Provided by: fetchyahoo_2.14.7-1.1_all 

fetchyahoo - retrieve mail from Yahoo!'s webmail service
fetchyahoo [options]
FetchYahoo is a Perl script that downloads mail from a Yahoo! account to a local mail spool. It is meant to replace fetchmail for people using Yahoo! mail since Yahoo!'s POP service no longer free. It downloads messages to a local mail spool, including all parts and attachments. It then deletes messages unless requested not to. It can also optionally forward messages to a specified e-mail address and repeat with a given interval.
This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. For additional information, see the HTML documentation. --help Show summary of options. --version Show version of program. --quiet, --noquiet Suppress (or do not suppress) non-error messages. --noerrors, --errors Suppress (or do not suppress) error messages. --configfile=CONFIG-FILE Use CONFIG-FILE as the configuration file. --username=USERNAME Use USERNAME as the Yahoo! login. --password=PASSWORD Use PASSWORD as your Yahoo! password. --spoolfile=SPOOL Specify SPOOL as the file to spool messages to; if --pipe is also specified, SPOOL is a program that accepts messages from standard input (such as procmail). --https --nohttps Use insecure plaintext or secure HTTPS to login (default is to use HTTPS). --append Append messages to the SPOOL (the default behavior). --pipe Pipe messages to the program SPOOL, instead of appending to SPOOL. --overwrite Overwrite SPOOL, instead of appending to it. --folder=FOLDER Specify the folder on Yahoo! to download messages from. (Default is Inbox.) --newonly Only download new messages. (The default is to download all messages.) --allmsgs Download all messages. --nodelete, --delete Do not (or do) delete messages after they are downloaded. --nodownload, --download Do not download messages; however, they will be deleted unless --nodelete is also specified. (--download is the default.) --listmessages, --nolistmessages List messages in mail folder. (--nolistmessages is the default.) --onlylistmessages Only list messages in mail folder. This combines --listmessages, --nodownload and --nodelete --emptybulk Empty Bulk folder before downloading messages. --emptytrashbefore Empty trash before downloading messages. --emptytrashafter Empty trash after downloading messages. --noempty Do not empty trash or bulk. (Default) --leaveunread Leave the messages marked as unread on the server. --markread Mark the messages downloaded as read. (Default) --repeatinterval=N Check for mail every N minutes. --statusonly, --nostatusonly Just get the number of messages. (--nostatusonly is the default.) --getexternal, --nogetexternal Retrieve messages from external mailboxes also. (--nogetexternal is the default.) --externalmailboxes=boxes,list retrieve messages from only this comma-separated list of external mailboxes --maxmessages=N Maximum number of messages to download (default is 100). Setting this to over 100 may cause problems. --warninglevel=N Warn if more than N% of storage quota is used. Never warn if N=0 (default is 0). --nofromline, --includefromline Omit (or include) the leading "From " in messages appended or piped. (--includefromline is the default.) --logout, --nologout Log out (or do not log out) of Yahoo! on exit. (--nologout is the default.) --proxyhost=s Hostname to use for proxy (default is off). --proxyport=N Port to use for proxy (default is 80). --proxyuser=s Username to use for proxy authentication (default is no authentication) --proxypass=s Password to use for proxy authentication (default is no authentication) --imaphost=s Hostname to use for IMAP (default is off). --imapport=N Port to use for IMAP (default is 143). --imapuser=s Username to use for IMAP authentication (no default) --imappass=s Password to use for IMAP authentication (no default) --imapmailbox=s IMAP mailbox to use (default is INBOX) --repeatinterval=N Check for mail every N minutes (daemon mode). --md5hex Print the MD5 hex hash value of a password entered interactively FILES /etc/fetchyahoorc $HOME/.fetchyahoorc Configuration files for FetchYahoo. An example configuration file is located in /usr/share/doc/fetchyahoo/examples/
procmail(1) /usr/share/doc/fetchyahoo/index.html
FetchYahoo was written by Ravi Ramkissoon <>. This manual page was written by Chris Lawrence <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). September 20, 2002 FETCHYAHOO(1)