Provided by: klavaro_3.11-1_amd64 

Klavaro - Flexible touch typing tutor using GTK+3
Klavaro is a program that teachs you to touch type and/or helps you to improve your skills with the keyboard. There is some more information at:
Besides those related to GTK, a few options are available. -h, --help: see some help at command line. -v, --version: see the program version. -x, --velotxt: forces the speed module to use complete texts with paragraphs, just like the fluidity one.
Some colors may be configured through the file "preferences.ini". It's commonly placed at: $HOME/.config/klavaro/ There you should create a session named [colors] and set some colors with the internet/html syntax (#RRGGBB). For example: [colors] key_fg=#332200 key_1=#112233 key_9=#213243 text_intro_fg=#222222 char_untouched_bg=#fffaf8 char_wrong_fg=#880000 char_correct_fg=#009900 char_retouched_fg=#bbbbaa cursor_blink_bg=#ff88ff And also, an alternative file can be defined, for toggling all those colors: "altcolor.ini", besides the "preferences.ini" file. Here follows the complete list of keywords to set colors. Background and foreground for the tutor introductory texts: text_intro_bg text_intro_fg Background and foreground for the tutor texts before they be typed out: char_untouched_bg char_untouched_fg The same for the tutor texts after they be correcty typed out: char_correct_bg char_correct_fg Same for tutor texts after they be wrongly typed: char_wrong_bg char_wrong_fg Same for tutor texts after they be correcty retyped, correcting errors (only in fluidity module): char_retouched_bg char_retouched_fg Blinking color of the block cursor in the tutor tests: cursor_blink_bg cursor_blink_fg Foreground of keys in the virtual keyboard: key_fg Background of keys, according to the finger responsible for it, from left to right (key_5 is valid for both thumbs, it is the space key): key_1 key_2 key_3 key_4 key_5 key_6 key_7 key_8 key_9
Klavaro was written by Felipe E. F. de Castro. e-mail: <>