lunar (1) libvdeplug_agno.1.gz

libvdeplug_agno - vdeplug module: add encryption to ethernet link plug
This is a libvdeplug cryptographic module that implements agnostic encryption over layer 2. Agnostic encryption is an encryption method that doesn't need information about the vde network implementation. This module of libvdeplug4 can be used in any program supporting vde like vde_plug, vdens, kvm, qemu, user-mode-linux and virtualbox. The vde_plug_url syntax of this module is the following: agno://[/path/of/keyfile][[OPTIONS]]{vde nested url} /path/of/keyfile, if present, must be an absolute path or a path relative to the user's home (e.g. ~/example/path). If omitted the default path of the keyfile is ~/.vde_agno_key. The keyfile must contain a 128-bit key in hexadecimal format. Only hexadecimal characters are considered in both uppercase and lowercase, all the others are ignored (e.g. white-spaces, newline characters, non-hexadecimal letters).
ethtype=TYPE define the type of the Ethernet frame of the encrypted packet. TYPE can be the an exadecimal number or: copy: same type of the non-encrypted packet ipv4: ipv4 type (0x0800) ipv6: ipv6 type (0x86dd) rand: random number as type. The random number will be generated for every Ethernet packet sent.
agno://{vde:///tmp/myswitch} agno uses the key stored in the default keyfile (~/.vde_agno_key) location to encrypt the traffic sent to the switch. The Ethernet frames have agno specific type (0xa6de) as type. agno:///tmp/my_keyfile[ethtype=copy]{vde:///tmp/myswitch} agno uses the key stored in file /tmp/my_keyfile to encrypt the traffic sent to the switch. The Ethernet frames will have the same type of the non-encrypted packet. vdens agno://[ethtype=rand]{vxvde://} create a nanespace connected to a vxvde local area cloud. agno uses the key stored in the default keyfile (~/.vde_agno_key) location to encrypt the traffic sent to vxvde.
Virtual Distributed Ethernet is not related in any way with ("Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik" i.e. the German "Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies").
VirtualSquare. Project leader: Renzo Davoli