Provided by: rumur_2022.08.20-1_amd64 

murphi2murphi - preprocessor for Murphi models
murphi2murphi options [--output FILE] [FILE]
Murphi2Murphi is a utility bundled with the Rumur model checker. It can be used for various source-to-source transformations of Murphi models. It supports options for "desugaring" Rumur-specific constructs into equivalent, more widely supported Murphi constructs. It is also useful for reducing the number of different constructs that appear in a Murphi model, to simplify the job of downstream model-consuming tools. All transformations are off by default. I.e. Murphi2Murphi will simply reproduce the source model unmodified. Transformations can be selectively enabled using the options described below. Each transformation option below has an inverse no-prefixed option (e.g. --no-explicit-semicolons for --explicit-semicolons) for disabling that transformation. Whichever occurs last, the enabling option for a transformation or the disabling option for a transformation, will take precedence. See rumur(1) for more information about Rumur or Murphi.
--decompose-complex-comparisons Rumur supports comparing values of complex type (records and arrays) with each other using the = and != operators. Other Murphi tools typically only support the comparison of values of simple type (booleans, ranges, enums, scalarsets). This option breaks comparisons of complex typed values into element-wise comparisons of their members, for compatibility with other tools. --explicit-semicolons Rumur allows semi-colons to be omitted in some places within a Murphi model. E.g. the semi-colon following a rule definition is optional. This option adds semi- colons where they have been omitted, to aid other Murphi tools that may require them. --output FILE or -o FILE Set path to write the resulting model to. Without this option, the model is written to stdout. --remove-liveness Remove any liveness properties from the model. These are not supported by other Murphi tools. --switch-to-if Transform switch statements into if-then-else statements. This can be useful for downstream tools that then only need to handle if-then-else statements, and not also switch statements. --to-ascii Turn extended unicode operators into their ASCII equivalents. This makes models that use these extended characters compatible with other Murphi tools. --version Display version information and exit.
All comments, questions and complaints should be directed to Matthew Fernandez <>.
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