Provided by: mintpy_1.5.1-1_all 

mintpy - The Miami INsar Time-series software in PYthon
usage: mintpy [-h] [--version] ... Command line interface for MintPy. The Miami INsar Time-series software in PYthon (MintPy as /mint pai/) is an open-source package for Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time series analysis. It reads the stack of interferograms (coregistered and unwrapped) in ISCE, ARIA, FRInGE, HyP3, GMTSAR, SNAP, GAMMA or ROI_PAC format, and produces three dimensional (2D in space and 1D in time) ground surface displacement in line-of-sight direction. It includes a routine time series analysis (``) and some independent toolbox. This is research code provided to you "as is" with NO WARRANTIES OF CORRECTNESS. Use at your own risk. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit sub-commands: smallbaselineApp Routine Time Series Analysis for Small Baseline InSAR Stack asc_desc2horz_vert Project Asc and Desc LOS displacement to Horizontal and Vertical direction geocode Resample radar-coded files into geo-coordinates or vice versa ifgram_inversion Invert network of interferograms into time-series. mask Mask file modify_network Modify the network of interferograms multilook Multilook the input file reference_date Change reference date of timeseries. reference_point Reference to the same pixel in space. spatial_average Calculate average in space spatial_filter Spatial filtering of 2D image. temporal_average Calculate temporal average (stacking) of multitemporal datasets temporal_derivative Calculate the temporal derivative of time-series. temporal_filter Smoothing timeseries in time domain with a moving filter timeseries_rms Calculate Root Mean Square (RMS) of deramped residual phase time-series. timeseries2velocity Estimate velocity / time functions from time-series. add Generate the sum of multiple input files. diff Generate the difference of two input files. image_math Basic Mathmatic Operation of file image_stitch Stitch/mosaic multiple geocoded datasets into one. subset Generate a subset from file/dataset closure_phase_bias Phase non-closure related biases correction dem_error DEM Error (Topographic Residual) Correction iono_tec Calculate ionospheric ramps using Global Iono Maps from GNSS-based TEC products. local_oscilator_drift Local Oscilator Drift (LOD) correction of Envisat remove_ramp Remove 2D ramp(s) from the input file. s1ab_range_bias Sentinel-1 A/B range bias correction solid_earth_tides Solid Earth tides (SET) correction via PySolid tropo_gacos Tropospheric correction using GACOS ( delays tropo_phase_elevation Correct Topo-correlated Stratified tropospheric delay tropo_pyaps3 Tropospheric correction using weather models via PyAPS unwrap_error_bridging Unwrapping Error Correction with Bridging unwrap_error_phase_closure Unwrapping Error Correction based on Phase Closure dem_gsi Prepare DEM from GSI (Japan) DEHM grib files. generate_mask Generate mask file from input file lookup_geo2radar Convert lookup table from geo-coord (GAMMA, ROI_PAC) into radar-coord (ISCE) prep_aria Prepare ARIA processed products for MintPy. prep_cosicorr Prepare attributes file for COSI-Corr pixel offset product. prep_fringe Prepare FRInGE products for MintPy prep_gamma Prepare attributes file for Gamma product. prep_gmtsar Prepare GMTSAR metadata files. prep_hyp3 Prepare attributes file for HyP3 InSAR product. prep_isce Prepare ISCE metadata files. prep_roipac Prepare attributes file for ROI_PAC products. prep_snap Prepare attributes file for SNAP products. load_data Load stacks of interferograms to HDF5 files load_gbis Load GBIS inversion result to HDF5 format. remove_hdf5_dataset Remove an existing dataset from HDF5 file save_gbis Convert MintPy product to GBIS .mat format. save_gdal Generate GDAL raster from MintPy h5 file. save_gmt Export geocoded file to GMT grd file save_hdfeos5 Convert MintPy timeseries product into HDF-EOS5 format save_kite Generate KITE ( npz and yaml from MintPy HDF5 file. save_kmz_timeseries Generare Google Earth KMZ file for time-series file. save_kmz Generate Google Earth KMZ file (overlay / placemarks for files in geo / radar coordinates). save_qgis Convert to QGIS compatible ps time-series save_roipac Convert MintPy HDF5 file to ROI_PAC format. info Display Metadata / Structure information of ANY File plot_coherence_matrix Plot the coherence matrix of one pixel (interactive) plot_network Display Network of Interferograms plot_transection Generate transect/profile along a line tsview Interactive time-series viewer view Plot InSAR Product in 2D