Provided by: ruby-html-proofer_3.19.2-7_all 

htmlproofer - validate rendered HTML files
htmlproofer directory [options]
htmlproofer is a set of tests to validate HTML output. These tests check if image references are legitimate, if they have alt tags, if internal links are working, and so on. HTMLProofer can run on a file, a directory, an array of directories, or an array of links. Below is a mostly comprehensive list of checks that it can perform. Images (<img> elements) • Whether all images have alt tags • Whether internal image references are not broken • Whether external images are showing • Whether images are HTTPS Links (<a>, <link> elements) • Whether internal links are working • Whether internal hash references (#linkToMe) are working • Whether external links are working • Whether links are HTTPS • Whether CORS/SRI is enabled Scripts (<script> elements) • Whether internal script references are working • Whether external scripts are loading • Whether CORS/SRI is enabled Favicon • Whether favicons are valid. OpenGraph • Whether the images and URLs in the OpenGraph metadata are valid. HTML • Whether your HTML markup is valid. This is done via Nokogiri to ensure well-formed markup.
Listed below are the command line options for htmlproofer: --allow-missing-href Don't flag tags missing an href attribute. This is the default for HTML5. --allow-hash-href Ignores href="#". --as-links Assumes that PATH is a comma-separated array of links to check. --alt-ignore image1,[image2,...] A comma-separated list of Strings or RegExps containing images whose missing alt attributes are safe to ignore. --assume-extension Automatically add extension (e.g. .html) to file paths, to allow extensionless URLs (as supported by Jekyll 3 and GitHub Pages). --checks-to-ignore check1,[check2,...] An array of Strings indicating which checks not to perform. --check-external-hash Checks whether external hashes exist (even if the webpage exists). This slows the checker down. --check-favicon Enables the favicon checker. --check-html Enables HTML validation errors from Nokogiri. --check-img-http Check, that images use HTTPS. --check-opengraph Enables the Open Graph checker. --check-sri Check that <link> and <script> external resources do use SRI. --directory-index-file filename Sets the file to look for when a link refers to a directory. Defaults to index.html. --disable-external Don't run the external link checker, which can take a lot of time. --empty-alt-ignore If true, ignores images with empty alt attribues. --error-sort sort Defines the sort order for error output. Can be :path, :desc, or :status. Defaults to :path. --enforce-https Fails if a link is not marked as HTTPS. --extension ext The extension of HTML files including the dot. Defaults to .html. --external_only Only check for problems with external references. --file-ignore file1,[file2,...] A comma-separated list of Strings or RegExps containing file paths that are safe to ignore. --help Print this usage information on the command line. --http-status-ignore 123,[xxx, ...] A comma-separated list of numbers representing status codes to ignore. --internal-domains domain1,[domain2,...] A comma-separated list of Strings containing domains that will be treated as internal urls. --report-invalid-tags Ignore errors from --check-html associated with unknown markup. --report-missing-names Ignore errors from --check-html associated with missing entities. --report-script-embeds Ignore errors from --check-html associated with <script>s. --log-level level Sets the logging level, as determined by Yell. One of :debug, :info, :warn, :error, or :fatal. Defaults to :info. --only-4xx Only reports errors for links that fall within the 4xx status code range --storage-dir directory Directory where to store the cache log. Defaults to tmp/.htmlproofer. --timeframe time A string representing the caching timeframe. --typhoeus-config string JSON-formatted string of Typhoeus config. It will override the html-proofer defaults. --url-ignore link1,[link2,...] A comma-separated list of Strings or RegExps containing URLs that are safe to ignore. It affects all HTML attributes. Non-HTTP(S) URIs are always ignored. --url-swap re:string,[re:string,...] A comma-separated list containing key-value pairs of RegExp => String. It transforms URLs that match RegExp into String via gsub. The escape sequences \: should be used to produce literal :s.' Special usage cases For options which require an array of input, values can be surrounded by quotes. Don't use any spaces. For example, to exclude an array of HTTP status code: htmlproofer --http-status-ignore 999,401,404 ./out For options like --url-ignore, which require an array of regular expressions, the following syntax works: htmlproofer --url-ignore /,/ ./out The --url-swap switch is a bit special, since one will pass in a pair of RegEx:String values. The escape sequences \: should be used to produce literal :. htmlproofer will figure out what you mean. htmlproofer --url-swap wow:cow,mow:doh --extension .html.erb --url-ignore ./out
The program author is Garen Torikian. This manual page page was written by Daniel Leidert <> for the Debian distribution (but may be used by others). 2019-03-24 HTMLProofe(1)