lunar (1) ogr_layer_algebra.1.gz

ogr_layer_algebra - Performs various Vector layer algebraic operations New in version 3.6.
SYNOPSIS Union|Intersection|SymDifference|Identity|Update|Clip|Erase -input_ds name [-input_lyr name] -method_ds [-method_lyr name] -output_ds name [-output_lyr name] [-overwrite] [-opt NAME=VALUE]* [-f format_name] [-dsco NAME=VALUE]* [-lco NAME=VALUE]* [-input_fields NONE|ALL|fld1,fl2,...fldN] [-method_fields NONE|ALL|fld1,fl2,...fldN] [-nlt geom_type] [-a_srs srs_def]
The provides a command line utility to perform various vector layer algebraic operations. The utility takes a vector input source , a method source and generates the output of the operation in the specified output file <mode> Where <mode> is one of the seven available modes: • Union A union is a set of features, which represent areas that are in either of the operand layers. • Intersection An intersection is a set of features, which represent the common areas of two layers. • SymDifference A symmetric difference is a set of features, which represent areas that are in operand layers but which do not intersect. • Identity The identity method identifies features in the input layer with features in the method layer possibly splitting features into several features. By default the result layer has attributes from both operand layers. • Update The update method creates a layer, which add features into the input layer from the method layer possibly cutting features in the input layer. By default the result layer has attributes only from the input layer. • Clip The clip method creates a layer, which has features from the input layer clipped to the areas of the features in the method layer. By default the result layer has attributes of the input layer. • Erase The erase method creates a layer, which has features from the input layer whose areas are erased by the features in the method layer. By default the result layer has attributes of the input layer. -input_ds <path> Input data set path for the operation to be performed. For operations involving 2 datasets, this is one of the dataset. -input_lyr <name> Layer name of the input_ds for which the operations have to be performed ( Optional ) -method_ds <path> Method data set path for the operation to be performed. This is usually the conditional data set supplied to the operation ( ex: clip , erase , update ) This is the Second data set in the operation ( ex : Union, Intersection , SymDifference ) -method_lyr <name> Layer name of the method_ds for which the operations have to be performed ( Optional ) -output_ds <path> Output data set path for writing the result of the operations performed by ogr_layer_algebra -output_lyr_name <name> Layer name of the output_lyr_name where the output vector has to be written. ( Optional ) -overwrite Indicates whether the output_ds have to be overwritten with the generated result of ogr_layer_algebra -opt <NAME=VALUE> Attributes for which the operation has to run on input_ds and method_ds -f <format_name> Select the output format.If not specified, the format is guessed from the extension (previously was ESRI Shapefile). Use the short format name -dsco <NAME=VALUE> Dataset creation option (format specific) -lco <NAME=VALUE> Layer creation option (format specific) -input_fields <NONE|ALL|fld1,fld2,fld3...> Comma-delimited list of fields from input layer to copy to the output layer , if eligible according to the operation -method_fields <NONE|ALL|fld1,fld2,fld3...> Comma-delimited list of fields from method layer to copy to the output layer , if eligible according to the operation -nlt <geom_type> Define the geometry type for the created layer. One of NONE, GEOMETRY, POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, MULTIPOINT, MULTIPOLYGON, GEOMETRY25D, POINT25D, LINESTRING25D, POLYGON25D, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION25D, MULTIPOINT25D, MULTIPOLYGON25D. -a_srs <srs_def> Assign an output SRS, but without reprojecting The coordinate reference systems that can be passed are anything supported by the OGRSpatialReference.SetFromUserInput() call, which includes EPSG Projected, Geographic or Compound CRS (i.e. EPSG:4296), a well known text (WKT) CRS definition, PROJ.4 declarations, or the name of a .prj file containing a WKT CRS definition.
1998-2023 Jan 02, 2023 OGR_LAYER_ALGEBRA(1)