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mpiexec.slurm - Run an MPI program under Slurm
mpiexec.slurm args executable pgmargs where args are comannd line arguments for mpiexec (see below), executable is the name of the eecutable and pgmargs are command line arguments for the executable. For example the following command will run the MPI program a.out on 4 processes: mpiexec.slurm -n 4 a.out mpiexec.slurm supports the following options: [-n nprocs] [-host hostname] [-verbose] [-nostdin] [-allstdin] [-nostdout] [-pernode] [-config config_file] [-help|-?] [-man]
The mpiexec.slurm
-n <np> Specify the number of processes to use -host hostname Name of host on which to run processes -verbose Increase the verbosity of mpiexec.slurm informational messages. Multiple -verbose's will further increase mpiexec.slurm's verbosity. By default only errors will be displayed. -nostdin Do not connect the standard input stream of process 0 to the mpiexec process. If the process attempts to read from stdin, it will see an end-of-file. -allstdin Send the standard input stream of mpiexec.slurm to all processes. Each character typed to mpiexec (or read from a file) is duplicated numproc times, and sent to each process. This permits every process to read, for example, configuration information from the input stream. -nostdout Do not connect the standard output and error streams of each process back to the mpiexec.slurm process. Standard output and error will be respectively writte in files of the form job.ojobid and job.ejobid for batch jobs, and directly to the controlling terminal for interactive jobs. -pernode Allocate only one process per compute node. For SMP nodes, only one processor will be allocated a job. This flag is used to implement multiple level parallelism with MPI between nodes, and threads within a node, assmuming the code is set up to do that. -config <config_file> Process executable and arguments are specified in the given configuration file. This flag permits the use of heterogeneous jobs using multiple executables. No executable is given on the command line when using the -config flag. If config_file is "-", then the configuration is read from standard input. In this case the flag -nostdin is mandatory, as it is not possible to separate the contents of the configuration file from process input. The config_file can contain lines beginning with "#", that are considered comments and ignored and and one or more lines with the following format: -n XX : executable [args] where XX is the number of processes to be used, executable is the name of the program to run and args are its arguments. For example: # Sample mpiexec config file # Launch two instance of foo -n 2 : foo # and three instances of bar -n 3 bar There is no support for hostname task layout in a config file at the moment. -help|-? Display a brief help page