lunar (1) grabc.1.gz

grabc - A tool to identify a pixel color of an X Window.
grabc v1.0.2 A program to identify a pixel color of an X Window by Usage: grabc [options] Where the options are: -v - show version info -h - show this usage -hex - print pixel value as Hex on stdout -rgb - print pixel value as RGB on stderr -W - print the Window id at mouse click -w id - window id in hex, use -l +x+y -l +x+y - pixel co-ordinate. requires window id -d - show debug messages -a - Print all 16 bits of color. Default is high order 8 bits Example: * Print pixel color in hex on stdout: $ grabc * Show usage: $ grabc -h * Print Window Id (Note the upper case W): $ grabc -W * Print pixel color of Window iwith id 0x13234 at location 10,20 $ grabc -w 0x13234 -l +10+20
grabc is a simple but very useful program to determine the color string in hex (or in RGB components) by clicking on a pixel on the screen. While web browsing, lots of time you find a nice color and wonder what color is that. Well just use grabc! When this program is run, the mouse pointer is grabbed and changed to a cross hair and when the mouse is clicked, the color of the clicked pixel is written to stdout in hex prefixed with #.
grabc is written by Muhammad Muquit <>. Homepage: <>.