/gavo/inputs/myrsc/q.rd  would
       have myrsc/q as RD id.

       Most  commands  dealing  with  RD  ids will also pick up RDs if referenced by path; in the
       example above, if you are in /var/gavo/inputs/myrsc, you could also reference  the  RD  as
       either q or q.rd.

       Several  commands  take  references  to RD elements (table definitions, exec items, direct
       grammar, etc).  These consist of an RD id as just discussed, a hash mark, and the  XML  id
       of  the  target element.  Tables have an id automatically, for other elements you may have
       to add an artificial id.


       Global options are given before the subcommand name.

              produce debug info as appropriate

              run pdb on all errors

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

              if there are hints on an error, display them

              enable profiling and write a profile to PROFILEPATH

              suppress logging of exceptions to the dachs-specific log files

              shows the versions of the software, of the database schema expected by the software
              and  of the database schema actually on disk (if the latter two disagree, run dachs



          dachs admin  [-h] subsubfunction [subfunction-arguments ...]

       This is a somewhat random collection of commands related to administering a  data  center.
       In particular, this is where you create and edit accounts.

       subsubcommands  can  be  abbreviated  as long as the abbreviation is unique.  For instance
       dachs adm xsd will do an XSD validation.

       For more information on the subsubfunctions, pass a -h flag.

   Subsubcommandsaddtogroup user group -- adds a user to a group

       • adduser user password [remarks] -- add  a  user/password pair to the DaCHS  user  table.
         Note  that  as of DaCHS 1.0 the password is stored in clear text and also transmitted in
         clear text since DaCHS only supports HTTP basic authentication.   Do  not  use  valuable
         passwords here

       • changeuser user password [remarks] -- change remarks and/or password for a DC user.  See
         adduser for details.

       • cleantap -- remove expired Universal Worker Service (UWS) jobs

       • delfromgroup user group -- remove a user from a group

       • deluser user -- remove a DaCHS user from the user table.

       • dumpDF path -- Dumps the source of a file included with  the  DaCHS  distribution.   The
         argument  is  a  package resource path (like /inputs/__system__/scs.rd); for system RDs,
         the special //rd-id syntax is supported.

       • execute exec-id -- Execute the contents of an RD execute element.  You  must  give  that
         element an explicit id in order to make this work; then exec-id is rd-id#exec-id

       • hashPassword  pw  --  hash  a password.  adduser and friends already hash themselves, so
         this is likely only useful for the [web]adminPasswd setting.

       • indexStatements tableRef -- show the statements to create the indices on a  table.   The
         tableRef has the format RD-id#table-id; it is not a database table reference.

       • listusers -- dump the user table

       • makedelrec  ivoid  --  create a registry record of ivoid saying the resource is removed.
         This is only necessary when recovering from disasters that made you  lose  records  from
         DaCHS' internal tables.

       • suggestucds  tableId -- Make suggestions for UCDs of the columns of the referenced table
         (rd-id#table-id format) not having one.  This is based on their descriptions and uses  a
         GAVO web service.

       • tapabort  jobId helpMsg -- manually abort a TAP job and return helpMsg to the requesting
         user as error message.

       • updateTAPSchema -- Update the TAP_SCHEMA metadata for all RDs mentioned in TAP_SCHEMA.

       • xsdValidate path -- Validate a file against built-in VO schemas and with built-in schema



          dachs config [section-name] config-key

       This  outputs values of DaCHS' configuration to stdout.  section-name defaults to general.
       This is most commonly used to make external components aware  of  DaCHS'  file  locations,
       e.g., through inputs_dir=$(dachs config inputsDir).

       See the operator's guide for a documentation on DaCHS' configuration options.



          dachs datapack [-h] {create,load} ...

       Management  of  full  DaCHS  resources in the frictionless data package format.  Note that
       while DaCHS-created data packages should work as normal  data  packages,  DaCHS  can  only
       (automatically) load data packages generated by DaCHS itself -- there simply is not enough
       metadata in generic data packages to produce usable resources.

   datapack create

          dachs datapack create [-h] id dest

       Positional arguments:

       id     Absolute RD id to produce a datapack for

       dest   Name of a zip file to dump to

       The command creates a data package containing the RD, a README in the  resource  directory
       if  it  exists, auxiliary files (like a booster grammar or a custom core) the RD may have,
       and all data files that the sources in the RD yield; for collecting these  files,  sources
       elements  with  ignoreSources children reading from the database are ignored, because that
       would make behaviour a bit too unpredictable.

       To include further files, you can use the datapack-extrafiles property on  the  RD.   This
       must  contain  a  json sequence literal with resdir-relative shell patterns that should be
       included as well.  Non-existing paths and directories in this list are  silently  ignored.
       You cannot include files outside of the resource directory in a data package.

   datapack load

          dachs datapack load [-h] [-t] [--force] source

       Positional argument:

       source Name of a DaCHS-produced data package zip file.

       Optional arguments:

       -t, --no-test
              Do not run tests after importing.

              If  the  resdir  the  package  declares  already exists, remove it before unpacking
              (rather than bailing out.

       This unpacks a DaCHS-produced data package, imports it, and runs tests on  it  (which  you
       will want to suppress if you do not have a DaCHS server running locally).



          drop [-h] [-s] [--all] rd-id [dd-id ...]

       This  is the reverse of import: Tables created by a dachs imp with identical arguments are
       being torn down by dachs drop.  This will not work reliably if the RD  has  been  modified
       between  the  imp  and  the  drop,  in  particular  if  the  RD has been deleted.  In such
       situations, you can use the -f flag, which unconditionally tears down everything DaCHS has
       recorded as coming from the referenced RD.

       rd-id  RD path or ID to drop

       dd-id  optional  data descriptor (DD) ID(s) if you do not want to drop the entire RD; note
              that  no  service publications will be undone if you give DD IDs

       --all  drop  all  DDs  in  the RD, not only the auto ones (overrides manual selection)

       -s, --system
              drop tables even if they are system tables



          dachs dump [-h] {load,create,ls} ...

       This is an interface to dumping database tables and inspecting and restoring the generated

       This  is  mainly  intended  for small to medium tables that are just kept in the database,
       e.g., DaCHS' administrative tables and the like.   For  normal  user  tables,  built  from
       science data, doing re-imports is the recommended way to deal with data loss.

       In  particular, this command is not designed (at this point) for really large tables.  For
       technical reasons (that could be overcome), currently the individual  dumps  are  kept  in
       memory during creation (but not during loading).

       Before  loading, the target tables are dropped if they are already present; note that this
       will also drop any views they might be part of, as well as any rows that have foreign keys
       on  this  table.   After  loading, indices and primary keys on the restored tables will be
       recreated, but no scripts or similar are run.  Hence, you will have to manually  re-create
       any dependent resources after a restore.

       This  also means that, for example, restoring a table with products without also restoring
       //products#products will lose the products that previously were in the restored table from
       the products table.

   dump create

          dachs dump create [options] dumpFile ids [ids ...]

       Dump one or more tables to DaCHS' dump format.  When you pass in RD ids, all onDisk-tables
       defined in the RD will be dumped.

       Positional arguments:

              Name of a file to write the dump to; use - to dump to stderr.

       ids    ids of table definitions (as in myres/q#main) or RDs to dump.


       --text write dumps in text format.  You need that when  objects  in  the  tables  have  no
              binary representation.  At least in 2020, that is true for all pgsphere objects.

   dump load

          dachs dump load [-h] source

       Restore table(s) from a file created by the dump create subcommand before

       Positional argument:

       source File to restore from. Use - to restore from stdin.

   dump ls

          dachs dump ls [-h] source

       List tables and dump metadata from a DaCHS dump.

       Positional arguments:

       source source file to list



          dachs gencol [-h] [-f {fits,vot,viz}] FILE

       The  gencol  subcommand  quickly generates a set of basic column elements for inclusion in
       RDs.  It is particularly convenient together with dachs start.

       This currently understands FITS binary  tables,  VOTables  and  Vizier-Style  byte-by-byte
       descriptions  (the  latter  somewhat  haphazardly).  It assumes there is only one table in
       each file (and will ignore others in the FITS and VizieR case).

       It will extract what metadata there is and emit formatted RD XML to  stdout;  this  should
       work  just  fine  for  cut-and-paste  into  <table>  elements  in  RD.  Note that usually,
       important metadata will be missing (e.g., UCDs for FITS  and  VizieR),  and  usually  data
       providers  are  not  terribly careful when writing metadata.  Hence, you should definitely
       thoroughly review the elements created before using them in a public service.

       The program tries to guess the applicable  parser  from  a  file  name  (e.g.,  README  or
       anything  ending  in  .txt  will be treated as Vizier-like).  Where this fails, use the -f

       For Vizier-like  descriptions,  the  program  also  dumps  colDefs  material  for  use  in

       FILE   Source  file to generate the columns from. This can be a FITS, a VOTable, or Vizier
              Column-by-column description, and DaCHS will guess based on the extension. Use  the
              format option if it guesses wrong.

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -f FMT, --format FMT
              Format   of  the  input  table:  FITS  binary  (fits),  VOTable  (vot),  or  Vizier
              byte-by-byte (viz)



          dachs import [options] rd-name [data-id]

       This subcommand is used to ingest data described by  an  RD.   For  special  applications,
       ingestion can be restricted to specific data items within an RD.

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -n, --updateRows
              Deprecated.  Use updating data items instead.

       -d, --dumpRows
              Dump raw rows as they are emitted by the grammar.

       -D, --dumpIngestees
              Dump processed rows as emitted by the row makers.

       -R, --redoIndex
              Drop indices before updating a table and recreate them when done

       -m, --meta-only
              just  update  table  meta  (privileges,  column  descriptions,...).  This will also
              update the tables' obscore clauses, but you will have to  dachs  imp  //obscore  to
              update the obscore view itself in this case.

       -I, --meta-and-index
              do  not  import,  but  update  table meta (privileges, column descriptions,...) and
              recreate the indices

       -u, --update
              update mode -- don't drop tables before writing.

       -s, --system
              (re-)create system tables, too

       -v, --verbose
              talk a lot while working

       -r, --reckless
              Do not validate rows before ingestion

       -M MAX, --stop-after=MAX
              Stop after having parsed MAX rows

       -b N, --batch-size=N
              deliver N rows at a time to the database.

       -c, --continue-bad
              do not bail out after an error, just skip the current source and continue with  the
              next one.

       -L, --commit-after-meta
              commit  the  importing  transaction  after updating the meta tables.  Use this when
              loading large (hence -L) data sets to avoid keeping a lock on the meta  tables  for
              the  duration  of  the input, i.e., potentially days.  The price is that users will
              see empty tables during the import.

              Interpret adql=True on tables as adql=hidden (this is for fallback mirrors)



          dachs info [-h] table-id

       This displays column statistics about the table referred to in the argument (which must be
       a fully qualified table name resolvable by the database system).

              table ID (of the form rdId#tableId)



          dachs init [-h] [-d DSN] [--nodb]

       This  initialises  DaCHS'  file system and database environment.  Calling dachs init on an
       existing site should not damage anything.  It might, however, fix things if, for instance,
       permissions on some directories went funny.

       -d <DSN>, --dsn <DSN>
              data  source  name (DSN) to use to  connect  to  the future DaCHS database; the DSN
              must let DaCHS connect to the database as an  administrator;   dbname,  host,   and
              port   get   copied  to  the profile, if given; this is not required if the calling
              user has superuser privileges on a database running on localhost.   Otherwise,  the
              DSN has to look like " dbname=mydb user=superuser password=secret".

       --nodb inhibit  initialization  of  the database (you may want to use this when refreshing
              the  file  system hierarchy)



          dachs limits [-h] [-t] [-s P] [-d] itemId [itemId ...]

       This creates or updates DaCHS'  estimates  of  various  metadata  of  RDs  or  tables,  in
       particular  the  STC  coverage, the size of the tables and, unless -t is given, the column
       statistics.  This may take a long time for large tables, in which case  you  may  use  the
       --sample-percent option, which makes DaCHS only look at a subset of the full data.

       When  running  dachs  limits on an RD, it will skip views under the assumption that in the
       typical case, column metadata for the interesting columns will already have been  obtained
       for  the  source  tables.   For  views  for  which  this  is  assumption is wrong, set the
       forceStats property to True.

       You should in general run dachs limits before publishing a resource.

       itemId either an RD id or a table reference in the from rd-id#table-id.  A single ALL will
              expand to all RDs that already have limits-obtained metadata.

       -t, --tables-only
              Only  acquire  table/resource-level  metadata  (rather  than column metadata, which
              usually takes a lot longer).

       -s P, --sample-percent P
              Only look at P percent of the table to determine min/max/mean.

       -d, --dump
              Do not obtain statistics but rather dump the results of the last run



          dachs mkboost [option] <id-of-directGrammar>

       This writes a C source skeleton for using the direct grammar referenced to fill a database
       table.   See the Guide to Write Booster Grammars in the DaCHS documentation for how to use
       this command.

       -b, --binary
              generate a skeleton for a binary parser

       -s <SPLITTER>, --splitter=<SPLITTER>
              generate   a  split  skeleton  with  split  string <SPLITTER>



          dachs mkrd [option] sample

       Rudimentary support for generating RDs from data.  This was probably a bad  idea.   Better
       use dachs start.

       -f <SRCFORM>, --format=<SRCFORM>
              source format: FITS or VOT; default: detected from file name

       -t <TABLENAME>, --table-name=<TABLENAME>
              name of the generated table



          dachs pub [-h] [-a] [-m] [-k] [-u] rd [rd ...]

       This  marks  data  and/or  services  contained  in an RD as published; this will make them
       displayed in DaCHS' portal page or pushed  to  the  VO  registry  through  DaCHS'  OAI-PMH
       endpoint.  See the Operator's Guide for details.

       rd     RDs  to  publish;  you can give ids or file paths. Use the magic value ALL to check
              all published RDs, ALL_RECURSE to look for RDs in the file system (check twice  for
              detritus before doing that later thing).

       -k, --keep-timestamps
              Preserve  the  time  stamp  of  the last record modification. This may sometimes be
              desirable with minor updates to an RD that don't justify a re- publication  to  the

       -u, --unpublish
              Unpublish  all  resources coming from this RD Note that this will in general create
              "deleted records", i.e., essentially empty resource records only stating  that  the
              resource referenced by an identifier is no longer available.  This is important for
              reliable operation in the presence of incremental harvesting.



          dachs purge [-h] tablename [tablename...]

       This will delete tables in the  database  and  also  remove  their  metadata  from  DaCHS'
       internal  tables  (e.g.,  TAP_SCHEMA, table of published records).  Use this if dachs drop
       fails for to remove some table for one reason or another.

              (SQL) name of the table to drop,  including  the  schema name



          dachs serve [-h] {debug | reload | restart | start | stop}

       This exposes various functionality for managing  DaCHS'  server  component.   While  these
       usually are being called through init scripts or systemd components, the debug subfunction
       is very convenient during service development off the production environment.

       serve start, stop, and restart manage a PID file, which DaCHS does  not  do  when  running
       under  systemd.   Hence,  do  not  use  these subcommands when systemd manages your DaCHS.
       expireRD is fine, though.

   Subsubcommandsdebug -- run a server and remain in the foreground, dumping all kinds of  stuff  to  the
         terminal.  If you have an SSL certificate, this will try bind an https interface to port
         40443; that's exclusively for little experiments, do not use it for actual operations.

       • reload -- reload server configuration (incomplete)

       • restart -- restart the server

       • start -- start the server and put it in the background

       • stop -- stop a running server

       • expireRD <rdId> -- forget the cached RD in the running server.  While in general,  DaCHS
         reloads  an RD if it finds it changed, sometimes it does not realise some dependency has
         changed.  In that case, this subsubcommand can expunge the RD so it  will  be  re-parsed
         when  the  next  access  occurs.   Note  that this requires [web]adminpasswd be set; the
         command uses [web]serverURL to figure out where to connect the running server.

       The start subcommand accepts a --foreground/-f option.  If you pass it,  the  server  will
       not  double-detach  and  not  redirect  stderr  to  a  log  file  and  instead stay in the
       foreground; it will also not check for PID files or create them.  In contrast to debug, it
       will  change users, etc., and not put the DaCHS into debug mode.  This option is primarily
       useful for systemd units.



          dachs start [-h] (list|<data-type-tag>)

       The start subcommand generates a template RD for a certain type of data that you can  then
       fill  out.  The data-type-tag can be something like scs (for catalogs), siap (for images),
       or ssap (for spectra).  Pass list to see what is available.

       The template uses the name of current directory as resdir and  schema  name.   That  means
       that  if  starting  a  data  collection,  you  should  create  its  resdir  as  a child of
       GAVO_ROOT/inputs and execute dachs start in that dicrectory.

       To fill out the template RD, load it into a text editor and, ina first go, search for  the
       pattern  %.*%.  You should see enough hints from what is between the percent signs and the
       environment to get a reasonable shot at filling things out.  Then reead the comments; very
       typcially,  you  can  get  an  extremely  basic  data publication without that, but a good
       service will normally require some extra work beyond filling things out.

              A short identifier for a data type.  Pass list here to see a list of known tags and
              their meanings.



          dachs test [-h] [-v] [-V] [-d] [-t TAG] [-R N] [-T SECONDS] [-D FILE]
                      [-w SECONDS] [-u SERVERURL] [-n NTHREADS]
                      [--seed RANDOMSEED] [-k KEYWORDS]

       This  runs  regression  tests embedded in the whatever is reference by id (can be an RD, a
       regression suite, or  a  single  regression  test).   For  details,  see  the  chapter  on
       regression testing in the DaCHS Reference Manual.

       id     RD  id  or  cross-RD identifier for a testable thing.  Write ALL here to have DaCHS
              search and test all RDs in the inputs, ignoring those in or below directories  with
              a file named DACHS_PRUNE.

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -v, --verbose
              Talk while working

       -d, --dump-negative
              Dump the content of failing tests to stdout

       -t TAG, --tag TAG
              Also run tests tagged with TAG.

       -R N, --n-repeat N
              Run each test N times

       -T SECONDS, --timeout SECONDS
              Abort and fail requests after inactivity of SECONDS

       -D FILE, --dump-to FILE
              Dump the content of last failing test to FILE

       -w SECONDS, --wait SECONDS
              Wait SECONDS before executing a request

       -u SERVERURL, --serverURL SERVERURL
              URL of the DaCHS root at the server to test

       -n NTHREADS, --number-par NTHREADS
              Number of requests to be run in parallel

       -k KEYWORDS, --keywords KEYWORDS
              Only  run  tests  with descriptions containing all (whitespace-separated) keywords.
              Sequential tests will be run in full, nevertheless, if their head test matches.



          dachs validate [-h] [-x] [-v] rd [rd...]

       This checks RDs for well-formedness and some aspects  of  VO-friendliness

       rd     RD path or ID to validate.  Write ALL here to have DaCHS search  and  validate  all
              RDs  in your input and validate them, ignoring those in or below directories with a
              file named DACHS_PRUNE.

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -p, --pre-publication
              Validate as if all services were IVOA published even if  they  are  not  (this  may
              produce spurious errors if unpublished services are in the RD).

       -v, --verbose
              Talk while working

       -t, --run-tests
              Run regression tests embedded in the checked RDs

       -T SECONDS, --timeout SECONDS
              When running tests, abort and fail requests after inactivity of SECONDS

       -c, --compare-db
              Also  make sure that tables that are on disk (somewhat) match the definition in the

       -u, --accept-free-units
              Do not warn against units not listed in VOUnits.



          dachs upgrade

       Each DaCHS version has an associated database schema version, encoding  the  structure  of
       DaCHS' (and the implemented protocol versions') ideas of how system and user tables should
       look like.  dachs upgrade attempts to work out how to change the  database  to  match  the
       expectations  of  the current version and executes the respective code.  It will not touch
       its data structures if it decrees that the installation is up to date.

       Operating system packages will  usually  try  to  run  dachs  upgrade  as  part  of  their
       management  operation.  In case dachs upgrade requires manual intervention, this may fail,
       in which case operators may need to call dachs upgrade manually.

       Operators keeping a manually installed DaCHS should  run  dachs  upgrade  after  each  svn
       update or update from tar.

       dachs  upgrade  cannot  perform  actions requiring superuser privileges, since none of its
       roles have those.  Currently, this is mainly updating postgres extensions DaCHS  uses  (if
       you  use extra ones, you can configure DaCHS' watch list in [db]managedExtensions).  dachs
       upgrade -e will attempt to figure out the instructions necessary to update extensions  and
       write  them  to stdout.  Hence, operators should execute something like dachs upgrade -e |
       psql gavo from a database superuser account after upgrading postgres extensions.

          --force-dbversion FORCEDBVERSION
                 assume this as the database's schema version. If you don't  develop  DaCHS,  you
                 almost certainly should stay clear of this flag

          -e, --get-extension-script
                 Dump  a  script  to  update  DaCHS-managed  extensions (will print nothing if no
                 extensions need updating). This  will  return  0  if  material  was  written,  1

          -t, --update-tap-schema
                 Update  the  TAP  schema,  i.e., re-read all the metadata from the TAP-published
                 tables.  This isn't really related to upgrading, but it is generally a good idea
                 to sync on-disk representations with what you may have edited in the RDs.



          dachs adql query

       This  subcommand executes ADQL queries locally and writes the resulting VOTable to stdout.
       We consider removing it.


       The subcommands show, stc are deprecated and not  documented  here.   They  may  disappear
       without further notice.

       the subcommands taprun, dlrun, uwsrun, gendoc, raise are used internally and should not be
       directly used by DaCHS operators.


       To  report  bugs  and   request   support,   please   use   our   support   mailing   list


       Comprehensive,  if  always  incomplete  documentation  on  DaCHS  is  available in several
       documents available at (upstream site with PDF  downloads  and
       the             formatted             reference             documentation)             and (with  facilities  for  updating  the

       Copyright   ©   2017   The  GAVO  project.   License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <‐>.  This is free software: you are free  to   change   and
       redistribute  it.  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


       Markus Demleitner <>