Provided by: facterdb_1.12.1-1_all 

facterdb - Get a JSON fact set from the facterdb facts database
facterdb <json_filter>
The facterdb tool lets you obtain a JSON-formatted data structure from the facts database that the facterdb library provides. Facts are selected using a filter properly formatted for jgrep.
FACTERDB_SEARCH_PATHS List of paths that contain external facts that will complement the default facterdb database. When separating paths please use the default path separator character supported by your OS: - Unix/Linux/OSX = : - Windows = ; Each fact set you create must meet the following requirements: - A JSON serialized file containing a single Hash of all the facts. - The facts file must end in .facts - Must be placed inside some directory. You can organize this directory however you like. FACTERDB_SKIP_DEFAULTDB If this is variable is set (to any value), it will instruct facterdb to not look at its built-in facts which can be useful should you need to completely replace which facts are used. You would most likely use this in combination with the FACTERDB_SEARCH_PATHS environment variable. FACTERDB_INJECT_SOURCE If this environment variable is set to any value, the following facts are injected into all fact sets: - _facterdb_path: The base name of the file used to load this fact set e.g. centos-5-i386.facts - _facterdb_filename : The full path of the file used to load this fact set e.g. /project/facter-db/centos-5-i386.facts
Get facts for facter 2.4 that are either from Debian 7 or RedHat 7: facterdb 'facterversion=/^2.4\./ and (operatingsystem=Debian and operatingsystemrelease>=7 or operatingsystem=RedHat and operatingsystemrelease=/^7/)'
Gabriel Filion 2020 FACTERDB(1)