lunar (1) liferea-add-feed.1.gz

Liferea - GTK desktop news aggregator
liferea [OPTIONS]
Liferea (Linux Feed Reader) is an aggregator for online news feeds. It can be used to maintain a list of subscribed feeds, browse and search through their items and displays their contents. Additionally Liferea allows one to sync subscriptions and read headlines with online accounts of TinyTinyRSS and TheOldReader.
Liferea options: -v, --version Print version information and exit. -h, --help Display a option overview and exit. -a, --add-feed=URI Add a new subscription URI which can be a feed or website URL. -w, --mainwindow-state=STATE Start Liferea with its mainwindow in STATE: shown, hidden. -p, --disable-plugins Start with all plugins disabled. --debug-all Print debugging messages of all types. --debug-cache Print debugging messages for the cache handling. --debug-conf Print debugging messages of the configuration handling. --debug-db Print debugging messages of the configuration handling. --debug-gui Print debugging messages of all GUI functions. --debug-html Enables HTML rendering debugging. Each time Liferea renders HTML output it will also dump the generated HTML into $XDG_CACHE_DIR/liferea/output.html. --debug-net Print debugging messages of all network activities and display the HTTP/S User- Agent string. --debug-parsing Print debugging messages of all parsing functions. --debug-performance Print debugging messages when a function takes too long to process. --debug-trace Print debugging messages when entering/leaving functions. --debug-update Print debugging messages of the feed update processing. --debug-vfolder Print debugging messages of the search folder matching. --debug-verbose Print verbose debugging messages.
To allow integration with other programs Liferea provides a DBUS interface for automatic creation of new subscriptions. The script liferea-add-feed is a convenient way to use this interface. Just pass a valid feed URL as parameter and the feed will be added to the feed list. You can also pass non-feed URLs to use feed auto discovery. See the EXAMPLES section.
http_proxy (for HTTP connections) https_proxy (for HTTPS connections) If defined and a proxy is not specified in the Liferea preferences (which uses the proxy settings provided by dconf), their value will be used as proxy URIs. Both are used by many common CLI tools, so make sure to export them in a dedicated subshell. LIFEREA_FEED_CMD_TIMEOUT If defined, overrides the default timeout for feed generating commands with the number of seconds given in this variable. It must be an integer value greater than zero; invalid values will be ignored. LIFEREA_UA_ANONYMOUS If defined, randomizes and anonymizes the default HTTP/S User-Agent string. LIFEREA_UA If defined, its value replaces the default HTTP/S User-Agent string. LIFEREA_UA has always precedence over LIFEREA_UA_ANONYMOUS, so the latter can be safely defined in global shell initialization files.
$ http_proxy="" liferea $ http_proxy="" liferea Will alter each outgoing request to use on port 3128 as proxy. If DNS resolution does not work, an IP address can be used instead. $ LIFEREA_UA_ANONYMOUS=1 liferea --debug-net Will alter each outgoing HTTP/S request to randomize Liferea's version and hide the operative system in use. In addition, prints the HTTP/S User-Agent and all outgoing network requests. $ LIFEREA_UA="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0" liferea Will alter each outgoing HTTP/S request to pose as Firefox on Linux. $ liferea-add-feed "feed:" $ liferea --add-feed "" Subscribe to "". Remember to supply a valid and correctly escaped feed URL as parameter. Please note that Liferea needs to be running for liferea-add-feed to work.
$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/liferea/feedlist.opml Contains the current list of subscriptions. $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/liferea/liferea.css Stylesheet that can be used to override default HTML style. $XDG_DATA_DIR/liferea/liferea.db SQLite3 database with all subscriptions and headlines. $XDG_DATA_DIR/liferea/plugins/ User-installed plugins are stored here. You can either manually put plugins here or use the plugin installer in Liferea.
This manual page was written by Lars Windolf <>. Updated on Nov 24, 2021 by Lorenzo L. Ancora <>. Nov 24, 2021 LIFEREA(1)