lunar (1) gappa.1.gz

Gappa - manual page for Gappa 1.4.1
gappa [OPTIONS] [FILE]
Read a statement on standard input and display its proof on standard output. -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --version output version information and exit Engine parameters: -Eprecision=int internal precision (default: 60) -Edichotomy=int dichotomy depth (default: 100) -E[no-]reverted-fma change fma(a,b,c) from a*b+c to c+a*b -Echange-threshold=float threshold for new results (default: 0.01) -Eno-auto-dichotomy do not choose a term for automatic splitting Engine modes: -Munconstrained do not check for theorem constraints -Mstatistics display statistics -Mschemes[=FILE] produce a dot graph (default: Warnings: (default: all) -W[no-]dichotomy-failure -W[no-]hint-difference -W[no-]null-denominator -W[no-]unbound-variable Backend: -Bnull do not generate a proof (default) -Bcoq produce a script for Coq -Bcoq-lambda produce a lambda-term for Coq -Bholl produce a script for HOL Light -Blatex produce a LaTeX text