lunar (1) ipmctl-show-performance.1.gz

ipmctl-show-performance - Shows performance metrics for one or more PMem modules
ipmctl show [OPTIONS] -performance [METRICS] [TARGETS]
Shows performance metrics for one or more PMem modules.
-h, -help Displays help for the command. -ddrt Used to specify DDRT as the desired transport protocol for the current invocation of ipmctl. -smbus Used to specify SMBUS as the desired transport protocol for the current invocation of ipmctl. Note The -ddrt and -smbus options are mutually exclusive and may not be used together. -o (text|nvmxml), -output (text|nvmxml) Changes the output format. One of: "text" (default) or "nvmxml".
Restricts output to a specific performance metric by supplying the metric name. See RETURN DATA for more information. One of: • MediaReads • MediaWrites • ReadRequests • WriteRequests • TotalMediaReads • TotalMediaWrites • TotalReadRequests • TotalWriteRequests The default is to display all performance metrics.
-dimm [DimmIDs] Restricts output to the performance metrics for specific PMem module by supplying one or more comma separated PMem module identifiers. The default is to display performance metrics for all manageable PMem module.
Shows all performance metrics for all PMem modules in the server. ipmctl show -dimm -performance Shows the number of 64 byte reads since last AC cycle for all PMem modules in the server. ipmctl show -dimm -performance MediaReads
In order to successfully execute this command: • The caller must have the appropriate privileges. • The specified PMem modules must be manageable by the host software.
This command displays a table of the specified metrics for each specified PMem module. Applying a specific PMem module target limits the rows in the table. Applying a specific metric name target limits the columns in the table. DimmID The PMem module identifier MediaReads Number of 64 byte reads from media on the PMem module since last AC cycle. MediaWrites Number of 64 byte writes to media on the PMem module since last AC cycle. ReadRequests Number of DDRT read transactions the PMem module has serviced since last AC cycle. WriteRequests Number of DDRT write transactions the PMem module has serviced since last AC cycle. TotalMediaReads Number of 64 byte reads from media on the PMem module over its lifetime. TotalMediaWrites Number of 64 byte writes to media on the PMem module over its lifetime. TotalReadRequest Number of DDRT read transactions the PMem module has serviced over its lifetime. TotalWriteRequest Number of DDRT write transactions the PMem module has serviced over its lifetime.