Provided by: python3-psd-tools_1.9.24+dfsg.1-1_amd64 

src - src Documentation psd-tools is a Python package for working with Adobe Photoshop PSD files as described in specification.
Use pip to install the package: pip install psd-tools NOTE: In order to extract images from 32bit PSD files PIL/Pillow must be built with LITTLECMS or LITTLECMS2 support (apt-get install liblcms2-2 or brew install little-cms2)
from psd_tools import PSDImage psd ='example.psd') psd.composite().save('example.png') for layer in psd: print(layer) image = layer.composite() Check out the Usage documentation for more examples. Usage Command line The package provides command line tools to handle a PSD document: psd-tools export <input_file> <output_file> [options] psd-tools show <input_file> [options] psd-tools debug <input_file> [options] psd-tools -h | --help psd-tools --version Example: psd-tools show example.psd # Show the file content psd-tools export example.psd example.png # Export as PNG psd-tools export example.psd[0] example-0.png # Export layer as PNG Working with PSD document psd_tools.api package provides the user-friendly API to work with PSD files. PSDImage represents a PSD file. Open an image: from psd_tools import PSDImage psd ='my_image.psd') Most of the data structure in the psd-tools suppports pretty printing in IPython environment. In [1]:'example.psd') Out[1]: PSDImage(mode=RGB size=101x55 depth=8 channels=3) [0] PixelLayer('Background' size=101x55) [1] PixelLayer('Layer 1' size=85x46) Internal layers are accessible by iterator or indexing: for layer in psd: print(layer) if layer.is_group(): for child in layer: print(child) child = psd[0][0] NOTE: The iteration order is from background to foreground, which is reversed from version prior to 1.7.x. Use reversed(list(psd)) to iterate from foreground to background. The opened PSD file can be saved:'output.psd') Working with Layers There are various layer kinds in Photoshop. The most basic layer type is PixelLayer: print( layer.kind == 'pixel' Some of the layer attributes are editable, such as a layer name: = 'Updated layer 1' NOTE: Currently, the package does not support adding or removing of a layer. Group has internal layers: for layer in group: print(layer) first_layer = group[0] TypeLayer is a layer with texts: print(layer.text) ShapeLayer draws a vector shape, and the shape information is stored in vector_mask and origination property. Other layers can also have shape information as a mask: print(layer.vector_mask) for shape in layer.origination: print(shape) SmartObjectLayer embeds or links an external file for non-destructive editing. The file content is accessible via smart_object property: import io if layer.smart_object.filetype in ('jpg', 'png'): image = SolidColorFill, PatternFill, and GradientFill are fill layers that paint the entire region if there is no associated mask. Sub-classes of AdjustmentLayer represents layer adjustment applied to the composed image. See Adjustment layers. Exporting data to PIL Export the entire document as PIL.Image: image = psd.composite()'exported.png') Export a single layer including masks and clipping layers: image = layer.composite() Export layer and mask separately without composition: image = layer.topil() mask = layer.mask.topil() To composite specific layers, such as layers except for texts, use layer_filter option: image = psd.composite( layer_filter=lambda layer: layer.is_visible() and layer.kind != 'type') Note that most of the layer effects and adjustment layers are not supported. The compositing result may look different from Photoshop. Exporting data to NumPy PSDImage or layers can be exported to NumPy array by numpy() method: image = psd.numpy() layer_image = layer.numpy() Migrating to 1.9 psd-tools 1.9 switches to NumPy based compositing. version 1.8.x: psd = image = psd.compose() layer = psd[0] layer_image = layer.compose() version 1.9.x: psd = image = psd.composite() layer = psd[0] layer_image = layer.composite() NumPy array API is introduced: image = psd.numpy() layer_image = layer.numpy() Migrating to 1.8 There are major API changes in version 1.8.x. NOTE: In version 1.8.0 - 1.8.7, the package name was psd_tools2. PSDImage File open method is changed from load to open(). version 1.7.x: psd = PSDImage.load(filename) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: psd = PSDImage.from_stream(f) version 1.8.x: psd = with open(filename, 'rb') as f: psd = Layers Children of PSDImage or Group is directly accessible by iterator or indexing. version 1.7.x: for layer in group.layers: print(layer) first_child = group.layers[0] version 1.8.x: for layer in group: print(layer) first_child = group[0] In version 1.8.x, the order of layers is reversed to reflect that the index should not change when a new layer is added on top. PIL export Primary PIL export method is compose(). version 1.7.x: image = psd.as_PIL() layer_image = compose(layer) raw_layer_image = layer.as_PIL() version 1.8.x: image = psd.compose() layer_image = layer.compose() raw_layer_image = layer.topil() Low-level data structure Data structures are completely rewritten to support writing functionality. See psd_tools.psd subpackage. version 1.7.x: psd.decoded_data version 1.8.x: psd._record Drop pymaging support Pymaging support is dropped. Contributing Development happens at github: bug tracker. Feel free to submit bug reports or pull requests. Attaching an erroneous PSD file makes the debugging process faster. Such PSD file might be added to the test suite. The license is MIT. Package design The package consists of two major subpackages: 1. psd_tools.psd: subpackage that reads/writes low-level binary structure of the PSD/PSB file. The core data structures are built around attrs class that all implement read and write methods. Each data object tries to resemble the structure described in the specification. Although documented, the specification is far from complete and some are even inaccurate. When psd-tools finds unknown data structure, the package keeps such data as bytes in the parsed result. 2. psd_tools.api: User-facing API that implements various easy-to-use methods that manipulate low-level psd_tools.psd data structures. Testing In order to run tests, make sure PIL/Pillow is built with LittleCMS or LittleCMS2 support, install tox and type: tox from the source checkout. Or, it is a good idea to install and run detox for parallel execution: detox Documentation Install Sphinx to generate documents: pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme Once installed, use Makefile: make docs Acknowledgments Great thanks to all the contributors.
Supported: • Read and write of the low-level PSD/PSB file structure • Raw layer image export in NumPy and PIL format Limited support: • Composition of basic pixel-based layers • Composition of fill layer effects • Vector masks • Editing of some layer attributes such as layer name • Blending modes except for dissolve • Drawing of bezier curves Not supported: • Editing of layer structure, such as adding or removing a layer • Composition of adjustment layers • Composition of many layer effects • Font rendering psd_tools See Usage for examples. PSDImage class psd_tools.PSDImage(data) Photoshop PSD/PSB file object. The low-level data structure is accessible at PSDImage._record. Example: from psd_tools import PSDImage psd ='example.psd') image = psd.compose() for layer in psd: layer_image = layer.compose() property bbox Minimal bounding box that contains all the visible layers. Use viewbox to get viewport bounding box. When the psd is empty, bbox is equal to the canvas bounding box. Returns (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property bottom Bottom coordinate. Returns int property channels Number of color channels. Returns int property color_mode Document color mode, such as 'RGB' or 'GRAYSCALE'. See ColorMode. Returns ColorMode property compatibility_mode Set the compositing and layer organization compatibility mode. Writable. Returns CompatibilityMode compose(force=False, bbox=None, layer_filter=None) Deprecated, use composite(). Compose the PSD image. Parameters bbox -- Viewport tuple (left, top, right, bottom). Returns PIL.Image, or None if there is no pixel. composite(viewport=None, force=False, color=1.0, alpha=0.0, layer_filter=None, ignore_preview=False, apply_icc=False) Composite the PSD image. Parameters • viewport -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Default is the viewbox of the PSD. • ignore_preview -- Boolean flag to whether skip compositing when a pre-composited preview is available. • force -- Boolean flag to force vector drawing. • color -- Backdrop color specified by scalar or tuple of scalar. The color value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. For example, (1., 0., 0.) specifies red in RGB color mode. • alpha -- Backdrop alpha in [0.0, 1.0]. • layer_filter -- Callable that takes a layer as argument and returns whether if the layer is composited. Default is is_visible(). Returns PIL.Image. property depth Pixel depth bits. Returns int descendants(include_clip=True) Return a generator to iterate over all descendant layers. Example: # Iterate over all layers for layer in psd.descendants(): print(layer) # Iterate over all layers in reverse order for layer in reversed(list(psd.descendants())): print(layer) Parameters include_clip -- include clipping layers. classmethod frompil(image, compression=Compression.RLE) Create a new PSD document from PIL Image. Parameters • image -- PIL Image object. • compression -- ImageData compression option. See Compression. Returns A PSDImage object. has_preview() Returns if the document has real merged data. When True, topil() returns pre-composed data. has_thumbnail() True if the PSDImage has a thumbnail resource. property height Document height. Returns int property image_resources Document image resources. ImageResources is a dict-like structure that keeps various document settings. See psd_tools.constants.Resource for available keys. Returns ImageResources Example: from psd_tools.constants import Resource version_info = psd.image_resources.get_data(Resource.VERSION_INFO) slices = psd.image_resources.get_data(Resource.SLICES) Image resources contain an ICC profile. The following shows how to export a PNG file with embedded ICC profile: from psd_tools.constants import Resource icc_profile = psd.image_resources.get_data(Resource.ICC_PROFILE) image = psd.compose(apply_icc=False)'output.png', icc_profile=icc_profile) is_group() Return True if the layer is a group. Returns bool is_visible() Returns visibility of the element. Returns bool property kind Kind. Returns 'psdimage' property left Left coordinate. Returns 0 property name Element name. Returns 'Root' classmethod new(mode, size, color=0, depth=8, **kwargs) Create a new PSD document. Parameters • mode -- The color mode to use for the new image. • size -- A tuple containing (width, height) in pixels. • color -- What color to use for the image. Default is black. Returns A PSDImage object. numpy(channel=None) Get NumPy array of the layer. Parameters channel -- Which channel to return, can be 'color', 'shape', 'alpha', or 'mask'. Default is 'color+alpha'. Returns numpy.ndarray property offset (left, top) tuple. Returns tuple classmethod open(fp, **kwargs) Open a PSD document. Parameters • fp -- filename or file-like object. • encoding -- charset encoding of the pascal string within the file, default 'macroman'. Some psd files need explicit encoding option. Returns A PSDImage object. property parent Parent of this layer. property right Right coordinate. Returns int save(fp, mode='wb', **kwargs) Save the PSD file. Parameters • fp -- filename or file-like object. • encoding -- charset encoding of the pascal string within the file, default 'macroman'. • mode -- file open mode, default 'wb'. property size (width, height) tuple. Returns tuple property tagged_blocks Document tagged blocks that is a dict-like container of settings. See psd_tools.constants.Tag for available keys. Returns TaggedBlocks or None. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag patterns = psd.tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.PATTERNS1) thumbnail() Returns a thumbnail image in PIL.Image. When the file does not contain an embedded thumbnail image, returns None. property top Top coordinate. Returns 0 topil(channel=None, apply_icc=False) Get PIL Image. Parameters • channel -- Which channel to return; e.g., 0 for 'R' channel in RGB image. See ChannelID. When None, the method returns all the channels supported by PIL modes. • apply_icc -- Whether to apply ICC profile conversion to sRGB. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the composed image is not available. property version Document version. PSD file is 1, and PSB file is 2. Returns int property viewbox Return bounding box of the viewport. Returns (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property visible Visibility. Returns True property width Document width. Returns int compose psd_tools.compose(layers, force=False, bbox=None, layer_filter=None, context=None, color=None) Compose layers to a single PIL.Image. If the layers do not have visible pixels, the function returns None. Example: image = compose([layer1, layer2]) In order to skip some layers, pass layer_filter function which should take layer as an argument and return True to keep the layer or return False to skip: image = compose( layers, layer_filter=lambda x: x.is_visible() and x.kind == 'type' ) By default, visible layers are composed. NOTE: This function is experimental and does not guarantee Photoshop-quality rendering. Currently the following are ignored: • Adjustments layers • Layer effects • Blending modes: dissolve and darker/lighter color becomes normal Shape drawing is inaccurate if the PSD file is not saved with maximum compatibility. Some of the blending modes do not reproduce photoshop blending. Parameters • layers -- a layer, or an iterable of layers. • bbox -- (left, top, bottom, right) tuple that specifies a region to compose. By default, all the visible area is composed. The origin is at the top-left corner of the PSD document. • context -- PIL.Image object for the backdrop rendering context. Must be used with the correct bbox size. • layer_filter -- a callable that takes a layer and returns bool. • color -- background color in int or tuple. • kwargs -- arguments passed to underling topil() call. Returns PIL.Image or None. psd_tools.api.adjustments Adjustment and fill layers. Example: if layer.kind == 'brightnesscontrast': print(layer.brightness) if layer.kind == 'gradientfill': print(layer.gradient_kind) Fill layers Fill layers are similar to ShapeLayer except that the layer might not have an associated vector mask. The layer therefore expands the entire canvas of the PSD document. Fill layers all inherit from FillLayer. Example: if isinstance(layer, psd_tools.layers.FillLayer): image = layer.compose() SolidColorFill class psd_tools.api.adjustments.SolidColorFill(*args) Solid color fill. property bbox (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property blend_mode Blend mode of this layer. Writable. Example: from psd_tools.constants import BlendMode if layer.blend_mode == BlendMode.NORMAL: layer.blend_mode = BlendMode.SCREEN Returns BlendMode. property bottom Bottom coordinate. Returns int property clip_layers Clip layers associated with this layer. To compose clipping layers: from psd_tools import compose clip_mask = compose(layer.clip_layers) Returns list of layers property clipping_layer Clipping flag for this layer. Writable. Returns bool compose(force=False, bbox=None, layer_filter=None) Deprecated, use composite(). Compose layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Note that the resulting image size is not necessarily equal to the layer size due to different mask dimensions. The offset of the composed image is stored at .info['offset'] attribute of PIL.Image. Parameters bbox -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixel. composite(viewport=None, force=False, color=1.0, alpha=0.0, layer_filter=None, apply_icc=False) Composite layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Parameters • viewport -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Default is the layer's bbox. • force -- Boolean flag to force vector drawing. • color -- Backdrop color specified by scalar or tuple of scalar. The color value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. For example, (1., 0., 0.) specifies red in RGB color mode. • alpha -- Backdrop alpha in [0.0, 1.0]. • layer_filter -- Callable that takes a layer as argument and returns whether if the layer is composited. Default is is_visible(). Returns PIL.Image. property data Color in Descriptor(RGB). property effects Layer effects. Returns Effects has_clip_layers() Returns True if the layer has associated clipping. Returns bool has_effects() Returns True if the layer has effects. Returns bool has_mask() Returns True if the layer has a mask. Returns bool has_origination() Returns True if the layer has live shape properties. Returns bool has_pixels() Returns True if the layer has associated pixels. When this is True, topil method returns PIL.Image. Returns bool has_stroke() Returns True if the shape has a stroke. has_vector_mask() Returns True if the layer has a vector mask. Returns bool property height Height of the layer. Returns int is_group() Return True if the layer is a group. Returns bool is_visible() Layer visibility. Takes group visibility in account. Returns bool property kind Kind of this layer, such as group, pixel, shape, type, smartobject, or psdimage. Class name without layer suffix. Returns str property layer_id Layer ID. Returns int layer id. if the layer is not assigned an id, -1. property left Left coordinate. Writable. Returns int property mask Returns mask associated with this layer. Returns Mask or None property name Layer name. Writable. Returns str numpy(channel=None, real_mask=True) Get NumPy array of the layer. Parameters channel -- Which channel to return, can be 'color', 'shape', 'alpha', or 'mask'. Default is 'color+alpha'. Returns numpy.ndarray or None if there is no pixel. property offset (left, top) tuple. Writable. Returns tuple property opacity Opacity of this layer in [0, 255] range. Writable. Returns int property origination Property for a list of live shapes or a line. Some of the vector masks have associated live shape properties, that are Photoshop feature to handle primitive shapes such as a rectangle, an ellipse, or a line. Vector masks without live shape properties are plain path objects. See psd_tools.api.shape. Returns List of Invalidated, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Ellipse, or Line. property parent Parent of this layer. property right Right coordinate. Returns int property size (width, height) tuple. Returns tuple property stroke Property for strokes. property tagged_blocks Layer tagged blocks that is a dict-like container of settings. See psd_tools.constants.Tag for available keys. Returns TaggedBlocks or None. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag metadata = layer.tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.METADATA_SETTING) property top Top coordinate. Writable. Returns int topil(channel=None, apply_icc=False) Get PIL Image of the layer. Parameters • channel -- Which channel to return; e.g., 0 for 'R' channel in RGB image. See ChannelID. When None, the method returns all the channels supported by PIL modes. • apply_icc -- Whether to apply ICC profile conversion to sRGB. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixels. Example: from psd_tools.constants import ChannelID image = layer.topil() red = layer.topil(ChannelID.CHANNEL_0) alpha = layer.topil(ChannelID.TRANSPARENCY_MASK) NOTE: Not all of the PSD image modes are supported in PIL.Image. For example, 'CMYK' mode cannot include alpha channel in PIL. In this case, topil drops alpha channel. property vector_mask Returns vector mask associated with this layer. Returns VectorMask or None property visible Layer visibility. Doesn't take group visibility in account. Writable. Returns bool property width Width of the layer. Returns int PatternFill class psd_tools.api.adjustments.PatternFill(*args) Pattern fill. property bbox (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property blend_mode Blend mode of this layer. Writable. Example: from psd_tools.constants import BlendMode if layer.blend_mode == BlendMode.NORMAL: layer.blend_mode = BlendMode.SCREEN Returns BlendMode. property bottom Bottom coordinate. Returns int property clip_layers Clip layers associated with this layer. To compose clipping layers: from psd_tools import compose clip_mask = compose(layer.clip_layers) Returns list of layers property clipping_layer Clipping flag for this layer. Writable. Returns bool compose(force=False, bbox=None, layer_filter=None) Deprecated, use composite(). Compose layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Note that the resulting image size is not necessarily equal to the layer size due to different mask dimensions. The offset of the composed image is stored at .info['offset'] attribute of PIL.Image. Parameters bbox -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixel. composite(viewport=None, force=False, color=1.0, alpha=0.0, layer_filter=None, apply_icc=False) Composite layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Parameters • viewport -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Default is the layer's bbox. • force -- Boolean flag to force vector drawing. • color -- Backdrop color specified by scalar or tuple of scalar. The color value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. For example, (1., 0., 0.) specifies red in RGB color mode. • alpha -- Backdrop alpha in [0.0, 1.0]. • layer_filter -- Callable that takes a layer as argument and returns whether if the layer is composited. Default is is_visible(). Returns PIL.Image. property data Pattern in Descriptor(PATTERN). property effects Layer effects. Returns Effects has_clip_layers() Returns True if the layer has associated clipping. Returns bool has_effects() Returns True if the layer has effects. Returns bool has_mask() Returns True if the layer has a mask. Returns bool has_origination() Returns True if the layer has live shape properties. Returns bool has_pixels() Returns True if the layer has associated pixels. When this is True, topil method returns PIL.Image. Returns bool has_stroke() Returns True if the shape has a stroke. has_vector_mask() Returns True if the layer has a vector mask. Returns bool property height Height of the layer. Returns int is_group() Return True if the layer is a group. Returns bool is_visible() Layer visibility. Takes group visibility in account. Returns bool property kind Kind of this layer, such as group, pixel, shape, type, smartobject, or psdimage. Class name without layer suffix. Returns str property layer_id Layer ID. Returns int layer id. if the layer is not assigned an id, -1. property left Left coordinate. Writable. Returns int property mask Returns mask associated with this layer. Returns Mask or None property name Layer name. Writable. Returns str numpy(channel=None, real_mask=True) Get NumPy array of the layer. Parameters channel -- Which channel to return, can be 'color', 'shape', 'alpha', or 'mask'. Default is 'color+alpha'. Returns numpy.ndarray or None if there is no pixel. property offset (left, top) tuple. Writable. Returns tuple property opacity Opacity of this layer in [0, 255] range. Writable. Returns int property origination Property for a list of live shapes or a line. Some of the vector masks have associated live shape properties, that are Photoshop feature to handle primitive shapes such as a rectangle, an ellipse, or a line. Vector masks without live shape properties are plain path objects. See psd_tools.api.shape. Returns List of Invalidated, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Ellipse, or Line. property parent Parent of this layer. property right Right coordinate. Returns int property size (width, height) tuple. Returns tuple property stroke Property for strokes. property tagged_blocks Layer tagged blocks that is a dict-like container of settings. See psd_tools.constants.Tag for available keys. Returns TaggedBlocks or None. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag metadata = layer.tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.METADATA_SETTING) property top Top coordinate. Writable. Returns int topil(channel=None, apply_icc=False) Get PIL Image of the layer. Parameters • channel -- Which channel to return; e.g., 0 for 'R' channel in RGB image. See ChannelID. When None, the method returns all the channels supported by PIL modes. • apply_icc -- Whether to apply ICC profile conversion to sRGB. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixels. Example: from psd_tools.constants import ChannelID image = layer.topil() red = layer.topil(ChannelID.CHANNEL_0) alpha = layer.topil(ChannelID.TRANSPARENCY_MASK) NOTE: Not all of the PSD image modes are supported in PIL.Image. For example, 'CMYK' mode cannot include alpha channel in PIL. In this case, topil drops alpha channel. property vector_mask Returns vector mask associated with this layer. Returns VectorMask or None property visible Layer visibility. Doesn't take group visibility in account. Writable. Returns bool property width Width of the layer. Returns int GradientFill class psd_tools.api.adjustments.GradientFill(*args) Gradient fill. property bbox (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property blend_mode Blend mode of this layer. Writable. Example: from psd_tools.constants import BlendMode if layer.blend_mode == BlendMode.NORMAL: layer.blend_mode = BlendMode.SCREEN Returns BlendMode. property bottom Bottom coordinate. Returns int property clip_layers Clip layers associated with this layer. To compose clipping layers: from psd_tools import compose clip_mask = compose(layer.clip_layers) Returns list of layers property clipping_layer Clipping flag for this layer. Writable. Returns bool compose(force=False, bbox=None, layer_filter=None) Deprecated, use composite(). Compose layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Note that the resulting image size is not necessarily equal to the layer size due to different mask dimensions. The offset of the composed image is stored at .info['offset'] attribute of PIL.Image. Parameters bbox -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixel. composite(viewport=None, force=False, color=1.0, alpha=0.0, layer_filter=None, apply_icc=False) Composite layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Parameters • viewport -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Default is the layer's bbox. • force -- Boolean flag to force vector drawing. • color -- Backdrop color specified by scalar or tuple of scalar. The color value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. For example, (1., 0., 0.) specifies red in RGB color mode. • alpha -- Backdrop alpha in [0.0, 1.0]. • layer_filter -- Callable that takes a layer as argument and returns whether if the layer is composited. Default is is_visible(). Returns PIL.Image. property data Gradient in Descriptor(GRADIENT). property effects Layer effects. Returns Effects property gradient_kind Kind of the gradient, one of the following: • Linear • Radial • Angle • Reflected • Diamond has_clip_layers() Returns True if the layer has associated clipping. Returns bool has_effects() Returns True if the layer has effects. Returns bool has_mask() Returns True if the layer has a mask. Returns bool has_origination() Returns True if the layer has live shape properties. Returns bool has_pixels() Returns True if the layer has associated pixels. When this is True, topil method returns PIL.Image. Returns bool has_stroke() Returns True if the shape has a stroke. has_vector_mask() Returns True if the layer has a vector mask. Returns bool property height Height of the layer. Returns int is_group() Return True if the layer is a group. Returns bool is_visible() Layer visibility. Takes group visibility in account. Returns bool property kind Kind of this layer, such as group, pixel, shape, type, smartobject, or psdimage. Class name without layer suffix. Returns str property layer_id Layer ID. Returns int layer id. if the layer is not assigned an id, -1. property left Left coordinate. Writable. Returns int property mask Returns mask associated with this layer. Returns Mask or None property name Layer name. Writable. Returns str numpy(channel=None, real_mask=True) Get NumPy array of the layer. Parameters channel -- Which channel to return, can be 'color', 'shape', 'alpha', or 'mask'. Default is 'color+alpha'. Returns numpy.ndarray or None if there is no pixel. property offset (left, top) tuple. Writable. Returns tuple property opacity Opacity of this layer in [0, 255] range. Writable. Returns int property origination Property for a list of live shapes or a line. Some of the vector masks have associated live shape properties, that are Photoshop feature to handle primitive shapes such as a rectangle, an ellipse, or a line. Vector masks without live shape properties are plain path objects. See psd_tools.api.shape. Returns List of Invalidated, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Ellipse, or Line. property parent Parent of this layer. property right Right coordinate. Returns int property size (width, height) tuple. Returns tuple property stroke Property for strokes. property tagged_blocks Layer tagged blocks that is a dict-like container of settings. See psd_tools.constants.Tag for available keys. Returns TaggedBlocks or None. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag metadata = layer.tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.METADATA_SETTING) property top Top coordinate. Writable. Returns int topil(channel=None, apply_icc=False) Get PIL Image of the layer. Parameters • channel -- Which channel to return; e.g., 0 for 'R' channel in RGB image. See ChannelID. When None, the method returns all the channels supported by PIL modes. • apply_icc -- Whether to apply ICC profile conversion to sRGB. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixels. Example: from psd_tools.constants import ChannelID image = layer.topil() red = layer.topil(ChannelID.CHANNEL_0) alpha = layer.topil(ChannelID.TRANSPARENCY_MASK) NOTE: Not all of the PSD image modes are supported in PIL.Image. For example, 'CMYK' mode cannot include alpha channel in PIL. In this case, topil drops alpha channel. property vector_mask Returns vector mask associated with this layer. Returns VectorMask or None property visible Layer visibility. Doesn't take group visibility in account. Writable. Returns bool property width Width of the layer. Returns int Adjustment layers Adjustment layers apply image filtering to the composed result. All adjustment layers inherit from AdjustmentLayer. Adjustment layers do not have pixels, and currently ignored in compose. Attempts to call topil on adjustment layers always return None. Just as any other layer, adjustment layers might have an associated mask or vector mask. Adjustment can appear in other layers' clipping layers. Example: if isinstance(layer, psd_tools.layers.AdjustmentLayer): print(layer.kind) BrightnessContrast class psd_tools.api.adjustments.BrightnessContrast(*args) Brightness and contrast adjustment. property automatic property brightness property contrast property lab property mean property use_legacy property vrsn Curves class psd_tools.api.adjustments.Curves(*args) Curves adjustment. property data Raw data. Returns Curves property extra Exposure class psd_tools.api.adjustments.Exposure(*args) Exposure adjustment. property exposure Exposure. Returns float property gamma Gamma. Returns float property offset Offset. Returns float Levels class psd_tools.api.adjustments.Levels(*args) Levels adjustment. Levels contain a list of LevelRecord. property data List of level records. The first record is the master. Returns Levels. property master Master record. Vibrance class psd_tools.api.adjustments.Vibrance(*args) Vibrance adjustment. property saturation Saturation. Returns int property vibrance Vibrance. Returns int HueSaturation class psd_tools.api.adjustments.HueSaturation(*args) Hue/Saturation adjustment. HueSaturation contains a list of data. property colorization Colorization. Returns tuple property data List of Hue/Saturation records. Returns list property enable_colorization Enable colorization. Returns int property master Master record. Returns tuple ColorBalance class psd_tools.api.adjustments.ColorBalance(*args) Color balance adjustment. property highlights Highlights. Returns tuple property luminosity Luminosity. Returns int property midtones Mid-tones. Returns tuple property shadows Shadows. Returns tuple BlackAndWhite class psd_tools.api.adjustments.BlackAndWhite(*args) Black and white adjustment. property blue property cyan property green property magenta property preset_file_name property preset_kind property red property tint_color property use_tint property yellow PhotoFilter class psd_tools.api.adjustments.PhotoFilter(*args) Photo filter adjustment. property color_components property color_space property density property luminosity property xyz xyz. Returns bool ChannelMixer class psd_tools.api.adjustments.ChannelMixer(*args) Channel mixer adjustment. property data property monochrome ColorLookup class psd_tools.api.adjustments.ColorLookup(*args) Color lookup adjustment. Posterize class psd_tools.api.adjustments.Posterize(*args) Posterize adjustment. property posterize Posterize value. Returns int Threshold class psd_tools.api.adjustments.Threshold(*args) Threshold adjustment. property threshold Threshold value. Returns int SelectiveColor class psd_tools.api.adjustments.SelectiveColor(*args) Selective color adjustment. property data property method GradientMap class psd_tools.api.adjustments.GradientMap(*args) Gradient map adjustment. property color_model property color_stops property dithered property expansion property gradient_name property interpolation Interpolation between 0.0 and 1.0. property length property max_color property min_color property mode property random_seed property reversed property roughness property show_transparency property transparency_stops property use_vector_color psd_tools.api.effects Effects module. class psd_tools.api.effects.Effects(layer) List-like effects. property enabled Whether if all the effects are enabled. Return type bool find(name) Iterate effect items by name. property scale Scale value. DropShadow class psd_tools.api.effects.DropShadow(value, image_resources) property angle Angle value. property anti_aliased Angi-aliased. property blend_mode Effect blending mode. property choke Choke level. property color Color. property contour Contour configuration. property distance Distance. property enabled Whether if the effect is enabled. property layer_knocks_out Layers are knocking out. property noise Noise level. property opacity Layer effect opacity in percentage. property present Whether if the effect is present in Photoshop UI. property shown Whether if the effect is shown in dialog. property size Size in pixels. property use_global_light Using global light. InnerShadow class psd_tools.api.effects.InnerShadow(value, image_resources) property angle Angle value. property anti_aliased Angi-aliased. property blend_mode Effect blending mode. property choke Choke level. property color Color. property contour Contour configuration. property distance Distance. property enabled Whether if the effect is enabled. property noise Noise level. property opacity Layer effect opacity in percentage. property present Whether if the effect is present in Photoshop UI. property shown Whether if the effect is shown in dialog. property size Size in pixels. property use_global_light Using global light. OuterGlow class psd_tools.api.effects.OuterGlow(value, image_resources) property angle Angle value. property anti_aliased Angi-aliased. property blend_mode Effect blending mode. property choke Choke level. property color Color. property contour Contour configuration. property dithered Dither flag. property enabled Whether if the effect is enabled. property glow_type Glow type. property gradient Gradient configuration. property noise Noise level. property offset Offset value. property opacity Layer effect opacity in percentage. property present Whether if the effect is present in Photoshop UI. property quality_jitter Quality jitter property quality_range Quality range. property reversed Reverse flag. property shown Whether if the effect is shown in dialog. property size Size in pixels. property type Gradient type, one of linear, radial, angle, reflected, or diamond. InnerGlow class psd_tools.api.effects.InnerGlow(value, image_resources) property angle Angle value. property anti_aliased Angi-aliased. property blend_mode Effect blending mode. property choke Choke level. property color Color. property contour Contour configuration. property dithered Dither flag. property enabled Whether if the effect is enabled. property glow_source Elements source. property glow_type Glow type. property gradient Gradient configuration. property noise Noise level. property offset Offset value. property opacity Layer effect opacity in percentage. property present Whether if the effect is present in Photoshop UI. property quality_jitter Quality jitter property quality_range Quality range. property reversed Reverse flag. property shown Whether if the effect is shown in dialog. property size Size in pixels. property type Gradient type, one of linear, radial, angle, reflected, or diamond. ColorOverlay class psd_tools.api.effects.ColorOverlay(value, image_resources) property blend_mode Effect blending mode. property color Color. property enabled Whether if the effect is enabled. property opacity Layer effect opacity in percentage. property present Whether if the effect is present in Photoshop UI. property shown Whether if the effect is shown in dialog. GradientOverlay class psd_tools.api.effects.GradientOverlay(value, image_resources) property aligned Aligned. property angle Angle value. property blend_mode Effect blending mode. property dithered Dither flag. property enabled Whether if the effect is enabled. property gradient Gradient configuration. property offset Offset value. property opacity Layer effect opacity in percentage. property present Whether if the effect is present in Photoshop UI. property reversed Reverse flag. property scale Scale value. property shown Whether if the effect is shown in dialog. property type Gradient type, one of linear, radial, angle, reflected, or diamond. PatternOverlay class psd_tools.api.effects.PatternOverlay(value, image_resources) property aligned Aligned. property angle Angle value. property blend_mode Effect blending mode. property enabled Whether if the effect is enabled. property linked Linked. property opacity Layer effect opacity in percentage. property pattern Pattern config. property phase Phase value in Point. property present Whether if the effect is present in Photoshop UI. property scale Scale value. property shown Whether if the effect is shown in dialog. Stroke class psd_tools.api.effects.Stroke(value, image_resources) property angle Angle value. property blend_mode Effect blending mode. property color Color. property dithered Dither flag. property enabled Whether if the effect is enabled. property fill_type Fill type, SolidColor, Gradient, or Pattern. property gradient Gradient configuration. property linked Linked. property offset Offset value. property opacity Layer effect opacity in percentage. property overprint Overprint flag. property pattern Pattern config. property phase Phase value in Point. property position Position of the stroke, InsetFrame, OutsetFrame, or CenteredFrame. property present Whether if the effect is present in Photoshop UI. property reversed Reverse flag. property shown Whether if the effect is shown in dialog. property size Size value. property type Gradient type, one of linear, radial, angle, reflected, or diamond. BevelEmboss class psd_tools.api.effects.BevelEmboss(value, image_resources) property altitude Altitude value. property angle Angle value. property anti_aliased Anti-aliased. property bevel_style Bevel style, one of OuterBevel, InnerBevel, Emboss, PillowEmboss, or StrokeEmboss. property bevel_type Bevel type, one of SoftMatte, HardLight, SoftLight. property contour Contour configuration. property depth Depth value. property direction Direction, either StampIn or StampOut. property enabled Whether if the effect is enabled. property highlight_color Highlight color value. property highlight_mode Highlight blending mode. property highlight_opacity Highlight opacity value. property opacity Layer effect opacity in percentage. property present Whether if the effect is present in Photoshop UI. property shadow_color Shadow color value. property shadow_mode Shadow blending mode. property shadow_opacity Shadow opacity value. property shown Whether if the effect is shown in dialog. property size Size value in pixel. property soften Soften value. property use_global_light Using global light. property use_shape Using shape. property use_texture Using texture. Satin class psd_tools.api.effects.Satin(value, image_resources) Satin effect property angle Angle value. property anti_aliased Anti-aliased. property blend_mode Effect blending mode. property color Color. property contour Contour configuration. property distance Distance value. property enabled Whether if the effect is enabled. property inverted Inverted. property opacity Layer effect opacity in percentage. property present Whether if the effect is present in Photoshop UI. property shown Whether if the effect is shown in dialog. property size Size value in pixel. psd_tools.api.layers Layer module. Artboard class psd_tools.api.layers.Artboard(*args) Artboard is a special kind of group that has a pre-defined viewbox. Example: artboard = psd[1] image = artboard.compose() property bbox (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property blend_mode Blend mode of this layer. Writable. Example: from psd_tools.constants import BlendMode if layer.blend_mode == BlendMode.NORMAL: layer.blend_mode = BlendMode.SCREEN Returns BlendMode. property bottom Bottom coordinate. Returns int property clip_layers Clip layers associated with this layer. To compose clipping layers: from psd_tools import compose clip_mask = compose(layer.clip_layers) Returns list of layers property clipping_layer Clipping flag for this layer. Writable. Returns bool compose(bbox=None, **kwargs) Compose the artboard. See compose() for available extra arguments. Parameters bbox -- Viewport tuple (left, top, right, bottom). Returns PIL.Image, or None if there is no pixel. composite(viewport=None, force=False, color=1.0, alpha=0.0, layer_filter=None, apply_icc=False) Composite layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Parameters • viewport -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Default is the layer's bbox. • force -- Boolean flag to force vector drawing. • color -- Backdrop color specified by scalar or tuple of scalar. The color value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. For example, (1., 0., 0.) specifies red in RGB color mode. • alpha -- Backdrop alpha in [0.0, 1.0]. • layer_filter -- Callable that takes a layer as argument and returns whether if the layer is composited. Default is is_visible(). Returns PIL.Image. descendants(include_clip=True) Return a generator to iterate over all descendant layers. Example: # Iterate over all layers for layer in psd.descendants(): print(layer) # Iterate over all layers in reverse order for layer in reversed(list(psd.descendants())): print(layer) Parameters include_clip -- include clipping layers. property effects Layer effects. Returns Effects static extract_bbox(layers, include_invisible=False) Returns a bounding box for layers or (0, 0, 0, 0) if the layers have no bounding box. Parameters include_invisible -- include invisible layers in calculation. Returns tuple of four int has_clip_layers() Returns True if the layer has associated clipping. Returns bool has_effects() Returns True if the layer has effects. Returns bool has_mask() Returns True if the layer has a mask. Returns bool has_origination() Returns True if the layer has live shape properties. Returns bool has_pixels() Returns True if the layer has associated pixels. When this is True, topil method returns PIL.Image. Returns bool has_stroke() Returns True if the shape has a stroke. has_vector_mask() Returns True if the layer has a vector mask. Returns bool property height Height of the layer. Returns int is_group() Return True if the layer is a group. Returns bool is_visible() Layer visibility. Takes group visibility in account. Returns bool property kind Kind of this layer, such as group, pixel, shape, type, smartobject, or psdimage. Class name without layer suffix. Returns str property layer_id Layer ID. Returns int layer id. if the layer is not assigned an id, -1. property left Left coordinate. Writable. Returns int property mask Returns mask associated with this layer. Returns Mask or None property name Layer name. Writable. Returns str numpy(channel=None, real_mask=True) Get NumPy array of the layer. Parameters channel -- Which channel to return, can be 'color', 'shape', 'alpha', or 'mask'. Default is 'color+alpha'. Returns numpy.ndarray or None if there is no pixel. property offset (left, top) tuple. Writable. Returns tuple property opacity Opacity of this layer in [0, 255] range. Writable. Returns int property origination Property for a list of live shapes or a line. Some of the vector masks have associated live shape properties, that are Photoshop feature to handle primitive shapes such as a rectangle, an ellipse, or a line. Vector masks without live shape properties are plain path objects. See psd_tools.api.shape. Returns List of Invalidated, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Ellipse, or Line. property parent Parent of this layer. property right Right coordinate. Returns int property size (width, height) tuple. Returns tuple property stroke Property for strokes. property tagged_blocks Layer tagged blocks that is a dict-like container of settings. See psd_tools.constants.Tag for available keys. Returns TaggedBlocks or None. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag metadata = layer.tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.METADATA_SETTING) property top Top coordinate. Writable. Returns int topil(channel=None, apply_icc=False) Get PIL Image of the layer. Parameters • channel -- Which channel to return; e.g., 0 for 'R' channel in RGB image. See ChannelID. When None, the method returns all the channels supported by PIL modes. • apply_icc -- Whether to apply ICC profile conversion to sRGB. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixels. Example: from psd_tools.constants import ChannelID image = layer.topil() red = layer.topil(ChannelID.CHANNEL_0) alpha = layer.topil(ChannelID.TRANSPARENCY_MASK) NOTE: Not all of the PSD image modes are supported in PIL.Image. For example, 'CMYK' mode cannot include alpha channel in PIL. In this case, topil drops alpha channel. property vector_mask Returns vector mask associated with this layer. Returns VectorMask or None property visible Layer visibility. Doesn't take group visibility in account. Writable. Returns bool property width Width of the layer. Returns int Group class psd_tools.api.layers.Group(*args) Group of layers. Example: group = psd[1] for layer in group: if layer.kind == 'pixel': print( property bbox (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property blend_mode Blend mode of this layer. Writable. Example: from psd_tools.constants import BlendMode if layer.blend_mode == BlendMode.NORMAL: layer.blend_mode = BlendMode.SCREEN Returns BlendMode. property bottom Bottom coordinate. Returns int property clip_layers Clip layers associated with this layer. To compose clipping layers: from psd_tools import compose clip_mask = compose(layer.clip_layers) Returns list of layers property clipping_layer Clipping flag for this layer. Writable. Returns bool compose(force=False, bbox=None, layer_filter=None, context=None, color=None) Compose layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Returns PIL Image object, or None if the layer has no pixels. composite(viewport=None, force=False, color=1.0, alpha=0.0, layer_filter=None, apply_icc=False) Composite layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Parameters • viewport -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Default is the layer's bbox. • force -- Boolean flag to force vector drawing. • color -- Backdrop color specified by scalar or tuple of scalar. The color value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. For example, (1., 0., 0.) specifies red in RGB color mode. • alpha -- Backdrop alpha in [0.0, 1.0]. • layer_filter -- Callable that takes a layer as argument and returns whether if the layer is composited. Default is is_visible(). Returns PIL.Image. descendants(include_clip=True) Return a generator to iterate over all descendant layers. Example: # Iterate over all layers for layer in psd.descendants(): print(layer) # Iterate over all layers in reverse order for layer in reversed(list(psd.descendants())): print(layer) Parameters include_clip -- include clipping layers. property effects Layer effects. Returns Effects static extract_bbox(layers, include_invisible=False) Returns a bounding box for layers or (0, 0, 0, 0) if the layers have no bounding box. Parameters include_invisible -- include invisible layers in calculation. Returns tuple of four int has_clip_layers() Returns True if the layer has associated clipping. Returns bool has_effects() Returns True if the layer has effects. Returns bool has_mask() Returns True if the layer has a mask. Returns bool has_origination() Returns True if the layer has live shape properties. Returns bool has_pixels() Returns True if the layer has associated pixels. When this is True, topil method returns PIL.Image. Returns bool has_stroke() Returns True if the shape has a stroke. has_vector_mask() Returns True if the layer has a vector mask. Returns bool property height Height of the layer. Returns int is_group() Return True if the layer is a group. Returns bool is_visible() Layer visibility. Takes group visibility in account. Returns bool property kind Kind of this layer, such as group, pixel, shape, type, smartobject, or psdimage. Class name without layer suffix. Returns str property layer_id Layer ID. Returns int layer id. if the layer is not assigned an id, -1. property left Left coordinate. Writable. Returns int property mask Returns mask associated with this layer. Returns Mask or None property name Layer name. Writable. Returns str numpy(channel=None, real_mask=True) Get NumPy array of the layer. Parameters channel -- Which channel to return, can be 'color', 'shape', 'alpha', or 'mask'. Default is 'color+alpha'. Returns numpy.ndarray or None if there is no pixel. property offset (left, top) tuple. Writable. Returns tuple property opacity Opacity of this layer in [0, 255] range. Writable. Returns int property origination Property for a list of live shapes or a line. Some of the vector masks have associated live shape properties, that are Photoshop feature to handle primitive shapes such as a rectangle, an ellipse, or a line. Vector masks without live shape properties are plain path objects. See psd_tools.api.shape. Returns List of Invalidated, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Ellipse, or Line. property parent Parent of this layer. property right Right coordinate. Returns int property size (width, height) tuple. Returns tuple property stroke Property for strokes. property tagged_blocks Layer tagged blocks that is a dict-like container of settings. See psd_tools.constants.Tag for available keys. Returns TaggedBlocks or None. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag metadata = layer.tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.METADATA_SETTING) property top Top coordinate. Writable. Returns int topil(channel=None, apply_icc=False) Get PIL Image of the layer. Parameters • channel -- Which channel to return; e.g., 0 for 'R' channel in RGB image. See ChannelID. When None, the method returns all the channels supported by PIL modes. • apply_icc -- Whether to apply ICC profile conversion to sRGB. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixels. Example: from psd_tools.constants import ChannelID image = layer.topil() red = layer.topil(ChannelID.CHANNEL_0) alpha = layer.topil(ChannelID.TRANSPARENCY_MASK) NOTE: Not all of the PSD image modes are supported in PIL.Image. For example, 'CMYK' mode cannot include alpha channel in PIL. In this case, topil drops alpha channel. property vector_mask Returns vector mask associated with this layer. Returns VectorMask or None property visible Layer visibility. Doesn't take group visibility in account. Writable. Returns bool property width Width of the layer. Returns int PixelLayer class psd_tools.api.layers.PixelLayer(psd, record, channels, parent) Layer that has rasterized image in pixels. Example: assert layer.kind == 'pixel': image = layer.topil()'layer.png') composed_image = layer.compose()'composed-layer.png') property bbox (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property blend_mode Blend mode of this layer. Writable. Example: from psd_tools.constants import BlendMode if layer.blend_mode == BlendMode.NORMAL: layer.blend_mode = BlendMode.SCREEN Returns BlendMode. property bottom Bottom coordinate. Returns int property clip_layers Clip layers associated with this layer. To compose clipping layers: from psd_tools import compose clip_mask = compose(layer.clip_layers) Returns list of layers property clipping_layer Clipping flag for this layer. Writable. Returns bool compose(force=False, bbox=None, layer_filter=None) Deprecated, use composite(). Compose layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Note that the resulting image size is not necessarily equal to the layer size due to different mask dimensions. The offset of the composed image is stored at .info['offset'] attribute of PIL.Image. Parameters bbox -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixel. composite(viewport=None, force=False, color=1.0, alpha=0.0, layer_filter=None, apply_icc=False) Composite layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Parameters • viewport -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Default is the layer's bbox. • force -- Boolean flag to force vector drawing. • color -- Backdrop color specified by scalar or tuple of scalar. The color value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. For example, (1., 0., 0.) specifies red in RGB color mode. • alpha -- Backdrop alpha in [0.0, 1.0]. • layer_filter -- Callable that takes a layer as argument and returns whether if the layer is composited. Default is is_visible(). Returns PIL.Image. property effects Layer effects. Returns Effects has_clip_layers() Returns True if the layer has associated clipping. Returns bool has_effects() Returns True if the layer has effects. Returns bool has_mask() Returns True if the layer has a mask. Returns bool has_origination() Returns True if the layer has live shape properties. Returns bool has_pixels() Returns True if the layer has associated pixels. When this is True, topil method returns PIL.Image. Returns bool has_stroke() Returns True if the shape has a stroke. has_vector_mask() Returns True if the layer has a vector mask. Returns bool property height Height of the layer. Returns int is_group() Return True if the layer is a group. Returns bool is_visible() Layer visibility. Takes group visibility in account. Returns bool property kind Kind of this layer, such as group, pixel, shape, type, smartobject, or psdimage. Class name without layer suffix. Returns str property layer_id Layer ID. Returns int layer id. if the layer is not assigned an id, -1. property left Left coordinate. Writable. Returns int property mask Returns mask associated with this layer. Returns Mask or None property name Layer name. Writable. Returns str numpy(channel=None, real_mask=True) Get NumPy array of the layer. Parameters channel -- Which channel to return, can be 'color', 'shape', 'alpha', or 'mask'. Default is 'color+alpha'. Returns numpy.ndarray or None if there is no pixel. property offset (left, top) tuple. Writable. Returns tuple property opacity Opacity of this layer in [0, 255] range. Writable. Returns int property origination Property for a list of live shapes or a line. Some of the vector masks have associated live shape properties, that are Photoshop feature to handle primitive shapes such as a rectangle, an ellipse, or a line. Vector masks without live shape properties are plain path objects. See psd_tools.api.shape. Returns List of Invalidated, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Ellipse, or Line. property parent Parent of this layer. property right Right coordinate. Returns int property size (width, height) tuple. Returns tuple property stroke Property for strokes. property tagged_blocks Layer tagged blocks that is a dict-like container of settings. See psd_tools.constants.Tag for available keys. Returns TaggedBlocks or None. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag metadata = layer.tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.METADATA_SETTING) property top Top coordinate. Writable. Returns int topil(channel=None, apply_icc=False) Get PIL Image of the layer. Parameters • channel -- Which channel to return; e.g., 0 for 'R' channel in RGB image. See ChannelID. When None, the method returns all the channels supported by PIL modes. • apply_icc -- Whether to apply ICC profile conversion to sRGB. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixels. Example: from psd_tools.constants import ChannelID image = layer.topil() red = layer.topil(ChannelID.CHANNEL_0) alpha = layer.topil(ChannelID.TRANSPARENCY_MASK) NOTE: Not all of the PSD image modes are supported in PIL.Image. For example, 'CMYK' mode cannot include alpha channel in PIL. In this case, topil drops alpha channel. property vector_mask Returns vector mask associated with this layer. Returns VectorMask or None property visible Layer visibility. Doesn't take group visibility in account. Writable. Returns bool property width Width of the layer. Returns int ShapeLayer class psd_tools.api.layers.ShapeLayer(psd, record, channels, parent) Layer that has drawing in vector mask. property bbox (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property blend_mode Blend mode of this layer. Writable. Example: from psd_tools.constants import BlendMode if layer.blend_mode == BlendMode.NORMAL: layer.blend_mode = BlendMode.SCREEN Returns BlendMode. property bottom Bottom coordinate. Returns int property clip_layers Clip layers associated with this layer. To compose clipping layers: from psd_tools import compose clip_mask = compose(layer.clip_layers) Returns list of layers property clipping_layer Clipping flag for this layer. Writable. Returns bool compose(force=False, bbox=None, layer_filter=None) Deprecated, use composite(). Compose layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Note that the resulting image size is not necessarily equal to the layer size due to different mask dimensions. The offset of the composed image is stored at .info['offset'] attribute of PIL.Image. Parameters bbox -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixel. composite(viewport=None, force=False, color=1.0, alpha=0.0, layer_filter=None, apply_icc=False) Composite layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Parameters • viewport -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Default is the layer's bbox. • force -- Boolean flag to force vector drawing. • color -- Backdrop color specified by scalar or tuple of scalar. The color value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. For example, (1., 0., 0.) specifies red in RGB color mode. • alpha -- Backdrop alpha in [0.0, 1.0]. • layer_filter -- Callable that takes a layer as argument and returns whether if the layer is composited. Default is is_visible(). Returns PIL.Image. property effects Layer effects. Returns Effects has_clip_layers() Returns True if the layer has associated clipping. Returns bool has_effects() Returns True if the layer has effects. Returns bool has_mask() Returns True if the layer has a mask. Returns bool has_origination() Returns True if the layer has live shape properties. Returns bool has_pixels() Returns True if the layer has associated pixels. When this is True, topil method returns PIL.Image. Returns bool has_stroke() Returns True if the shape has a stroke. has_vector_mask() Returns True if the layer has a vector mask. Returns bool property height Height of the layer. Returns int is_group() Return True if the layer is a group. Returns bool is_visible() Layer visibility. Takes group visibility in account. Returns bool property kind Kind of this layer, such as group, pixel, shape, type, smartobject, or psdimage. Class name without layer suffix. Returns str property layer_id Layer ID. Returns int layer id. if the layer is not assigned an id, -1. property left Left coordinate. Writable. Returns int property mask Returns mask associated with this layer. Returns Mask or None property name Layer name. Writable. Returns str numpy(channel=None, real_mask=True) Get NumPy array of the layer. Parameters channel -- Which channel to return, can be 'color', 'shape', 'alpha', or 'mask'. Default is 'color+alpha'. Returns numpy.ndarray or None if there is no pixel. property offset (left, top) tuple. Writable. Returns tuple property opacity Opacity of this layer in [0, 255] range. Writable. Returns int property origination Property for a list of live shapes or a line. Some of the vector masks have associated live shape properties, that are Photoshop feature to handle primitive shapes such as a rectangle, an ellipse, or a line. Vector masks without live shape properties are plain path objects. See psd_tools.api.shape. Returns List of Invalidated, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Ellipse, or Line. property parent Parent of this layer. property right Right coordinate. Returns int property size (width, height) tuple. Returns tuple property stroke Property for strokes. property tagged_blocks Layer tagged blocks that is a dict-like container of settings. See psd_tools.constants.Tag for available keys. Returns TaggedBlocks or None. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag metadata = layer.tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.METADATA_SETTING) property top Top coordinate. Writable. Returns int topil(channel=None, apply_icc=False) Get PIL Image of the layer. Parameters • channel -- Which channel to return; e.g., 0 for 'R' channel in RGB image. See ChannelID. When None, the method returns all the channels supported by PIL modes. • apply_icc -- Whether to apply ICC profile conversion to sRGB. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixels. Example: from psd_tools.constants import ChannelID image = layer.topil() red = layer.topil(ChannelID.CHANNEL_0) alpha = layer.topil(ChannelID.TRANSPARENCY_MASK) NOTE: Not all of the PSD image modes are supported in PIL.Image. For example, 'CMYK' mode cannot include alpha channel in PIL. In this case, topil drops alpha channel. property vector_mask Returns vector mask associated with this layer. Returns VectorMask or None property visible Layer visibility. Doesn't take group visibility in account. Writable. Returns bool property width Width of the layer. Returns int SmartObjectLayer class psd_tools.api.layers.SmartObjectLayer(psd, record, channels, parent) Layer that inserts external data. Use smart_object attribute to get the external data. See SmartObject. Example: import io if layer.smart_object.filetype == 'jpg': image = property bbox (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property blend_mode Blend mode of this layer. Writable. Example: from psd_tools.constants import BlendMode if layer.blend_mode == BlendMode.NORMAL: layer.blend_mode = BlendMode.SCREEN Returns BlendMode. property bottom Bottom coordinate. Returns int property clip_layers Clip layers associated with this layer. To compose clipping layers: from psd_tools import compose clip_mask = compose(layer.clip_layers) Returns list of layers property clipping_layer Clipping flag for this layer. Writable. Returns bool compose(force=False, bbox=None, layer_filter=None) Deprecated, use composite(). Compose layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Note that the resulting image size is not necessarily equal to the layer size due to different mask dimensions. The offset of the composed image is stored at .info['offset'] attribute of PIL.Image. Parameters bbox -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixel. composite(viewport=None, force=False, color=1.0, alpha=0.0, layer_filter=None, apply_icc=False) Composite layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Parameters • viewport -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Default is the layer's bbox. • force -- Boolean flag to force vector drawing. • color -- Backdrop color specified by scalar or tuple of scalar. The color value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. For example, (1., 0., 0.) specifies red in RGB color mode. • alpha -- Backdrop alpha in [0.0, 1.0]. • layer_filter -- Callable that takes a layer as argument and returns whether if the layer is composited. Default is is_visible(). Returns PIL.Image. property effects Layer effects. Returns Effects has_clip_layers() Returns True if the layer has associated clipping. Returns bool has_effects() Returns True if the layer has effects. Returns bool has_mask() Returns True if the layer has a mask. Returns bool has_origination() Returns True if the layer has live shape properties. Returns bool has_pixels() Returns True if the layer has associated pixels. When this is True, topil method returns PIL.Image. Returns bool has_stroke() Returns True if the shape has a stroke. has_vector_mask() Returns True if the layer has a vector mask. Returns bool property height Height of the layer. Returns int is_group() Return True if the layer is a group. Returns bool is_visible() Layer visibility. Takes group visibility in account. Returns bool property kind Kind of this layer, such as group, pixel, shape, type, smartobject, or psdimage. Class name without layer suffix. Returns str property layer_id Layer ID. Returns int layer id. if the layer is not assigned an id, -1. property left Left coordinate. Writable. Returns int property mask Returns mask associated with this layer. Returns Mask or None property name Layer name. Writable. Returns str numpy(channel=None, real_mask=True) Get NumPy array of the layer. Parameters channel -- Which channel to return, can be 'color', 'shape', 'alpha', or 'mask'. Default is 'color+alpha'. Returns numpy.ndarray or None if there is no pixel. property offset (left, top) tuple. Writable. Returns tuple property opacity Opacity of this layer in [0, 255] range. Writable. Returns int property origination Property for a list of live shapes or a line. Some of the vector masks have associated live shape properties, that are Photoshop feature to handle primitive shapes such as a rectangle, an ellipse, or a line. Vector masks without live shape properties are plain path objects. See psd_tools.api.shape. Returns List of Invalidated, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Ellipse, or Line. property parent Parent of this layer. property right Right coordinate. Returns int property size (width, height) tuple. Returns tuple property smart_object Associated smart object. Returns SmartObject. property stroke Property for strokes. property tagged_blocks Layer tagged blocks that is a dict-like container of settings. See psd_tools.constants.Tag for available keys. Returns TaggedBlocks or None. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag metadata = layer.tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.METADATA_SETTING) property top Top coordinate. Writable. Returns int topil(channel=None, apply_icc=False) Get PIL Image of the layer. Parameters • channel -- Which channel to return; e.g., 0 for 'R' channel in RGB image. See ChannelID. When None, the method returns all the channels supported by PIL modes. • apply_icc -- Whether to apply ICC profile conversion to sRGB. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixels. Example: from psd_tools.constants import ChannelID image = layer.topil() red = layer.topil(ChannelID.CHANNEL_0) alpha = layer.topil(ChannelID.TRANSPARENCY_MASK) NOTE: Not all of the PSD image modes are supported in PIL.Image. For example, 'CMYK' mode cannot include alpha channel in PIL. In this case, topil drops alpha channel. property vector_mask Returns vector mask associated with this layer. Returns VectorMask or None property visible Layer visibility. Doesn't take group visibility in account. Writable. Returns bool property width Width of the layer. Returns int TypeLayer class psd_tools.api.layers.TypeLayer(*args) Layer that has text and styling information for fonts or paragraphs. Text is accessible at text property. Styling information for paragraphs is in engine_dict. Document styling information such as font list is is resource_dict. Currently, textual information is read-only. Example: if layer.kind == 'type': print(layer.text) print(layer.engine_dict['StyleRun']) # Extract font for each substring in the text. text = layer.engine_dict['Editor']['Text'].value fontset = layer.resource_dict['FontSet'] runlength = layer.engine_dict['StyleRun']['RunLengthArray'] rundata = layer.engine_dict['StyleRun']['RunArray'] index = 0 for length, style in zip(runlength, rundata): substring = text[index:index + length] stylesheet = style['StyleSheet']['StyleSheetData'] font = fontset[stylesheet['Font']] print('%r gets %s' % (substring, font)) index += length property bbox (left, top, right, bottom) tuple. property blend_mode Blend mode of this layer. Writable. Example: from psd_tools.constants import BlendMode if layer.blend_mode == BlendMode.NORMAL: layer.blend_mode = BlendMode.SCREEN Returns BlendMode. property bottom Bottom coordinate. Returns int property clip_layers Clip layers associated with this layer. To compose clipping layers: from psd_tools import compose clip_mask = compose(layer.clip_layers) Returns list of layers property clipping_layer Clipping flag for this layer. Writable. Returns bool compose(force=False, bbox=None, layer_filter=None) Deprecated, use composite(). Compose layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Note that the resulting image size is not necessarily equal to the layer size due to different mask dimensions. The offset of the composed image is stored at .info['offset'] attribute of PIL.Image. Parameters bbox -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixel. composite(viewport=None, force=False, color=1.0, alpha=0.0, layer_filter=None, apply_icc=False) Composite layer and masks (mask, vector mask, and clipping layers). Parameters • viewport -- Viewport bounding box specified by (x1, y1, x2, y2) tuple. Default is the layer's bbox. • force -- Boolean flag to force vector drawing. • color -- Backdrop color specified by scalar or tuple of scalar. The color value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. For example, (1., 0., 0.) specifies red in RGB color mode. • alpha -- Backdrop alpha in [0.0, 1.0]. • layer_filter -- Callable that takes a layer as argument and returns whether if the layer is composited. Default is is_visible(). Returns PIL.Image. property document_resources Resource set relevant to the document. property effects Layer effects. Returns Effects property engine_dict Styling information dict. has_clip_layers() Returns True if the layer has associated clipping. Returns bool has_effects() Returns True if the layer has effects. Returns bool has_mask() Returns True if the layer has a mask. Returns bool has_origination() Returns True if the layer has live shape properties. Returns bool has_pixels() Returns True if the layer has associated pixels. When this is True, topil method returns PIL.Image. Returns bool has_stroke() Returns True if the shape has a stroke. has_vector_mask() Returns True if the layer has a vector mask. Returns bool property height Height of the layer. Returns int is_group() Return True if the layer is a group. Returns bool is_visible() Layer visibility. Takes group visibility in account. Returns bool property kind Kind of this layer, such as group, pixel, shape, type, smartobject, or psdimage. Class name without layer suffix. Returns str property layer_id Layer ID. Returns int layer id. if the layer is not assigned an id, -1. property left Left coordinate. Writable. Returns int property mask Returns mask associated with this layer. Returns Mask or None property name Layer name. Writable. Returns str numpy(channel=None, real_mask=True) Get NumPy array of the layer. Parameters channel -- Which channel to return, can be 'color', 'shape', 'alpha', or 'mask'. Default is 'color+alpha'. Returns numpy.ndarray or None if there is no pixel. property offset (left, top) tuple. Writable. Returns tuple property opacity Opacity of this layer in [0, 255] range. Writable. Returns int property origination Property for a list of live shapes or a line. Some of the vector masks have associated live shape properties, that are Photoshop feature to handle primitive shapes such as a rectangle, an ellipse, or a line. Vector masks without live shape properties are plain path objects. See psd_tools.api.shape. Returns List of Invalidated, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Ellipse, or Line. property parent Parent of this layer. property resource_dict Resource set. property right Right coordinate. Returns int property size (width, height) tuple. Returns tuple property stroke Property for strokes. property tagged_blocks Layer tagged blocks that is a dict-like container of settings. See psd_tools.constants.Tag for available keys. Returns TaggedBlocks or None. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag metadata = layer.tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.METADATA_SETTING) property text Text in the layer. Read-only. NOTE: New-line character in Photoshop is '\r'. property top Top coordinate. Writable. Returns int topil(channel=None, apply_icc=False) Get PIL Image of the layer. Parameters • channel -- Which channel to return; e.g., 0 for 'R' channel in RGB image. See ChannelID. When None, the method returns all the channels supported by PIL modes. • apply_icc -- Whether to apply ICC profile conversion to sRGB. Returns PIL.Image, or None if the layer has no pixels. Example: from psd_tools.constants import ChannelID image = layer.topil() red = layer.topil(ChannelID.CHANNEL_0) alpha = layer.topil(ChannelID.TRANSPARENCY_MASK) NOTE: Not all of the PSD image modes are supported in PIL.Image. For example, 'CMYK' mode cannot include alpha channel in PIL. In this case, topil drops alpha channel. property transform Matrix (xx, xy, yx, yy, tx, ty) applies affine transformation. property vector_mask Returns vector mask associated with this layer. Returns VectorMask or None property visible Layer visibility. Doesn't take group visibility in account. Writable. Returns bool property warp Warp configuration. property width Width of the layer. Returns int psd_tools.api.mask Mask module. Mask class psd_tools.api.mask.Mask(layer) Mask data attached to a layer. There are two distinct internal mask data: user mask and vector mask. User mask refers any pixel-based mask whereas vector mask refers a mask from a shape path. Internally, two masks are combined and referred real mask. property background_color Background color. property bbox BBox property bottom Bottom coordinate. property disabled Disabled. property flags Flags. property height Height. property left Left coordinate. property parameters Parameters. property real_flags Real flag. property right Right coordinate. property size (Width, Height) tuple. property top Top coordinate. topil(real=True, **kwargs) Get PIL Image of the mask. Parameters real -- When True, returns pixel + vector mask combined. Returns PIL Image object, or None if the mask is empty. property width Width. psd_tools.api.shape Shape module. In PSD/PSB, shapes are all represented as VectorMask in each layer, and optionally there might be Origination object to control live shape properties and Stroke to specify how outline is stylized. VectorMask class psd_tools.api.shape.VectorMask(data) Vector mask data. Vector mask is a resolution-independent mask that consists of one or more Path objects. In Photoshop, all the path objects are represented as Bezier curves. Check paths property for how to deal with path objects. property bbox Bounding box tuple (left, top, right, bottom) in relative coordinates, where top-left corner is (0., 0.) and bottom-right corner is (1., 1.). Returns tuple property clipboard_record Clipboard record containing bounding box information. Depending on the Photoshop version, this field can be None. property disabled If the mask is disabled. property initial_fill_rule Initial fill rule. When 0, fill inside of the path. When 1, fill outside of the shape. Returns int property inverted Invert the mask. property not_linked If the knots are not linked. property paths List of Subpath. Subpath is a list-like structure that contains one or more Knot items. Knot contains relative coordinates of control points for a Bezier curve. index indicates which origination item the subpath belongs, and operation indicates how to combine multiple shape paths. In PSD, path fill rule is even-odd. Example: for subpath in layer.vector_mask.paths: anchors = [( int(knot.anchor[1] * psd.width), int(knot.anchor[0] * psd.height), ) for knot in subpath] Returns List of Subpath. Stroke class psd_tools.api.shape.Stroke(data) Stroke contains decorative information for strokes. This is a thin wrapper around Descriptor structure. Check _data attribute to get the raw data. property blend_mode Blend mode. property content Fill effect. property enabled If the stroke is enabled. property fill_enabled If the stroke fill is enabled. property line_alignment Alignment, one of inner, outer, center. property line_cap_type Cap type, one of butt, round, square. property line_dash_offset Line dash offset in float. Returns float property line_dash_set Line dash set in list of UnitFloat. Returns list property line_join_type Join type, one of miter, round, bevel. property line_width Stroke width in float. property miter_limit Miter limit in float. property opacity Opacity value. property stroke_adjust Stroke adjust Origination Origination keeps live shape properties for some of the primitive shapes. Origination objects are accessible via origination property of layers. Following primitive shapes are defined: Invalidated, Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, and RoundedRectangle. Invalidated class psd_tools.api.shape.Invalidated(data) Invalidated live shape. This equals to a primitive shape that does not provide Live shape properties. Use VectorMask to access shape information instead of this origination object. property invalidated Returns bool Line class psd_tools.api.shape.Line(data) Line live shape. property arrow_conc Returns int property arrow_end Line arrow end. Returns bool property arrow_length Line arrow length. Returns float property arrow_start Line arrow start. Returns bool property arrow_width Line arrow width. Returns float property bbox Bounding box of the live shape. Returns Descriptor property index Origination item index. Returns int property invalidated Returns bool property line_end Line end. Returns Descriptor property line_start Line start. Returns Descriptor property line_weight Line weight Returns float property origin_type Type of the vector shape. • 1: Rectangle • 2: RoundedRectangle • 4: Line • 5: Ellipse Returns int property resolution Resolution. Returns float Ellipse class psd_tools.api.shape.Ellipse(data) Ellipse live shape. property bbox Bounding box of the live shape. Returns Descriptor property index Origination item index. Returns int property invalidated Returns bool property origin_type Type of the vector shape. • 1: Rectangle • 2: RoundedRectangle • 4: Line • 5: Ellipse Returns int property resolution Resolution. Returns float Rectangle class psd_tools.api.shape.Rectangle(data) Rectangle live shape. property bbox Bounding box of the live shape. Returns Descriptor property index Origination item index. Returns int property invalidated Returns bool property origin_type Type of the vector shape. • 1: Rectangle • 2: RoundedRectangle • 4: Line • 5: Ellipse Returns int property resolution Resolution. Returns float RoundedRectangle class psd_tools.api.shape.RoundedRectangle(data) Rounded rectangle live shape. property bbox Bounding box of the live shape. Returns Descriptor property index Origination item index. Returns int property invalidated Returns bool property origin_type Type of the vector shape. • 1: Rectangle • 2: RoundedRectangle • 4: Line • 5: Ellipse Returns int property radii Corner radii of rounded rectangles. The order is top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right. Returns Descriptor property resolution Resolution. Returns float psd_tools.api.smart_object Smart object module. SmartObject class psd_tools.api.smart_object.SmartObject(layer) Smart object that represents embedded or external file. Smart objects are attached to SmartObjectLayer. property data Embedded file content, or empty if kind is external or alias property filename Original file name of the object. property filesize File size of the object. property filetype Preferred file extension, such as jpg. is_psd() Return True if the file is embedded PSD/PSB. property kind Kind of the link, 'data', 'alias', or 'external'. open(external_dir=None) Open the smart object as binary IO. Parameters external_dir -- Path to the directory of the external file. Example: with as f: data = property resolution Resolution of the object. save(filename=None) Save the smart object to a file. Parameters filename -- File name to export. If None, use the embedded name. property unique_id UUID of the object. property warp Warp parameters. psd_tools.constants Various constants for psd_tools BlendMode class psd_tools.constants.BlendMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Blend modes. COLOR = b'colr' COLOR_BURN = b'idiv' COLOR_DODGE = b'div ' DARKEN = b'dark' DARKER_COLOR = b'dkCl' DIFFERENCE = b'diff' DISSOLVE = b'diss' DIVIDE = b'fdiv' EXCLUSION = b'smud' HARD_LIGHT = b'hLit' HARD_MIX = b'hMix' HUE = b'hue ' LIGHTEN = b'lite' LIGHTER_COLOR = b'lgCl' LINEAR_BURN = b'lbrn' LINEAR_DODGE = b'lddg' LINEAR_LIGHT = b'lLit' LUMINOSITY = b'lum ' MULTIPLY = b'mul ' NORMAL = b'norm' OVERLAY = b'over' PASS_THROUGH = b'pass' PIN_LIGHT = b'pLit' SATURATION = b'sat ' SCREEN = b'scrn' SOFT_LIGHT = b'sLit' SUBTRACT = b'fsub' VIVID_LIGHT = b'vLit' ChannelID class psd_tools.constants.ChannelID(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Channel types. CHANNEL_0 = 0 CHANNEL_1 = 1 CHANNEL_2 = 2 CHANNEL_3 = 3 CHANNEL_4 = 4 CHANNEL_5 = 5 CHANNEL_6 = 6 CHANNEL_7 = 7 CHANNEL_8 = 8 CHANNEL_9 = 9 REAL_USER_LAYER_MASK = -3 TRANSPARENCY_MASK = -1 USER_LAYER_MASK = -2 Clipping class psd_tools.constants.Clipping(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Clipping. BASE = 0 NON_BASE = 1 ColorMode class psd_tools.constants.ColorMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Color mode. BITMAP = 0 CMYK = 4 DUOTONE = 8 GRAYSCALE = 1 INDEXED = 2 LAB = 9 MULTICHANNEL = 7 RGB = 3 static channels(value, alpha=False) ColorSpaceID class psd_tools.constants.ColorSpaceID(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Color space types. CMYK = 2 GRAYSCALE = 8 HSB = 1 LAB = 7 RGB = 0 Compression class psd_tools.constants.Compression(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Compression modes. Compression. 0 = Raw Data, 1 = RLE compressed, 2 = ZIP without prediction, 3 = ZIP with prediction. RAW = 0 RLE = 1 ZIP = 2 ZIP_WITH_PREDICTION = 3 EffectOSType class psd_tools.constants.EffectOSType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) OS Type keys for Layer Effects. BEVEL = b'bevl' COMMON_STATE = b'cmnS' DROP_SHADOW = b'dsdw' INNER_GLOW = b'iglw' INNER_SHADOW = b'isdw' OUTER_GLOW = b'oglw' SOLID_FILL = b'sofi' GlobalLayerMaskKind class psd_tools.constants.GlobalLayerMaskKind(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Global layer mask kind. COLOR_PROTECTED = 1 COLOR_SELECTED = 0 PER_LAYER = 128 LinkedLayerType class psd_tools.constants.LinkedLayerType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Linked layer types. ALIAS = b'liFA' DATA = b'liFD' EXTERNAL = b'liFE' PathResourceID class psd_tools.constants.PathResourceID(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) CLIPBOARD = 7 CLOSED_KNOT_LINKED = 1 CLOSED_KNOT_UNLINKED = 2 CLOSED_LENGTH = 0 INITIAL_FILL = 8 OPEN_KNOT_LINKED = 4 OPEN_KNOT_UNLINKED = 5 OPEN_LENGTH = 3 PATH_FILL = 6 PlacedLayerType class psd_tools.constants.PlacedLayerType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) IMAGE_STACK = 3 RASTER = 2 UNKNOWN = 0 VECTOR = 1 PrintScaleStyle class psd_tools.constants.PrintScaleStyle(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Print scale style. CENTERED = 0 SIZE_TO_FIT = 1 USER_DEFINED = 2 Resource class psd_tools.constants.Resource(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Image resource keys. Note the following is not defined for performance reasons. • PATH_INFO_10 to PATH_INFO_989 corresponding to 2010 - 2989 • PLUGIN_RESOURCES_10 to PLUGIN_RESOURCES_989 corresponding to 4010 - 4989 ALPHA_IDENTIFIERS = 1053 ALPHA_NAMES_PASCAL = 1006 ALPHA_NAMES_UNICODE = 1045 ALTERNATE_DUOTONE_COLORS = 1066 ALTERNATE_SPOT_COLORS = 1067 AUTO_SAVE_FILE_PATH = 1086 AUTO_SAVE_FORMAT = 1087 BACKGROUND_COLOR = 1010 BORDER_INFO = 1009 CAPTION_DIGEST = 1061 CAPTION_PASCAL = 1008 CLIPPING_PATH_NAME = 2999 COLOR_HALFTONING_INFO = 1013 COLOR_SAMPLERS_RESOURCE = 1073 COLOR_SAMPLERS_RESOURCE_OBSOLETE = 1038 COLOR_TRANSFER_FUNCTION = 1016 COPYRIGHT_FLAG = 1034 COUNT_INFO = 1080 DISPLAY_INFO = 1077 DISPLAY_INFO_OBSOLETE = 1007 DUOTONE_HALFTONING_INFO = 1014 DUOTONE_IMAGE_INFO = 1018 DUOTONE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION = 1017 EFFECTIVE_BW = 1019 EFFECTS_VISIBLE = 1042 EPS_OPTIONS = 1021 EXIF_DATA_1 = 1058 EXIF_DATA_3 = 1059 GLOBAL_ALTITUDE = 1049 GLOBAL_ANGLE = 1037 GRAYSCALE_HALFTONING_INFO = 1012 GRAYSCALE_TRANSFER_FUNCTION = 1015 GRID_AND_GUIDES_INFO = 1032 HDR_TONING_INFO = 1070 ICC_PROFILE = 1039 ICC_UNTAGGED_PROFILE = 1041 IDS_SEED_NUMBER = 1044 IMAGE_MODE_RAW = 1029 IMAGE_READY_7_ROLLOVER_EXPANDED_STATE = 7003 IMAGE_READY_DATA_SETS = 7001 IMAGE_READY_DEFAULT_SELECTED_STATE = 7002 IMAGE_READY_ROLLOVER_EXPANDED_STATE = 7004 IMAGE_READY_SAVE_LAYER_SETTINGS = 7005 IMAGE_READY_VARIABLES = 7000 IMAGE_READY_VERSION = 7006 INDEXED_COLOR_TABLE_COUNT = 1046 IPTC_NAA = 1028 JPEG_QUALITY = 1030 JUMP_TO_XPEP = 1052 LAYER_COMPS = 1065 LAYER_GROUPS_ENABLED_ID = 1072 LAYER_GROUP_INFO = 1026 LAYER_SELECTION_IDS = 1069 LAYER_STATE_INFO = 1024 LIGHTROOM_WORKFLOW = 8000 MAC_NSPRINTINFO = 1084 MAC_PAGE_FORMAT_INFO = 1002 MAC_PRINT_MANAGER_INFO = 1001 MEASUREMENT_SCALE = 1074 OBSOLETE1 = 1000 OBSOLETE2 = 1003 OBSOLETE3 = 1020 OBSOLETE4 = 1023 OBSOLETE5 = 1027 ONION_SKINS = 1078 ORIGIN_PATH_INFO = 3000 PATH_INFO_0 = 2000 PATH_INFO_1 = 2001 PATH_INFO_2 = 2002 PATH_INFO_3 = 2003 PATH_INFO_4 = 2004 PATH_INFO_5 = 2005 PATH_INFO_6 = 2006 PATH_INFO_7 = 2007 PATH_INFO_8 = 2008 PATH_INFO_9 = 2009 PATH_INFO_990 = 2990 PATH_INFO_991 = 2991 PATH_INFO_992 = 2992 PATH_INFO_993 = 2993 PATH_INFO_994 = 2994 PATH_INFO_995 = 2995 PATH_INFO_996 = 2996 PATH_INFO_997 = 2997 PATH_SELECTION_STATE = 1088 PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO = 1064 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_0 = 4000 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_1 = 4001 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_2 = 4002 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_3 = 4003 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4 = 4004 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4990 = 4990 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4991 = 4991 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4992 = 4992 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4993 = 4993 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4994 = 4994 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4995 = 4995 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4996 = 4996 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4997 = 4997 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4998 = 4998 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_4999 = 4990 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_5 = 4005 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_6 = 4006 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_7 = 4007 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_8 = 4008 PLUGIN_RESOURCE_9 = 4009 PRINT_FLAGS = 1011 PRINT_FLAGS_INFO = 10000 PRINT_INFO_CS2 = 1071 PRINT_INFO_CS5 = 1082 PRINT_SCALE = 1062 PRINT_STYLE = 1083 QUICK_MASK_INFO = 1022 RESOLUTION_INFO = 1005 SHEET_DISCLOSURE = 1076 SLICES = 1050 SPOT_HALFTONE = 1043 THUMBNAIL_RESOURCE = 1036 THUMBNAIL_RESOURCE_PS4 = 1033 TIMELINE_INFO = 1075 TRANSPARENCY_INDEX = 1047 URL = 1035 URL_LIST = 1054 VERSION_INFO = 1057 WATERMARK = 1040 WINDOWS_DEVMODE = 1085 WORKFLOW_URL = 1051 WORKING_PATH = 1025 XMP_METADATA = 1060 static is_path_info(value) static is_plugin_resource(value) SectionDivider class psd_tools.constants.SectionDivider(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) BOUNDING_SECTION_DIVIDER = 3 CLOSED_FOLDER = 2 OPEN_FOLDER = 1 OTHER = 0 Tag class psd_tools.constants.Tag(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Tagged blocks keys. ALPHA = b'Alph' ANIMATION_EFFECTS = b'anFX' ANNOTATIONS = b'Anno' ARTBOARD_DATA1 = b'artb' ARTBOARD_DATA2 = b'artd' ARTBOARD_DATA3 = b'abdd' BLACK_AND_WHITE = b'blwh' BLEND_CLIPPING_ELEMENTS = b'clbl' BLEND_FILL_OPACITY = b'iOpa' BLEND_INTERIOR_ELEMENTS = b'infx' BRIGHTNESS_AND_CONTRAST = b'brit' CHANNEL_BLENDING_RESTRICTIONS_SETTING = b'brst' CHANNEL_MIXER = b'mixr' COLOR_BALANCE = b'blnc' COLOR_LOOKUP = b'clrL' COMPOSITOR_INFO = b'cinf' CONTENT_GENERATOR_EXTRA_DATA = b'CgEd' CURVES = b'curv' EFFECTS_LAYER = b'lrFX' EXPORT_SETTING1 = b'extd' EXPORT_SETTING2 = b'extn' EXPOSURE = b'expA' FILTER_EFFECTS1 = b'FXid' FILTER_EFFECTS2 = b'FEid' FILTER_EFFECTS3 = b'FELS' FILTER_MASK = b'FMsk' FOREIGN_EFFECT_ID = b'ffxi' FRAMED_GROUP = b'frgb' GRADIENT_FILL_SETTING = b'GdFl' GRADIENT_MAP = b'grdm' HUE_SATURATION = b'hue2' HUE_SATURATION_V4 = b'hue ' INVERT = b'nvrt' KNOCKOUT_SETTING = b'knko' LAYER = b'Layr' LAYER_16 = b'Lr16' LAYER_32 = b'Lr32' LAYER_ID = b'lyid' LAYER_MASK_AS_GLOBAL_MASK = b'lmgm' LAYER_NAME_SOURCE_SETTING = b'lnsr' LAYER_VERSION = b'lyvr' LEVELS = b'levl' LINKED_LAYER1 = b'lnkD' LINKED_LAYER2 = b'lnk2' LINKED_LAYER3 = b'lnk3' LINKED_LAYER_EXTERNAL = b'lnkE' METADATA_SETTING = b'shmd' NESTED_SECTION_DIVIDER_SETTING = b'lsdk' OBJECT_BASED_EFFECTS_LAYER_INFO = b'lfx2' OBJECT_BASED_EFFECTS_LAYER_INFO_V0 = b'lmfx' OBJECT_BASED_EFFECTS_LAYER_INFO_V1 = b'lfxs' PATT = b'patt' PATTERNS1 = b'Patt' PATTERNS2 = b'Pat2' PATTERNS3 = b'Pat3' PATTERN_DATA = b'shpa' PATTERN_FILL_SETTING = b'PtFl' PHOTO_FILTER = b'phfl' PIXEL_SOURCE_DATA1 = b'PxSc' PIXEL_SOURCE_DATA2 = b'PxSD' PLACED_LAYER1 = b'plLd' PLACED_LAYER2 = b'PlLd' POSTERIZE = b'post' PROTECTED_SETTING = b'lspf' REFERENCE_POINT = b'fxrp' SAVING_MERGED_TRANSPARENCY = b'Mtrn' SAVING_MERGED_TRANSPARENCY16 = b'Mt16' SAVING_MERGED_TRANSPARENCY32 = b'Mt32' SECTION_DIVIDER_SETTING = b'lsct' SELECTIVE_COLOR = b'selc' SHEET_COLOR_SETTING = b'lclr' SMART_OBJECT_LAYER_DATA1 = b'SoLd' SMART_OBJECT_LAYER_DATA2 = b'SoLE' SOLID_COLOR_SHEET_SETTING = b'SoCo' TEXT_ENGINE_DATA = b'Txt2' THRESHOLD = b'thrs' TRANSPARENCY_SHAPES_LAYER = b'tsly' TYPE_TOOL_INFO = b'tySh' TYPE_TOOL_OBJECT_SETTING = b'TySh' UNICODE_LAYER_NAME = b'luni' UNICODE_PATH_NAME = b'pths' USER_MASK = b'LMsk' USING_ALIGNED_RENDERING = b'sn2P' VECTOR_MASK_AS_GLOBAL_MASK = b'vmgm' VECTOR_MASK_SETTING1 = b'vmsk' VECTOR_MASK_SETTING2 = b'vsms' VECTOR_ORIGINATION_DATA = b'vogk' VECTOR_ORIGINATION_UNKNOWN = b'vowv' VECTOR_STROKE_CONTENT_DATA = b'vscg' VECTOR_STROKE_DATA = b'vstk' VIBRANCE = b'vibA' psd_tools.psd Low-level API that translates binary data to Python structure. All the data structure in this subpackage inherits from one of the object defined in psd_tools.psd.base module. PSD class psd_tools.psd.PSD(header=_Nothing.NOTHING, color_mode_data=_Nothing.NOTHING, image_resources=_Nothing.NOTHING, layer_and_mask_information=_Nothing.NOTHING, image_data=_Nothing.NOTHING) Low-level PSD file structure that resembles the specification. Example: from psd_tools.psd import PSD with open(input_file, 'rb') as f: psd = with open(output_file, 'wb') as f: psd.write(f) header See FileHeader. color_mode_data See ColorModeData. image_resources See ImageResources. layer_and_mask_information See LayerAndMaskInformation. image_data See ImageData. psd_tools.psd.base Base data structures intended for inheritance. All the data objects in this subpackage inherit from the base classes here. That means, all the data structures in the psd_tools.psd subpackage implements the methods of BaseElement for serialization and decoding. Objects that inherit from the BaseElement typically gets attrs decoration to have data fields. BaseElement class psd_tools.psd.base.BaseElement Base element of various PSD file structs. All the data objects in psd_tools.psd subpackage inherit from this class. classmethod read(cls, fp) Read the element from a file-like object. write(self, fp) Write the element to a file-like object. classmethod frombytes(self, data, *args, **kwargs) Read the element from bytes. tobytes(self, *args, **kwargs) Write the element to bytes. validate(self) Validate the attribute. EmptyElement class psd_tools.psd.base.EmptyElement Empty element that does not have a value. ValueElement class psd_tools.psd.base.ValueElement(value=None) Single value wrapper that has a value attribute. Pretty printing shows the internal value by default. Inherit with @attr.s(repr=False) decorator to keep this behavior. value Internal value. NumericElement class psd_tools.psd.base.NumericElement(value=0.0) Single value element that has a numeric value attribute. IntegerElement class psd_tools.psd.base.IntegerElement(value=0) Single integer value element that has a value attribute. Use with @attr.s(repr=False) decorator. ShortIntegerElement class psd_tools.psd.base.ShortIntegerElement(value=0) Single short integer element that has a value attribute. Use with @attr.s(repr=False) decorator. ByteElement class psd_tools.psd.base.ByteElement(value=0) Single 1-byte integer element that has a value attribute. Use with @attr.s(repr=False) decorator. BooleanElement class psd_tools.psd.base.BooleanElement(value=False) Single bool value element that has a value attribute. Use with @attr.s(repr=False) decorator. StringElement class psd_tools.psd.base.StringElement(value: str = '') Single unicode string. value str value ListElement class psd_tools.psd.base.ListElement(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List-like element that has items list. DictElement class psd_tools.psd.base.DictElement(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Dict-like element that has items OrderedDict. psd_tools.psd.color_mode_data Color mode data structure. ColorModeData class psd_tools.psd.color_mode_data.ColorModeData(value: bytes = b'') Color mode data section of the PSD file. For indexed color images the data is the color table for the image in a non-interleaved order. Duotone images also have this data, but the data format is undocumented. interleave() Returns interleaved color table in bytes. psd_tools.psd.descriptor Descriptor data structure. Descriptors are basic data structure used throughout PSD files. Descriptor is one kind of serialization protocol for data objects, and enum classes in psd_tools.terminology or bytes indicates what kind of descriptor it is. The class ID can be pre-defined enum if the tag is 4-byte length or plain bytes if the length is arbitrary. They depend on the internal version of Adobe Photoshop but the detail is unknown. Pretty printing is the best approach to check the descriptor content: from IPython.pretty import pprint pprint(descriptor) Alias class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Alias(value: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') Alias structure equivalent to RawData. Bool class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Bool(value=False) Bool structure. value bool value Class class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Class(name: str = '', classID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') Class structure. name str value classID bytes in Klass Class1 class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Class1(name: str = '', classID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') Class structure equivalent to Class. Class2 class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Class2(name: str = '', classID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') Class structure equivalent to Class. Class3 class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Class3(name: str = '', classID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') Class structure equivalent to Class. Descriptor class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Descriptor(items=_Nothing.NOTHING, name: str = '', classID=b'null') Dict-like descriptor structure. Key values can be 4-character bytes in Key or arbitrary length bytes. Supports direct access by Key. Example: from psd_tools.terminology import Key descriptor[Key.Enabled] for key in descriptor: print(descriptor[key]) name str classID bytes in Klass Double class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Double(value=0.0) Double structure. value float value Enumerated class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Enumerated(typeID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', enum: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') Enum structure. typeID bytes in Type enum bytes in Enum get_name() Get enum name. EnumeratedReference class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.EnumeratedReference(name: str = '', classID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', typeID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', enum: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') Enumerated reference structure. name str value classID bytes in Klass typeID bytes in Type enum bytes in Enum GlobalObject class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.GlobalObject(items=_Nothing.NOTHING, name: str = '', classID=b'null') Global object structure equivalent to Descriptor. Identifier class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Identifier(value=0) Identifier equivalent to Integer. Index class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Index(value=0) Index equivalent to Integer. Integer class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Integer(value=0) Integer structure. value int value LargeInteger class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.LargeInteger(value=0) LargeInteger structure. value int value List class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.List(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List structure. Example: for item in list_value: print(item) Name class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Name(name: str = '', classID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', value: str = '') Name structure (Undocumented). name str classID bytes in Klass value str ObjectArray class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.ObjectArray(items=_Nothing.NOTHING, items_count: int = 0, name: str = '', classID=b'null') Object array structure almost equivalent to Descriptor. items_count int value name str value classID bytes in Klass Property class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Property(name: str = '', classID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', keyID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') Property structure. name str value classID bytes in Klass keyID bytes in Key Offset class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Offset(name: str = '', classID: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', value=0) Offset structure. name str value classID bytes in Klass value int value Path class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Path(value: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') Undocumented path structure equivalent to RawData. RawData class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.RawData(value: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') RawData structure. value bytes value Reference class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.Reference(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Reference structure equivalent to List. String class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.String(value: str = '') String structure. value str value UnitFloat class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.UnitFloat(value: float = 0.0, unit=Unit._None) Unit float structure. unit unit of the value in Unit or Enum value float value UnitFloats class psd_tools.psd.descriptor.UnitFloats(unit=Unit._None, values=_Nothing.NOTHING) Unit floats structure. unit unit of the value in Unit or Enum values List of float values psd_tools.psd.engine_data EngineData structure. PSD file embeds text formatting data in its own markup language referred EngineData. The format looks like the following: << /EngineDict << /Editor << /Text (˛ˇMake a change and save.) >> >> /Font << /Name (˛ˇHelveticaNeue-Light) /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /StyleSheetSet [ << /Name (˛ˇNormal RGB) >> ] >> >> EngineData class psd_tools.psd.engine_data.EngineData(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Dict-like element. TYPE_TOOL_OBJECT_SETTING tagged block contains this object in its descriptor. EngineData2 class psd_tools.psd.engine_data.EngineData2(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Dict-like element. TEXT_ENGINE_DATA tagged block has this object. Bool class psd_tools.psd.engine_data.Bool(value=False) Bool element. Dict class psd_tools.psd.engine_data.Dict(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Dict-like element. Float class psd_tools.psd.engine_data.Float(value=0.0) Float element. Integer class psd_tools.psd.engine_data.Integer(value=0) Integer element. List class psd_tools.psd.engine_data.List(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List-like element. Property class psd_tools.psd.engine_data.Property(value=None) Property element. String class psd_tools.psd.engine_data.String(value=None) String element. psd_tools.psd.effects_layer Effects layer structure. Note the structures in this module is obsolete and object-based layer effects are stored in tagged blocks. EffectsLayer class psd_tools.psd.effects_layer.EffectsLayer(items=_Nothing.NOTHING, version: int = 0) Dict-like EffectsLayer structure. See psd_tools.constants.EffectOSType for available keys. version CommonStateInfo class psd_tools.psd.effects_layer.CommonStateInfo(version: int = 0, visible: int = 1) Effects layer common state info. version visible ShadowInfo class psd_tools.psd.effects_layer.ShadowInfo(version: int = 0, blur: int = 0, intensity: int = 0, angle: int = 0, distance: int = 0, color=_Nothing.NOTHING, blend_mode=BlendMode.NORMAL, enabled: int = 0, use_global_angle: int = 0, opacity: int = 0, native_color=_Nothing.NOTHING) Effects layer shadow info. version blur intensity angle distance color blend_mode enabled use_global_angle opacity native_color OuterGlowInfo class psd_tools.psd.effects_layer.OuterGlowInfo(version: int = 0, blur: int = 0, intensity: int = 0, color=_Nothing.NOTHING, blend_mode=BlendMode.NORMAL, enabled: int = 0, opacity: int = 0, native_color=None) Effects layer outer glow info. version blur intensity color blend_mode enabled opacity native_color InnerGlowInfo class psd_tools.psd.effects_layer.InnerGlowInfo(version: int = 0, blur: int = 0, intensity: int = 0, color=_Nothing.NOTHING, blend_mode=BlendMode.NORMAL, enabled: int = 0, opacity: int = 0, invert=None, native_color=None) Effects layer inner glow info. version blur intensity color blend_mode enabled opacity invert native_color BevelInfo class psd_tools.psd.effects_layer.BevelInfo(version: int = 0, angle: int = 0, depth: int = 0, blur: int = 0, highlight_blend_mode=BlendMode.NORMAL, shadow_blend_mode=BlendMode.NORMAL, highlight_color=_Nothing.NOTHING, shadow_color=_Nothing.NOTHING, bevel_style: int = 0, highlight_opacity: int = 0, shadow_opacity: int = 0, enabled: int = 0, use_global_angle: int = 0, direction: int = 0, real_highlight_color=None, real_shadow_color=None) Effects layer bevel info. version angle depth blur highlight_blend_mode shadow_blend_mode highlight_color shadow_color highlight_opacity shadow_opacity enabled use_global_angle direction real_hightlight_color real_shadow_color SolidFillInfo class psd_tools.psd.effects_layer.SolidFillInfo(version: int = 2, blend_mode=BlendMode.NORMAL, color=_Nothing.NOTHING, opacity: int = 0, enabled: int = 0, native_color=_Nothing.NOTHING) Effects layer inner glow info. version blend_mode color opacity enabled native_color psd_tools.psd.filter_effects Filter effects structure. FilterEffects class psd_tools.psd.filter_effects.FilterEffects(items=_Nothing.NOTHING, version: int = 1) List-like FilterEffects structure. See FilterEffect. version FilterEffect class psd_tools.psd.filter_effects.FilterEffect(uuid=None, version=None, rectangle=None, depth=None, max_channels=None, channels=None, extra=None) FilterEffect structure. uuid version rectangle depth max_channels channels List of FilterEffectChannel. extra See FilterEffectExtra. FilterEffectChannel class psd_tools.psd.filter_effects.FilterEffectChannel(is_written=0, compression=None, data=b'') FilterEffectChannel structure. is_written compression data FilterEffectExtra class psd_tools.psd.filter_effects.FilterEffectExtra(is_written=0, rectangle=_Nothing.NOTHING, compression: int = 0, data: bytes = b'') FilterEffectExtra structure. is_written rectangle compression data psd_tools.psd.header File header structure. FileHeader class psd_tools.psd.header.FileHeader(signature: bytes = b'8BPS', version: int = 1, channels: int = 4, height: int = 64, width: int = 64, depth: int = 8, color_mode=ColorMode.RGB) Header section of the PSD file. Example: from psd_tools.psd.header import FileHeader from psd_tools.constants import ColorMode header = FileHeader(channels=2, height=359, width=400, depth=8, color_mode=ColorMode.GRAYSCALE) signature Signature: always equal to b'8BPS'. version Version number. PSD is 1, and PSB is 2. channels The number of channels in the image, including any user-defined alpha channel. height The height of the image in pixels. width The width of the image in pixels. depth The number of bits per channel. color_mode The color mode of the file. See ColorMode psd_tools.psd.image_data Image data section structure. ImageData corresponds to the last section of the PSD/PSB file where a composited image is stored. When the file does not contain layers, this is the only place pixels are saved. ImageData class psd_tools.psd.image_data.ImageData(compression=Compression.RAW, data: bytes = b'') Merged channel image data. compression See Compression. data bytes as compressed in the compression flag. get_data(header, split=True) Get decompressed data. Parameters header -- See FileHeader. Returns list of bytes corresponding each channel. classmethod new(header, color=0, compression=Compression.RAW) Create a new image data object. Parameters • header -- FileHeader. • compression -- compression type. • color -- default color. int or iterable for channel length. set_data(data, header) Set raw data and compress. Parameters • data -- list of raw data bytes corresponding channels. • compression -- compression type, see Compression. • header -- See FileHeader. Returns length of compressed data. psd_tools.psd.image_resources Image resources section structure. Image resources are used to store non-pixel data associated with images, such as pen tool paths or slices. See Resource to check available resource names. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Resource version_info = psd.image_resources.get_data(Resource.VERSION_INFO) The following resources are plain bytes: Resource.OBSOLETE1: 1000 Resource.MAC_PRINT_MANAGER_INFO: 1001 Resource.MAC_PAGE_FORMAT_INFO: 1002 Resource.OBSOLETE2: 1003 Resource.DISPLAY_INFO_OBSOLETE: 1007 Resource.BORDER_INFO: 1009 Resource.DUOTONE_IMAGE_INFO: 1018 Resource.EFFECTIVE_BW: 1019 Resource.OBSOLETE3: 1020 Resource.EPS_OPTIONS: 1021 Resource.QUICK_MASK_INFO: 1022 Resource.OBSOLETE4: 1023 Resource.WORKING_PATH: 1025 Resource.OBSOLETE5: 1027 Resource.IPTC_NAA: 1028 Resource.IMAGE_MODE_RAW: 1029 Resource.JPEG_QUALITY: 1030 Resource.URL: 1035 Resource.COLOR_SAMPLERS_RESOURCE_OBSOLETE: 1038 Resource.ICC_PROFILE: 1039 Resource.SPOT_HALFTONE: 1043 Resource.JUMP_TO_XPEP: 1052 Resource.EXIF_DATA_1: 1058 Resource.EXIF_DATA_3: 1059 Resource.XMP_METADATA: 1060 Resource.CAPTION_DIGEST: 1061 Resource.ALTERNATE_DUOTONE_COLORS: 1066 Resource.ALTERNATE_SPOT_COLORS: 1067 Resource.HDR_TONING_INFO: 1070 Resource.PRINT_INFO_CS2: 1071 Resource.COLOR_SAMPLERS_RESOURCE: 1073 Resource.DISPLAY_INFO: 1077 Resource.MAC_NSPRINTINFO: 1084 Resource.WINDOWS_DEVMODE: 1085 Resource.PATH_INFO_N: 2000-2999 Resource.PLUGIN_RESOURCES_N: 4000-4999 Resource.IMAGE_READY_VARIABLES: 7000 Resource.IMAGE_READY_DATA_SETS: 7001 Resource.IMAGE_READY_DEFAULT_SELECTED_STATE: 7002 Resource.IMAGE_READY_7_ROLLOVER_EXPANDED_STATE: 7003 Resource.IMAGE_READY_ROLLOVER_EXPANDED_STATE: 7004 Resource.IMAGE_READY_SAVE_LAYER_SETTINGS: 7005 Resource.IMAGE_READY_VERSION: 7006 Resource.LIGHTROOM_WORKFLOW: 8000 ImageResources class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.ImageResources(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Image resources section of the PSD file. Dict of ImageResource. get_data(key, default=None) Get data from the image resources. Shortcut for the following: if key in image_resources: value = tagged_blocks[key].data classmethod new(**kwargs) Create a new default image resouces. Returns ImageResources ImageResource class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.ImageResource(signature: bytes = b'8BIM', key: int = 1000, name: str = '', data: bytes = b'') Image resource block. signature Binary signature, always b'8BIM'. key Unique identifier for the resource. See Resource. name data The resource data. AlphaIdentifiers class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.AlphaIdentifiers(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List of alpha identifiers. AlphaNamesPascal class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.AlphaNamesPascal(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List of alpha names. AlphaNamesUnicode class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.AlphaNamesUnicode(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List of alpha names. Byte class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.Byte(value=0) Byte element. GridGuidesInfo class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.GridGuidesInfo(version: int = 1, horizontal: int = 0, vertical: int = 0, data=_Nothing.NOTHING) Grid and guides info structure. HalftoneScreens class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.HalftoneScreens(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Halftone screens. HalftoneScreen class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.HalftoneScreen(freq: int = 0, unit: int = 0, angle: int = 0, shape: int = 0, use_accurate: bool = False, use_printer: bool = False) Halftone screen. freq unit angle shape use_accurate use_printer Integer class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.Integer(value=0) Integer element. LayerGroupEnabledIDs class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.LayerGroupEnabledIDs(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Layer group enabled ids. LayerGroupInfo class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.LayerGroupInfo(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Layer group info list. LayerSelectionIDs class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.LayerSelectionIDs(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Layer selection ids. ShortInteger class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.ShortInteger(value=0) Short integer element. PascalString class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.PascalString(value=None) Pascal string element. PixelAspectRatio class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.PixelAspectRatio(value=0.0, version: int = 1) Pixel aspect ratio. PrintFlags class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.PrintFlags(labels: bool = False, crop_marks: bool = False, colorbars: bool = False, registration_marks: bool = False, negative: bool = False, flip: bool = False, interpolate: bool = False, caption: bool = False, print_flags=None) Print flags. PrintFlagsInfo class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.PrintFlagsInfo(version: int = 0, center_crop: int = 0, bleed_width_value: int = 0, bleed_width_scale: int = 0) Print flags info structure. version center_crop bleed_width_value bleed_width_scale PrintScale class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.PrintScale(style=PrintScaleStyle.CENTERED, x: float = 0.0, y: float = 0.0, scale: float = 0.0) Print scale structure. style x y scale ResoulutionInfo class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.ResoulutionInfo(horizontal: int = 0, horizontal_unit: int = 0, width_unit: int = 0, vertical: int = 0, vertical_unit: int = 0, height_unit: int = 0) Resoulution info structure. horizontal horizontal_unit width_unit vertical vertical_unit height_unit Slices class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.Slices(version: int = 0, data=None) Slices resource. version data SlicesV6 class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.SlicesV6(bbox=_Nothing.NOTHING, name: str = '', items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Slices resource version 6. bbox name items SliceV6 class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.SliceV6(slice_id: int = 0, group_id: int = 0, origin: int = 0, associated_id=None, name: str = '', slice_type: int = 0, bbox=_Nothing.NOTHING, url: str = '', target: str = '', message: str = '', alt_tag: str = '', cell_is_html: bool = False, cell_text: str = '', horizontal_align: int = 0, vertical_align: int = 0, alpha: int = 0, red: int = 0, green: int = 0, blue: int = 0, data=None) Slice element for version 6. slice_id group_id origin associated_id name slice_type bbox url target message alt_tag cell_is_html cell_text horizontal vertical alpha red green blue data ThumbnailResource class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.ThumbnailResource(fmt: int = 0, width: int = 0, height: int = 0, row: int = 0, total_size: int = 0, bits: int = 0, planes: int = 0, data: bytes = b'') Thumbnail resource structure. fmt width height row total_size size bits planes data topil() Get PIL Image. Returns PIL Image object. ThumbnailResourceV4 class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.ThumbnailResourceV4(fmt: int = 0, width: int = 0, height: int = 0, row: int = 0, total_size: int = 0, bits: int = 0, planes: int = 0, data: bytes = b'') TransferFunctions class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.TransferFunctions(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Transfer functions. TransferFunction class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.TransferFunction(curve=_Nothing.NOTHING, override: bool = False) Transfer function URLList class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.URLList(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) URL list structure. URLItem class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.URLItem(number: int = 0, id: int = 0, name: str = '') URL item. number id name VersionInfo class psd_tools.psd.image_resources.VersionInfo(version: int = 1, has_composite: bool = False, writer: str = '', reader: str = '', file_version: int = 1) Version info structure. version has_composite writer reader file_version psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask Layer and mask data structure. LayerAndMaskInformation class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.LayerAndMaskInformation(layer_info=None, global_layer_mask_info=None, tagged_blocks=None) Layer and mask information section. layer_info See LayerInfo. global_layer_mask_info See GlobalLayerMaskInfo. tagged_blocks See TaggedBlocks. LayerInfo class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.LayerInfo(layer_count: int = 0, layer_records=None, channel_image_data=None) High-level organization of the layer information. layer_count Layer count. If it is a negative number, its absolute value is the number of layers and the first alpha channel contains the transparency data for the merged result. layer_records Information about each layer. See LayerRecords. channel_image_data Channel image data. See ChannelImageData. GlobalLayerMaskInfo class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.GlobalLayerMaskInfo(overlay_color=None, opacity: int = 0, kind=GlobalLayerMaskKind.PER_LAYER) Global mask information. overlay_color Overlay color space (undocumented) and color components. opacity Opacity. 0 = transparent, 100 = opaque. kind Kind. 0 = Color selected--i.e. inverted; 1 = Color protected; 128 = use value stored per layer. This value is preferred. The others are for backward compatibility with beta versions. LayerRecords class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.LayerRecords(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List of layer records. See LayerRecord. LayerRecord class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.LayerRecord(top: int = 0, left: int = 0, bottom: int = 0, right: int = 0, channel_info=_Nothing.NOTHING, signature: bytes = b'8BIM', blend_mode=BlendMode.NORMAL, opacity: int = 255, clipping=Clipping.BASE, flags=_Nothing.NOTHING, mask_data=None, blending_ranges=_Nothing.NOTHING, name: str = '', tagged_blocks=_Nothing.NOTHING) Layer record. top Top position. left Left position. bottom Bottom position. right Right position. channel_info List of ChannelInfo. signature Blend mode signature b'8BIM'. blend_mode Blend mode key. See BlendMode. opacity Opacity, 0 = transparent, 255 = opaque. clipping Clipping, 0 = base, 1 = non-base. See Clipping. flags See LayerFlags. mask_data MaskData or None. blending_ranges See LayerBlendingRanges. name Layer name. tagged_blocks See TaggedBlocks. property channel_sizes List of channel sizes: [(width, height)]. property height Height of the layer. property width Width of the layer. LayerFlags class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.LayerFlags(transparency_protected: bool = False, visible: bool = True, obsolete: bool = False, photoshop_v5_later: bool = True, pixel_data_irrelevant: bool = False, undocumented_1: bool = False, undocumented_2: bool = False, undocumented_3: bool = False) Layer flags. Note there are undocumented flags. Maybe photoshop version. transparency_protected visible pixel_data_irrelevant LayerBlendingRanges class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.LayerBlendingRanges(composite_ranges=_Nothing.NOTHING, channel_ranges=_Nothing.NOTHING) Layer blending ranges. All ranges contain 2 black values followed by 2 white values. composite_ranges List of composite gray blend source and destination ranges. channel_ranges List of channel source and destination ranges. MaskData class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.MaskData(top: int = 0, left: int = 0, bottom: int = 0, right: int = 0, background_color: int = 0, flags=_Nothing.NOTHING, parameters=None, real_flags=None, real_background_color=None, real_top=None, real_left=None, real_bottom=None, real_right=None) Mask data. Real user mask is a final composite mask of vector and pixel masks. top Top position. left Left position. bottom Bottom position. right Right position. background_color Default color. 0 or 255. flags See MaskFlags. parameters MaskParameters or None. real_flags Real user mask flags. See MaskFlags. real_background_color Real user mask background. 0 or 255. real_top Top position of real user mask. real_left Left position of real user mask. real_bottom Bottom position of real user mask. real_right Right position of real user mask. property height Height of the mask. property real_height Height of real user mask. property real_width Width of real user mask. property width Width of the mask. MaskFlags class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.MaskFlags(pos_relative_to_layer: bool = False, mask_disabled: bool = False, invert_mask: bool = False, user_mask_from_render: bool = False, parameters_applied: bool = False, undocumented_1: bool = False, undocumented_2: bool = False, undocumented_3: bool = False) Mask flags. pos_relative_to_layer Position relative to layer. mask_disabled Layer mask disabled. invert_mask Invert layer mask when blending (Obsolete). user_mask_from_render The user mask actually came from rendering other data. parameters_applied The user and/or vector masks have parameters applied to them. MaskParameters class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.MaskParameters(user_mask_density=None, user_mask_feather=None, vector_mask_density=None, vector_mask_feather=None) Mask parameters. user_mask_density user_mask_feather vector_mask_density vector_mask_feather ChannelInfo class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.ChannelInfo(id=ChannelID.CHANNEL_0, length: int = 0) Channel information. id Channel ID: 0 = red, 1 = green, etc.; -1 = transparency mask; -2 = user supplied layer mask, -3 real user supplied layer mask (when both a user mask and a vector mask are present). See ChannelID. length Length of the corresponding channel data. ChannelImageData class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.ChannelImageData(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List of channel data list. This size of this list corresponds to the size of LayerRecords. Each item corresponds to the channels of each layer. See ChannelDataList. ChannelDataList class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.ChannelDataList(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List of channel image data, corresponding to each color or alpha. See ChannelData. ChannelData class psd_tools.psd.layer_and_mask.ChannelData(compression=Compression.RAW, data: bytes = b'') Channel data. compression Compression type. See Compression. data Data. get_data(width, height, depth, version=1) Get decompressed channel data. Parameters • width -- width. • height -- height. • depth -- bit depth of the pixel. • version -- psd file version. Return type bytes set_data(data, width, height, depth, version=1) Set raw channel data and compress to store. Parameters • data -- raw data bytes to write. • compression -- compression type, see Compression. • width -- width. • height -- height. • depth -- bit depth of the pixel. • version -- psd file version. psd_tools.psd.linked_layer Linked layer structure. LinkedLayers class psd_tools.psd.linked_layer.LinkedLayers(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List of LinkedLayer structure. See LinkedLayer. LinkedLayer class psd_tools.psd.linked_layer.LinkedLayer(kind=LinkedLayerType.ALIAS, version=1, uuid: str = '', filename: str = '', filetype: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', creator: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', filesize=None, open_file=None, linked_file=None, timestamp=None, data=None, child_id=None, mod_time=None, lock_state=None) LinkedLayer structure. kind version uuid filename filetype creator filesize open_file linked_file timestamp data child_id mod_time lock_state psd_tools.psd.patterns Patterns structure. Patterns class psd_tools.psd.patterns.Patterns(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List of Pattern structure. See Pattern. Pattern class psd_tools.psd.patterns.Pattern(version: int = 1, image_mode=<enum 'ColorMode'>, point=None, name: str = '', pattern_id: str = '', color_table=None, data=None) Pattern structure. version image_mode See ColorMode point Size in tuple. name str name of the pattern. pattern_id ID of this pattern. color_table Color table if the mode is INDEXED. data See VirtualMemoryArrayList VirtualMemoryArrayList class psd_tools.psd.patterns.VirtualMemoryArrayList(version: int = 3, rectangle=None, channels=None) VirtualMemoryArrayList structure. Container of channels. version rectangle Tuple of int channels List of VirtualMemoryArray VirtualMemoryArray class psd_tools.psd.patterns.VirtualMemoryArray(is_written=0, depth=None, rectangle=None, pixel_depth=None, compression=Compression.RAW, data=b'') VirtualMemoryArrayList structure, corresponding to each channel. is_written depth rectangle pixel_depth compression data get_data() Get decompressed bytes. set_data(size, data, depth, compression=0) Set bytes. psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks Tagged block data structure. Todo Support the following tagged blocks: Tag.PATTERN_DATA, Tag.TYPE_TOOL_INFO, Tag.LAYER, Tag.ALPHA TaggedBlocks class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.TaggedBlocks(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) Dict of tagged block items. See Tag for available keys. Example: from psd_tools.constants import Tag # Iterate over fields for key in tagged_blocks: print(key) # Get a field value = tagged_blocks.get_data(Tag.TYPE_TOOL_OBJECT_SETTING) TaggedBlock class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.TaggedBlock(signature=b'8BIM', key=b'', data=b'') Layer tagged block with extra info. key 4-character code. See Tag data Data. Annotations class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.Annotations(items=_Nothing.NOTHING, major_version: int = 2, minor_version: int = 1) List of Annotation, see :py:class: .Annotation. major_version minor_version Annotation class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.Annotation(kind: bytes = b'txtA', is_open: int = 0, flags: int = 0, optional_blocks: int = 1, icon_location=_Nothing.NOTHING, popup_location=_Nothing.NOTHING, color=_Nothing.NOTHING, author: str = '', name: str = '', mod_date: str = '', marker: bytes = b'txtC', data: bytes = b'') Annotation structure. kind is_open Bytes class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.Bytes(value: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') Bytes structure. value ChannelBlendingRestrictionsSetting class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.ChannelBlendingRestrictionsSetting(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) ChannelBlendingRestrictionsSetting structure. List of restricted channel numbers (int). FilterMask class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.FilterMask(color=None, opacity: int = 0) FilterMask structure. color opacity MetadataSettings class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.MetadataSettings(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) MetadataSettings structure. MetadataSetting class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.MetadataSetting(signature: bytes = b'8BIM', key: bytes = b'', copy_on_sheet: bool = False, data: bytes = b'') MetadataSetting structure. PixelSourceData2 class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.PixelSourceData2(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) PixelSourceData2 structure. PlacedLayerData class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.PlacedLayerData(kind: bytes = b'plcL', version: int = 3, uuid: bytes = '', page: int = 0, total_pages: int = 0, anti_alias: int = 0, layer_type=PlacedLayerType.UNKNOWN, transform: tuple = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), warp=None) PlacedLayerData structure. ProtectedSetting class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.ProtectedSetting(value=0) ProtectedSetting structure. ReferencePoint class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.ReferencePoint(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) ReferencePoint structure. SectionDividerSetting class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.SectionDividerSetting(kind=SectionDivider.OTHER, signature=None, blend_mode=None, sub_type=None) SectionDividerSetting structure. kind blend_mode sub_type SheetColorSetting class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.SheetColorSetting(value=0) SheetColorSetting value. This setting represents color label in the layers panel in Photoshop UI. value SmartObjectLayerData class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.SmartObjectLayerData(kind: bytes = b'soLD', version: int = 5, data: DescriptorBlock = None) VersionedDescriptorBlock structure. kind version data TypeToolObjectSetting class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.TypeToolObjectSetting(version: int = 1, transform: tuple = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), text_version: int = 1, text_data: DescriptorBlock = None, warp_version: int = 1, warp: DescriptorBlock = None, left: int = 0, top: int = 0, right: int = 0, bottom: int = 0) TypeToolObjectSetting structure. version transform Tuple of affine transform parameters (xx, xy, yx, yy, tx, ty). text_version text_data warp_version warp left top right bottom UserMask class psd_tools.psd.tagged_blocks.UserMask(color=None, opacity: int = 0, flag: int = 128) UserMask structure. color opacity flag psd_tools.psd.vector Vector mask, path, and stroke structure. Path class psd_tools.psd.vector.Path(items=_Nothing.NOTHING) List-like Path structure. Elements are either PathFillRule, InitialFillRule, ClipboardRecord, ClosedPath, or OpenPath. Subpath class psd_tools.psd.vector.Subpath(items=_Nothing.NOTHING, operation: int = 1, unknown1: int = 1, unknown2: int = 0, index: int = 0, unknown3: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') Subpath element. This is a list of Knot objects. NOTE: There are undocumented data associated with this structure. operation int value indicating how multiple subpath should be combined: 1: Or (union), 2: Not-Or, 3: And (intersect), 0: Xor (exclude) The first path element is applied to the background surface. Intersection does not have strokes. index int index that specifies corresponding origination object. is_closed() Returns whether if the path is closed or not. Returns bool. Knot class psd_tools.psd.vector.Knot(preceding: tuple = (0.0, 0.0), anchor: tuple = (0.0, 0.0), leaving: tuple = (0.0, 0.0)) Knot element consisting of 3 control points for Bezier curves. preceding (y, x) tuple of preceding control point in relative coordinates. anchor (y, x) tuple of anchor point in relative coordinates. leaving (y, x) tuple of leaving control point in relative coordinates. ClipboardRecord class psd_tools.psd.vector.ClipboardRecord(top: int = 0, left: int = 0, bottom: int = 0, right: int = 0, resolution: int = 0) Clipboard record. top Top position in int left Left position in int bottom Bottom position in int right Right position in int resolution Resolution in int PathFillRule class psd_tools.psd.vector.PathFillRule Path fill rule record, empty. InitialFillRule class psd_tools.psd.vector.InitialFillRule(value=0) Initial fill rule record. rule A value of 1 means that the fill starts with all pixels. The value will be either 0 or 1. VectorMaskSetting class psd_tools.psd.vector.VectorMaskSetting(version: int = 3, flags: int = 0, path=None) VectorMaskSetting structure. version path List of Subpath objects. property disable Flag to indicate that the vector mask is disabled. property invert Flag to indicate that the vector mask is inverted. property not_link Flag to indicate that the vector mask is not linked. VectorStrokeContentSetting class psd_tools.psd.vector.VectorStrokeContentSetting(items=_Nothing.NOTHING, name: str = '', classID=b'null', key: bytes = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', version: int = 1) Dict-like Descriptor-based structure. See Descriptor. key version psd_tools.terminology Constants for descriptor. This file is automaticaly generated by tools/ Klass class psd_tools.terminology.Klass(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Klass definitions extracted from PITerminology.h. See Action = b'Actn' ActionSet = b'ASet' Adjustment = b'Adjs' AdjustmentLayer = b'AdjL' AirbrushTool = b'AbTl' AlphaChannelOptions = b'AChl' AntiAliasedPICTAcquire = b'AntA' Application = b'capp' Arrowhead = b'cArw' ArtHistoryBrushTool = b'ABTl' Assert = b'Asrt' AssumedProfile = b'AssP' BMPFormat = b'BMPF' BackLight = b'BakL' BackgroundEraserTool = b'SETl' BackgroundLayer = b'BckL' BevelEmboss = b'ebbl' BitmapMode = b'BtmM' BlendRange = b'Blnd' BlurTool = b'BlTl' BookColor = b'BkCl' BrightnessContrast = b'BrgC' Brush = b'Brsh' BurnInTool = b'BrTl' CMYKColor = b'CMYC' CMYKColorMode = b'CMYM' CMYKSetup = b'CMYS' CachePrefs = b'CchP' Calculation = b'Clcl' Channel = b'Chnl' ChannelMatrix = b'ChMx' ChannelMixer = b'ChnM' ChromeFX = b'ChFX' CineonFormat = b'SDPX' ClippingInfo = b'Clpo' ClippingPath = b'ClpP' CloneStampTool = b'ClTl' Color = b'Clr ' ColorBalance = b'ClrB' ColorCast = b'ColC' ColorCorrection = b'ClrC' ColorPickerPrefs = b'Clrk' ColorSampler = b'ClSm' ColorStop = b'Clrt' Command = b'Cmnd' Contour = b'FxSc' CurvePoint = b'CrPt' Curves = b'Crvs' CurvesAdjustment = b'CrvA' CustomPalette = b'Cstl' CustomPhosphors = b'CstP' CustomWhitePoint = b'CstW' DicomFormat = b'Dicm' DisplayPrefs = b'DspP' Document = b'Dcmn' DodgeTool = b'DdTl' DropShadow = b'DrSh' DuotoneInk = b'DtnI' DuotoneMode = b'DtnM' EPSGenericFormat = b'EPSG' EPSPICTPreview = b'EPSC' EPSTIFFPreview = b'EPST' EXRf = b'EXRf' Element = b'Elmn' Ellipse = b'Elps' EraserTool = b'ErTl' Export = b'Expr' FileInfo = b'FlIn' FileSavePrefs = b'FlSv' FillFlash = b'FilF' FlashPixFormat = b'FlsP' FontDesignAxes = b'FntD' Format = b'Fmt ' FrameFX = b'FrFX' GIF89aExport = b'GF89' GIFFormat = b'GFFr' GeneralPrefs = b'GnrP' GlobalAngle = b'gblA' Gradient = b'Grdn' GradientFill = b'Grdf' GradientMap = b'GdMp' GradientTool = b'GrTl' GraySetup = b'GrSt' Grayscale = b'Grsc' GrayscaleMode = b'Grys' Guide = b'Gd ' GuidesPrefs = b'GdPr' HSBColor = b'HSBC' HSBColorMode = b'HSBM' HalftoneScreen = b'HlfS' HalftoneSpec = b'Hlfp' HistoryBrushTool = b'HBTl' HistoryPrefs = b'CHsP' HistoryState = b'HstS' HueSatAdjustment = b'HStA' HueSatAdjustmentV2 = b'Hst2' HueSaturation = b'HStr' IFFFormat = b'IFFF' IllustratorPathsExport = b'IlsP' ImagePoint = b'ImgP' Import = b'Impr' IndexedColorMode = b'IndC' InkTransfer = b'InkT' InnerGlow = b'IrGl' InnerShadow = b'IrSh' InterfaceColor = b'IClr' Invert = b'Invr' JPEGFormat = b'JPEG' LabColor = b'LbCl' LabColorMode = b'LbCM' Layer = b'Lyr ' LayerEffects = b'Lefx' LayerFXVisible = b'lfxv' Levels = b'Lvls' LevelsAdjustment = b'LvlA' LightSource = b'LghS' Line = b'Ln ' MacPaintFormat = b'McPn' MagicEraserTool = b'MgEr' MagicPoint = b'Mgcp' Mask = b'Msk ' MenuItem = b'Mn ' Mode = b'Md ' MultichannelMode = b'MltC' Null = b'null' ObsoleteTextLayer = b'TxLy' Offset = b'Ofst' Opacity = b'Opac' OuterGlow = b'OrGl' PDFGenericFormat = b'PDFG' PICTFileFormat = b'PICF' PICTResourceFormat = b'PICR' PNGFormat = b'PNGF' PageSetup = b'PgSt' PaintbrushTool = b'PbTl' Path = b'Path' PathComponent = b'PaCm' PathPoint = b'Pthp' Pattern = b'PttR' PatternStampTool = b'PaTl' PencilTool = b'PcTl' Photoshop20Format = b'Pht2' Photoshop35Format = b'Pht3' PhotoshopDCS2Format = b'PhD2' PhotoshopDCSFormat = b'PhD1' PhotoshopEPSFormat = b'PhtE' PhotoshopPDFFormat = b'PhtP' Pixel = b'Pxel' PixelPaintFormat = b'PxlP' PluginPrefs = b'PlgP' Point = b'Pnt ' Point16 = b'Pnt1' Polygon = b'Plgn' Posterize = b'Pstr' Preferences = b'GnrP' ProfileSetup = b'PrfS' Property = b'Prpr' RGBColor = b'RGBC' RGBColorMode = b'RGBM' RGBSetup = b'RGBt' Range = b'Rang' RawFormat = b'Rw ' Rect16 = b'Rct1' Rectangle = b'Rctn' SaturationTool = b'SrTl' ScitexCTFormat = b'Sctx' Selection = b'csel' SelectiveColor = b'SlcC' ShapingCurve = b'ShpC' SharpenTool = b'ShTl' SingleColumn = b'Sngc' SingleRow = b'Sngr' SmudgeTool = b'SmTl' Snapshot = b'SnpS' SolidFill = b'SoFi' SpotColorChannel = b'SCch' Style = b'StyC' SubPath = b'Sbpl' TIFFFormat = b'TIFF' TargaFormat = b'TrgF' TextLayer = b'TxLr' TextStyle = b'TxtS' TextStyleRange = b'Txtt' Threshold = b'Thrs' Tool = b'Tool' TransferPoint = b'DtnP' TransferSpec = b'Trfp' TransparencyPrefs = b'TrnP' TransparencyStop = b'TrnS' UnitsPrefs = b'UntP' UnspecifiedColor = b'UnsC' Version = b'Vrsn' WebdavPrefs = b'Wdbv' XYYColor = b'XYYC' _generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values) Generate the next value when not given. name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the list of values assigned _member_map_ = {'Action': Klass.Action, 'ActionSet': Klass.ActionSet, 'Adjustment': Klass.Adjustment, 'AdjustmentLayer': Klass.AdjustmentLayer, 'AirbrushTool': Klass.AirbrushTool, 'AlphaChannelOptions': Klass.AlphaChannelOptions, 'AntiAliasedPICTAcquire': Klass.AntiAliasedPICTAcquire, 'Application': Klass.Application, 'Arrowhead': Klass.Arrowhead, 'ArtHistoryBrushTool': Klass.ArtHistoryBrushTool, 'Assert': Klass.Assert, 'AssumedProfile': Klass.AssumedProfile, 'BMPFormat': Klass.BMPFormat, 'BackLight': Klass.BackLight, 'BackgroundEraserTool': Klass.BackgroundEraserTool, 'BackgroundLayer': Klass.BackgroundLayer, 'BevelEmboss': Klass.BevelEmboss, 'BitmapMode': Klass.BitmapMode, 'BlendRange': Klass.BlendRange, 'BlurTool': Klass.BlurTool, 'BookColor': Klass.BookColor, 'BrightnessContrast': Klass.BrightnessContrast, 'Brush': Klass.Brush, 'BurnInTool': Klass.BurnInTool, 'CMYKColor': Klass.CMYKColor, 'CMYKColorMode': Klass.CMYKColorMode, 'CMYKSetup': Klass.CMYKSetup, 'CachePrefs': Klass.CachePrefs, 'Calculation': Klass.Calculation, 'Channel': Klass.Channel, 'ChannelMatrix': Klass.ChannelMatrix, 'ChannelMixer': Klass.ChannelMixer, 'ChromeFX': Klass.ChromeFX, 'CineonFormat': Klass.CineonFormat, 'ClippingInfo': Klass.ClippingInfo, 'ClippingPath': Klass.ClippingPath, 'CloneStampTool': Klass.CloneStampTool, 'Color': Klass.Color, 'ColorBalance': Klass.ColorBalance, 'ColorCast': Klass.ColorCast, 'ColorCorrection': Klass.ColorCorrection, 'ColorPickerPrefs': Klass.ColorPickerPrefs, 'ColorSampler': Klass.ColorSampler, 'ColorStop': Klass.ColorStop, 'Command': Klass.Command, 'Contour': Klass.Contour, 'CurvePoint': Klass.CurvePoint, 'Curves': Klass.Curves, 'CurvesAdjustment': Klass.CurvesAdjustment, 'CustomPalette': Klass.CustomPalette, 'CustomPhosphors': Klass.CustomPhosphors, 'CustomWhitePoint': Klass.CustomWhitePoint, 'DicomFormat': Klass.DicomFormat, 'DisplayPrefs': Klass.DisplayPrefs, 'Document': Klass.Document, 'DodgeTool': Klass.DodgeTool, 'DropShadow': Klass.DropShadow, 'DuotoneInk': Klass.DuotoneInk, 'DuotoneMode': Klass.DuotoneMode, 'EPSGenericFormat': Klass.EPSGenericFormat, 'EPSPICTPreview': Klass.EPSPICTPreview, 'EPSTIFFPreview': Klass.EPSTIFFPreview, 'EXRf': Klass.EXRf, 'Element': Klass.Element, 'Ellipse': Klass.Ellipse, 'EraserTool': Klass.EraserTool, 'Export': Klass.Export, 'FileInfo': Klass.FileInfo, 'FileSavePrefs': Klass.FileSavePrefs, 'FillFlash': Klass.FillFlash, 'FlashPixFormat': Klass.FlashPixFormat, 'FontDesignAxes': Klass.FontDesignAxes, 'Format': Klass.Format, 'FrameFX': Klass.FrameFX, 'GIF89aExport': Klass.GIF89aExport, 'GIFFormat': Klass.GIFFormat, 'GeneralPrefs': Klass.GeneralPrefs, 'GlobalAngle': Klass.GlobalAngle, 'Gradient': Klass.Gradient, 'GradientFill': Klass.GradientFill, 'GradientMap': Klass.GradientMap, 'GradientTool': Klass.GradientTool, 'GraySetup': Klass.GraySetup, 'Grayscale': Klass.Grayscale, 'GrayscaleMode': Klass.GrayscaleMode, 'Guide': Klass.Guide, 'GuidesPrefs': Klass.GuidesPrefs, 'HSBColor': Klass.HSBColor, 'HSBColorMode': Klass.HSBColorMode, 'HalftoneScreen': Klass.HalftoneScreen, 'HalftoneSpec': Klass.HalftoneSpec, 'HistoryBrushTool': Klass.HistoryBrushTool, 'HistoryPrefs': Klass.HistoryPrefs, 'HistoryState': Klass.HistoryState, 'HueSatAdjustment': Klass.HueSatAdjustment, 'HueSatAdjustmentV2': Klass.HueSatAdjustmentV2, 'HueSaturation': Klass.HueSaturation, 'IFFFormat': Klass.IFFFormat, 'IllustratorPathsExport': Klass.IllustratorPathsExport, 'ImagePoint': Klass.ImagePoint, 'Import': Klass.Import, 'IndexedColorMode': Klass.IndexedColorMode, 'InkTransfer': Klass.InkTransfer, 'InnerGlow': Klass.InnerGlow, 'InnerShadow': Klass.InnerShadow, 'InterfaceColor': Klass.InterfaceColor, 'Invert': Klass.Invert, 'JPEGFormat': Klass.JPEGFormat, 'LabColor': Klass.LabColor, 'LabColorMode': Klass.LabColorMode, 'Layer': Klass.Layer, 'LayerEffects': Klass.LayerEffects, 'LayerFXVisible': Klass.LayerFXVisible, 'Levels': Klass.Levels, 'LevelsAdjustment': Klass.LevelsAdjustment, 'LightSource': Klass.LightSource, 'Line': Klass.Line, 'MacPaintFormat': Klass.MacPaintFormat, 'MagicEraserTool': Klass.MagicEraserTool, 'MagicPoint': Klass.MagicPoint, 'Mask': Klass.Mask, 'MenuItem': Klass.MenuItem, 'Mode': Klass.Mode, 'MultichannelMode': Klass.MultichannelMode, 'Null': Klass.Null, 'ObsoleteTextLayer': Klass.ObsoleteTextLayer, 'Offset': Klass.Offset, 'Opacity': Klass.Opacity, 'OuterGlow': Klass.OuterGlow, 'PDFGenericFormat': Klass.PDFGenericFormat, 'PICTFileFormat': Klass.PICTFileFormat, 'PICTResourceFormat': Klass.PICTResourceFormat, 'PNGFormat': Klass.PNGFormat, 'PageSetup': Klass.PageSetup, 'PaintbrushTool': Klass.PaintbrushTool, 'Path': Klass.Path, 'PathComponent': Klass.PathComponent, 'PathPoint': Klass.PathPoint, 'Pattern': Klass.Pattern, 'PatternStampTool': Klass.PatternStampTool, 'PencilTool': Klass.PencilTool, 'Photoshop20Format': Klass.Photoshop20Format, 'Photoshop35Format': Klass.Photoshop35Format, 'PhotoshopDCS2Format': Klass.PhotoshopDCS2Format, 'PhotoshopDCSFormat': Klass.PhotoshopDCSFormat, 'PhotoshopEPSFormat': Klass.PhotoshopEPSFormat, 'PhotoshopPDFFormat': Klass.PhotoshopPDFFormat, 'Pixel': Klass.Pixel, 'PixelPaintFormat': Klass.PixelPaintFormat, 'PluginPrefs': Klass.PluginPrefs, 'Point': Klass.Point, 'Point16': Klass.Point16, 'Polygon': Klass.Polygon, 'Posterize': Klass.Posterize, 'Preferences': Klass.GeneralPrefs, 'ProfileSetup': Klass.ProfileSetup, 'Property': Klass.Property, 'RGBColor': Klass.RGBColor, 'RGBColorMode': Klass.RGBColorMode, 'RGBSetup': Klass.RGBSetup, 'Range': Klass.Range, 'RawFormat': Klass.RawFormat, 'Rect16': Klass.Rect16, 'Rectangle': Klass.Rectangle, 'SaturationTool': Klass.SaturationTool, 'ScitexCTFormat': Klass.ScitexCTFormat, 'Selection': Klass.Selection, 'SelectiveColor': Klass.SelectiveColor, 'ShapingCurve': Klass.ShapingCurve, 'SharpenTool': Klass.SharpenTool, 'SingleColumn': Klass.SingleColumn, 'SingleRow': Klass.SingleRow, 'SmudgeTool': Klass.SmudgeTool, 'Snapshot': Klass.Snapshot, 'SolidFill': Klass.SolidFill, 'SpotColorChannel': Klass.SpotColorChannel, 'Style': Klass.Style, 'SubPath': Klass.SubPath, 'TIFFFormat': Klass.TIFFFormat, 'TargaFormat': Klass.TargaFormat, 'TextLayer': Klass.TextLayer, 'TextStyle': Klass.TextStyle, 'TextStyleRange': Klass.TextStyleRange, 'Threshold': Klass.Threshold, 'Tool': Klass.Tool, 'TransferPoint': Klass.TransferPoint, 'TransferSpec': Klass.TransferSpec, 'TransparencyPrefs': Klass.TransparencyPrefs, 'TransparencyStop': Klass.TransparencyStop, 'UnitsPrefs': Klass.UnitsPrefs, 'UnspecifiedColor': Klass.UnspecifiedColor, 'Version': Klass.Version, 'WebdavPrefs': Klass.WebdavPrefs, 'XYYColor': Klass.XYYColor} _member_names_ = ['Action', 'ActionSet', 'Adjustment', 'AdjustmentLayer', 'AirbrushTool', 'AlphaChannelOptions', 'AntiAliasedPICTAcquire', 'Application', 'Arrowhead', 'Assert', 'AssumedProfile', 'BMPFormat', 'BackgroundLayer', 'BevelEmboss', 'BitmapMode', 'BlendRange', 'BlurTool', 'BookColor', 'BrightnessContrast', 'Brush', 'BurnInTool', 'CachePrefs', 'CMYKColor', 'CMYKColorMode', 'CMYKSetup', 'Calculation', 'Channel', 'ChannelMatrix', 'ChannelMixer', 'CineonFormat', 'ClippingInfo', 'ClippingPath', 'CloneStampTool', 'Color', 'ColorBalance', 'ColorCorrection', 'ColorPickerPrefs', 'ColorSampler', 'ColorStop', 'Command', 'Curves', 'CurvePoint', 'CustomPalette', 'CurvesAdjustment', 'CustomPhosphors', 'CustomWhitePoint', 'DicomFormat', 'DisplayPrefs', 'Document', 'DodgeTool', 'DropShadow', 'DuotoneInk', 'DuotoneMode', 'EPSGenericFormat', 'EPSPICTPreview', 'EPSTIFFPreview', 'Element', 'Ellipse', 'EraserTool', 'Export', 'FileInfo', 'FileSavePrefs', 'FlashPixFormat', 'FontDesignAxes', 'Format', 'FrameFX', 'Contour', 'GeneralPrefs', 'GIF89aExport', 'GIFFormat', 'GlobalAngle', 'Gradient', 'GradientFill', 'GradientMap', 'GradientTool', 'GraySetup', 'Grayscale', 'GrayscaleMode', 'Guide', 'GuidesPrefs', 'HalftoneScreen', 'HalftoneSpec', 'HSBColor', 'HSBColorMode', 'HistoryBrushTool', 'HistoryPrefs', 'HistoryState', 'HueSatAdjustment', 'HueSatAdjustmentV2', 'HueSaturation', 'IFFFormat', 'IllustratorPathsExport', 'ImagePoint', 'Import', 'IndexedColorMode', 'InkTransfer', 'InnerGlow', 'InnerShadow', 'InterfaceColor', 'Invert', 'JPEGFormat', 'LabColor', 'LabColorMode', 'Layer', 'LayerEffects', 'LayerFXVisible', 'Levels', 'LevelsAdjustment', 'LightSource', 'Line', 'MacPaintFormat', 'MagicEraserTool', 'MagicPoint', 'Mask', 'MenuItem', 'Mode', 'MultichannelMode', 'ObsoleteTextLayer', 'Null', 'Offset', 'Opacity', 'OuterGlow', 'PDFGenericFormat', 'PICTFileFormat', 'PICTResourceFormat', 'PNGFormat', 'PageSetup', 'PaintbrushTool', 'Path', 'PathComponent', 'PathPoint', 'Pattern', 'PatternStampTool', 'PencilTool', 'Photoshop20Format', 'Photoshop35Format', 'PhotoshopDCS2Format', 'PhotoshopDCSFormat', 'PhotoshopEPSFormat', 'PhotoshopPDFFormat', 'Pixel', 'PixelPaintFormat', 'PluginPrefs', 'Point', 'Point16', 'Polygon', 'Posterize', 'ProfileSetup', 'Property', 'Range', 'Rect16', 'RGBColor', 'RGBColorMode', 'RGBSetup', 'RawFormat', 'Rectangle', 'SaturationTool', 'ScitexCTFormat', 'Selection', 'SelectiveColor', 'ShapingCurve', 'SharpenTool', 'SingleColumn', 'SingleRow', 'BackgroundEraserTool', 'SolidFill', 'ArtHistoryBrushTool', 'SmudgeTool', 'Snapshot', 'SpotColorChannel', 'Style', 'SubPath', 'TIFFFormat', 'TargaFormat', 'TextLayer', 'TextStyle', 'TextStyleRange', 'Threshold', 'Tool', 'TransferSpec', 'TransferPoint', 'TransparencyPrefs', 'TransparencyStop', 'UnitsPrefs', 'UnspecifiedColor', 'Version', 'WebdavPrefs', 'XYYColor', 'ChromeFX', 'BackLight', 'FillFlash', 'ColorCast', 'EXRf'] _member_type_ alias of bytes _new_member_(**kwargs) Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. _unhashable_values_ = [] _use_args_ = True _value2member_map_ = {b'ABTl': Klass.ArtHistoryBrushTool, b'AChl': Klass.AlphaChannelOptions, b'ASet': Klass.ActionSet, b'AbTl': Klass.AirbrushTool, b'Actn': Klass.Action, b'AdjL': Klass.AdjustmentLayer, b'Adjs': Klass.Adjustment, b'AntA': Klass.AntiAliasedPICTAcquire, b'Asrt': Klass.Assert, b'AssP': Klass.AssumedProfile, b'BMPF': Klass.BMPFormat, b'BakL': Klass.BackLight, b'BckL': Klass.BackgroundLayer, b'BkCl': Klass.BookColor, b'BlTl': Klass.BlurTool, b'Blnd': Klass.BlendRange, b'BrTl': Klass.BurnInTool, b'BrgC': Klass.BrightnessContrast, b'Brsh': Klass.Brush, b'BtmM': Klass.BitmapMode, b'CHsP': Klass.HistoryPrefs, b'CMYC': Klass.CMYKColor, b'CMYM': Klass.CMYKColorMode, b'CMYS': Klass.CMYKSetup, b'CchP': Klass.CachePrefs, b'ChFX': Klass.ChromeFX, b'ChMx': Klass.ChannelMatrix, b'ChnM': Klass.ChannelMixer, b'Chnl': Klass.Channel, b'ClSm': Klass.ColorSampler, b'ClTl': Klass.CloneStampTool, b'Clcl': Klass.Calculation, b'ClpP': Klass.ClippingPath, b'Clpo': Klass.ClippingInfo, b'Clr ': Klass.Color, b'ClrB': Klass.ColorBalance, b'ClrC': Klass.ColorCorrection, b'Clrk': Klass.ColorPickerPrefs, b'Clrt': Klass.ColorStop, b'Cmnd': Klass.Command, b'ColC': Klass.ColorCast, b'CrPt': Klass.CurvePoint, b'CrvA': Klass.CurvesAdjustment, b'Crvs': Klass.Curves, b'CstP': Klass.CustomPhosphors, b'CstW': Klass.CustomWhitePoint, b'Cstl': Klass.CustomPalette, b'Dcmn': Klass.Document, b'DdTl': Klass.DodgeTool, b'Dicm': Klass.DicomFormat, b'DrSh': Klass.DropShadow, b'DspP': Klass.DisplayPrefs, b'DtnI': Klass.DuotoneInk, b'DtnM': Klass.DuotoneMode, b'DtnP': Klass.TransferPoint, b'EPSC': Klass.EPSPICTPreview, b'EPSG': Klass.EPSGenericFormat, b'EPST': Klass.EPSTIFFPreview, b'EXRf': Klass.EXRf, b'Elmn': Klass.Element, b'Elps': Klass.Ellipse, b'ErTl': Klass.EraserTool, b'Expr': Klass.Export, b'FilF': Klass.FillFlash, b'FlIn': Klass.FileInfo, b'FlSv': Klass.FileSavePrefs, b'FlsP': Klass.FlashPixFormat, b'Fmt ': Klass.Format, b'FntD': Klass.FontDesignAxes, b'FrFX': Klass.FrameFX, b'FxSc': Klass.Contour, b'GF89': Klass.GIF89aExport, b'GFFr': Klass.GIFFormat, b'Gd ': Klass.Guide, b'GdMp': Klass.GradientMap, b'GdPr': Klass.GuidesPrefs, b'GnrP': Klass.GeneralPrefs, b'GrSt': Klass.GraySetup, b'GrTl': Klass.GradientTool, b'Grdf': Klass.GradientFill, b'Grdn': Klass.Gradient, b'Grsc': Klass.Grayscale, b'Grys': Klass.GrayscaleMode, b'HBTl': Klass.HistoryBrushTool, b'HSBC': Klass.HSBColor, b'HSBM': Klass.HSBColorMode, b'HStA': Klass.HueSatAdjustment, b'HStr': Klass.HueSaturation, b'HlfS': Klass.HalftoneScreen, b'Hlfp': Klass.HalftoneSpec, b'Hst2': Klass.HueSatAdjustmentV2, b'HstS': Klass.HistoryState, b'IClr': Klass.InterfaceColor, b'IFFF': Klass.IFFFormat, b'IlsP': Klass.IllustratorPathsExport, b'ImgP': Klass.ImagePoint, b'Impr': Klass.Import, b'IndC': Klass.IndexedColorMode, b'InkT': Klass.InkTransfer, b'Invr': Klass.Invert, b'IrGl': Klass.InnerGlow, b'IrSh': Klass.InnerShadow, b'JPEG': Klass.JPEGFormat, b'LbCM': Klass.LabColorMode, b'LbCl': Klass.LabColor, b'Lefx': Klass.LayerEffects, b'LghS': Klass.LightSource, b'Ln ': Klass.Line, b'LvlA': Klass.LevelsAdjustment, b'Lvls': Klass.Levels, b'Lyr ': Klass.Layer, b'McPn': Klass.MacPaintFormat, b'Md ': Klass.Mode, b'MgEr': Klass.MagicEraserTool, b'Mgcp': Klass.MagicPoint, b'MltC': Klass.MultichannelMode, b'Mn ': Klass.MenuItem, b'Msk ': Klass.Mask, b'Ofst': Klass.Offset, b'Opac': Klass.Opacity, b'OrGl': Klass.OuterGlow, b'PDFG': Klass.PDFGenericFormat, b'PICF': Klass.PICTFileFormat, b'PICR': Klass.PICTResourceFormat, b'PNGF': Klass.PNGFormat, b'PaCm': Klass.PathComponent, b'PaTl': Klass.PatternStampTool, b'Path': Klass.Path, b'PbTl': Klass.PaintbrushTool, b'PcTl': Klass.PencilTool, b'PgSt': Klass.PageSetup, b'PhD1': Klass.PhotoshopDCSFormat, b'PhD2': Klass.PhotoshopDCS2Format, b'Pht2': Klass.Photoshop20Format, b'Pht3': Klass.Photoshop35Format, b'PhtE': Klass.PhotoshopEPSFormat, b'PhtP': Klass.PhotoshopPDFFormat, b'PlgP': Klass.PluginPrefs, b'Plgn': Klass.Polygon, b'Pnt ': Klass.Point, b'Pnt1': Klass.Point16, b'PrfS': Klass.ProfileSetup, b'Prpr': Klass.Property, b'Pstr': Klass.Posterize, b'Pthp': Klass.PathPoint, b'PttR': Klass.Pattern, b'Pxel': Klass.Pixel, b'PxlP': Klass.PixelPaintFormat, b'RGBC': Klass.RGBColor, b'RGBM': Klass.RGBColorMode, b'RGBt': Klass.RGBSetup, b'Rang': Klass.Range, b'Rct1': Klass.Rect16, b'Rctn': Klass.Rectangle, b'Rw ': Klass.RawFormat, b'SCch': Klass.SpotColorChannel, b'SDPX': Klass.CineonFormat, b'SETl': Klass.BackgroundEraserTool, b'Sbpl': Klass.SubPath, b'Sctx': Klass.ScitexCTFormat, b'ShTl': Klass.SharpenTool, b'ShpC': Klass.ShapingCurve, b'SlcC': Klass.SelectiveColor, b'SmTl': Klass.SmudgeTool, b'Sngc': Klass.SingleColumn, b'Sngr': Klass.SingleRow, b'SnpS': Klass.Snapshot, b'SoFi': Klass.SolidFill, b'SrTl': Klass.SaturationTool, b'StyC': Klass.Style, b'TIFF': Klass.TIFFFormat, b'Thrs': Klass.Threshold, b'Tool': Klass.Tool, b'Trfp': Klass.TransferSpec, b'TrgF': Klass.TargaFormat, b'TrnP': Klass.TransparencyPrefs, b'TrnS': Klass.TransparencyStop, b'TxLr': Klass.TextLayer, b'TxLy': Klass.ObsoleteTextLayer, b'TxtS': Klass.TextStyle, b'Txtt': Klass.TextStyleRange, b'UnsC': Klass.UnspecifiedColor, b'UntP': Klass.UnitsPrefs, b'Vrsn': Klass.Version, b'Wdbv': Klass.WebdavPrefs, b'XYYC': Klass.XYYColor, b'cArw': Klass.Arrowhead, b'capp': Klass.Application, b'csel': Klass.Selection, b'ebbl': Klass.BevelEmboss, b'gblA': Klass.GlobalAngle, b'lfxv': Klass.LayerFXVisible, b'null': Klass.Null} _value_repr_() Return repr(self). Enum class psd_tools.terminology.Enum(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Enum definitions extracted from PITerminology.h. See A = b'A ' ADSBottoms = b'AdBt' ADSCentersH = b'AdCH' ADSCentersV = b'AdCV' ADSHorizontal = b'AdHr' ADSLefts = b'AdLf' ADSRights = b'AdRg' ADSTops = b'AdTp' ADSVertical = b'AdVr' ASCII = b'ASCI' AboutApp = b'AbAp' AbsColorimetric = b'AClr' Absolute = b'Absl' ActualPixels = b'ActP' Adaptive = b'Adpt' Add = b'Add ' AdjustmentOptions = b'AdjO' AdobeRGB1998 = b'SMPT' AirbrushEraser = b'Arbs' All = b'Al ' Amiga = b'Amga' AmountHigh = b'amHi' AmountLow = b'amLo' AmountMedium = b'amMd' Angle = b'Angl' AntiAliasCrisp = b'AnCr' AntiAliasHigh = b'AnHi' AntiAliasLow = b'AnLo' AntiAliasMedium = b'AnMd' AntiAliasNone = b'Anno' AntiAliasSmooth = b'AnSm' AntiAliasStrong = b'AnSt' Any = b'Any ' AppleRGB = b'AppR' ApplyImage = b'AplI' AroundCenter = b'ArnC' Arrange = b'Arng' Ask = b'Ask ' AskWhenOpening = b'AskW' B = b'B ' Back = b'Back' Background = b'Bckg' BackgroundColor = b'BckC' Backward = b'Bckw' Behind = b'Bhnd' Best = b'Bst ' Better = b'Dthb' Bicubic = b'Bcbc' Bilinear = b'Blnr' Binary = b'Bnry' BitDepth1 = b'BD1 ' BitDepth16 = b'BD16' BitDepth24 = b'BD24' BitDepth32 = b'BD32' BitDepth4 = b'BD4 ' BitDepth8 = b'BD8 ' BitDepthA1R5G5B5 = b'1565' BitDepthA4R4G4B4 = b'4444' BitDepthR5G6B5 = b'x565' BitDepthX4R4G4B4 = b'x444' BitDepthX8R8G8B8 = b'x888' Bitmap = b'Btmp' Black = b'Blck' BlackAndWhite = b'BanW' BlackBody = b'BlcB' Blacks = b'Blks' Blast = b'Blst' BlockEraser = b'Blk ' Blocks = b'Blks' Blue = b'Bl ' Blues = b'Bls ' Bottom = b'Bttm' BrushDarkRough = b'BrDR' BrushLightRough = b'BrsL' BrushSimple = b'BrSm' BrushSize = b'BrsS' BrushSparkle = b'BrSp' BrushWideBlurry = b'BrbW' BrushWideSharp = b'BrsW' BrushesAppend = b'BrsA' BrushesDefine = b'BrsD' BrushesDelete = b'Brsf' BrushesLoad = b'Brsd' BrushesNew = b'BrsN' BrushesOptions = b'BrsO' BrushesReset = b'BrsR' BrushesSave = b'Brsv' Builtin = b'Bltn' BurnInH = b'BrnH' BurnInM = b'BrnM' BurnInS = b'BrnS' ButtonMode = b'BtnM' CIERGB = b'CRGB' CMYK = b'CMYK' CMYK64 = b'CMSF' CMYKColor = b'ECMY' Calculations = b'Clcl' Cascade = b'Cscd' Center = b'Cntr' CenterGlow = b'SrcC' CenteredFrame = b'CtrF' ChannelOptions = b'ChnO' ChannelsPaletteOptions = b'ChnP' CheckerboardLarge = b'ChcL' CheckerboardMedium = b'ChcM' CheckerboardNone = b'ChcN' CheckerboardSmall = b'ChcS' Clear = b'Clar' ClearGuides = b'ClrG' Clipboard = b'Clpb' ClippingPath = b'ClpP' CloseAll = b'ClsA' CoarseDots = b'CrsD' Color = b'Clr ' ColorBurn = b'CBrn' ColorDodge = b'CDdg' ColorMatch = b'ClMt' ColorNoise = b'ClNs' Colorimetric = b'Clrm' Composite = b'Cmps' ContourCustom = b'sp06' ContourDouble = b'sp04' ContourGaussian = b'sp02' ContourLinear = b'sp01' ContourSingle = b'sp03' ContourTriple = b'sp05' ConvertToCMYK = b'CnvC' ConvertToGray = b'CnvG' ConvertToLab = b'CnvL' ConvertToRGB = b'CnvR' CreateDuplicate = b'CrtD' CreateInterpolation = b'CrtI' Cross = b'Crs ' CurrentLayer = b'CrrL' Custom = b'Cst ' CustomPattern = b'Cstm' CustomStops = b'CstS' Cyan = b'Cyn ' Cyans = b'Cyns' Dark = b'Drk ' Darken = b'Drkn' DarkenOnly = b'DrkO' DashedLines = b'DshL' Desaturate = b'Dstt' Diamond = b'Dmnd' Difference = b'Dfrn' Diffusion = b'Dfsn' DiffusionDither = b'DfnD' DisplayCursorsPreferences = b'DspC' Dissolve = b'Dslv' Distort = b'Dstr' DodgeH = b'DdgH' DodgeM = b'DdgM' DodgeS = b'DdgS' Dots = b'Dts ' Draft = b'Drft' Duotone = b'Dtn ' EBUITU = b'EBT ' EdgeGlow = b'SrcE' EliminateEvenFields = b'ElmE' EliminateOddFields = b'ElmO' Ellipse = b'Elps' Emboss = b'Embs' Exact = b'Exct' Exclusion = b'Xclu' FPXCompressLossyJPEG = b'FxJP' FPXCompressNone = b'FxNo' Faster = b'Dthf' File = b'Fle ' FileInfo = b'FlIn' FillBack = b'FlBc' FillFore = b'FlFr' FillInverse = b'FlIn' FillSame = b'FlSm' FineDots = b'FnDt' First = b'Frst' FirstIdle = b'FrId' FitOnScreen = b'FtOn' ForegroundColor = b'FrgC' Forward = b'Frwr' FreeTransform = b'FrTr' Front = b'Frnt' FullDocument = b'FllD' FullSize = b'FlSz' GIFColorFileColorTable = b'GFCT' GIFColorFileColors = b'GFCF' GIFColorFileMicrosoftPalette = b'GFMS' GIFPaletteAdaptive = b'GFPA' GIFPaletteExact = b'GFPE' GIFPaletteOther = b'GFPO' GIFPaletteSystem = b'GFPS' GIFRequiredColorSpaceIndexed = b'GFCI' GIFRequiredColorSpaceRGB = b'GFRG' GIFRowOrderInterlaced = b'GFIN' GIFRowOrderNormal = b'GFNI' GaussianDistribution = b'Gsn ' GeneralPreferences = b'GnrP' Good = b'Gd ' GradientFill = b'GrFl' GrainClumped = b'GrnC' GrainContrasty = b'GrCn' GrainEnlarged = b'GrnE' GrainHorizontal = b'GrnH' GrainRegular = b'GrnR' GrainSoft = b'GrSf' GrainSpeckle = b'GrSp' GrainSprinkles = b'GrSr' GrainStippled = b'GrSt' GrainVertical = b'GrnV' GrainyDots = b'GrnD' Graphics = b'Grp ' Gray = b'Gry ' Gray16 = b'GryX' Gray18 = b'Gr18' Gray22 = b'Gr22' Gray50 = b'Gr50' GrayScale = b'Gryc' Grayscale = b'Grys' Green = b'Grn ' Greens = b'Grns' GuidesGridPreferences = b'GudG' HDTV = b'HDTV' HSBColor = b'HSBl' HSLColor = b'HSLC' HalftoneFile = b'HlfF' HalftoneScreen = b'HlfS' HardLight = b'HrdL' Heavy = b'Hvy ' HideAll = b'HdAl' HideSelection = b'HdSl' High = b'High' HighQuality = b'Hgh ' Highlights = b'Hghl' Histogram = b'Hstg' History = b'Hsty' HistoryPaletteOptions = b'HstO' HistoryPreferences = b'HstP' Horizontal = b'Hrzn' HorizontalOnly = b'HrzO' Hue = b'H ' IBMPC = b'IBMP' ICC = b'ICC ' Icon = b'Icn ' IdleVM = b'IdVM' Ignore = b'Ignr' Image = b'Img ' ImageCachePreferences = b'ImgP' IndexedColor = b'Indl' InfoPaletteOptions = b'InfP' InfoPaletteToggleSamplers = b'InfT' InnerBevel = b'InrB' InsetFrame = b'InsF' Inside = b'Insd' JPEG = b'JPEG' JustifyAll = b'JstA' JustifyFull = b'JstF' KeepProfile = b'KPro' KeyboardPreferences = b'KybP' Lab = b'Lab ' Lab48 = b'LbCF' LabColor = b'LbCl' Large = b'Lrg ' Last = b'Lst ' LastFilter = b'LstF' LayerOptions = b'LyrO' LayersPaletteOptions = b'LyrP' Left = b'Left' Left_PLUGIN = b'Lft ' LevelBased = b'LvlB' Light = b'Lgt ' LightBlue = b'LgtB' LightDirBottom = b'LDBt' LightDirBottomLeft = b'LDBL' LightDirBottomRight = b'LDBR' LightDirLeft = b'LDLf' LightDirRight = b'LDRg' LightDirTop = b'LDTp' LightDirTopLeft = b'LDTL' LightDirTopRight = b'LDTR' LightDirectional = b'LghD' LightGray = b'LgtG' LightOmni = b'LghO' LightPosBottom = b'LPBt' LightPosBottomLeft = b'LPBL' LightPosBottomRight = b'LPBr' LightPosLeft = b'LPLf' LightPosRight = b'LPRg' LightPosTop = b'LPTp' LightPosTopLeft = b'LPTL' LightPosTopRight = b'LPTR' LightRed = b'LgtR' LightSpot = b'LghS' Lighten = b'Lghn' LightenOnly = b'LghO' Lightness = b'Lght' Line = b'Ln ' Linear = b'Lnr ' Lines = b'Lns ' Linked = b'Lnkd' LongLines = b'LngL' LongStrokes = b'LngS' Low = b'Low ' LowQuality = b'Lw ' Lower = b'Lwr ' Luminosity = b'Lmns' MacThumbnail = b'McTh' Macintosh = b'Mcnt' MacintoshSystem = b'McnS' Magenta = b'Mgnt' Magentas = b'Mgnt' Mask = b'Msk ' MaskedAreas = b'MskA' MasterAdaptive = b'MAdp' MasterPerceptual = b'MPer' MasterSelective = b'MSel' Maximum = b'Mxmm' MaximumQuality = b'Mxm ' Maya = b'Maya' Medium = b'Mdim' MediumBlue = b'MdmB' MediumDots = b'MdmD' MediumLines = b'MdmL' MediumQuality = b'Mdm ' MediumStrokes = b'MdmS' MemoryPreferences = b'MmrP' MergeChannels = b'MrgC' Merged = b'Mrgd' MergedLayers = b'Mrg2' MergedLayersOld = b'MrgL' Middle = b'Mddl' Midtones = b'Mdtn' ModeGray = b'MdGr' ModeRGB = b'MdRG' Monitor = b'Moni' MonitorSetup = b'MntS' Monotone = b'Mntn' Multi72Color = b'72CM' Multi72Gray = b'72GM' MultiNoCompositePS = b'NCmM' Multichannel = b'Mlth' Multiply = b'Mltp' NTSC = b'NTSC' NavigatorPaletteOptions = b'NvgP' NearestNeighbor = b'Nrst' NetscapeGray = b'NsGr' Neutrals = b'Ntrl' NewView = b'NwVw' Next = b'Nxt ' Nikon = b'Nkn ' Nikon105 = b'Nkn1' No = b'N ' NoCompositePS = b'NCmp' Normal = b'Nrml' NormalPath = b'NrmP' Null = b'null' OS2 = b'OS2 ' Off = b'Off ' On = b'On ' OpenAs = b'OpAs' Orange = b'Orng' OutFromCenter = b'OtFr' OutOfGamut = b'OtOf' OuterBevel = b'OtrB' OutsetFrame = b'OutF' Outside = b'Otsd' Overlay = b'Ovrl' P22EBU = b'P22B' PNGFilterAdaptive = b'PGAd' PNGFilterAverage = b'PGAv' PNGFilterNone = b'PGNo' PNGFilterPaeth = b'PGPt' PNGFilterSub = b'PGSb' PNGFilterUp = b'PGUp' PNGInterlaceAdam7 = b'PGIA' PNGInterlaceNone = b'PGIN' PagePosCentered = b'PgPC' PagePosTopLeft = b'PgTL' PageSetup = b'PgSt' PaintbrushEraser = b'Pntb' PalSecam = b'PlSc' PanaVision = b'PnVs' PathsPaletteOptions = b'PthP' Pattern = b'Ptrn' PatternDither = b'PtnD' PencilEraser = b'Pncl' Perceptual = b'Perc' Perspective = b'Prsp' PhotoshopPicker = b'Phtk' PickCMYK = b'PckC' PickGray = b'PckG' PickHSB = b'PckH' PickLab = b'PckL' PickOptions = b'PckO' PickRGB = b'PckR' PillowEmboss = b'PlEb' PixelPaintSize1 = b'PxS1' PixelPaintSize2 = b'PxS2' PixelPaintSize3 = b'PxS3' PixelPaintSize4 = b'PxS4' Place = b'Plce' PlaybackOptions = b'PbkO' PluginPicker = b'PlgP' PluginsScratchDiskPreferences = b'PlgS' PolarToRect = b'PlrR' PondRipples = b'PndR' Precise = b'Prc ' PreciseMatte = b'PrBL' PreviewBlack = b'PrvB' PreviewCMY = b'PrvN' PreviewCMYK = b'PrvC' PreviewCyan = b'Prvy' PreviewMagenta = b'PrvM' PreviewOff = b'PrvO' PreviewYellow = b'PrvY' Previous = b'Prvs' Primaries = b'Prim' PrintSize = b'PrnS' PrintingInksSetup = b'PrnI' Purple = b'Prp ' Pyramids = b'Pyrm' QCSAverage = b'Qcsa' QCSCorner0 = b'Qcs0' QCSCorner1 = b'Qcs1' QCSCorner2 = b'Qcs2' QCSCorner3 = b'Qcs3' QCSIndependent = b'Qcsi' QCSSide0 = b'Qcs4' QCSSide1 = b'Qcs5' QCSSide2 = b'Qcs6' QCSSide3 = b'Qcs7' Quadtone = b'Qdtn' QueryAlways = b'QurA' QueryAsk = b'Qurl' QueryNever = b'QurN' RGB = b'RGB ' RGB48 = b'RGBF' RGBColor = b'RGBC' Radial = b'Rdl ' Random = b'Rndm' RectToPolar = b'RctP' Red = b'Rd ' RedrawComplete = b'RdCm' Reds = b'Rds ' Reflected = b'Rflc' Relative = b'Rltv' Repeat = b'Rpt ' RepeatEdgePixels = b'RptE' RevealAll = b'RvlA' RevealSelection = b'RvlS' Revert = b'Rvrt' Right = b'Rght' Rotate = b'Rtte' RotoscopingPreferences = b'RtsP' Round = b'Rnd ' RulerCm = b'RrCm' RulerInches = b'RrIn' RulerPercent = b'RrPr' RulerPicas = b'RrPi' RulerPixels = b'RrPx' RulerPoints = b'RrPt' SMPTEC = b'SMPC' SRGB = b'SRGB' Sample3x3 = b'Smp3' Sample5x5 = b'Smp5' SamplePoint = b'SmpP' Saturate = b'Str ' Saturation = b'Strt' SaveForWeb = b'Svfw' Saved = b'Sved' SavingFilesPreferences = b'SvnF' Scale = b'Scl ' Screen = b'Scrn' ScreenCircle = b'ScrC' ScreenDot = b'ScrD' ScreenLine = b'ScrL' SelectedAreas = b'SlcA' Selection = b'Slct' Selective = b'Sele' SeparationSetup = b'SprS' SeparationTables = b'SprT' Shadows = b'Shdw' ShortLines = b'ShrL' ShortStrokes = b'ShSt' Single72Color = b'72CS' Single72Gray = b'72GS' SingleNoCompositePS = b'NCmS' Skew = b'Skew' SlopeLimitMatte = b'Slmt' Small = b'Sml ' SmartBlurModeEdgeOnly = b'SBME' SmartBlurModeNormal = b'SBMN' SmartBlurModeOverlayEdge = b'SBMO' SmartBlurQualityHigh = b'SBQH' SmartBlurQualityLow = b'SBQL' SmartBlurQualityMedium = b'SBQM' Snapshot = b'Snps' SoftLight = b'SftL' SoftMatte = b'SfBL' SolidColor = b'SClr' Spectrum = b'Spct' Spin = b'Spn ' SpotColor = b'Spot' Square = b'Sqr ' Stagger = b'Stgr' StampIn = b'In ' StampOut = b'Out ' Standard = b'Std ' StdA = b'StdA' StdB = b'StdB' StdC = b'StdC' StdE = b'StdE' StretchToFit = b'StrF' StrokeDirHorizontal = b'SDHz' StrokeDirLeftDiag = b'SDLD' StrokeDirRightDiag = b'SDRD' StrokeDirVertical = b'SDVt' StylesAppend = b'SlsA' StylesDelete = b'Slsf' StylesLoad = b'Slsd' StylesNew = b'SlsN' StylesReset = b'SlsR' StylesSave = b'Slsv' Subtract = b'Sbtr' SwatchesAppend = b'SwtA' SwatchesReplace = b'Swtp' SwatchesReset = b'SwtR' SwatchesSave = b'SwtS' SystemPicker = b'SysP' TIFF = b'TIFF' Tables = b'Tbl ' Target = b'Trgt' TargetPath = b'Trgp' TexTypeBlocks = b'TxBl' TexTypeBrick = b'TxBr' TexTypeBurlap = b'TxBu' TexTypeCanvas = b'TxCa' TexTypeFrosted = b'TxFr' TexTypeSandstone = b'TxSt' TexTypeTinyLens = b'TxTL' Threshold = b'Thrh' Thumbnail = b'Thmb' Tile = b'Tile' Tile_PLUGIN = b'Tl ' ToggleActionsPalette = b'TglA' ToggleBlackPreview = b'TgBP' ToggleBrushesPalette = b'TglB' ToggleCMYKPreview = b'TglC' ToggleCMYPreview = b'TgCM' ToggleChannelsPalette = b'Tglh' ToggleColorPalette = b'Tglc' ToggleCyanPreview = b'TgCP' ToggleDocumentPalette = b'TgDc' ToggleEdges = b'TglE' ToggleGamutWarning = b'TglG' ToggleGrid = b'TgGr' ToggleGuides = b'Tgld' ToggleHistoryPalette = b'TglH' ToggleInfoPalette = b'TglI' ToggleLayerMask = b'TglM' ToggleLayersPalette = b'Tgly' ToggleLockGuides = b'TglL' ToggleMagentaPreview = b'TgMP' ToggleNavigatorPalette = b'TglN' ToggleOptionsPalette = b'TglO' TogglePaths = b'TglP' TogglePathsPalette = b'Tglt' ToggleRGBMacPreview = b'TrMp' ToggleRGBUncompensatedPreview = b'TrUp' ToggleRGBWindowsPreview = b'TrWp' ToggleRulers = b'TglR' ToggleSnapToGrid = b'TgSn' ToggleSnapToGuides = b'TglS' ToggleStatusBar = b'Tgls' ToggleStylesPalette = b'TgSl' ToggleSwatchesPalette = b'Tglw' ToggleToolsPalette = b'TglT' ToggleYellowPreview = b'TgYP' Top = b'Top ' Transparency = b'Trsp' TransparencyGamutPreferences = b'TrnG' Transparent = b'Trns' Trinitron = b'Trnt' Tritone = b'Trtn' UIBitmap = b'UBtm' UICMYK = b'UCMY' UIDuotone = b'UDtn' UIGrayscale = b'UGry' UIIndexed = b'UInd' UILab = b'ULab' UIMultichannel = b'UMlt' UIRGB = b'URGB' Undo = b'Und ' Uniform = b'Unfm' UniformDistribution = b'Unfr' UnitsRulersPreferences = b'UntR' Upper = b'Upr ' UserStop = b'UsrS' VMPreferences = b'VMPr' Vertical = b'Vrtc' VerticalOnly = b'VrtO' Violet = b'Vlt ' WaveSine = b'WvSn' WaveSquare = b'WvSq' WaveTriangle = b'WvTr' Web = b'Web ' White = b'Wht ' Whites = b'Whts' WideGamutRGB = b'WRGB' WidePhosphors = b'Wide' WinThumbnail = b'WnTh' Wind = b'Wnd ' Windows = b'Win ' WindowsSystem = b'WndS' WorkPath = b'WrkP' Wrap = b'Wrp ' WrapAround = b'WrpA' Yellow = b'Yllw' YellowColor = b'Ylw ' Yellows = b'Ylws' Yes = b'Ys ' Zip = b'ZpEn' Zoom = b'Zm ' ZoomIn = b'ZmIn' ZoomOut = b'ZmOt' _16BitsPerPixel = b'16Bt' _1BitPerPixel = b'OnBt' _2BitsPerPixel = b'2Bts' _32BitsPerPixel = b'32Bt' _4BitsPerPixel = b'4Bts' _5000 = b'5000' _5500 = b'5500' _6500 = b'6500' _72Color = b'72Cl' _72Gray = b'72Gr' _7500 = b'7500' _8BitsPerPixel = b'EghB' _9300 = b'9300' _None = b'None' _generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values) Generate the next value when not given. name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the list of values assigned _member_map_ = {'A': Enum.A, 'ADSBottoms': Enum.ADSBottoms, 'ADSCentersH': Enum.ADSCentersH, 'ADSCentersV': Enum.ADSCentersV, 'ADSHorizontal': Enum.ADSHorizontal, 'ADSLefts': Enum.ADSLefts, 'ADSRights': Enum.ADSRights, 'ADSTops': Enum.ADSTops, 'ADSVertical': Enum.ADSVertical, 'ASCII': Enum.ASCII, 'AboutApp': Enum.AboutApp, 'AbsColorimetric': Enum.AbsColorimetric, 'Absolute': Enum.Absolute, 'ActualPixels': Enum.ActualPixels, 'Adaptive': Enum.Adaptive, 'Add': Enum.Add, 'AdjustmentOptions': Enum.AdjustmentOptions, 'AdobeRGB1998': Enum.AdobeRGB1998, 'AirbrushEraser': Enum.AirbrushEraser, 'All': Enum.All, 'Amiga': Enum.Amiga, 'AmountHigh': Enum.AmountHigh, 'AmountLow': Enum.AmountLow, 'AmountMedium': Enum.AmountMedium, 'Angle': Enum.Angle, 'AntiAliasCrisp': Enum.AntiAliasCrisp, 'AntiAliasHigh': Enum.AntiAliasHigh, 'AntiAliasLow': Enum.AntiAliasLow, 'AntiAliasMedium': Enum.AntiAliasMedium, 'AntiAliasNone': Enum.AntiAliasNone, 'AntiAliasSmooth': Enum.AntiAliasSmooth, 'AntiAliasStrong': Enum.AntiAliasStrong, 'Any': Enum.Any, 'AppleRGB': Enum.AppleRGB, 'ApplyImage': Enum.ApplyImage, 'AroundCenter': Enum.AroundCenter, 'Arrange': Enum.Arrange, 'Ask': Enum.Ask, 'AskWhenOpening': Enum.AskWhenOpening, 'B': Enum.B, 'Back': Enum.Back, 'Background': Enum.Background, 'BackgroundColor': Enum.BackgroundColor, 'Backward': Enum.Backward, 'Behind': Enum.Behind, 'Best': Enum.Best, 'Better': Enum.Better, 'Bicubic': Enum.Bicubic, 'Bilinear': Enum.Bilinear, 'Binary': Enum.Binary, 'BitDepth1': Enum.BitDepth1, 'BitDepth16': Enum.BitDepth16, 'BitDepth24': Enum.BitDepth24, 'BitDepth32': Enum.BitDepth32, 'BitDepth4': Enum.BitDepth4, 'BitDepth8': Enum.BitDepth8, 'BitDepthA1R5G5B5': Enum.BitDepthA1R5G5B5, 'BitDepthA4R4G4B4': Enum.BitDepthA4R4G4B4, 'BitDepthR5G6B5': Enum.BitDepthR5G6B5, 'BitDepthX4R4G4B4': Enum.BitDepthX4R4G4B4, 'BitDepthX8R8G8B8': Enum.BitDepthX8R8G8B8, 'Bitmap': Enum.Bitmap, 'Black': Enum.Black, 'BlackAndWhite': Enum.BlackAndWhite, 'BlackBody': Enum.BlackBody, 'Blacks': Enum.Blacks, 'Blast': Enum.Blast, 'BlockEraser': Enum.BlockEraser, 'Blocks': Enum.Blacks, 'Blue': Enum.Blue, 'Blues': Enum.Blues, 'Bottom': Enum.Bottom, 'BrushDarkRough': Enum.BrushDarkRough, 'BrushLightRough': Enum.BrushLightRough, 'BrushSimple': Enum.BrushSimple, 'BrushSize': Enum.BrushSize, 'BrushSparkle': Enum.BrushSparkle, 'BrushWideBlurry': Enum.BrushWideBlurry, 'BrushWideSharp': Enum.BrushWideSharp, 'BrushesAppend': Enum.BrushesAppend, 'BrushesDefine': Enum.BrushesDefine, 'BrushesDelete': Enum.BrushesDelete, 'BrushesLoad': Enum.BrushesLoad, 'BrushesNew': Enum.BrushesNew, 'BrushesOptions': Enum.BrushesOptions, 'BrushesReset': Enum.BrushesReset, 'BrushesSave': Enum.BrushesSave, 'Builtin': Enum.Builtin, 'BurnInH': Enum.BurnInH, 'BurnInM': Enum.BurnInM, 'BurnInS': Enum.BurnInS, 'ButtonMode': Enum.ButtonMode, 'CIERGB': Enum.CIERGB, 'CMYK': Enum.CMYK, 'CMYK64': Enum.CMYK64, 'CMYKColor': Enum.CMYKColor, 'Calculations': Enum.Calculations, 'Cascade': Enum.Cascade, 'Center': Enum.Center, 'CenterGlow': Enum.CenterGlow, 'CenteredFrame': Enum.CenteredFrame, 'ChannelOptions': Enum.ChannelOptions, 'ChannelsPaletteOptions': Enum.ChannelsPaletteOptions, 'CheckerboardLarge': Enum.CheckerboardLarge, 'CheckerboardMedium': Enum.CheckerboardMedium, 'CheckerboardNone': Enum.CheckerboardNone, 'CheckerboardSmall': Enum.CheckerboardSmall, 'Clear': Enum.Clear, 'ClearGuides': Enum.ClearGuides, 'Clipboard': Enum.Clipboard, 'ClippingPath': Enum.ClippingPath, 'CloseAll': Enum.CloseAll, 'CoarseDots': Enum.CoarseDots, 'Color': Enum.Color, 'ColorBurn': Enum.ColorBurn, 'ColorDodge': Enum.ColorDodge, 'ColorMatch': Enum.ColorMatch, 'ColorNoise': Enum.ColorNoise, 'Colorimetric': Enum.Colorimetric, 'Composite': Enum.Composite, 'ContourCustom': Enum.ContourCustom, 'ContourDouble': Enum.ContourDouble, 'ContourGaussian': Enum.ContourGaussian, 'ContourLinear': Enum.ContourLinear, 'ContourSingle': Enum.ContourSingle, 'ContourTriple': Enum.ContourTriple, 'ConvertToCMYK': Enum.ConvertToCMYK, 'ConvertToGray': Enum.ConvertToGray, 'ConvertToLab': Enum.ConvertToLab, 'ConvertToRGB': Enum.ConvertToRGB, 'CreateDuplicate': Enum.CreateDuplicate, 'CreateInterpolation': Enum.CreateInterpolation, 'Cross': Enum.Cross, 'CurrentLayer': Enum.CurrentLayer, 'Custom': Enum.Custom, 'CustomPattern': Enum.CustomPattern, 'CustomStops': Enum.CustomStops, 'Cyan': Enum.Cyan, 'Cyans': Enum.Cyans, 'Dark': Enum.Dark, 'Darken': Enum.Darken, 'DarkenOnly': Enum.DarkenOnly, 'DashedLines': Enum.DashedLines, 'Desaturate': Enum.Desaturate, 'Diamond': Enum.Diamond, 'Difference': Enum.Difference, 'Diffusion': Enum.Diffusion, 'DiffusionDither': Enum.DiffusionDither, 'DisplayCursorsPreferences': Enum.DisplayCursorsPreferences, 'Dissolve': Enum.Dissolve, 'Distort': Enum.Distort, 'DodgeH': Enum.DodgeH, 'DodgeM': Enum.DodgeM, 'DodgeS': Enum.DodgeS, 'Dots': Enum.Dots, 'Draft': Enum.Draft, 'Duotone': Enum.Duotone, 'EBUITU': Enum.EBUITU, 'EdgeGlow': Enum.EdgeGlow, 'EliminateEvenFields': Enum.EliminateEvenFields, 'EliminateOddFields': Enum.EliminateOddFields, 'Ellipse': Enum.Ellipse, 'Emboss': Enum.Emboss, 'Exact': Enum.Exact, 'Exclusion': Enum.Exclusion, 'FPXCompressLossyJPEG': Enum.FPXCompressLossyJPEG, 'FPXCompressNone': Enum.FPXCompressNone, 'Faster': Enum.Faster, 'File': Enum.File, 'FileInfo': Enum.FileInfo, 'FillBack': Enum.FillBack, 'FillFore': Enum.FillFore, 'FillInverse': Enum.FileInfo, 'FillSame': Enum.FillSame, 'FineDots': Enum.FineDots, 'First': Enum.First, 'FirstIdle': Enum.FirstIdle, 'FitOnScreen': Enum.FitOnScreen, 'ForegroundColor': Enum.ForegroundColor, 'Forward': Enum.Forward, 'FreeTransform': Enum.FreeTransform, 'Front': Enum.Front, 'FullDocument': Enum.FullDocument, 'FullSize': Enum.FullSize, 'GIFColorFileColorTable': Enum.GIFColorFileColorTable, 'GIFColorFileColors': Enum.GIFColorFileColors, 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Enum.GrainyDots, 'Graphics': Enum.Graphics, 'Gray': Enum.Gray, 'Gray16': Enum.Gray16, 'Gray18': Enum.Gray18, 'Gray22': Enum.Gray22, 'Gray50': Enum.Gray50, 'GrayScale': Enum.GrayScale, 'Grayscale': Enum.Grayscale, 'Green': Enum.Green, 'Greens': Enum.Greens, 'GuidesGridPreferences': Enum.GuidesGridPreferences, 'HDTV': Enum.HDTV, 'HSBColor': Enum.HSBColor, 'HSLColor': Enum.HSLColor, 'HalftoneFile': Enum.HalftoneFile, 'HalftoneScreen': Enum.HalftoneScreen, 'HardLight': Enum.HardLight, 'Heavy': Enum.Heavy, 'HideAll': Enum.HideAll, 'HideSelection': Enum.HideSelection, 'High': Enum.High, 'HighQuality': Enum.HighQuality, 'Highlights': Enum.Highlights, 'Histogram': Enum.Histogram, 'History': Enum.History, 'HistoryPaletteOptions': Enum.HistoryPaletteOptions, 'HistoryPreferences': Enum.HistoryPreferences, 'Horizontal': Enum.Horizontal, 'HorizontalOnly': Enum.HorizontalOnly, 'Hue': Enum.Hue, 'IBMPC': Enum.IBMPC, 'ICC': Enum.ICC, 'Icon': Enum.Icon, 'IdleVM': Enum.IdleVM, 'Ignore': Enum.Ignore, 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'LightDirRight': Enum.LightDirRight, 'LightDirTop': Enum.LightDirTop, 'LightDirTopLeft': Enum.LightDirTopLeft, 'LightDirTopRight': Enum.LightDirTopRight, 'LightDirectional': Enum.LightDirectional, 'LightGray': Enum.LightGray, 'LightOmni': Enum.LightenOnly, 'LightPosBottom': Enum.LightPosBottom, 'LightPosBottomLeft': Enum.LightPosBottomLeft, 'LightPosBottomRight': Enum.LightPosBottomRight, 'LightPosLeft': Enum.LightPosLeft, 'LightPosRight': Enum.LightPosRight, 'LightPosTop': Enum.LightPosTop, 'LightPosTopLeft': Enum.LightPosTopLeft, 'LightPosTopRight': Enum.LightPosTopRight, 'LightRed': Enum.LightRed, 'LightSpot': Enum.LightSpot, 'Lighten': Enum.Lighten, 'LightenOnly': Enum.LightenOnly, 'Lightness': Enum.Lightness, 'Line': Enum.Line, 'Linear': Enum.Linear, 'Lines': Enum.Lines, 'Linked': Enum.Linked, 'LongLines': Enum.LongLines, 'LongStrokes': Enum.LongStrokes, 'Low': Enum.Low, 'LowQuality': Enum.LowQuality, 'Lower': Enum.Lower, 'Luminosity': Enum.Luminosity, 'MacThumbnail': Enum.MacThumbnail, 'Macintosh': Enum.Macintosh, 'MacintoshSystem': Enum.MacintoshSystem, 'Magenta': Enum.Magenta, 'Magentas': Enum.Magenta, 'Mask': Enum.Mask, 'MaskedAreas': Enum.MaskedAreas, 'MasterAdaptive': Enum.MasterAdaptive, 'MasterPerceptual': Enum.MasterPerceptual, 'MasterSelective': Enum.MasterSelective, 'Maximum': Enum.Maximum, 'MaximumQuality': Enum.MaximumQuality, 'Maya': Enum.Maya, 'Medium': Enum.Medium, 'MediumBlue': Enum.MediumBlue, 'MediumDots': Enum.MediumDots, 'MediumLines': Enum.MediumLines, 'MediumQuality': Enum.MediumQuality, 'MediumStrokes': Enum.MediumStrokes, 'MemoryPreferences': Enum.MemoryPreferences, 'MergeChannels': Enum.MergeChannels, 'Merged': Enum.Merged, 'MergedLayers': Enum.MergedLayers, 'MergedLayersOld': Enum.MergedLayersOld, 'Middle': Enum.Middle, 'Midtones': Enum.Midtones, 'ModeGray': Enum.ModeGray, 'ModeRGB': Enum.ModeRGB, 'Monitor': Enum.Monitor, 'MonitorSetup': Enum.MonitorSetup, 'Monotone': Enum.Monotone, 'Multi72Color': Enum.Multi72Color, 'Multi72Gray': Enum.Multi72Gray, 'MultiNoCompositePS': Enum.MultiNoCompositePS, 'Multichannel': Enum.Multichannel, 'Multiply': Enum.Multiply, 'NTSC': Enum.NTSC, 'NavigatorPaletteOptions': Enum.NavigatorPaletteOptions, 'NearestNeighbor': Enum.NearestNeighbor, 'NetscapeGray': Enum.NetscapeGray, 'Neutrals': Enum.Neutrals, 'NewView': Enum.NewView, 'Next': Enum.Next, 'Nikon': Enum.Nikon, 'Nikon105': Enum.Nikon105, 'No': Enum.No, 'NoCompositePS': Enum.NoCompositePS, 'Normal': Enum.Normal, 'NormalPath': Enum.NormalPath, 'Null': Enum.Null, 'OS2': Enum.OS2, 'Off': Enum.Off, 'On': Enum.On, 'OpenAs': Enum.OpenAs, 'Orange': Enum.Orange, 'OutFromCenter': Enum.OutFromCenter, 'OutOfGamut': Enum.OutOfGamut, 'OuterBevel': Enum.OuterBevel, 'OutsetFrame': Enum.OutsetFrame, 'Outside': Enum.Outside, 'Overlay': Enum.Overlay, 'P22EBU': Enum.P22EBU, 'PNGFilterAdaptive': Enum.PNGFilterAdaptive, 'PNGFilterAverage': Enum.PNGFilterAverage, 'PNGFilterNone': Enum.PNGFilterNone, 'PNGFilterPaeth': Enum.PNGFilterPaeth, 'PNGFilterSub': Enum.PNGFilterSub, 'PNGFilterUp': Enum.PNGFilterUp, 'PNGInterlaceAdam7': Enum.PNGInterlaceAdam7, 'PNGInterlaceNone': Enum.PNGInterlaceNone, 'PagePosCentered': Enum.PagePosCentered, 'PagePosTopLeft': Enum.PagePosTopLeft, 'PageSetup': Enum.PageSetup, 'PaintbrushEraser': Enum.PaintbrushEraser, 'PalSecam': Enum.PalSecam, 'PanaVision': Enum.PanaVision, 'PathsPaletteOptions': Enum.PathsPaletteOptions, 'Pattern': Enum.Pattern, 'PatternDither': Enum.PatternDither, 'PencilEraser': Enum.PencilEraser, 'Perceptual': Enum.Perceptual, 'Perspective': Enum.Perspective, 'PhotoshopPicker': Enum.PhotoshopPicker, 'PickCMYK': Enum.PickCMYK, 'PickGray': Enum.PickGray, 'PickHSB': Enum.PickHSB, 'PickLab': Enum.PickLab, 'PickOptions': Enum.PickOptions, 'PickRGB': Enum.PickRGB, 'PillowEmboss': Enum.PillowEmboss, 'PixelPaintSize1': Enum.PixelPaintSize1, 'PixelPaintSize2': Enum.PixelPaintSize2, 'PixelPaintSize3': Enum.PixelPaintSize3, 'PixelPaintSize4': Enum.PixelPaintSize4, 'Place': Enum.Place, 'PlaybackOptions': Enum.PlaybackOptions, 'PluginPicker': Enum.PluginPicker, 'PluginsScratchDiskPreferences': Enum.PluginsScratchDiskPreferences, 'PolarToRect': Enum.PolarToRect, 'PondRipples': Enum.PondRipples, 'Precise': Enum.Precise, 'PreciseMatte': Enum.PreciseMatte, 'PreviewBlack': Enum.PreviewBlack, 'PreviewCMY': Enum.PreviewCMY, 'PreviewCMYK': Enum.PreviewCMYK, 'PreviewCyan': Enum.PreviewCyan, 'PreviewMagenta': Enum.PreviewMagenta, 'PreviewOff': Enum.PreviewOff, 'PreviewYellow': Enum.PreviewYellow, 'Previous': Enum.Previous, 'Primaries': Enum.Primaries, 'PrintSize': Enum.PrintSize, 'PrintingInksSetup': Enum.PrintingInksSetup, 'Purple': Enum.Purple, 'Pyramids': Enum.Pyramids, 'QCSAverage': Enum.QCSAverage, 'QCSCorner0': Enum.QCSCorner0, 'QCSCorner1': Enum.QCSCorner1, 'QCSCorner2': Enum.QCSCorner2, 'QCSCorner3': Enum.QCSCorner3, 'QCSIndependent': Enum.QCSIndependent, 'QCSSide0': Enum.QCSSide0, 'QCSSide1': Enum.QCSSide1, 'QCSSide2': Enum.QCSSide2, 'QCSSide3': Enum.QCSSide3, 'Quadtone': Enum.Quadtone, 'QueryAlways': Enum.QueryAlways, 'QueryAsk': Enum.QueryAsk, 'QueryNever': Enum.QueryNever, 'RGB': Enum.RGB, 'RGB48': Enum.RGB48, 'RGBColor': Enum.RGBColor, 'Radial': Enum.Radial, 'Random': Enum.Random, 'RectToPolar': Enum.RectToPolar, 'Red': Enum.Red, 'RedrawComplete': Enum.RedrawComplete, 'Reds': Enum.Reds, 'Reflected': Enum.Reflected, 'Relative': Enum.Relative, 'Repeat': Enum.Repeat, 'RepeatEdgePixels': Enum.RepeatEdgePixels, 'RevealAll': Enum.RevealAll, 'RevealSelection': Enum.RevealSelection, 'Revert': Enum.Revert, 'Right': Enum.Right, 'Rotate': Enum.Rotate, 'RotoscopingPreferences': Enum.RotoscopingPreferences, 'Round': Enum.Round, 'RulerCm': Enum.RulerCm, 'RulerInches': Enum.RulerInches, 'RulerPercent': Enum.RulerPercent, 'RulerPicas': Enum.RulerPicas, 'RulerPixels': Enum.RulerPixels, 'RulerPoints': Enum.RulerPoints, 'SMPTEC': Enum.SMPTEC, 'SRGB': Enum.SRGB, 'Sample3x3': Enum.Sample3x3, 'Sample5x5': Enum.Sample5x5, 'SamplePoint': Enum.SamplePoint, 'Saturate': Enum.Saturate, 'Saturation': Enum.Saturation, 'SaveForWeb': Enum.SaveForWeb, 'Saved': Enum.Saved, 'SavingFilesPreferences': Enum.SavingFilesPreferences, 'Scale': Enum.Scale, 'Screen': Enum.Screen, 'ScreenCircle': Enum.ScreenCircle, 'ScreenDot': Enum.ScreenDot, 'ScreenLine': Enum.ScreenLine, 'SelectedAreas': Enum.SelectedAreas, 'Selection': Enum.Selection, 'Selective': Enum.Selective, 'SeparationSetup': Enum.SeparationSetup, 'SeparationTables': Enum.SeparationTables, 'Shadows': Enum.Shadows, 'ShortLines': Enum.ShortLines, 'ShortStrokes': Enum.ShortStrokes, 'Single72Color': Enum.Single72Color, 'Single72Gray': Enum.Single72Gray, 'SingleNoCompositePS': Enum.SingleNoCompositePS, 'Skew': Enum.Skew, 'SlopeLimitMatte': Enum.SlopeLimitMatte, 'Small': Enum.Small, 'SmartBlurModeEdgeOnly': Enum.SmartBlurModeEdgeOnly, 'SmartBlurModeNormal': Enum.SmartBlurModeNormal, 'SmartBlurModeOverlayEdge': Enum.SmartBlurModeOverlayEdge, 'SmartBlurQualityHigh': Enum.SmartBlurQualityHigh, 'SmartBlurQualityLow': Enum.SmartBlurQualityLow, 'SmartBlurQualityMedium': Enum.SmartBlurQualityMedium, 'Snapshot': Enum.Snapshot, 'SoftLight': Enum.SoftLight, 'SoftMatte': Enum.SoftMatte, 'SolidColor': Enum.SolidColor, 'Spectrum': Enum.Spectrum, 'Spin': Enum.Spin, 'SpotColor': Enum.SpotColor, 'Square': Enum.Square, 'Stagger': Enum.Stagger, 'StampIn': Enum.StampIn, 'StampOut': Enum.StampOut, 'Standard': Enum.Standard, 'StdA': Enum.StdA, 'StdB': Enum.StdB, 'StdC': Enum.StdC, 'StdE': Enum.StdE, 'StretchToFit': Enum.StretchToFit, 'StrokeDirHorizontal': Enum.StrokeDirHorizontal, 'StrokeDirLeftDiag': Enum.StrokeDirLeftDiag, 'StrokeDirRightDiag': Enum.StrokeDirRightDiag, 'StrokeDirVertical': Enum.StrokeDirVertical, 'StylesAppend': Enum.StylesAppend, 'StylesDelete': Enum.StylesDelete, 'StylesLoad': Enum.StylesLoad, 'StylesNew': Enum.StylesNew, 'StylesReset': Enum.StylesReset, 'StylesSave': Enum.StylesSave, 'Subtract': Enum.Subtract, 'SwatchesAppend': Enum.SwatchesAppend, 'SwatchesReplace': Enum.SwatchesReplace, 'SwatchesReset': Enum.SwatchesReset, 'SwatchesSave': Enum.SwatchesSave, 'SystemPicker': Enum.SystemPicker, 'TIFF': Enum.TIFF, 'Tables': Enum.Tables, 'Target': Enum.Target, 'TargetPath': Enum.TargetPath, 'TexTypeBlocks': Enum.TexTypeBlocks, 'TexTypeBrick': Enum.TexTypeBrick, 'TexTypeBurlap': Enum.TexTypeBurlap, 'TexTypeCanvas': Enum.TexTypeCanvas, 'TexTypeFrosted': Enum.TexTypeFrosted, 'TexTypeSandstone': Enum.TexTypeSandstone, 'TexTypeTinyLens': Enum.TexTypeTinyLens, 'Threshold': Enum.Threshold, 'Thumbnail': Enum.Thumbnail, 'Tile': Enum.Tile, 'Tile_PLUGIN': Enum.Tile_PLUGIN, 'ToggleActionsPalette': Enum.ToggleActionsPalette, 'ToggleBlackPreview': Enum.ToggleBlackPreview, 'ToggleBrushesPalette': Enum.ToggleBrushesPalette, 'ToggleCMYKPreview': Enum.ToggleCMYKPreview, 'ToggleCMYPreview': Enum.ToggleCMYPreview, 'ToggleChannelsPalette': Enum.ToggleChannelsPalette, 'ToggleColorPalette': Enum.ToggleColorPalette, 'ToggleCyanPreview': Enum.ToggleCyanPreview, 'ToggleDocumentPalette': Enum.ToggleDocumentPalette, 'ToggleEdges': Enum.ToggleEdges, 'ToggleGamutWarning': Enum.ToggleGamutWarning, 'ToggleGrid': Enum.ToggleGrid, 'ToggleGuides': Enum.ToggleGuides, 'ToggleHistoryPalette': Enum.ToggleHistoryPalette, 'ToggleInfoPalette': Enum.ToggleInfoPalette, 'ToggleLayerMask': Enum.ToggleLayerMask, 'ToggleLayersPalette': Enum.ToggleLayersPalette, 'ToggleLockGuides': Enum.ToggleLockGuides, 'ToggleMagentaPreview': Enum.ToggleMagentaPreview, 'ToggleNavigatorPalette': Enum.ToggleNavigatorPalette, 'ToggleOptionsPalette': Enum.ToggleOptionsPalette, 'TogglePaths': Enum.TogglePaths, 'TogglePathsPalette': Enum.TogglePathsPalette, 'ToggleRGBMacPreview': Enum.ToggleRGBMacPreview, 'ToggleRGBUncompensatedPreview': Enum.ToggleRGBUncompensatedPreview, 'ToggleRGBWindowsPreview': Enum.ToggleRGBWindowsPreview, 'ToggleRulers': Enum.ToggleRulers, 'ToggleSnapToGrid': Enum.ToggleSnapToGrid, 'ToggleSnapToGuides': Enum.ToggleSnapToGuides, 'ToggleStatusBar': Enum.ToggleStatusBar, 'ToggleStylesPalette': Enum.ToggleStylesPalette, 'ToggleSwatchesPalette': Enum.ToggleSwatchesPalette, 'ToggleToolsPalette': Enum.ToggleToolsPalette, 'ToggleYellowPreview': Enum.ToggleYellowPreview, 'Top': Enum.Top, 'Transparency': Enum.Transparency, 'TransparencyGamutPreferences': Enum.TransparencyGamutPreferences, 'Transparent': Enum.Transparent, 'Trinitron': Enum.Trinitron, 'Tritone': Enum.Tritone, 'UIBitmap': Enum.UIBitmap, 'UICMYK': Enum.UICMYK, 'UIDuotone': Enum.UIDuotone, 'UIGrayscale': Enum.UIGrayscale, 'UIIndexed': Enum.UIIndexed, 'UILab': Enum.UILab, 'UIMultichannel': Enum.UIMultichannel, 'UIRGB': Enum.UIRGB, 'Undo': Enum.Undo, 'Uniform': Enum.Uniform, 'UniformDistribution': Enum.UniformDistribution, 'UnitsRulersPreferences': Enum.UnitsRulersPreferences, 'Upper': Enum.Upper, 'UserStop': Enum.UserStop, 'VMPreferences': Enum.VMPreferences, 'Vertical': Enum.Vertical, 'VerticalOnly': Enum.VerticalOnly, 'Violet': Enum.Violet, 'WaveSine': Enum.WaveSine, 'WaveSquare': Enum.WaveSquare, 'WaveTriangle': Enum.WaveTriangle, 'Web': Enum.Web, 'White': Enum.White, 'Whites': Enum.Whites, 'WideGamutRGB': Enum.WideGamutRGB, 'WidePhosphors': Enum.WidePhosphors, 'WinThumbnail': Enum.WinThumbnail, 'Wind': Enum.Wind, 'Windows': Enum.Windows, 'WindowsSystem': Enum.WindowsSystem, 'WorkPath': Enum.WorkPath, 'Wrap': Enum.Wrap, 'WrapAround': Enum.WrapAround, 'Yellow': Enum.Yellow, 'YellowColor': Enum.YellowColor, 'Yellows': Enum.Yellows, 'Yes': Enum.Yes, 'Zip': Enum.Zip, 'Zoom': Enum.Zoom, 'ZoomIn': Enum.ZoomIn, 'ZoomOut': Enum.ZoomOut, '_16BitsPerPixel': Enum._16BitsPerPixel, '_1BitPerPixel': Enum._1BitPerPixel, '_2BitsPerPixel': Enum._2BitsPerPixel, '_32BitsPerPixel': Enum._32BitsPerPixel, '_4BitsPerPixel': Enum._4BitsPerPixel, '_5000': Enum._5000, '_5500': Enum._5500, '_6500': Enum._6500, '_72Color': Enum._72Color, '_72Gray': Enum._72Gray, '_7500': Enum._7500, '_8BitsPerPixel': Enum._8BitsPerPixel, '_9300': Enum._9300, '_None': Enum._None} _member_names_ = ['Add', 'AmountHigh', 'AmountLow', 'AmountMedium', 'AntiAliasNone', 'AntiAliasLow', 'AntiAliasMedium', 'AntiAliasHigh', 'AntiAliasCrisp', 'AntiAliasStrong', 'AntiAliasSmooth', 'AppleRGB', 'ASCII', 'AskWhenOpening', 'Bicubic', 'Binary', 'MonitorSetup', '_16BitsPerPixel', '_1BitPerPixel', '_2BitsPerPixel', '_32BitsPerPixel', '_4BitsPerPixel', '_5000', '_5500', '_6500', '_72Color', '_72Gray', '_7500', '_8BitsPerPixel', '_9300', 'A', 'AbsColorimetric', 'ADSBottoms', 'ADSCentersH', 'ADSCentersV', 'ADSHorizontal', 'ADSLefts', 'ADSRights', 'ADSTops', 'ADSVertical', 'AboutApp', 'Absolute', 'ActualPixels', 'Adaptive', 'AdjustmentOptions', 'AirbrushEraser', 'All', 'Amiga', 'Angle', 'Any', 'ApplyImage', 'AroundCenter', 'Arrange', 'Ask', 'B', 'Back', 'Background', 'BackgroundColor', 'Backward', 'Behind', 'Best', 'Better', 'Bilinear', 'BitDepth1', 'BitDepth16', 'BitDepth24', 'BitDepth32', 'BitDepth4', 'BitDepth8', 'BitDepthA1R5G5B5', 'BitDepthR5G6B5', 'BitDepthX4R4G4B4', 'BitDepthA4R4G4B4', 'BitDepthX8R8G8B8', 'Bitmap', 'Black', 'BlackAndWhite', 'BlackBody', 'Blacks', 'BlockEraser', 'Blast', 'Blue', 'Blues', 'Bottom', 'BrushDarkRough', 'BrushesAppend', 'BrushesDefine', 'BrushesDelete', 'BrushesLoad', 'BrushesNew', 'BrushesOptions', 'BrushesReset', 'BrushesSave', 'BrushLightRough', 'BrushSimple', 'BrushSize', 'BrushSparkle', 'BrushWideBlurry', 'BrushWideSharp', 'Builtin', 'BurnInH', 'BurnInM', 'BurnInS', 'ButtonMode', 'CIERGB', 'WidePhosphors', 'WideGamutRGB', 'CMYK', 'CMYK64', 'CMYKColor', 'Calculations', 'Cascade', 'Center', 'CenterGlow', 'CenteredFrame', 'ChannelOptions', 'ChannelsPaletteOptions', 'CheckerboardNone', 'CheckerboardSmall', 'CheckerboardMedium', 'CheckerboardLarge', 'Clear', 'ClearGuides', 'Clipboard', 'ClippingPath', 'CloseAll', 'CoarseDots', 'Color', 'ColorBurn', 'ColorDodge', 'ColorMatch', 'ColorNoise', 'Colorimetric', 'Composite', 'ConvertToCMYK', 'ConvertToGray', 'ConvertToLab', 'ConvertToRGB', 'CreateDuplicate', 'CreateInterpolation', 'Cross', 'CurrentLayer', 'Custom', 'CustomPattern', 'CustomStops', 'Cyan', 'Cyans', 'Dark', 'Darken', 'DarkenOnly', 'DashedLines', 'Desaturate', 'Diamond', 'Difference', 'Diffusion', 'DiffusionDither', 'DisplayCursorsPreferences', 'Dissolve', 'Distort', 'DodgeH', 'DodgeM', 'DodgeS', 'Dots', 'Draft', 'Duotone', 'EBUITU', 'EdgeGlow', 'EliminateEvenFields', 'EliminateOddFields', 'Ellipse', 'Emboss', 'Exact', 'Exclusion', 'FPXCompressLossyJPEG', 'FPXCompressNone', 'Faster', 'File', 'FileInfo', 'FillBack', 'FillFore', 'FillSame', 'FineDots', 'First', 'FirstIdle', 'FitOnScreen', 'ForegroundColor', 'Forward', 'FreeTransform', 'Front', 'FullDocument', 'FullSize', 'GaussianDistribution', 'GIFColorFileColorTable', 'GIFColorFileColors', 'GIFColorFileMicrosoftPalette', 'GIFPaletteAdaptive', 'GIFPaletteExact', 'GIFPaletteOther', 'GIFPaletteSystem', 'GIFRequiredColorSpaceIndexed', 'GIFRequiredColorSpaceRGB', 'GIFRowOrderInterlaced', 'GIFRowOrderNormal', 'GeneralPreferences', 'Good', 'GradientFill', 'GrainClumped', 'GrainContrasty', 'GrainEnlarged', 'GrainHorizontal', 'GrainRegular', 'GrainSoft', 'GrainSpeckle', 'GrainSprinkles', 'GrainStippled', 'GrainVertical', 'GrainyDots', 'Graphics', 'Gray', 'Gray16', 'Gray18', 'Gray22', 'Gray50', 'GrayScale', 'Grayscale', 'Green', 'Greens', 'GuidesGridPreferences', 'HDTV', 'HSBColor', 'HSLColor', 'HalftoneFile', 'HalftoneScreen', 'HardLight', 'Heavy', 'HideAll', 'HideSelection', 'High', 'HighQuality', 'Highlights', 'Histogram', 'History', 'HistoryPaletteOptions', 'HistoryPreferences', 'Horizontal', 'HorizontalOnly', 'Hue', 'IBMPC', 'ICC', 'Icon', 'IdleVM', 'Ignore', 'Image', 'ImageCachePreferences', 'IndexedColor', 'InfoPaletteOptions', 'InfoPaletteToggleSamplers', 'InnerBevel', 'InsetFrame', 'Inside', 'JPEG', 'JustifyAll', 'JustifyFull', 'KeepProfile', 'KeyboardPreferences', 'Lab', 'Lab48', 'LabColor', 'Large', 'Last', 'LastFilter', 'LayerOptions', 'LayersPaletteOptions', 'Left', 'Left_PLUGIN', 'LevelBased', 'Light', 'LightBlue', 'LightDirBottom', 'LightDirBottomLeft', 'LightDirBottomRight', 'LightDirLeft', 'LightDirRight', 'LightDirTop', 'LightDirTopLeft', 'LightDirTopRight', 'LightGray', 'LightDirectional', 'LightenOnly', 'LightPosBottom', 'LightPosBottomLeft', 'LightPosBottomRight', 'LightPosLeft', 'LightPosRight', 'LightPosTop', 'LightPosTopLeft', 'LightPosTopRight', 'LightRed', 'LightSpot', 'Lighten', 'Lightness', 'Line', 'Lines', 'Linear', 'Linked', 'LongLines', 'LongStrokes', 'Low', 'Lower', 'LowQuality', 'Luminosity', 'Maya', 'MacThumbnail', 'Macintosh', 'MacintoshSystem', 'Magenta', 'Mask', 'MaskedAreas', 'MasterAdaptive', 'MasterPerceptual', 'MasterSelective', 'Maximum', 'MaximumQuality', 'Medium', 'MediumBlue', 'MediumQuality', 'MediumDots', 'MediumLines', 'MediumStrokes', 'MemoryPreferences', 'MergeChannels', 'Merged', 'MergedLayers', 'MergedLayersOld', 'Middle', 'Midtones', 'ModeGray', 'ModeRGB', 'Monitor', 'Monotone', 'Multi72Color', 'Multi72Gray', 'Multichannel', 'MultiNoCompositePS', 'Multiply', 'NavigatorPaletteOptions', 'NearestNeighbor', 'NetscapeGray', 'Neutrals', 'NewView', 'Next', 'Nikon', 'Nikon105', 'No', 'NoCompositePS', '_None', 'Normal', 'NormalPath', 'NTSC', 'Null', 'OS2', 'Off', 'On', 'OpenAs', 'Orange', 'OutFromCenter', 'OutOfGamut', 'OuterBevel', 'Outside', 'OutsetFrame', 'Overlay', 'PaintbrushEraser', 'PencilEraser', 'P22EBU', 'PNGFilterAdaptive', 'PNGFilterAverage', 'PNGFilterNone', 'PNGFilterPaeth', 'PNGFilterSub', 'PNGFilterUp', 'PNGInterlaceAdam7', 'PNGInterlaceNone', 'PagePosCentered', 'PagePosTopLeft', 'PageSetup', 'PalSecam', 'PanaVision', 'PathsPaletteOptions', 'Pattern', 'PatternDither', 'Perceptual', 'Perspective', 'PhotoshopPicker', 'PickCMYK', 'PickGray', 'PickHSB', 'PickLab', 'PickOptions', 'PickRGB', 'PillowEmboss', 'PixelPaintSize1', 'PixelPaintSize2', 'PixelPaintSize3', 'PixelPaintSize4', 'Place', 'PlaybackOptions', 'PluginPicker', 'PluginsScratchDiskPreferences', 'PolarToRect', 'PondRipples', 'Precise', 'PreciseMatte', 'PreviewOff', 'PreviewCMYK', 'PreviewCyan', 'PreviewMagenta', 'PreviewYellow', 'PreviewBlack', 'PreviewCMY', 'Previous', 'Primaries', 'PrintSize', 'PrintingInksSetup', 'Purple', 'Pyramids', 'QCSAverage', 'QCSCorner0', 'QCSCorner1', 'QCSCorner2', 'QCSCorner3', 'QCSIndependent', 'QCSSide0', 'QCSSide1', 'QCSSide2', 'QCSSide3', 'Quadtone', 'QueryAlways', 'QueryAsk', 'QueryNever', 'Repeat', 'RGB', 'RGB48', 'RGBColor', 'Radial', 'Random', 'RectToPolar', 'Red', 'RedrawComplete', 'Reds', 'Reflected', 'Relative', 'RepeatEdgePixels', 'RevealAll', 'RevealSelection', 'Revert', 'Right', 'Rotate', 'RotoscopingPreferences', 'Round', 'RulerCm', 'RulerInches', 'RulerPercent', 'RulerPicas', 'RulerPixels', 'RulerPoints', 'AdobeRGB1998', 'SMPTEC', 'SRGB', 'Sample3x3', 'Sample5x5', 'SamplePoint', 'Saturate', 'Saturation', 'Saved', 'SaveForWeb', 'SavingFilesPreferences', 'Scale', 'Screen', 'ScreenCircle', 'ScreenDot', 'ScreenLine', 'SelectedAreas', 'Selection', 'Selective', 'SeparationSetup', 'SeparationTables', 'Shadows', 'ContourLinear', 'ContourGaussian', 'ContourSingle', 'ContourDouble', 'ContourTriple', 'ContourCustom', 'ShortLines', 'ShortStrokes', 'Single72Color', 'Single72Gray', 'SingleNoCompositePS', 'Skew', 'SlopeLimitMatte', 'Small', 'SmartBlurModeEdgeOnly', 'SmartBlurModeNormal', 'SmartBlurModeOverlayEdge', 'SmartBlurQualityHigh', 'SmartBlurQualityLow', 'SmartBlurQualityMedium', 'Snapshot', 'SolidColor', 'SoftLight', 'SoftMatte', 'Spectrum', 'Spin', 'SpotColor', 'Square', 'Stagger', 'StampIn', 'StampOut', 'Standard', 'StdA', 'StdB', 'StdC', 'StdE', 'StretchToFit', 'StrokeDirHorizontal', 'StrokeDirLeftDiag', 'StrokeDirRightDiag', 'StrokeDirVertical', 'StylesAppend', 'StylesDelete', 'StylesLoad', 'StylesNew', 'StylesReset', 'StylesSave', 'Subtract', 'SwatchesAppend', 'SwatchesReplace', 'SwatchesReset', 'SwatchesSave', 'SystemPicker', 'Tables', 'Target', 'TargetPath', 'TexTypeBlocks', 'TexTypeBrick', 'TexTypeBurlap', 'TexTypeCanvas', 'TexTypeFrosted', 'TexTypeSandstone', 'TexTypeTinyLens', 'Threshold', 'Thumbnail', 'TIFF', 'Tile', 'Tile_PLUGIN', 'ToggleActionsPalette', 'ToggleBlackPreview', 'ToggleBrushesPalette', 'ToggleCMYKPreview', 'ToggleCMYPreview', 'ToggleChannelsPalette', 'ToggleColorPalette', 'ToggleCyanPreview', 'ToggleEdges', 'ToggleGamutWarning', 'ToggleGrid', 'ToggleGuides', 'ToggleHistoryPalette', 'ToggleInfoPalette', 'ToggleLayerMask', 'ToggleLayersPalette', 'ToggleLockGuides', 'ToggleMagentaPreview', 'ToggleNavigatorPalette', 'ToggleOptionsPalette', 'TogglePaths', 'TogglePathsPalette', 'ToggleRGBMacPreview', 'ToggleRGBWindowsPreview', 'ToggleRGBUncompensatedPreview', 'ToggleRulers', 'ToggleSnapToGrid', 'ToggleSnapToGuides', 'ToggleStatusBar', 'ToggleStylesPalette', 'ToggleSwatchesPalette', 'ToggleToolsPalette', 'ToggleYellowPreview', 'ToggleDocumentPalette', 'Top', 'Transparency', 'TransparencyGamutPreferences', 'Transparent', 'Trinitron', 'Tritone', 'UIBitmap', 'UICMYK', 'UIDuotone', 'UIGrayscale', 'UIIndexed', 'UILab', 'UIMultichannel', 'UIRGB', 'Undo', 'Uniform', 'UniformDistribution', 'UnitsRulersPreferences', 'Upper', 'UserStop', 'VMPreferences', 'Vertical', 'VerticalOnly', 'Violet', 'WaveSine', 'WaveSquare', 'WaveTriangle', 'Web', 'White', 'Whites', 'WinThumbnail', 'Wind', 'Windows', 'WindowsSystem', 'Wrap', 'WrapAround', 'WorkPath', 'Yellow', 'YellowColor', 'Yellows', 'Yes', 'Zip', 'Zoom', 'ZoomIn', 'ZoomOut'] _member_type_ alias of bytes _new_member_(**kwargs) Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. _unhashable_values_ = [] _use_args_ = True _value2member_map_ = {b'1565': Enum.BitDepthA1R5G5B5, b'16Bt': Enum._16BitsPerPixel, b'2Bts': Enum._2BitsPerPixel, b'32Bt': Enum._32BitsPerPixel, b'4444': Enum.BitDepthA4R4G4B4, b'4Bts': Enum._4BitsPerPixel, b'5000': Enum._5000, b'5500': Enum._5500, b'6500': Enum._6500, b'72CM': Enum.Multi72Color, b'72CS': Enum.Single72Color, b'72Cl': Enum._72Color, b'72GM': Enum.Multi72Gray, b'72GS': Enum.Single72Gray, b'72Gr': Enum._72Gray, b'7500': Enum._7500, b'9300': Enum._9300, b'A ': Enum.A, b'AClr': Enum.AbsColorimetric, b'ASCI': Enum.ASCII, b'AbAp': Enum.AboutApp, b'Absl': Enum.Absolute, b'ActP': Enum.ActualPixels, b'AdBt': Enum.ADSBottoms, b'AdCH': Enum.ADSCentersH, b'AdCV': Enum.ADSCentersV, b'AdHr': Enum.ADSHorizontal, b'AdLf': Enum.ADSLefts, b'AdRg': Enum.ADSRights, b'AdTp': Enum.ADSTops, b'AdVr': Enum.ADSVertical, b'Add ': Enum.Add, b'AdjO': Enum.AdjustmentOptions, b'Adpt': Enum.Adaptive, b'Al ': Enum.All, b'Amga': Enum.Amiga, b'AnCr': Enum.AntiAliasCrisp, b'AnHi': Enum.AntiAliasHigh, b'AnLo': Enum.AntiAliasLow, b'AnMd': Enum.AntiAliasMedium, b'AnSm': Enum.AntiAliasSmooth, b'AnSt': Enum.AntiAliasStrong, b'Angl': Enum.Angle, b'Anno': Enum.AntiAliasNone, b'Any ': Enum.Any, b'AplI': Enum.ApplyImage, b'AppR': Enum.AppleRGB, b'Arbs': Enum.AirbrushEraser, b'ArnC': Enum.AroundCenter, b'Arng': Enum.Arrange, b'Ask ': Enum.Ask, b'AskW': Enum.AskWhenOpening, b'B ': Enum.B, b'BD1 ': Enum.BitDepth1, b'BD16': Enum.BitDepth16, b'BD24': Enum.BitDepth24, b'BD32': Enum.BitDepth32, b'BD4 ': Enum.BitDepth4, b'BD8 ': Enum.BitDepth8, b'Back': Enum.Back, b'BanW': Enum.BlackAndWhite, b'Bcbc': Enum.Bicubic, b'BckC': Enum.BackgroundColor, b'Bckg': Enum.Background, b'Bckw': Enum.Backward, b'Bhnd': Enum.Behind, b'Bl ': Enum.Blue, b'BlcB': Enum.BlackBody, b'Blck': Enum.Black, b'Blk ': Enum.BlockEraser, b'Blks': Enum.Blacks, b'Blnr': Enum.Bilinear, b'Bls ': Enum.Blues, b'Blst': Enum.Blast, b'Bltn': Enum.Builtin, b'Bnry': Enum.Binary, b'BrDR': Enum.BrushDarkRough, b'BrSm': Enum.BrushSimple, b'BrSp': Enum.BrushSparkle, b'BrbW': Enum.BrushWideBlurry, b'BrnH': Enum.BurnInH, b'BrnM': Enum.BurnInM, b'BrnS': Enum.BurnInS, b'BrsA': Enum.BrushesAppend, b'BrsD': Enum.BrushesDefine, b'BrsL': Enum.BrushLightRough, b'BrsN': Enum.BrushesNew, b'BrsO': Enum.BrushesOptions, b'BrsR': Enum.BrushesReset, b'BrsS': Enum.BrushSize, b'BrsW': Enum.BrushWideSharp, b'Brsd': Enum.BrushesLoad, b'Brsf': Enum.BrushesDelete, b'Brsv': Enum.BrushesSave, b'Bst ': Enum.Best, b'Btmp': Enum.Bitmap, b'BtnM': Enum.ButtonMode, b'Bttm': Enum.Bottom, b'CBrn': Enum.ColorBurn, b'CDdg': Enum.ColorDodge, b'CMSF': Enum.CMYK64, b'CMYK': Enum.CMYK, b'CRGB': Enum.CIERGB, b'ChcL': Enum.CheckerboardLarge, b'ChcM': Enum.CheckerboardMedium, b'ChcN': Enum.CheckerboardNone, b'ChcS': Enum.CheckerboardSmall, b'ChnO': Enum.ChannelOptions, b'ChnP': Enum.ChannelsPaletteOptions, b'ClMt': Enum.ColorMatch, b'ClNs': Enum.ColorNoise, b'Clar': Enum.Clear, b'Clcl': Enum.Calculations, b'ClpP': Enum.ClippingPath, b'Clpb': Enum.Clipboard, b'Clr ': Enum.Color, b'ClrG': Enum.ClearGuides, b'Clrm': Enum.Colorimetric, b'ClsA': Enum.CloseAll, b'Cmps': Enum.Composite, b'Cntr': Enum.Center, b'CnvC': Enum.ConvertToCMYK, b'CnvG': Enum.ConvertToGray, b'CnvL': Enum.ConvertToLab, b'CnvR': Enum.ConvertToRGB, b'CrrL': Enum.CurrentLayer, b'Crs ': Enum.Cross, b'CrsD': Enum.CoarseDots, b'CrtD': Enum.CreateDuplicate, b'CrtI': Enum.CreateInterpolation, b'Cscd': Enum.Cascade, b'Cst ': Enum.Custom, b'CstS': Enum.CustomStops, b'Cstm': Enum.CustomPattern, b'CtrF': Enum.CenteredFrame, b'Cyn ': Enum.Cyan, b'Cyns': Enum.Cyans, b'DdgH': Enum.DodgeH, b'DdgM': Enum.DodgeM, b'DdgS': Enum.DodgeS, b'DfnD': Enum.DiffusionDither, b'Dfrn': Enum.Difference, b'Dfsn': Enum.Diffusion, b'Dmnd': Enum.Diamond, b'Drft': Enum.Draft, b'Drk ': Enum.Dark, b'DrkO': Enum.DarkenOnly, b'Drkn': Enum.Darken, b'DshL': Enum.DashedLines, b'Dslv': Enum.Dissolve, b'DspC': Enum.DisplayCursorsPreferences, b'Dstr': Enum.Distort, b'Dstt': Enum.Desaturate, b'Dthb': Enum.Better, b'Dthf': Enum.Faster, b'Dtn ': Enum.Duotone, b'Dts ': Enum.Dots, b'EBT ': Enum.EBUITU, b'ECMY': Enum.CMYKColor, b'EghB': Enum._8BitsPerPixel, b'ElmE': Enum.EliminateEvenFields, b'ElmO': Enum.EliminateOddFields, b'Elps': Enum.Ellipse, b'Embs': Enum.Emboss, b'Exct': Enum.Exact, b'FlBc': Enum.FillBack, b'FlFr': Enum.FillFore, b'FlIn': Enum.FileInfo, b'FlSm': Enum.FillSame, b'FlSz': Enum.FullSize, b'Fle ': Enum.File, b'FllD': Enum.FullDocument, b'FnDt': Enum.FineDots, b'FrId': Enum.FirstIdle, b'FrTr': Enum.FreeTransform, b'FrgC': Enum.ForegroundColor, b'Frnt': Enum.Front, b'Frst': Enum.First, b'Frwr': Enum.Forward, b'FtOn': Enum.FitOnScreen, b'FxJP': Enum.FPXCompressLossyJPEG, b'FxNo': Enum.FPXCompressNone, b'GFCF': Enum.GIFColorFileColors, b'GFCI': Enum.GIFRequiredColorSpaceIndexed, b'GFCT': Enum.GIFColorFileColorTable, b'GFIN': Enum.GIFRowOrderInterlaced, b'GFMS': Enum.GIFColorFileMicrosoftPalette, b'GFNI': Enum.GIFRowOrderNormal, b'GFPA': Enum.GIFPaletteAdaptive, b'GFPE': Enum.GIFPaletteExact, b'GFPO': Enum.GIFPaletteOther, b'GFPS': Enum.GIFPaletteSystem, b'GFRG': Enum.GIFRequiredColorSpaceRGB, b'Gd ': Enum.Good, b'GnrP': Enum.GeneralPreferences, b'Gr18': Enum.Gray18, b'Gr22': Enum.Gray22, b'Gr50': Enum.Gray50, b'GrCn': Enum.GrainContrasty, b'GrFl': Enum.GradientFill, b'GrSf': Enum.GrainSoft, b'GrSp': Enum.GrainSpeckle, b'GrSr': Enum.GrainSprinkles, b'GrSt': Enum.GrainStippled, b'Grn ': Enum.Green, b'GrnC': Enum.GrainClumped, b'GrnD': Enum.GrainyDots, b'GrnE': Enum.GrainEnlarged, b'GrnH': Enum.GrainHorizontal, b'GrnR': Enum.GrainRegular, b'GrnV': Enum.GrainVertical, b'Grns': Enum.Greens, b'Grp ': Enum.Graphics, b'Gry ': Enum.Gray, b'GryX': Enum.Gray16, b'Gryc': Enum.GrayScale, b'Grys': Enum.Grayscale, b'Gsn ': Enum.GaussianDistribution, b'GudG': Enum.GuidesGridPreferences, b'H ': Enum.Hue, b'HDTV': Enum.HDTV, b'HSBl': Enum.HSBColor, b'HSLC': Enum.HSLColor, b'HdAl': Enum.HideAll, b'HdSl': Enum.HideSelection, b'Hgh ': Enum.HighQuality, b'Hghl': Enum.Highlights, b'High': Enum.High, b'HlfF': Enum.HalftoneFile, b'HlfS': Enum.HalftoneScreen, b'HrdL': Enum.HardLight, b'HrzO': Enum.HorizontalOnly, b'Hrzn': Enum.Horizontal, b'HstO': Enum.HistoryPaletteOptions, b'HstP': Enum.HistoryPreferences, b'Hstg': Enum.Histogram, b'Hsty': Enum.History, b'Hvy ': Enum.Heavy, b'IBMP': Enum.IBMPC, b'ICC ': Enum.ICC, b'Icn ': Enum.Icon, b'IdVM': Enum.IdleVM, b'Ignr': Enum.Ignore, b'Img ': Enum.Image, b'ImgP': Enum.ImageCachePreferences, b'In ': Enum.StampIn, b'Indl': Enum.IndexedColor, b'InfP': Enum.InfoPaletteOptions, b'InfT': Enum.InfoPaletteToggleSamplers, b'InrB': Enum.InnerBevel, b'InsF': Enum.InsetFrame, b'Insd': Enum.Inside, b'JPEG': Enum.JPEG, b'JstA': Enum.JustifyAll, b'JstF': Enum.JustifyFull, b'KPro': Enum.KeepProfile, b'KybP': Enum.KeyboardPreferences, b'LDBL': Enum.LightDirBottomLeft, b'LDBR': Enum.LightDirBottomRight, b'LDBt': Enum.LightDirBottom, b'LDLf': Enum.LightDirLeft, b'LDRg': Enum.LightDirRight, b'LDTL': Enum.LightDirTopLeft, b'LDTR': Enum.LightDirTopRight, b'LDTp': Enum.LightDirTop, b'LPBL': Enum.LightPosBottomLeft, b'LPBr': Enum.LightPosBottomRight, b'LPBt': Enum.LightPosBottom, b'LPLf': Enum.LightPosLeft, b'LPRg': Enum.LightPosRight, b'LPTL': Enum.LightPosTopLeft, b'LPTR': Enum.LightPosTopRight, b'LPTp': Enum.LightPosTop, b'Lab ': Enum.Lab, b'LbCF': Enum.Lab48, b'LbCl': Enum.LabColor, b'Left': Enum.Left, b'Lft ': Enum.Left_PLUGIN, b'LghD': Enum.LightDirectional, b'LghO': Enum.LightenOnly, b'LghS': Enum.LightSpot, b'Lghn': Enum.Lighten, b'Lght': Enum.Lightness, b'Lgt ': Enum.Light, b'LgtB': Enum.LightBlue, b'LgtG': Enum.LightGray, b'LgtR': Enum.LightRed, b'Lmns': Enum.Luminosity, b'Ln ': Enum.Line, b'LngL': Enum.LongLines, b'LngS': Enum.LongStrokes, b'Lnkd': Enum.Linked, b'Lnr ': Enum.Linear, b'Lns ': Enum.Lines, b'Low ': Enum.Low, b'Lrg ': Enum.Large, b'Lst ': Enum.Last, b'LstF': Enum.LastFilter, b'LvlB': Enum.LevelBased, b'Lw ': Enum.LowQuality, b'Lwr ': Enum.Lower, b'LyrO': Enum.LayerOptions, b'LyrP': Enum.LayersPaletteOptions, b'MAdp': Enum.MasterAdaptive, b'MPer': Enum.MasterPerceptual, b'MSel': Enum.MasterSelective, b'Maya': Enum.Maya, b'McTh': Enum.MacThumbnail, b'McnS': Enum.MacintoshSystem, b'Mcnt': Enum.Macintosh, b'MdGr': Enum.ModeGray, b'MdRG': Enum.ModeRGB, b'Mddl': Enum.Middle, b'Mdim': Enum.Medium, b'Mdm ': Enum.MediumQuality, b'MdmB': Enum.MediumBlue, b'MdmD': Enum.MediumDots, b'MdmL': Enum.MediumLines, b'MdmS': Enum.MediumStrokes, b'Mdtn': Enum.Midtones, b'Mgnt': Enum.Magenta, b'Mlth': Enum.Multichannel, b'Mltp': Enum.Multiply, b'MmrP': Enum.MemoryPreferences, b'MntS': Enum.MonitorSetup, b'Mntn': Enum.Monotone, b'Moni': Enum.Monitor, b'Mrg2': Enum.MergedLayers, b'MrgC': Enum.MergeChannels, b'MrgL': Enum.MergedLayersOld, b'Mrgd': Enum.Merged, b'Msk ': Enum.Mask, b'MskA': Enum.MaskedAreas, b'Mxm ': Enum.MaximumQuality, b'Mxmm': Enum.Maximum, b'N ': Enum.No, b'NCmM': Enum.MultiNoCompositePS, b'NCmS': Enum.SingleNoCompositePS, b'NCmp': Enum.NoCompositePS, b'NTSC': Enum.NTSC, b'Nkn ': Enum.Nikon, b'Nkn1': Enum.Nikon105, b'None': Enum._None, b'NrmP': Enum.NormalPath, b'Nrml': Enum.Normal, b'Nrst': Enum.NearestNeighbor, b'NsGr': Enum.NetscapeGray, b'Ntrl': Enum.Neutrals, b'NvgP': Enum.NavigatorPaletteOptions, b'NwVw': Enum.NewView, b'Nxt ': Enum.Next, b'OS2 ': Enum.OS2, b'Off ': Enum.Off, b'On ': Enum.On, b'OnBt': Enum._1BitPerPixel, b'OpAs': Enum.OpenAs, b'Orng': Enum.Orange, b'OtFr': Enum.OutFromCenter, b'OtOf': Enum.OutOfGamut, b'OtrB': Enum.OuterBevel, b'Otsd': Enum.Outside, b'Out ': Enum.StampOut, b'OutF': Enum.OutsetFrame, b'Ovrl': Enum.Overlay, b'P22B': Enum.P22EBU, b'PGAd': Enum.PNGFilterAdaptive, b'PGAv': Enum.PNGFilterAverage, b'PGIA': Enum.PNGInterlaceAdam7, b'PGIN': Enum.PNGInterlaceNone, b'PGNo': Enum.PNGFilterNone, b'PGPt': Enum.PNGFilterPaeth, b'PGSb': Enum.PNGFilterSub, b'PGUp': Enum.PNGFilterUp, b'PbkO': Enum.PlaybackOptions, b'PckC': Enum.PickCMYK, b'PckG': Enum.PickGray, b'PckH': Enum.PickHSB, b'PckL': Enum.PickLab, b'PckO': Enum.PickOptions, b'PckR': Enum.PickRGB, b'Perc': Enum.Perceptual, b'PgPC': Enum.PagePosCentered, b'PgSt': Enum.PageSetup, b'PgTL': Enum.PagePosTopLeft, b'Phtk': Enum.PhotoshopPicker, b'PlEb': Enum.PillowEmboss, b'PlSc': Enum.PalSecam, b'Plce': Enum.Place, b'PlgP': Enum.PluginPicker, b'PlgS': Enum.PluginsScratchDiskPreferences, b'PlrR': Enum.PolarToRect, b'PnVs': Enum.PanaVision, b'Pncl': Enum.PencilEraser, b'PndR': Enum.PondRipples, b'Pntb': Enum.PaintbrushEraser, b'PrBL': Enum.PreciseMatte, b'Prc ': Enum.Precise, b'Prim': Enum.Primaries, b'PrnI': Enum.PrintingInksSetup, b'PrnS': Enum.PrintSize, b'Prp ': Enum.Purple, b'Prsp': Enum.Perspective, b'PrvB': Enum.PreviewBlack, b'PrvC': Enum.PreviewCMYK, b'PrvM': Enum.PreviewMagenta, b'PrvN': Enum.PreviewCMY, b'PrvO': Enum.PreviewOff, b'PrvY': Enum.PreviewYellow, b'Prvs': Enum.Previous, b'Prvy': Enum.PreviewCyan, b'PthP': Enum.PathsPaletteOptions, b'PtnD': Enum.PatternDither, b'Ptrn': Enum.Pattern, b'PxS1': Enum.PixelPaintSize1, b'PxS2': Enum.PixelPaintSize2, b'PxS3': Enum.PixelPaintSize3, b'PxS4': Enum.PixelPaintSize4, b'Pyrm': Enum.Pyramids, b'Qcs0': Enum.QCSCorner0, b'Qcs1': Enum.QCSCorner1, b'Qcs2': Enum.QCSCorner2, b'Qcs3': Enum.QCSCorner3, b'Qcs4': Enum.QCSSide0, b'Qcs5': Enum.QCSSide1, b'Qcs6': Enum.QCSSide2, b'Qcs7': Enum.QCSSide3, b'Qcsa': Enum.QCSAverage, b'Qcsi': Enum.QCSIndependent, b'Qdtn': Enum.Quadtone, b'QurA': Enum.QueryAlways, b'QurN': Enum.QueryNever, b'Qurl': Enum.QueryAsk, b'RGB ': Enum.RGB, b'RGBC': Enum.RGBColor, b'RGBF': Enum.RGB48, b'RctP': Enum.RectToPolar, b'Rd ': Enum.Red, b'RdCm': Enum.RedrawComplete, b'Rdl ': Enum.Radial, b'Rds ': Enum.Reds, b'Rflc': Enum.Reflected, b'Rght': Enum.Right, b'Rltv': Enum.Relative, b'Rnd ': Enum.Round, b'Rndm': Enum.Random, b'Rpt ': Enum.Repeat, b'RptE': Enum.RepeatEdgePixels, b'RrCm': Enum.RulerCm, b'RrIn': Enum.RulerInches, b'RrPi': Enum.RulerPicas, b'RrPr': Enum.RulerPercent, b'RrPt': Enum.RulerPoints, b'RrPx': Enum.RulerPixels, b'RtsP': Enum.RotoscopingPreferences, b'Rtte': Enum.Rotate, b'RvlA': Enum.RevealAll, b'RvlS': Enum.RevealSelection, b'Rvrt': Enum.Revert, b'SBME': Enum.SmartBlurModeEdgeOnly, b'SBMN': Enum.SmartBlurModeNormal, b'SBMO': Enum.SmartBlurModeOverlayEdge, b'SBQH': Enum.SmartBlurQualityHigh, b'SBQL': Enum.SmartBlurQualityLow, b'SBQM': Enum.SmartBlurQualityMedium, b'SClr': Enum.SolidColor, b'SDHz': Enum.StrokeDirHorizontal, b'SDLD': Enum.StrokeDirLeftDiag, b'SDRD': Enum.StrokeDirRightDiag, b'SDVt': Enum.StrokeDirVertical, b'SMPC': Enum.SMPTEC, b'SMPT': Enum.AdobeRGB1998, b'SRGB': Enum.SRGB, b'Sbtr': Enum.Subtract, b'Scl ': Enum.Scale, b'ScrC': Enum.ScreenCircle, b'ScrD': Enum.ScreenDot, b'ScrL': Enum.ScreenLine, b'Scrn': Enum.Screen, b'Sele': Enum.Selective, b'SfBL': Enum.SoftMatte, b'SftL': Enum.SoftLight, b'ShSt': Enum.ShortStrokes, b'Shdw': Enum.Shadows, b'ShrL': Enum.ShortLines, b'Skew': Enum.Skew, b'SlcA': Enum.SelectedAreas, b'Slct': Enum.Selection, b'Slmt': Enum.SlopeLimitMatte, b'SlsA': Enum.StylesAppend, b'SlsN': Enum.StylesNew, b'SlsR': Enum.StylesReset, b'Slsd': Enum.StylesLoad, b'Slsf': Enum.StylesDelete, b'Slsv': Enum.StylesSave, b'Sml ': Enum.Small, b'Smp3': Enum.Sample3x3, b'Smp5': Enum.Sample5x5, b'SmpP': Enum.SamplePoint, b'Snps': Enum.Snapshot, b'Spct': Enum.Spectrum, b'Spn ': Enum.Spin, b'Spot': Enum.SpotColor, b'SprS': Enum.SeparationSetup, b'SprT': Enum.SeparationTables, b'Sqr ': Enum.Square, b'SrcC': Enum.CenterGlow, b'SrcE': Enum.EdgeGlow, b'Std ': Enum.Standard, b'StdA': Enum.StdA, b'StdB': Enum.StdB, b'StdC': Enum.StdC, b'StdE': Enum.StdE, b'Stgr': Enum.Stagger, b'Str ': Enum.Saturate, b'StrF': Enum.StretchToFit, b'Strt': Enum.Saturation, b'Sved': Enum.Saved, b'Svfw': Enum.SaveForWeb, b'SvnF': Enum.SavingFilesPreferences, b'SwtA': Enum.SwatchesAppend, b'SwtR': Enum.SwatchesReset, b'SwtS': Enum.SwatchesSave, b'Swtp': Enum.SwatchesReplace, b'SysP': Enum.SystemPicker, b'TIFF': Enum.TIFF, b'Tbl ': Enum.Tables, b'TgBP': Enum.ToggleBlackPreview, b'TgCM': Enum.ToggleCMYPreview, b'TgCP': Enum.ToggleCyanPreview, b'TgDc': Enum.ToggleDocumentPalette, b'TgGr': Enum.ToggleGrid, b'TgMP': Enum.ToggleMagentaPreview, b'TgSl': Enum.ToggleStylesPalette, b'TgSn': Enum.ToggleSnapToGrid, b'TgYP': Enum.ToggleYellowPreview, b'TglA': Enum.ToggleActionsPalette, b'TglB': Enum.ToggleBrushesPalette, b'TglC': Enum.ToggleCMYKPreview, b'TglE': Enum.ToggleEdges, b'TglG': Enum.ToggleGamutWarning, b'TglH': Enum.ToggleHistoryPalette, b'TglI': Enum.ToggleInfoPalette, b'TglL': Enum.ToggleLockGuides, b'TglM': Enum.ToggleLayerMask, b'TglN': Enum.ToggleNavigatorPalette, b'TglO': Enum.ToggleOptionsPalette, b'TglP': Enum.TogglePaths, b'TglR': Enum.ToggleRulers, b'TglS': Enum.ToggleSnapToGuides, b'TglT': Enum.ToggleToolsPalette, b'Tglc': Enum.ToggleColorPalette, b'Tgld': Enum.ToggleGuides, b'Tglh': Enum.ToggleChannelsPalette, b'Tgls': Enum.ToggleStatusBar, b'Tglt': Enum.TogglePathsPalette, b'Tglw': Enum.ToggleSwatchesPalette, b'Tgly': Enum.ToggleLayersPalette, b'Thmb': Enum.Thumbnail, b'Thrh': Enum.Threshold, b'Tile': Enum.Tile, b'Tl ': Enum.Tile_PLUGIN, b'Top ': Enum.Top, b'TrMp': Enum.ToggleRGBMacPreview, b'TrUp': Enum.ToggleRGBUncompensatedPreview, b'TrWp': Enum.ToggleRGBWindowsPreview, b'Trgp': Enum.TargetPath, b'Trgt': Enum.Target, b'TrnG': Enum.TransparencyGamutPreferences, b'Trns': Enum.Transparent, b'Trnt': Enum.Trinitron, b'Trsp': Enum.Transparency, b'Trtn': Enum.Tritone, b'TxBl': Enum.TexTypeBlocks, b'TxBr': Enum.TexTypeBrick, b'TxBu': Enum.TexTypeBurlap, b'TxCa': Enum.TexTypeCanvas, b'TxFr': Enum.TexTypeFrosted, b'TxSt': Enum.TexTypeSandstone, b'TxTL': Enum.TexTypeTinyLens, b'UBtm': Enum.UIBitmap, b'UCMY': Enum.UICMYK, b'UDtn': Enum.UIDuotone, b'UGry': Enum.UIGrayscale, b'UInd': Enum.UIIndexed, b'ULab': Enum.UILab, b'UMlt': Enum.UIMultichannel, b'URGB': Enum.UIRGB, b'Und ': Enum.Undo, b'Unfm': Enum.Uniform, b'Unfr': Enum.UniformDistribution, b'UntR': Enum.UnitsRulersPreferences, b'Upr ': Enum.Upper, b'UsrS': Enum.UserStop, b'VMPr': Enum.VMPreferences, b'Vlt ': Enum.Violet, b'VrtO': Enum.VerticalOnly, b'Vrtc': Enum.Vertical, b'WRGB': Enum.WideGamutRGB, b'Web ': Enum.Web, b'Wht ': Enum.White, b'Whts': Enum.Whites, b'Wide': Enum.WidePhosphors, b'Win ': Enum.Windows, b'WnTh': Enum.WinThumbnail, b'Wnd ': Enum.Wind, b'WndS': Enum.WindowsSystem, b'WrkP': Enum.WorkPath, b'Wrp ': Enum.Wrap, b'WrpA': Enum.WrapAround, b'WvSn': Enum.WaveSine, b'WvSq': Enum.WaveSquare, b'WvTr': Enum.WaveTriangle, b'Xclu': Enum.Exclusion, b'Yllw': Enum.Yellow, b'Ylw ': Enum.YellowColor, b'Ylws': Enum.Yellows, b'Ys ': Enum.Yes, b'Zm ': Enum.Zoom, b'ZmIn': Enum.ZoomIn, b'ZmOt': Enum.ZoomOut, b'ZpEn': Enum.Zip, b'amHi': Enum.AmountHigh, b'amLo': Enum.AmountLow, b'amMd': Enum.AmountMedium, b'null': Enum.Null, b'sp01': Enum.ContourLinear, b'sp02': Enum.ContourGaussian, b'sp03': Enum.ContourSingle, b'sp04': Enum.ContourDouble, b'sp05': Enum.ContourTriple, b'sp06': Enum.ContourCustom, b'x444': Enum.BitDepthX4R4G4B4, b'x565': Enum.BitDepthR5G6B5, b'x888': Enum.BitDepthX8R8G8B8} _value_repr_() Return repr(self). Event class psd_tools.terminology.Event(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Event definitions extracted from PITerminology.h. See AccentedEdges = b'AccE' Add = b'Add ' AddNoise = b'AdNs' AddTo = b'AddT' Align = b'Algn' All = b'All ' AngledStrokes = b'AngS' ApplyImage = b'AppI' ApplyStyle = b'ASty' Assert = b'Asrt' Average = b'Avrg' BackLight = b'BacL' BasRelief = b'BsRl' Batch = b'Btch' BatchFromDroplet = b'BtcF' Blur = b'Blr ' BlurMore = b'BlrM' Border = b'Brdr' Brightness = b'BrgC' CanvasSize = b'CnvS' ChalkCharcoal = b'ChlC' ChannelMixer = b'ChnM' Charcoal = b'Chrc' Chrome = b'Chrm' Clear = b'Cler' Close = b'Cls ' Clouds = b'Clds' ColorBalance = b'ClrB' ColorCast = b'ColE' ColorHalftone = b'ClrH' ColorRange = b'ClrR' ColoredPencil = b'ClrP' ConteCrayon = b'CntC' Contract = b'Cntc' ConvertMode = b'CnvM' Copy = b'copy' CopyEffects = b'CpFX' CopyMerged = b'CpyM' CopyToLayer = b'CpTL' Craquelure = b'Crql' CreateDroplet = b'CrtD' Crop = b'Crop' Crosshatch = b'Crsh' Crystallize = b'Crst' Curves = b'Crvs' Custom = b'Cstm' Cut = b'cut ' CutToLayer = b'CtTL' Cutout = b'Ct ' DarkStrokes = b'DrkS' DeInterlace = b'Dntr' DefinePattern = b'DfnP' Defringe = b'Dfrg' Delete = b'Dlt ' Desaturate = b'Dstt' Deselect = b'Dslc' Despeckle = b'Dspc' DifferenceClouds = b'DfrC' Diffuse = b'Dfs ' DiffuseGlow = b'DfsG' DisableLayerFX = b'dlfx' Displace = b'Dspl' Distribute = b'Dstr' Draw = b'Draw' DryBrush = b'DryB' Duplicate = b'Dplc' DustAndScratches = b'DstS' Emboss = b'Embs' Equalize = b'Eqlz' Exchange = b'Exch' Expand = b'Expn' Export = b'Expr' Extrude = b'Extr' Facet = b'Fct ' Fade = b'Fade' Feather = b'Fthr' Fibers = b'Fbrs' Fill = b'Fl ' FilmGrain = b'FlmG' Filter = b'Fltr' FindEdges = b'FndE' FlattenImage = b'FltI' Flip = b'Flip' Fragment = b'Frgm' Fresco = b'Frsc' GaussianBlur = b'GsnB' Get = b'getd' Glass = b'Gls ' GlowingEdges = b'GlwE' Gradient = b'Grdn' GradientMap = b'GrMp' Grain = b'Grn ' GraphicPen = b'GraP' Group = b'GrpL' Grow = b'Grow' HSBHSL = b'HsbP' HalftoneScreen = b'HlfS' Hide = b'Hd ' HighPass = b'HghP' HueSaturation = b'HStr' ImageSize = b'ImgS' Import = b'Impr' InkOutlines = b'InkO' Intersect = b'Intr' IntersectWith = b'IntW' Inverse = b'Invs' Invert = b'Invr' LensFlare = b'LnsF' Levels = b'Lvls' LightingEffects = b'LghE' Link = b'Lnk ' Make = b'Mk ' Maximum = b'Mxm ' Median = b'Mdn ' MergeLayers = b'Mrg2' MergeLayersOld = b'MrgL' MergeSpotChannel = b'MSpt' MergeVisible = b'MrgV' Mezzotint = b'Mztn' Minimum = b'Mnm ' Mosaic = b'Msc ' Mosaic_PLUGIN = b'MscT' MotionBlur = b'MtnB' Move = b'move' NTSCColors = b'NTSC' NeonGlow = b'NGlw' Next = b'Nxt ' NotePaper = b'NtPr' Notify = b'Ntfy' Null = b'null' OceanRipple = b'OcnR' Offset = b'Ofst' Open = b'Opn ' OpenUntitled = b'OpnU' PaintDaubs = b'PntD' PaletteKnife = b'PltK' Paste = b'past' PasteEffects = b'PaFX' PasteInto = b'PstI' PasteOutside = b'PstO' Patchwork = b'Ptch' Photocopy = b'Phtc' Pinch = b'Pnch' Place = b'Plc ' Plaster = b'Plst' PlasticWrap = b'PlsW' Play = b'Ply ' Pointillize = b'Pntl' Polar = b'Plr ' PosterEdges = b'PstE' Posterize = b'Pstr' Previous = b'Prvs' Print = b'Prnt' ProfileToProfile = b'PrfT' Purge = b'Prge' Quit = b'quit' RadialBlur = b'RdlB' Rasterize = b'Rstr' RasterizeTypeSheet = b'RstT' RemoveBlackMatte = b'RmvB' RemoveLayerMask = b'RmvL' RemoveWhiteMatte = b'RmvW' Rename = b'Rnm ' ReplaceColor = b'RplC' Reset = b'Rset' Reticulation = b'Rtcl' Revert = b'Rvrt' Ripple = b'Rple' Rotate = b'Rtte' RoughPastels = b'RghP' Save = b'save' Select = b'slct' SelectiveColor = b'SlcC' Set = b'setd' Sharpen = b'Shrp' SharpenEdges = b'ShrE' SharpenMore = b'ShrM' Shear = b'Shr ' Show = b'Shw ' Similar = b'Smlr' SmartBlur = b'SmrB' Smooth = b'Smth' SmudgeStick = b'SmdS' Solarize = b'Slrz' Spatter = b'Spt ' Spherize = b'Sphr' SplitChannels = b'SplC' Sponge = b'Spng' SprayedStrokes = b'SprS' StainedGlass = b'StnG' Stamp = b'Stmp' Stop = b'Stop' Stroke = b'Strk' Subtract = b'Sbtr' SubtractFrom = b'SbtF' Sumie = b'Smie' TakeMergedSnapshot = b'TkMr' TakeSnapshot = b'TkSn' TextureFill = b'TxtF' Texturizer = b'Txtz' Threshold = b'Thrs' Tiles = b'Tls ' TornEdges = b'TrnE' TraceContour = b'TrcC' Transform = b'Trnf' Trap = b'Trap' Twirl = b'Twrl' Underpainting = b'Undr' Undo = b'undo' Ungroup = b'Ungr' Unlink = b'Unlk' UnsharpMask = b'UnsM' Variations = b'Vrtn' Wait = b'Wait' WaterPaper = b'WtrP' Watercolor = b'Wtrc' Wave = b'Wave' Wind = b'Wnd ' ZigZag = b'ZgZg' _3DTransform = b'TdT ' _generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values) Generate the next value when not given. name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the list of values assigned _member_map_ = {'AccentedEdges': Event.AccentedEdges, 'Add': Event.Add, 'AddNoise': Event.AddNoise, 'AddTo': Event.AddTo, 'Align': Event.Align, 'All': Event.All, 'AngledStrokes': Event.AngledStrokes, 'ApplyImage': Event.ApplyImage, 'ApplyStyle': Event.ApplyStyle, 'Assert': Event.Assert, 'Average': Event.Average, 'BackLight': Event.BackLight, 'BasRelief': Event.BasRelief, 'Batch': Event.Batch, 'BatchFromDroplet': Event.BatchFromDroplet, 'Blur': Event.Blur, 'BlurMore': Event.BlurMore, 'Border': Event.Border, 'Brightness': Event.Brightness, 'CanvasSize': Event.CanvasSize, 'ChalkCharcoal': Event.ChalkCharcoal, 'ChannelMixer': Event.ChannelMixer, 'Charcoal': Event.Charcoal, 'Chrome': Event.Chrome, 'Clear': Event.Clear, 'Close': Event.Close, 'Clouds': Event.Clouds, 'ColorBalance': Event.ColorBalance, 'ColorCast': Event.ColorCast, 'ColorHalftone': Event.ColorHalftone, 'ColorRange': Event.ColorRange, 'ColoredPencil': Event.ColoredPencil, 'ConteCrayon': Event.ConteCrayon, 'Contract': Event.Contract, 'ConvertMode': Event.ConvertMode, 'Copy': Event.Copy, 'CopyEffects': Event.CopyEffects, 'CopyMerged': Event.CopyMerged, 'CopyToLayer': Event.CopyToLayer, 'Craquelure': Event.Craquelure, 'CreateDroplet': Event.CreateDroplet, 'Crop': Event.Crop, 'Crosshatch': Event.Crosshatch, 'Crystallize': Event.Crystallize, 'Curves': Event.Curves, 'Custom': Event.Custom, 'Cut': Event.Cut, 'CutToLayer': Event.CutToLayer, 'Cutout': Event.Cutout, 'DarkStrokes': Event.DarkStrokes, 'DeInterlace': Event.DeInterlace, 'DefinePattern': Event.DefinePattern, 'Defringe': Event.Defringe, 'Delete': Event.Delete, 'Desaturate': Event.Desaturate, 'Deselect': Event.Deselect, 'Despeckle': Event.Despeckle, 'DifferenceClouds': Event.DifferenceClouds, 'Diffuse': Event.Diffuse, 'DiffuseGlow': Event.DiffuseGlow, 'DisableLayerFX': Event.DisableLayerFX, 'Displace': Event.Displace, 'Distribute': Event.Distribute, 'Draw': Event.Draw, 'DryBrush': Event.DryBrush, 'Duplicate': Event.Duplicate, 'DustAndScratches': Event.DustAndScratches, 'Emboss': Event.Emboss, 'Equalize': Event.Equalize, 'Exchange': Event.Exchange, 'Expand': Event.Expand, 'Export': Event.Export, 'Extrude': Event.Extrude, 'Facet': Event.Facet, 'Fade': Event.Fade, 'Feather': Event.Feather, 'Fibers': Event.Fibers, 'Fill': Event.Fill, 'FilmGrain': Event.FilmGrain, 'Filter': Event.Filter, 'FindEdges': Event.FindEdges, 'FlattenImage': Event.FlattenImage, 'Flip': Event.Flip, 'Fragment': Event.Fragment, 'Fresco': Event.Fresco, 'GaussianBlur': Event.GaussianBlur, 'Get': Event.Get, 'Glass': Event.Glass, 'GlowingEdges': Event.GlowingEdges, 'Gradient': Event.Gradient, 'GradientMap': Event.GradientMap, 'Grain': Event.Grain, 'GraphicPen': Event.GraphicPen, 'Group': Event.Group, 'Grow': Event.Grow, 'HSBHSL': Event.HSBHSL, 'HalftoneScreen': Event.HalftoneScreen, 'Hide': Event.Hide, 'HighPass': Event.HighPass, 'HueSaturation': Event.HueSaturation, 'ImageSize': Event.ImageSize, 'Import': Event.Import, 'InkOutlines': Event.InkOutlines, 'Intersect': Event.Intersect, 'IntersectWith': Event.IntersectWith, 'Inverse': Event.Inverse, 'Invert': Event.Invert, 'LensFlare': Event.LensFlare, 'Levels': Event.Levels, 'LightingEffects': Event.LightingEffects, 'Link': Event.Link, 'Make': Event.Make, 'Maximum': Event.Maximum, 'Median': Event.Median, 'MergeLayers': Event.MergeLayers, 'MergeLayersOld': Event.MergeLayersOld, 'MergeSpotChannel': Event.MergeSpotChannel, 'MergeVisible': Event.MergeVisible, 'Mezzotint': Event.Mezzotint, 'Minimum': Event.Minimum, 'Mosaic': Event.Mosaic, 'Mosaic_PLUGIN': Event.Mosaic_PLUGIN, 'MotionBlur': Event.MotionBlur, 'Move': Event.Move, 'NTSCColors': Event.NTSCColors, 'NeonGlow': Event.NeonGlow, 'Next': Event.Next, 'NotePaper': Event.NotePaper, 'Notify': Event.Notify, 'Null': Event.Null, 'OceanRipple': Event.OceanRipple, 'Offset': Event.Offset, 'Open': Event.Open, 'OpenUntitled': Event.OpenUntitled, 'PaintDaubs': Event.PaintDaubs, 'PaletteKnife': Event.PaletteKnife, 'Paste': Event.Paste, 'PasteEffects': Event.PasteEffects, 'PasteInto': Event.PasteInto, 'PasteOutside': Event.PasteOutside, 'Patchwork': Event.Patchwork, 'Photocopy': Event.Photocopy, 'Pinch': Event.Pinch, 'Place': Event.Place, 'Plaster': Event.Plaster, 'PlasticWrap': Event.PlasticWrap, 'Play': Event.Play, 'Pointillize': Event.Pointillize, 'Polar': Event.Polar, 'PosterEdges': Event.PosterEdges, 'Posterize': Event.Posterize, 'Previous': Event.Previous, 'Print': Event.Print, 'ProfileToProfile': Event.ProfileToProfile, 'Purge': Event.Purge, 'Quit': Event.Quit, 'RadialBlur': Event.RadialBlur, 'Rasterize': Event.Rasterize, 'RasterizeTypeSheet': Event.RasterizeTypeSheet, 'RemoveBlackMatte': Event.RemoveBlackMatte, 'RemoveLayerMask': Event.RemoveLayerMask, 'RemoveWhiteMatte': Event.RemoveWhiteMatte, 'Rename': Event.Rename, 'ReplaceColor': Event.ReplaceColor, 'Reset': Event.Reset, 'Reticulation': Event.Reticulation, 'Revert': Event.Revert, 'Ripple': Event.Ripple, 'Rotate': Event.Rotate, 'RoughPastels': Event.RoughPastels, 'Save': Event.Save, 'Select': Event.Select, 'SelectiveColor': Event.SelectiveColor, 'Set': Event.Set, 'Sharpen': Event.Sharpen, 'SharpenEdges': Event.SharpenEdges, 'SharpenMore': Event.SharpenMore, 'Shear': Event.Shear, 'Show': Event.Show, 'Similar': Event.Similar, 'SmartBlur': Event.SmartBlur, 'Smooth': Event.Smooth, 'SmudgeStick': Event.SmudgeStick, 'Solarize': Event.Solarize, 'Spatter': Event.Spatter, 'Spherize': Event.Spherize, 'SplitChannels': Event.SplitChannels, 'Sponge': Event.Sponge, 'SprayedStrokes': Event.SprayedStrokes, 'StainedGlass': Event.StainedGlass, 'Stamp': Event.Stamp, 'Stop': Event.Stop, 'Stroke': Event.Stroke, 'Subtract': Event.Subtract, 'SubtractFrom': Event.SubtractFrom, 'Sumie': Event.Sumie, 'TakeMergedSnapshot': Event.TakeMergedSnapshot, 'TakeSnapshot': Event.TakeSnapshot, 'TextureFill': Event.TextureFill, 'Texturizer': Event.Texturizer, 'Threshold': Event.Threshold, 'Tiles': Event.Tiles, 'TornEdges': Event.TornEdges, 'TraceContour': Event.TraceContour, 'Transform': Event.Transform, 'Trap': Event.Trap, 'Twirl': Event.Twirl, 'Underpainting': Event.Underpainting, 'Undo': Event.Undo, 'Ungroup': Event.Ungroup, 'Unlink': Event.Unlink, 'UnsharpMask': Event.UnsharpMask, 'Variations': Event.Variations, 'Wait': Event.Wait, 'WaterPaper': Event.WaterPaper, 'Watercolor': Event.Watercolor, 'Wave': Event.Wave, 'Wind': Event.Wind, 'ZigZag': Event.ZigZag, '_3DTransform': Event._3DTransform} _member_names_ = ['_3DTransform', 'Average', 'ApplyStyle', 'Assert', 'AccentedEdges', 'Add', 'AddNoise', 'AddTo', 'Align', 'All', 'AngledStrokes', 'ApplyImage', 'BasRelief', 'Batch', 'BatchFromDroplet', 'Blur', 'BlurMore', 'Border', 'Brightness', 'CanvasSize', 'ChalkCharcoal', 'ChannelMixer', 'Charcoal', 'Chrome', 'Clear', 'Close', 'Clouds', 'ColorBalance', 'ColorHalftone', 'ColorRange', 'ColoredPencil', 'ConteCrayon', 'Contract', 'ConvertMode', 'Copy', 'CopyEffects', 'CopyMerged', 'CopyToLayer', 'Craquelure', 'CreateDroplet', 'Crop', 'Crosshatch', 'Crystallize', 'Curves', 'Custom', 'Cut', 'CutToLayer', 'Cutout', 'DarkStrokes', 'DeInterlace', 'DefinePattern', 'Defringe', 'Delete', 'Desaturate', 'Deselect', 'Despeckle', 'DifferenceClouds', 'Diffuse', 'DiffuseGlow', 'DisableLayerFX', 'Displace', 'Distribute', 'Draw', 'DryBrush', 'Duplicate', 'DustAndScratches', 'Emboss', 'Equalize', 'Exchange', 'Expand', 'Export', 'Extrude', 'Facet', 'Fade', 'Feather', 'Fibers', 'Fill', 'FilmGrain', 'Filter', 'FindEdges', 'FlattenImage', 'Flip', 'Fragment', 'Fresco', 'GaussianBlur', 'Get', 'Glass', 'GlowingEdges', 'Gradient', 'GradientMap', 'Grain', 'GraphicPen', 'Group', 'Grow', 'HalftoneScreen', 'Hide', 'HighPass', 'HSBHSL', 'HueSaturation', 'ImageSize', 'Import', 'InkOutlines', 'Intersect', 'IntersectWith', 'Inverse', 'Invert', 'LensFlare', 'Levels', 'LightingEffects', 'Link', 'Make', 'Maximum', 'Median', 'MergeLayers', 'MergeLayersOld', 'MergeSpotChannel', 'MergeVisible', 'Mezzotint', 'Minimum', 'Mosaic', 'Mosaic_PLUGIN', 'MotionBlur', 'Move', 'NTSCColors', 'NeonGlow', 'Next', 'NotePaper', 'Notify', 'Null', 'OceanRipple', 'Offset', 'Open', 'PaintDaubs', 'PaletteKnife', 'Paste', 'PasteEffects', 'PasteInto', 'PasteOutside', 'Patchwork', 'Photocopy', 'Pinch', 'Place', 'Plaster', 'PlasticWrap', 'Play', 'Pointillize', 'Polar', 'PosterEdges', 'Posterize', 'Previous', 'Print', 'ProfileToProfile', 'Purge', 'Quit', 'RadialBlur', 'Rasterize', 'RasterizeTypeSheet', 'RemoveBlackMatte', 'RemoveLayerMask', 'RemoveWhiteMatte', 'Rename', 'ReplaceColor', 'Reset', 'Reticulation', 'Revert', 'Ripple', 'Rotate', 'RoughPastels', 'Save', 'Select', 'SelectiveColor', 'Set', 'SharpenEdges', 'Sharpen', 'SharpenMore', 'Shear', 'Show', 'Similar', 'SmartBlur', 'Smooth', 'SmudgeStick', 'Solarize', 'Spatter', 'Spherize', 'SplitChannels', 'Sponge', 'SprayedStrokes', 'StainedGlass', 'Stamp', 'Stop', 'Stroke', 'Subtract', 'SubtractFrom', 'Sumie', 'TakeMergedSnapshot', 'TakeSnapshot', 'TextureFill', 'Texturizer', 'Threshold', 'Tiles', 'TornEdges', 'TraceContour', 'Transform', 'Trap', 'Twirl', 'Underpainting', 'Undo', 'Ungroup', 'Unlink', 'UnsharpMask', 'Variations', 'Wait', 'WaterPaper', 'Watercolor', 'Wave', 'Wind', 'ZigZag', 'BackLight', 'ColorCast', 'OpenUntitled'] _member_type_ alias of bytes _new_member_(**kwargs) Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. _unhashable_values_ = [] _use_args_ = True _value2member_map_ = {b'ASty': Event.ApplyStyle, b'AccE': Event.AccentedEdges, b'AdNs': Event.AddNoise, b'Add ': Event.Add, b'AddT': Event.AddTo, b'Algn': Event.Align, b'All ': Event.All, b'AngS': Event.AngledStrokes, b'AppI': Event.ApplyImage, b'Asrt': Event.Assert, b'Avrg': Event.Average, b'BacL': Event.BackLight, b'Blr ': Event.Blur, b'BlrM': Event.BlurMore, b'Brdr': Event.Border, b'BrgC': Event.Brightness, b'BsRl': Event.BasRelief, b'BtcF': Event.BatchFromDroplet, b'Btch': Event.Batch, b'ChlC': Event.ChalkCharcoal, b'ChnM': Event.ChannelMixer, b'Chrc': Event.Charcoal, b'Chrm': Event.Chrome, b'Clds': Event.Clouds, b'Cler': Event.Clear, b'ClrB': Event.ColorBalance, b'ClrH': Event.ColorHalftone, b'ClrP': Event.ColoredPencil, b'ClrR': Event.ColorRange, b'Cls ': Event.Close, b'CntC': Event.ConteCrayon, b'Cntc': Event.Contract, b'CnvM': Event.ConvertMode, b'CnvS': Event.CanvasSize, b'ColE': Event.ColorCast, b'CpFX': Event.CopyEffects, b'CpTL': Event.CopyToLayer, b'CpyM': Event.CopyMerged, b'Crop': Event.Crop, b'Crql': Event.Craquelure, b'Crsh': Event.Crosshatch, b'Crst': Event.Crystallize, b'CrtD': Event.CreateDroplet, b'Crvs': Event.Curves, b'Cstm': Event.Custom, b'Ct ': Event.Cutout, b'CtTL': Event.CutToLayer, b'DfnP': Event.DefinePattern, b'DfrC': Event.DifferenceClouds, b'Dfrg': Event.Defringe, b'Dfs ': Event.Diffuse, b'DfsG': Event.DiffuseGlow, b'Dlt ': Event.Delete, b'Dntr': Event.DeInterlace, b'Dplc': Event.Duplicate, b'Draw': Event.Draw, b'DrkS': Event.DarkStrokes, b'DryB': Event.DryBrush, b'Dslc': Event.Deselect, b'Dspc': Event.Despeckle, b'Dspl': Event.Displace, b'DstS': Event.DustAndScratches, b'Dstr': Event.Distribute, b'Dstt': Event.Desaturate, b'Embs': Event.Emboss, b'Eqlz': Event.Equalize, b'Exch': Event.Exchange, b'Expn': Event.Expand, b'Expr': Event.Export, b'Extr': Event.Extrude, b'Fade': Event.Fade, b'Fbrs': Event.Fibers, b'Fct ': Event.Facet, b'Fl ': Event.Fill, b'Flip': Event.Flip, b'FlmG': Event.FilmGrain, b'FltI': Event.FlattenImage, b'Fltr': Event.Filter, b'FndE': Event.FindEdges, b'Frgm': Event.Fragment, b'Frsc': Event.Fresco, b'Fthr': Event.Feather, b'Gls ': Event.Glass, b'GlwE': Event.GlowingEdges, b'GrMp': Event.GradientMap, b'GraP': Event.GraphicPen, b'Grdn': Event.Gradient, b'Grn ': Event.Grain, b'Grow': Event.Grow, b'GrpL': Event.Group, b'GsnB': Event.GaussianBlur, b'HStr': Event.HueSaturation, b'Hd ': Event.Hide, b'HghP': Event.HighPass, b'HlfS': Event.HalftoneScreen, b'HsbP': Event.HSBHSL, b'ImgS': Event.ImageSize, b'Impr': Event.Import, b'InkO': Event.InkOutlines, b'IntW': Event.IntersectWith, b'Intr': Event.Intersect, b'Invr': Event.Invert, b'Invs': Event.Inverse, b'LghE': Event.LightingEffects, b'Lnk ': Event.Link, b'LnsF': Event.LensFlare, b'Lvls': Event.Levels, b'MSpt': Event.MergeSpotChannel, b'Mdn ': Event.Median, b'Mk ': Event.Make, b'Mnm ': Event.Minimum, b'Mrg2': Event.MergeLayers, b'MrgL': Event.MergeLayersOld, b'MrgV': Event.MergeVisible, b'Msc ': Event.Mosaic, b'MscT': Event.Mosaic_PLUGIN, b'MtnB': Event.MotionBlur, b'Mxm ': Event.Maximum, b'Mztn': Event.Mezzotint, b'NGlw': Event.NeonGlow, b'NTSC': Event.NTSCColors, b'NtPr': Event.NotePaper, b'Ntfy': Event.Notify, b'Nxt ': Event.Next, b'OcnR': Event.OceanRipple, b'Ofst': Event.Offset, b'Opn ': Event.Open, b'OpnU': Event.OpenUntitled, b'PaFX': Event.PasteEffects, b'Phtc': Event.Photocopy, b'Plc ': Event.Place, b'Plr ': Event.Polar, b'PlsW': Event.PlasticWrap, b'Plst': Event.Plaster, b'PltK': Event.PaletteKnife, b'Ply ': Event.Play, b'Pnch': Event.Pinch, b'PntD': Event.PaintDaubs, b'Pntl': Event.Pointillize, b'PrfT': Event.ProfileToProfile, b'Prge': Event.Purge, b'Prnt': Event.Print, b'Prvs': Event.Previous, b'PstE': Event.PosterEdges, b'PstI': Event.PasteInto, b'PstO': Event.PasteOutside, b'Pstr': Event.Posterize, b'Ptch': Event.Patchwork, b'RdlB': Event.RadialBlur, b'RghP': Event.RoughPastels, b'RmvB': Event.RemoveBlackMatte, b'RmvL': Event.RemoveLayerMask, b'RmvW': Event.RemoveWhiteMatte, b'Rnm ': Event.Rename, b'RplC': Event.ReplaceColor, b'Rple': Event.Ripple, b'Rset': Event.Reset, b'RstT': Event.RasterizeTypeSheet, b'Rstr': Event.Rasterize, b'Rtcl': Event.Reticulation, b'Rtte': Event.Rotate, b'Rvrt': Event.Revert, b'SbtF': Event.SubtractFrom, b'Sbtr': Event.Subtract, b'Shr ': Event.Shear, b'ShrE': Event.SharpenEdges, b'ShrM': Event.SharpenMore, b'Shrp': Event.Sharpen, b'Shw ': Event.Show, b'SlcC': Event.SelectiveColor, b'Slrz': Event.Solarize, b'SmdS': Event.SmudgeStick, b'Smie': Event.Sumie, b'Smlr': Event.Similar, b'SmrB': Event.SmartBlur, b'Smth': Event.Smooth, b'Sphr': Event.Spherize, b'SplC': Event.SplitChannels, b'Spng': Event.Sponge, b'SprS': Event.SprayedStrokes, b'Spt ': Event.Spatter, b'Stmp': Event.Stamp, b'StnG': Event.StainedGlass, b'Stop': Event.Stop, b'Strk': Event.Stroke, b'TdT ': Event._3DTransform, b'Thrs': Event.Threshold, b'TkMr': Event.TakeMergedSnapshot, b'TkSn': Event.TakeSnapshot, b'Tls ': Event.Tiles, b'Trap': Event.Trap, b'TrcC': Event.TraceContour, b'TrnE': Event.TornEdges, b'Trnf': Event.Transform, b'Twrl': Event.Twirl, b'TxtF': Event.TextureFill, b'Txtz': Event.Texturizer, b'Undr': Event.Underpainting, b'Ungr': Event.Ungroup, b'Unlk': Event.Unlink, b'UnsM': Event.UnsharpMask, b'Vrtn': Event.Variations, b'Wait': Event.Wait, b'Wave': Event.Wave, b'Wnd ': Event.Wind, b'WtrP': Event.WaterPaper, b'Wtrc': Event.Watercolor, b'ZgZg': Event.ZigZag, b'copy': Event.Copy, b'cut ': Event.Cut, b'dlfx': Event.DisableLayerFX, b'getd': Event.Get, b'move': Event.Move, b'null': Event.Null, b'past': Event.Paste, b'quit': Event.Quit, b'save': Event.Save, b'setd': Event.Set, b'slct': Event.Select, b'undo': Event.Undo} _value_repr_() Return repr(self). Form class psd_tools.terminology.Form(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Form definitions extracted from PITerminology.h. See Class = b'Clss' Enumerated = b'Enmr' Identifier = b'Idnt' Index = b'indx' Offset = b'rele' Property = b'prop' _generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values) Generate the next value when not given. name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the list of values assigned _member_map_ = {'Class': Form.Class, 'Enumerated': Form.Enumerated, 'Identifier': Form.Identifier, 'Index': Form.Index, 'Offset': Form.Offset, 'Property': Form.Property} _member_names_ = ['Class', 'Enumerated', 'Identifier', 'Index', 'Offset', 'Property'] _member_type_ alias of bytes _new_member_(**kwargs) Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. _unhashable_values_ = [] _use_args_ = True _value2member_map_ = {b'Clss': Form.Class, b'Enmr': Form.Enumerated, b'Idnt': Form.Identifier, b'indx': Form.Index, b'prop': Form.Property, b'rele': Form.Offset} _value_repr_() Return repr(self). Key class psd_tools.terminology.Key(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Key definitions extracted from PITerminology.h. See A = b'A ' Adjustment = b'Adjs' Aligned = b'Algd' Alignment = b'Algn' AllExcept = b'AllE' AllPS = b'All ' AllToolOptions = b'AlTl' AlphaChannelOptions = b'AChn' AlphaChannels = b'AlpC' AmbientBrightness = b'AmbB' AmbientColor = b'AmbC' Amount = b'Amnt' AmplitudeMax = b'AmMx' AmplitudeMin = b'AmMn' Anchor = b'Anch' Angle = b'Angl' Angle1 = b'Ang1' Angle2 = b'Ang2' Angle3 = b'Ang3' Angle4 = b'Ang4' AntiAlias = b'AntA' Append = b'Appe' Apply = b'Aply' Area = b'Ar ' Arrowhead = b'Arrw' As = b'As ' AssetBin = b'Asst' AssumedCMYK = b'AssC' AssumedGray = b'AssG' AssumedRGB = b'AssR' At = b'At ' Auto = b'Auto' AutoContrast = b'AuCo' AutoErase = b'Atrs' AutoKern = b'AtKr' AutoUpdate = b'AtUp' Axis = b'Axis' B = b'B ' Background = b'Bckg' BackgroundColor = b'BckC' BackgroundLevel = b'BckL' Backward = b'Bwd ' Balance = b'Blnc' BaselineShift = b'Bsln' BeepWhenDone = b'BpWh' BeginRamp = b'BgnR' BeginSustain = b'BgnS' BevelDirection = b'bvlD' BevelEmboss = b'ebbl' BevelStyle = b'bvlS' BevelTechnique = b'bvlT' BigNudgeH = b'BgNH' BigNudgeV = b'BgNV' BitDepth = b'BtDp' Black = b'Blck' BlackClip = b'BlcC' BlackGeneration = b'Blcn' BlackGenerationCurve = b'BlcG' BlackIntensity = b'BlcI' BlackLevel = b'BlcL' BlackLimit = b'BlcL' Bleed = b'Bld ' BlendRange = b'Blnd' Blue = b'Bl ' BlueBlackPoint = b'BlBl' BlueFloat = b'blueFloat' BlueGamma = b'BlGm' BlueWhitePoint = b'BlWh' BlueX = b'BlX ' BlueY = b'BlY ' Blur = b'blur' BlurMethod = b'BlrM' BlurQuality = b'BlrQ' Book = b'Bk ' BorderThickness = b'BrdT' Bottom = b'Btom' Brightness = b'Brgh' BrushDetail = b'BrsD' BrushSize = b'BrsS' BrushType = b'BrsT' Brushes = b'Brsh' BumpAmplitude = b'BmpA' BumpChannel = b'BmpC' By = b'By ' Byline = b'Byln' BylineTitle = b'BylT' ByteOrder = b'BytO' CMYKSetup = b'CMYS' CachePrefs = b'CchP' Calculation = b'Clcl' CalibrationBars = b'Clbr' Caption = b'Cptn' CaptionWriter = b'CptW' Category = b'Ctgr' CellSize = b'ClSz' Center = b'Cntr' CenterCropMarks = b'CntC' ChalkArea = b'ChlA' Channel = b'Chnl' ChannelMatrix = b'ChMx' ChannelName = b'ChnN' Channels = b'Chns' ChannelsInterleaved = b'ChnI' CharcoalAmount = b'ChAm' CharcoalArea = b'ChrA' ChokeMatte = b'Ckmt' ChromeFX = b'ChFX' City = b'City' ClearAmount = b'ClrA' ClippingPath = b'ClPt' ClippingPathEPS = b'ClpP' ClippingPathFlatness = b'ClpF' ClippingPathIndex = b'ClpI' ClippingPathInfo = b'Clpg' CloneSource = b'ClnS' ClosedSubpath = b'Clsp' Color = b'Clr ' ColorChannels = b'Clrh' ColorCorrection = b'ClrC' ColorIndicates = b'ClrI' ColorManagement = b'ClMg' ColorPickerPrefs = b'Clrr' ColorSpace = b'ClrS' ColorTable = b'ClrT' Colorize = b'Clrz' Colors = b'Clrs' ColorsList = b'ClrL' ColumnWidth = b'ClmW' CommandKey = b'CmdK' Compensation = b'Cmpn' Compression = b'Cmpr' Concavity = b'Cncv' Condition = b'Cndt' Constant = b'Cnst' Constrain = b'Cnst' ConstrainProportions = b'CnsP' ConstructionFOV = b'Cfov' Contiguous = b'Cntg' Continue = b'Cntn' Continuity = b'Cnty' ContourType = b'ShpC' Contrast = b'Cntr' Convert = b'Cnvr' Copy = b'Cpy ' Copyright = b'Cpyr' CopyrightNotice = b'CprN' CornerCropMarks = b'CrnC' Count = b'Cnt ' CountryName = b'CntN' CrackBrightness = b'CrcB' CrackDepth = b'CrcD' CrackSpacing = b'CrcS' CreateLayersFromLayerFX = b'blfl' Credit = b'Crdt' Crossover = b'Crss' Current = b'Crnt' CurrentHistoryState = b'CrnH' CurrentLight = b'CrnL' CurrentToolOptions = b'CrnT' Curve = b'Crv ' CurveFile = b'CrvF' Custom = b'Cstm' CustomForced = b'CstF' CustomMatte = b'CstM' CustomPalette = b'CstP' Cyan = b'Cyn ' DCS = b'DCS ' DPXFormat = b'DPXf' DarkIntensity = b'DrkI' Darkness = b'Drkn' DateCreated = b'DtCr' Datum = b'Dt ' Definition = b'Dfnt' Density = b'Dnst' Depth = b'Dpth' DestBlackMax = b'Dstl' DestBlackMin = b'DstB' DestWhiteMax = b'Dstt' DestWhiteMin = b'DstW' DestinationMode = b'DstM' Detail = b'Dtl ' Diameter = b'Dmtr' DiffusionDither = b'DffD' Direction = b'Drct' DirectionBalance = b'DrcB' DisplaceFile = b'DspF' DisplacementMap = b'DspM' DisplayPrefs = b'DspP' Distance = b'Dstn' Distortion = b'Dstr' Distribution = b'Dstr' Dither = b'Dthr' DitherAmount = b'DthA' DitherPreserve = b'Dthp' DitherQuality = b'Dthq' DocumentID = b'DocI' DotGain = b'DtGn' DotGainCurves = b'DtGC' DropShadow = b'DrSh' Duplicate = b'Dplc' DynamicColorSliders = b'DnmC' Edge = b'Edg ' EdgeBrightness = b'EdgB' EdgeFidelity = b'EdgF' EdgeIntensity = b'EdgI' EdgeSimplicity = b'EdgS' EdgeThickness = b'EdgT' EdgeWidth = b'EdgW' Effect = b'Effc' EmbedCMYK = b'EmbC' EmbedGray = b'EmbG' EmbedLab = b'EmbL' EmbedProfiles = b'EmbP' EmbedRGB = b'EmbR' EmulsionDown = b'EmlD' EnableGestures = b'EGst' Enabled = b'enab' Encoding = b'Encd' End = b'End ' EndArrowhead = b'EndA' EndRamp = b'EndR' EndSustain = b'EndS' Engine = b'Engn' EraseToHistory = b'ErsT' EraserKind = b'ErsK' ExactPoints = b'ExcP' Export = b'Expr' ExportClipboard = b'ExpC' Exposure = b'Exps' Extend = b'Extd' ExtendedQuality = b'EQlt' Extension = b'Extn' ExtensionsQuery = b'ExtQ' ExtrudeDepth = b'ExtD' ExtrudeMaskIncomplete = b'ExtM' ExtrudeRandom = b'ExtR' ExtrudeSize = b'ExtS' ExtrudeSolidFace = b'ExtF' ExtrudeType = b'ExtT' EyeDropperSample = b'EyDr' FPXCompress = b'FxCm' FPXQuality = b'FxQl' FPXSize = b'FxSz' FPXView = b'FxVw' FadeTo = b'FdT ' FadeoutSteps = b'FdtS' Falloff = b'FlOf' Feather = b'Fthr' FiberLength = b'FbrL' File = b'File' FileCreator = b'FlCr' FileInfo = b'FlIn' FileReference = b'FilR' FileSavePrefs = b'FlSP' FileType = b'FlTy' FilesList = b'flst' Fill = b'Fl ' FillColor = b'FlCl' FillNeutral = b'FlNt' FilterLayerPersistentData = b'FlPd' FilterLayerRandomSeed = b'FlRs' Fingerpainting = b'Fngr' FlareCenter = b'FlrC' Flatness = b'Fltn' Flatten = b'Fltt' FlipVertical = b'FlpV' Focus = b'Fcs ' Folders = b'Fldr' FontDesignAxes = b'FntD' FontDesignAxesVectors = b'FntV' FontName = b'FntN' FontScript = b'Scrp' FontStyleName = b'FntS' FontTechnology = b'FntT' ForcedColors = b'FrcC' ForegroundColor = b'FrgC' ForegroundLevel = b'FrgL' Format = b'Fmt ' Forward = b'Fwd ' FrameFX = b'FrFX' FrameWidth = b'FrmW' FreeTransformCenterState = b'FTcs' Frequency = b'Frqn' From = b'From' FromBuiltin = b'FrmB' FromMode = b'FrmM' FunctionKey = b'FncK' Fuzziness = b'Fzns' GCR = b'GCR ' GIFColorFileType = b'GFPT' GIFColorLimit = b'GFCL' GIFExportCaption = b'GFEC' GIFMaskChannelIndex = b'GFMI' GIFMaskChannelInverted = b'GFMV' GIFPaletteFile = b'GFPF' GIFPaletteType = b'GFPL' GIFRequiredColorSpaceType = b'GFCS' GIFRowOrderType = b'GFIT' GIFTransparentColor = b'GFTC' GIFTransparentIndexBlue = b'GFTB' GIFTransparentIndexGreen = b'GFTG' GIFTransparentIndexRed = b'GFTR' GIFUseBestMatch = b'GFBM' Gamma = b'Gmm ' GamutWarning = b'GmtW' GeneralPrefs = b'GnrP' GlobalAngle = b'gblA' GlobalLightingAngle = b'gagl' Gloss = b'Glos' GlowAmount = b'GlwA' GlowTechnique = b'GlwT' Gradient = b'Grad' GradientFill = b'Grdf' Grain = b'Grn ' GrainType = b'Grnt' Graininess = b'Grns' Gray = b'Gry ' GrayBehavior = b'GrBh' GraySetup = b'GrSt' Green = b'Grn ' GreenBlackPoint = b'GrnB' GreenFloat = b'greenFloat' GreenGamma = b'GrnG' GreenWhitePoint = b'GrnW' GreenX = b'GrnX' GreenY = b'GrnY' GridColor = b'GrdC' GridCustomColor = b'Grds' GridMajor = b'GrdM' GridMinor = b'Grdn' GridStyle = b'GrdS' GridUnits = b'Grdt' Group = b'Grup' GroutWidth = b'GrtW' GrowSelection = b'GrwS' Guides = b'Gdes' GuidesColor = b'GdsC' GuidesCustomColor = b'Gdss' GuidesPrefs = b'GdPr' GuidesStyle = b'GdsS' GutterWidth = b'GttW' HalftoneFile = b'HlfF' HalftoneScreen = b'HlfS' HalftoneSize = b'HlSz' HalftoneSpec = b'Hlfp' Hardness = b'Hrdn' HasCmdHPreference = b'HCdH' Header = b'Hdr ' Headline = b'Hdln' Height = b'Hght' HighlightArea = b'HghA' HighlightColor = b'hglC' HighlightLevels = b'HghL' HighlightMode = b'hglM' HighlightOpacity = b'hglO' HighlightStrength = b'HghS' HistoryBrushSource = b'HstB' HistoryPrefs = b'HstP' HistoryStateSource = b'HsSS' HistoryStates = b'HsSt' Horizontal = b'Hrzn' HorizontalScale = b'HrzS' HostName = b'HstN' HostVersion = b'HstV' Hue = b'H ' ICCEngine = b'ICCE' ICCSetupName = b'ICCt' ID = b'Idnt' Idle = b'Idle' ImageBalance = b'ImgB' Import = b'Impr' Impressionist = b'Imps' In = b'In ' Inherits = b'c@#^' InkColors = b'InkC' Inks = b'Inks' InnerGlow = b'IrGl' InnerGlowSource = b'glwS' InnerShadow = b'IrSh' Input = b'Inpt' InputBlackPoint = b'kIBP' InputMapRange = b'Inmr' InputRange = b'Inpr' InputWhitePoint = b'kIWP' Intensity = b'Intn' Intent = b'Inte' InterfaceBevelHighlight = b'IntH' InterfaceBevelShadow = b'Intv' InterfaceBlack = b'IntB' InterfaceBorder = b'Intd' InterfaceButtonDarkShadow = b'Intk' InterfaceButtonDownFill = b'Intt' InterfaceButtonUpFill = b'InBF' InterfaceColorBlue2 = b'ICBL' InterfaceColorBlue32 = b'ICBH' InterfaceColorGreen2 = b'ICGL' InterfaceColorGreen32 = b'ICGH' InterfaceColorRed2 = b'ICRL' InterfaceColorRed32 = b'ICRH' InterfaceIconFillActive = b'IntI' InterfaceIconFillDimmed = b'IntF' InterfaceIconFillSelected = b'Intc' InterfaceIconFrameActive = b'Intm' InterfaceIconFrameDimmed = b'Intr' InterfaceIconFrameSelected = b'IntS' InterfacePaletteFill = b'IntP' InterfaceRed = b'IntR' InterfaceToolTipBackground = b'IntT' InterfaceToolTipText = b'ITTT' InterfaceTransparencyBackground = b'ITBg' InterfaceTransparencyForeground = b'ITFg' InterfaceWhite = b'IntW' Interlace = b'Intr' InterlaceCreateType = b'IntC' InterlaceEliminateType = b'IntE' Interpolation = b'Intr' InterpolationMethod = b'IntM' Invert = b'Invr' InvertMask = b'InvM' InvertSource2 = b'InvS' InvertTexture = b'InvT' IsDirty = b'IsDr' ItemIndex = b'ItmI' JPEGQuality = b'JPEQ' Kerning = b'Krng' Keywords = b'Kywd' Kind = b'Knd ' LUTAnimation = b'LTnm' LZWCompression = b'LZWC' Labels = b'Lbls' Landscape = b'Lnds' LastTransform = b'LstT' Layer = b'Lyr ' LayerEffects = b'Lefx' LayerFXVisible = b'lfxv' LayerID = b'LyrI' LayerName = b'LyrN' Layers = b'Lyrs' Leading = b'Ldng' Left = b'Left' LegacySerialString = b'lSNs' Length = b'Lngt' Lens = b'Lns ' Level = b'Lvl ' Levels = b'Lvls' LightDark = b'LgDr' LightDirection = b'LghD' LightIntensity = b'LghI' LightPosition = b'LghP' LightSource = b'LghS' LightType = b'LghT' LightenGrout = b'LghG' Lightness = b'Lght' Line = b'Line' LinkEnable = b'lnkE' LinkedLayerIDs = b'LnkL' LocalLightingAltitude = b'Lald' LocalLightingAngle = b'lagl' LocalRange = b'LclR' Location = b'Lctn' Log = b'Log ' Logarithmic = b'kLog' LowerCase = b'LwCs' Luminance = b'Lmnc' Magenta = b'Mgnt' MakeVisible = b'MkVs' ManipulationFOV = b'Mfov' MapBlack = b'MpBl' Mapping = b'Mpng' MappingShape = b'MpgS' Material = b'Mtrl' Matrix = b'Mtrx' MatteColor = b'MttC' Maximum = b'Mxm ' MaximumStates = b'MxmS' MemoryUsagePercent = b'MmrU' Merge = b'Mrge' Merged = b'Mrgd' Message = b'Msge' Method = b'Mthd' MezzotintType = b'MztT' Midpoint = b'Mdpn' MidtoneLevels = b'MdtL' Minimum = b'Mnm ' MismatchCMYK = b'MsmC' MismatchGray = b'MsmG' MismatchRGB = b'MsmR' Mode = b'Md ' Monochromatic = b'Mnch' MoveTo = b'MvT ' Name = b'Nm ' Negative = b'Ngtv' New = b'Nw ' Noise = b'Nose' NonImageData = b'NnIm' NonLinear = b'NnLn' Null = b'null' NumLights = b'Nm L' Number = b'Nmbr' NumberOfCacheLevels = b'NCch' NumberOfCacheLevels64 = b'NC64' NumberOfChannels = b'NmbO' NumberOfChildren = b'NmbC' NumberOfDocuments = b'NmbD' NumberOfGenerators = b'NmbG' NumberOfLayers = b'NmbL' NumberOfLevels = b'NmbL' NumberOfPaths = b'NmbP' NumberOfRipples = b'NmbR' NumberOfSiblings = b'NmbS' ObjectName = b'ObjN' Offset = b'Ofst' OldSmallFontType = b'Sftt' On = b'On ' Opacity = b'Opct' Optimized = b'Optm' Orientation = b'Ornt' OriginalHeader = b'OrgH' OriginalTransmissionReference = b'OrgT' OtherCursors = b'OthC' OuterGlow = b'OrGl' Output = b'Otpt' OutputBlackPoint = b'kOBP' OutputWhitePoint = b'kOWP' OverprintColors = b'OvrC' OverrideOpen = b'OvrO' OverridePrinter = b'ObrP' OverrideSave = b'Ovrd' PNGFilter = b'PNGf' PNGInterlaceType = b'PGIT' PageFormat = b'PMpf' PageNumber = b'PgNm' PagePosition = b'PgPs' PageSetup = b'PgSt' PaintCursorKind = b'PnCK' PaintType = b'PntT' PaintingCursors = b'PntC' Palette = b'Plt ' PaletteFile = b'PltF' PaperBrightness = b'PprB' ParentIndex = b'PrIn' ParentName = b'PrNm' Path = b'Path' PathContents = b'PthC' PathName = b'PthN' Pattern = b'Pttn' PencilWidth = b'Pncl' PerspectiveIndex = b'Prsp' Phosphors = b'Phsp' PickerID = b'PckI' PickerKind = b'Pckr' PixelPaintSize = b'PPSz' Platform = b'Pltf' PluginFolder = b'PlgF' PluginPrefs = b'PlgP' Points = b'Pts ' Position = b'Pstn' PostScriptColor = b'PstS' Posterization = b'Pstr' PredefinedColors = b'PrdC' PreferBuiltin = b'PrfB' Preferences = b'Prfr' PreserveAdditional = b'PrsA' PreserveLuminosity = b'PrsL' PreserveTransparency = b'PrsT' Pressure = b'Prs ' Preview = b'Prvw' PreviewCMYK = b'PrvK' PreviewFullSize = b'PrvF' PreviewIcon = b'PrvI' PreviewMacThumbnail = b'PrvM' PreviewWinThumbnail = b'PrvW' PreviewsQuery = b'PrvQ' PrintSettings = b'PMps' ProfileSetup = b'PrfS' ProvinceState = b'PrvS' Quality = b'Qlty' QuickMask = b'QucM' RGBSetup = b'RGBS' Radius = b'Rds ' RandomSeed = b'RndS' Ratio = b'Rt ' RecentFiles = b'Rcnf' Red = b'Rd ' RedBlackPoint = b'RdBl' RedFloat = b'redFloat' RedGamma = b'RdGm' RedWhitePoint = b'RdWh' RedX = b'RdX ' RedY = b'RdY ' RegistrationMarks = b'RgsM' Relative = b'Rltv' Relief = b'Rlf ' RenderFidelity = b'Rfid' Resample = b'Rsmp' ResizeWindowsOnZoom = b'RWOZ' Resolution = b'Rslt' ResourceID = b'RsrI' Response = b'Rspn' RetainHeader = b'RtnH' Reverse = b'Rvrs' Right = b'Rght' RippleMagnitude = b'RplM' RippleSize = b'RplS' Rotate = b'Rtt ' Roundness = b'Rndn' RulerOriginH = b'RlrH' RulerOriginV = b'RlrV' RulerUnits = b'RlrU' Saturation = b'Strt' SaveAndClose = b'SvAn' SaveComposite = b'SvCm' SavePaletteLocations = b'PltL' SavePaths = b'SvPt' SavePyramids = b'SvPy' Saving = b'Svng' Scale = b'Scl ' ScaleHorizontal = b'SclH' ScaleVertical = b'SclV' Scaling = b'Scln' Scans = b'Scns' ScratchDisks = b'ScrD' ScreenFile = b'ScrF' ScreenType = b'ScrT' Separations = b'Sprt' SerialString = b'SrlS' ShadingIntensity = b'ShdI' ShadingNoise = b'ShdN' ShadingShape = b'ShdS' ShadowColor = b'sdwC' ShadowIntensity = b'ShdI' ShadowLevels = b'ShdL' ShadowMode = b'sdwM' ShadowOpacity = b'sdwO' Shape = b'Shp ' Sharpness = b'Shrp' ShearEd = b'ShrE' ShearPoints = b'ShrP' ShearSt = b'ShrS' ShiftKey = b'ShfK' ShiftKeyToolSwitch = b'ShKT' ShortNames = b'ShrN' ShowEnglishFontNames = b'ShwE' ShowMenuColors = b'SwMC' ShowToolTips = b'ShwT' ShowTransparency = b'ShTr' SizeKey = b'Sz ' Skew = b'Skew' SmallFontType = b'Sfts' SmartBlurMode = b'SmBM' SmartBlurQuality = b'SmBQ' Smooth = b'Smoo' Smoothness = b'Smth' SnapshotInitial = b'SnpI' SoftClip = b'SfCl' Softness = b'Sftn' SolidFill = b'SoFi' Source = b'Srce' Source2 = b'Src2' SourceMode = b'SrcM' Spacing = b'Spcn' SpecialInstructions = b'SpcI' SpherizeMode = b'SphM' Spot = b'Spot' SprayRadius = b'SprR' SquareSize = b'SqrS' SrcBlackMax = b'Srcl' SrcBlackMin = b'SrcB' SrcWhiteMax = b'Srcm' SrcWhiteMin = b'SrcW' Start = b'Strt' StartArrowhead = b'StrA' State = b'Stte' Strength = b'srgh' StrengthRatio = b'srgR' Strength_PLUGIN = b'Strg' StrokeDetail = b'StDt' StrokeDirection = b'SDir' StrokeLength = b'StrL' StrokePressure = b'StrP' StrokeSize = b'StrS' StrokeWidth = b'StrW' Style = b'Styl' Styles = b'Stys' StylusIsColor = b'StlC' StylusIsOpacity = b'StlO' StylusIsPressure = b'StlP' StylusIsSize = b'StlS' SubPathList = b'SbpL' SupplementalCategories = b'SplC' SystemInfo = b'SstI' SystemPalette = b'SstP' Target = b'null' TargetPath = b'Trgp' TargetPathIndex = b'TrgP' TermLength = b'Lngt' Text = b'Txt ' TextClickPoint = b'TxtC' TextData = b'TxtD' TextStyle = b'TxtS' TextStyleRange = b'Txtt' Texture = b'Txtr' TextureCoverage = b'TxtC' TextureFile = b'TxtF' TextureType = b'TxtT' Threshold = b'Thsh' TileNumber = b'TlNm' TileOffset = b'TlOf' TileSize = b'TlSz' Title = b'Ttl ' To = b'T ' ToBuiltin = b'TBl ' ToLinked = b'ToLk' ToMode = b'TMd ' ToggleOthers = b'TglO' Tolerance = b'Tlrn' Top = b'Top ' TotalLimit = b'TtlL' Tracking = b'Trck' TransferFunction = b'TrnF' TransferSpec = b'TrnS' Transparency = b'Trns' TransparencyGrid = b'TrnG' TransparencyGridColors = b'TrnC' TransparencyGridSize = b'TrnG' TransparencyPrefs = b'TrnP' TransparencyShape = b'TrnS' TransparentIndex = b'TrnI' TransparentWhites = b'TrnW' Twist = b'Twst' Type = b'Type' UCA = b'UC ' URL = b'URL ' UndefinedArea = b'UndA' Underline = b'Undl' UnitsPrefs = b'UntP' Untitled = b'Untl' UpperY = b'UppY' Urgency = b'Urgn' UseAccurateScreens = b'AcrS' UseAdditionalPlugins = b'AdPl' UseCacheForHistograms = b'UsCc' UseCurves = b'UsCr' UseDefault = b'UsDf' UseGlobalAngle = b'uglg' UseICCProfile = b'UsIC' UseMask = b'UsMs' UserMaskEnabled = b'UsrM' UserMaskLinked = b'Usrs' Using = b'Usng' Value = b'Vl ' Variance = b'Vrnc' Vector0 = b'Vct0' Vector1 = b'Vct1' VectorColor = b'VctC' VersionFix = b'VrsF' VersionMajor = b'VrsM' VersionMinor = b'VrsN' Vertical = b'Vrtc' VerticalScale = b'VrtS' VideoAlpha = b'Vdlp' Visible = b'Vsbl' WatchSuspension = b'WtcS' Watermark = b'watr' WaveType = b'Wvtp' WavelengthMax = b'WLMx' WavelengthMin = b'WLMn' WebdavPrefs = b'WbdP' WetEdges = b'Wtdg' What = b'What' WhiteClip = b'WhtC' WhiteIntensity = b'WhtI' WhiteIsHigh = b'WhHi' WhiteLevel = b'WhtL' WhitePoint = b'WhtP' WholePath = b'WhPt' Width = b'Wdth' WindMethod = b'WndM' With = b'With' WorkPath = b'WrPt' WorkPathIndex = b'WrkP' X = b'X ' Y = b'Y ' Yellow = b'Ylw ' ZigZagType = b'ZZTy' _3DAntiAlias = b'Alis' _generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values) Generate the next value when not given. name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the list of values assigned _member_map_ = {'A': Key.A, 'Adjustment': Key.Adjustment, 'Aligned': Key.Aligned, 'Alignment': Key.Alignment, 'AllExcept': Key.AllExcept, 'AllPS': Key.AllPS, 'AllToolOptions': Key.AllToolOptions, 'AlphaChannelOptions': Key.AlphaChannelOptions, 'AlphaChannels': Key.AlphaChannels, 'AmbientBrightness': Key.AmbientBrightness, 'AmbientColor': Key.AmbientColor, 'Amount': Key.Amount, 'AmplitudeMax': Key.AmplitudeMax, 'AmplitudeMin': Key.AmplitudeMin, 'Anchor': Key.Anchor, 'Angle': Key.Angle, 'Angle1': Key.Angle1, 'Angle2': Key.Angle2, 'Angle3': Key.Angle3, 'Angle4': Key.Angle4, 'AntiAlias': Key.AntiAlias, 'Append': Key.Append, 'Apply': Key.Apply, 'Area': Key.Area, 'Arrowhead': Key.Arrowhead, 'As': Key.As, 'AssetBin': Key.AssetBin, 'AssumedCMYK': Key.AssumedCMYK, 'AssumedGray': Key.AssumedGray, 'AssumedRGB': Key.AssumedRGB, 'At': Key.At, 'Auto': Key.Auto, 'AutoContrast': Key.AutoContrast, 'AutoErase': Key.AutoErase, 'AutoKern': Key.AutoKern, 'AutoUpdate': Key.AutoUpdate, 'Axis': Key.Axis, 'B': Key.B, 'Background': Key.Background, 'BackgroundColor': Key.BackgroundColor, 'BackgroundLevel': Key.BackgroundLevel, 'Backward': Key.Backward, 'Balance': Key.Balance, 'BaselineShift': Key.BaselineShift, 'BeepWhenDone': Key.BeepWhenDone, 'BeginRamp': Key.BeginRamp, 'BeginSustain': Key.BeginSustain, 'BevelDirection': Key.BevelDirection, 'BevelEmboss': Key.BevelEmboss, 'BevelStyle': Key.BevelStyle, 'BevelTechnique': Key.BevelTechnique, 'BigNudgeH': Key.BigNudgeH, 'BigNudgeV': Key.BigNudgeV, 'BitDepth': Key.BitDepth, 'Black': Key.Black, 'BlackClip': Key.BlackClip, 'BlackGeneration': Key.BlackGeneration, 'BlackGenerationCurve': Key.BlackGenerationCurve, 'BlackIntensity': Key.BlackIntensity, 'BlackLevel': Key.BlackLevel, 'BlackLimit': Key.BlackLevel, 'Bleed': Key.Bleed, 'BlendRange': Key.BlendRange, 'Blue': Key.Blue, 'BlueBlackPoint': Key.BlueBlackPoint, 'BlueFloat': Key.BlueFloat, 'BlueGamma': Key.BlueGamma, 'BlueWhitePoint': Key.BlueWhitePoint, 'BlueX': Key.BlueX, 'BlueY': Key.BlueY, 'Blur': Key.Blur, 'BlurMethod': Key.BlurMethod, 'BlurQuality': Key.BlurQuality, 'Book': Key.Book, 'BorderThickness': Key.BorderThickness, 'Bottom': Key.Bottom, 'Brightness': Key.Brightness, 'BrushDetail': Key.BrushDetail, 'BrushSize': Key.BrushSize, 'BrushType': Key.BrushType, 'Brushes': Key.Brushes, 'BumpAmplitude': Key.BumpAmplitude, 'BumpChannel': Key.BumpChannel, 'By': Key.By, 'Byline': Key.Byline, 'BylineTitle': Key.BylineTitle, 'ByteOrder': Key.ByteOrder, 'CMYKSetup': Key.CMYKSetup, 'CachePrefs': Key.CachePrefs, 'Calculation': Key.Calculation, 'CalibrationBars': Key.CalibrationBars, 'Caption': Key.Caption, 'CaptionWriter': Key.CaptionWriter, 'Category': Key.Category, 'CellSize': Key.CellSize, 'Center': Key.Center, 'CenterCropMarks': Key.CenterCropMarks, 'ChalkArea': Key.ChalkArea, 'Channel': Key.Channel, 'ChannelMatrix': Key.ChannelMatrix, 'ChannelName': Key.ChannelName, 'Channels': Key.Channels, 'ChannelsInterleaved': Key.ChannelsInterleaved, 'CharcoalAmount': Key.CharcoalAmount, 'CharcoalArea': Key.CharcoalArea, 'ChokeMatte': Key.ChokeMatte, 'ChromeFX': Key.ChromeFX, 'City': Key.City, 'ClearAmount': Key.ClearAmount, 'ClippingPath': Key.ClippingPath, 'ClippingPathEPS': Key.ClippingPathEPS, 'ClippingPathFlatness': Key.ClippingPathFlatness, 'ClippingPathIndex': Key.ClippingPathIndex, 'ClippingPathInfo': Key.ClippingPathInfo, 'CloneSource': Key.CloneSource, 'ClosedSubpath': Key.ClosedSubpath, 'Color': Key.Color, 'ColorChannels': Key.ColorChannels, 'ColorCorrection': Key.ColorCorrection, 'ColorIndicates': Key.ColorIndicates, 'ColorManagement': Key.ColorManagement, 'ColorPickerPrefs': Key.ColorPickerPrefs, 'ColorSpace': Key.ColorSpace, 'ColorTable': Key.ColorTable, 'Colorize': Key.Colorize, 'Colors': Key.Colors, 'ColorsList': Key.ColorsList, 'ColumnWidth': Key.ColumnWidth, 'CommandKey': Key.CommandKey, 'Compensation': Key.Compensation, 'Compression': Key.Compression, 'Concavity': Key.Concavity, 'Condition': Key.Condition, 'Constant': Key.Constant, 'Constrain': Key.Constant, 'ConstrainProportions': Key.ConstrainProportions, 'ConstructionFOV': Key.ConstructionFOV, 'Contiguous': Key.Contiguous, 'Continue': Key.Continue, 'Continuity': Key.Continuity, 'ContourType': Key.ContourType, 'Contrast': Key.Center, 'Convert': Key.Convert, 'Copy': Key.Copy, 'Copyright': Key.Copyright, 'CopyrightNotice': Key.CopyrightNotice, 'CornerCropMarks': Key.CornerCropMarks, 'Count': Key.Count, 'CountryName': Key.CountryName, 'CrackBrightness': Key.CrackBrightness, 'CrackDepth': Key.CrackDepth, 'CrackSpacing': Key.CrackSpacing, 'CreateLayersFromLayerFX': Key.CreateLayersFromLayerFX, 'Credit': Key.Credit, 'Crossover': Key.Crossover, 'Current': Key.Current, 'CurrentHistoryState': Key.CurrentHistoryState, 'CurrentLight': Key.CurrentLight, 'CurrentToolOptions': Key.CurrentToolOptions, 'Curve': Key.Curve, 'CurveFile': Key.CurveFile, 'Custom': Key.Custom, 'CustomForced': Key.CustomForced, 'CustomMatte': Key.CustomMatte, 'CustomPalette': Key.CustomPalette, 'Cyan': Key.Cyan, 'DCS': Key.DCS, 'DPXFormat': Key.DPXFormat, 'DarkIntensity': Key.DarkIntensity, 'Darkness': Key.Darkness, 'DateCreated': Key.DateCreated, 'Datum': Key.Datum, 'Definition': Key.Definition, 'Density': Key.Density, 'Depth': Key.Depth, 'DestBlackMax': Key.DestBlackMax, 'DestBlackMin': Key.DestBlackMin, 'DestWhiteMax': Key.DestWhiteMax, 'DestWhiteMin': Key.DestWhiteMin, 'DestinationMode': Key.DestinationMode, 'Detail': Key.Detail, 'Diameter': Key.Diameter, 'DiffusionDither': Key.DiffusionDither, 'Direction': Key.Direction, 'DirectionBalance': Key.DirectionBalance, 'DisplaceFile': Key.DisplaceFile, 'DisplacementMap': Key.DisplacementMap, 'DisplayPrefs': Key.DisplayPrefs, 'Distance': Key.Distance, 'Distortion': Key.Distortion, 'Distribution': Key.Distortion, 'Dither': Key.Dither, 'DitherAmount': Key.DitherAmount, 'DitherPreserve': Key.DitherPreserve, 'DitherQuality': Key.DitherQuality, 'DocumentID': Key.DocumentID, 'DotGain': Key.DotGain, 'DotGainCurves': Key.DotGainCurves, 'DropShadow': Key.DropShadow, 'Duplicate': Key.Duplicate, 'DynamicColorSliders': Key.DynamicColorSliders, 'Edge': Key.Edge, 'EdgeBrightness': Key.EdgeBrightness, 'EdgeFidelity': Key.EdgeFidelity, 'EdgeIntensity': Key.EdgeIntensity, 'EdgeSimplicity': Key.EdgeSimplicity, 'EdgeThickness': Key.EdgeThickness, 'EdgeWidth': Key.EdgeWidth, 'Effect': Key.Effect, 'EmbedCMYK': Key.EmbedCMYK, 'EmbedGray': Key.EmbedGray, 'EmbedLab': Key.EmbedLab, 'EmbedProfiles': Key.EmbedProfiles, 'EmbedRGB': Key.EmbedRGB, 'EmulsionDown': Key.EmulsionDown, 'EnableGestures': Key.EnableGestures, 'Enabled': Key.Enabled, 'Encoding': Key.Encoding, 'End': Key.End, 'EndArrowhead': Key.EndArrowhead, 'EndRamp': Key.EndRamp, 'EndSustain': Key.EndSustain, 'Engine': Key.Engine, 'EraseToHistory': Key.EraseToHistory, 'EraserKind': Key.EraserKind, 'ExactPoints': Key.ExactPoints, 'Export': Key.Export, 'ExportClipboard': Key.ExportClipboard, 'Exposure': Key.Exposure, 'Extend': Key.Extend, 'ExtendedQuality': Key.ExtendedQuality, 'Extension': Key.Extension, 'ExtensionsQuery': Key.ExtensionsQuery, 'ExtrudeDepth': Key.ExtrudeDepth, 'ExtrudeMaskIncomplete': Key.ExtrudeMaskIncomplete, 'ExtrudeRandom': Key.ExtrudeRandom, 'ExtrudeSize': Key.ExtrudeSize, 'ExtrudeSolidFace': Key.ExtrudeSolidFace, 'ExtrudeType': Key.ExtrudeType, 'EyeDropperSample': Key.EyeDropperSample, 'FPXCompress': Key.FPXCompress, 'FPXQuality': Key.FPXQuality, 'FPXSize': Key.FPXSize, 'FPXView': Key.FPXView, 'FadeTo': Key.FadeTo, 'FadeoutSteps': Key.FadeoutSteps, 'Falloff': Key.Falloff, 'Feather': Key.Feather, 'FiberLength': Key.FiberLength, 'File': Key.File, 'FileCreator': Key.FileCreator, 'FileInfo': Key.FileInfo, 'FileReference': Key.FileReference, 'FileSavePrefs': Key.FileSavePrefs, 'FileType': Key.FileType, 'FilesList': Key.FilesList, 'Fill': Key.Fill, 'FillColor': Key.FillColor, 'FillNeutral': Key.FillNeutral, 'FilterLayerPersistentData': Key.FilterLayerPersistentData, 'FilterLayerRandomSeed': Key.FilterLayerRandomSeed, 'Fingerpainting': Key.Fingerpainting, 'FlareCenter': Key.FlareCenter, 'Flatness': Key.Flatness, 'Flatten': Key.Flatten, 'FlipVertical': Key.FlipVertical, 'Focus': Key.Focus, 'Folders': Key.Folders, 'FontDesignAxes': Key.FontDesignAxes, 'FontDesignAxesVectors': Key.FontDesignAxesVectors, 'FontName': Key.FontName, 'FontScript': Key.FontScript, 'FontStyleName': Key.FontStyleName, 'FontTechnology': Key.FontTechnology, 'ForcedColors': Key.ForcedColors, 'ForegroundColor': Key.ForegroundColor, 'ForegroundLevel': Key.ForegroundLevel, 'Format': Key.Format, 'Forward': Key.Forward, 'FrameFX': Key.FrameFX, 'FrameWidth': Key.FrameWidth, 'FreeTransformCenterState': Key.FreeTransformCenterState, 'Frequency': Key.Frequency, 'From': Key.From, 'FromBuiltin': Key.FromBuiltin, 'FromMode': Key.FromMode, 'FunctionKey': Key.FunctionKey, 'Fuzziness': Key.Fuzziness, 'GCR': Key.GCR, 'GIFColorFileType': Key.GIFColorFileType, 'GIFColorLimit': Key.GIFColorLimit, 'GIFExportCaption': Key.GIFExportCaption, 'GIFMaskChannelIndex': Key.GIFMaskChannelIndex, 'GIFMaskChannelInverted': Key.GIFMaskChannelInverted, 'GIFPaletteFile': Key.GIFPaletteFile, 'GIFPaletteType': Key.GIFPaletteType, 'GIFRequiredColorSpaceType': Key.GIFRequiredColorSpaceType, 'GIFRowOrderType': Key.GIFRowOrderType, 'GIFTransparentColor': Key.GIFTransparentColor, 'GIFTransparentIndexBlue': Key.GIFTransparentIndexBlue, 'GIFTransparentIndexGreen': Key.GIFTransparentIndexGreen, 'GIFTransparentIndexRed': Key.GIFTransparentIndexRed, 'GIFUseBestMatch': Key.GIFUseBestMatch, 'Gamma': Key.Gamma, 'GamutWarning': Key.GamutWarning, 'GeneralPrefs': Key.GeneralPrefs, 'GlobalAngle': Key.GlobalAngle, 'GlobalLightingAngle': Key.GlobalLightingAngle, 'Gloss': Key.Gloss, 'GlowAmount': Key.GlowAmount, 'GlowTechnique': Key.GlowTechnique, 'Gradient': Key.Gradient, 'GradientFill': Key.GradientFill, 'Grain': Key.Grain, 'GrainType': Key.GrainType, 'Graininess': Key.Graininess, 'Gray': Key.Gray, 'GrayBehavior': Key.GrayBehavior, 'GraySetup': Key.GraySetup, 'Green': Key.Grain, 'GreenBlackPoint': Key.GreenBlackPoint, 'GreenFloat': Key.GreenFloat, 'GreenGamma': Key.GreenGamma, 'GreenWhitePoint': Key.GreenWhitePoint, 'GreenX': Key.GreenX, 'GreenY': Key.GreenY, 'GridColor': Key.GridColor, 'GridCustomColor': Key.GridCustomColor, 'GridMajor': Key.GridMajor, 'GridMinor': Key.GridMinor, 'GridStyle': Key.GridStyle, 'GridUnits': Key.GridUnits, 'Group': Key.Group, 'GroutWidth': Key.GroutWidth, 'GrowSelection': Key.GrowSelection, 'Guides': Key.Guides, 'GuidesColor': Key.GuidesColor, 'GuidesCustomColor': Key.GuidesCustomColor, 'GuidesPrefs': Key.GuidesPrefs, 'GuidesStyle': Key.GuidesStyle, 'GutterWidth': Key.GutterWidth, 'HalftoneFile': Key.HalftoneFile, 'HalftoneScreen': Key.HalftoneScreen, 'HalftoneSize': Key.HalftoneSize, 'HalftoneSpec': Key.HalftoneSpec, 'Hardness': Key.Hardness, 'HasCmdHPreference': Key.HasCmdHPreference, 'Header': Key.Header, 'Headline': Key.Headline, 'Height': Key.Height, 'HighlightArea': Key.HighlightArea, 'HighlightColor': Key.HighlightColor, 'HighlightLevels': Key.HighlightLevels, 'HighlightMode': Key.HighlightMode, 'HighlightOpacity': Key.HighlightOpacity, 'HighlightStrength': Key.HighlightStrength, 'HistoryBrushSource': Key.HistoryBrushSource, 'HistoryPrefs': Key.HistoryPrefs, 'HistoryStateSource': Key.HistoryStateSource, 'HistoryStates': Key.HistoryStates, 'Horizontal': Key.Horizontal, 'HorizontalScale': Key.HorizontalScale, 'HostName': Key.HostName, 'HostVersion': Key.HostVersion, 'Hue': Key.Hue, 'ICCEngine': Key.ICCEngine, 'ICCSetupName': Key.ICCSetupName, 'ID': Key.ID, 'Idle': Key.Idle, 'ImageBalance': Key.ImageBalance, 'Import': Key.Import, 'Impressionist': Key.Impressionist, 'In': Key.In, 'Inherits': Key.Inherits, 'InkColors': Key.InkColors, 'Inks': Key.Inks, 'InnerGlow': Key.InnerGlow, 'InnerGlowSource': Key.InnerGlowSource, 'InnerShadow': Key.InnerShadow, 'Input': Key.Input, 'InputBlackPoint': Key.InputBlackPoint, 'InputMapRange': Key.InputMapRange, 'InputRange': Key.InputRange, 'InputWhitePoint': Key.InputWhitePoint, 'Intensity': Key.Intensity, 'Intent': Key.Intent, 'InterfaceBevelHighlight': Key.InterfaceBevelHighlight, 'InterfaceBevelShadow': Key.InterfaceBevelShadow, 'InterfaceBlack': Key.InterfaceBlack, 'InterfaceBorder': Key.InterfaceBorder, 'InterfaceButtonDarkShadow': Key.InterfaceButtonDarkShadow, 'InterfaceButtonDownFill': Key.InterfaceButtonDownFill, 'InterfaceButtonUpFill': Key.InterfaceButtonUpFill, 'InterfaceColorBlue2': Key.InterfaceColorBlue2, 'InterfaceColorBlue32': Key.InterfaceColorBlue32, 'InterfaceColorGreen2': Key.InterfaceColorGreen2, 'InterfaceColorGreen32': Key.InterfaceColorGreen32, 'InterfaceColorRed2': Key.InterfaceColorRed2, 'InterfaceColorRed32': Key.InterfaceColorRed32, 'InterfaceIconFillActive': Key.InterfaceIconFillActive, 'InterfaceIconFillDimmed': Key.InterfaceIconFillDimmed, 'InterfaceIconFillSelected': Key.InterfaceIconFillSelected, 'InterfaceIconFrameActive': Key.InterfaceIconFrameActive, 'InterfaceIconFrameDimmed': Key.InterfaceIconFrameDimmed, 'InterfaceIconFrameSelected': Key.InterfaceIconFrameSelected, 'InterfacePaletteFill': Key.InterfacePaletteFill, 'InterfaceRed': Key.InterfaceRed, 'InterfaceToolTipBackground': Key.InterfaceToolTipBackground, 'InterfaceToolTipText': Key.InterfaceToolTipText, 'InterfaceTransparencyBackground': Key.InterfaceTransparencyBackground, 'InterfaceTransparencyForeground': Key.InterfaceTransparencyForeground, 'InterfaceWhite': Key.InterfaceWhite, 'Interlace': Key.InterfaceIconFrameDimmed, 'InterlaceCreateType': Key.InterlaceCreateType, 'InterlaceEliminateType': Key.InterlaceEliminateType, 'Interpolation': Key.InterfaceIconFrameDimmed, 'InterpolationMethod': Key.InterpolationMethod, 'Invert': Key.Invert, 'InvertMask': Key.InvertMask, 'InvertSource2': Key.InvertSource2, 'InvertTexture': Key.InvertTexture, 'IsDirty': Key.IsDirty, 'ItemIndex': Key.ItemIndex, 'JPEGQuality': Key.JPEGQuality, 'Kerning': Key.Kerning, 'Keywords': Key.Keywords, 'Kind': Key.Kind, 'LUTAnimation': Key.LUTAnimation, 'LZWCompression': Key.LZWCompression, 'Labels': Key.Labels, 'Landscape': Key.Landscape, 'LastTransform': Key.LastTransform, 'Layer': Key.Layer, 'LayerEffects': Key.LayerEffects, 'LayerFXVisible': Key.LayerFXVisible, 'LayerID': Key.LayerID, 'LayerName': Key.LayerName, 'Layers': Key.Layers, 'Leading': Key.Leading, 'Left': Key.Left, 'LegacySerialString': Key.LegacySerialString, 'Length': Key.Length, 'Lens': Key.Lens, 'Level': Key.Level, 'Levels': Key.Levels, 'LightDark': Key.LightDark, 'LightDirection': Key.LightDirection, 'LightIntensity': Key.LightIntensity, 'LightPosition': Key.LightPosition, 'LightSource': Key.LightSource, 'LightType': Key.LightType, 'LightenGrout': Key.LightenGrout, 'Lightness': Key.Lightness, 'Line': Key.Line, 'LinkEnable': Key.LinkEnable, 'LinkedLayerIDs': Key.LinkedLayerIDs, 'LocalLightingAltitude': Key.LocalLightingAltitude, 'LocalLightingAngle': Key.LocalLightingAngle, 'LocalRange': Key.LocalRange, 'Location': Key.Location, 'Log': Key.Log, 'Logarithmic': Key.Logarithmic, 'LowerCase': Key.LowerCase, 'Luminance': Key.Luminance, 'Magenta': Key.Magenta, 'MakeVisible': Key.MakeVisible, 'ManipulationFOV': Key.ManipulationFOV, 'MapBlack': Key.MapBlack, 'Mapping': Key.Mapping, 'MappingShape': Key.MappingShape, 'Material': Key.Material, 'Matrix': Key.Matrix, 'MatteColor': Key.MatteColor, 'Maximum': Key.Maximum, 'MaximumStates': Key.MaximumStates, 'MemoryUsagePercent': Key.MemoryUsagePercent, 'Merge': Key.Merge, 'Merged': Key.Merged, 'Message': Key.Message, 'Method': Key.Method, 'MezzotintType': Key.MezzotintType, 'Midpoint': Key.Midpoint, 'MidtoneLevels': Key.MidtoneLevels, 'Minimum': Key.Minimum, 'MismatchCMYK': Key.MismatchCMYK, 'MismatchGray': Key.MismatchGray, 'MismatchRGB': Key.MismatchRGB, 'Mode': Key.Mode, 'Monochromatic': Key.Monochromatic, 'MoveTo': Key.MoveTo, 'Name': Key.Name, 'Negative': Key.Negative, 'New': Key.New, 'Noise': Key.Noise, 'NonImageData': Key.NonImageData, 'NonLinear': Key.NonLinear, 'Null': Key.Null, 'NumLights': Key.NumLights, 'Number': Key.Number, 'NumberOfCacheLevels': Key.NumberOfCacheLevels, 'NumberOfCacheLevels64': Key.NumberOfCacheLevels64, 'NumberOfChannels': Key.NumberOfChannels, 'NumberOfChildren': Key.NumberOfChildren, 'NumberOfDocuments': Key.NumberOfDocuments, 'NumberOfGenerators': Key.NumberOfGenerators, 'NumberOfLayers': Key.NumberOfLayers, 'NumberOfLevels': Key.NumberOfLayers, 'NumberOfPaths': Key.NumberOfPaths, 'NumberOfRipples': Key.NumberOfRipples, 'NumberOfSiblings': Key.NumberOfSiblings, 'ObjectName': Key.ObjectName, 'Offset': Key.Offset, 'OldSmallFontType': Key.OldSmallFontType, 'On': Key.On, 'Opacity': Key.Opacity, 'Optimized': Key.Optimized, 'Orientation': Key.Orientation, 'OriginalHeader': Key.OriginalHeader, 'OriginalTransmissionReference': Key.OriginalTransmissionReference, 'OtherCursors': Key.OtherCursors, 'OuterGlow': Key.OuterGlow, 'Output': Key.Output, 'OutputBlackPoint': Key.OutputBlackPoint, 'OutputWhitePoint': Key.OutputWhitePoint, 'OverprintColors': Key.OverprintColors, 'OverrideOpen': Key.OverrideOpen, 'OverridePrinter': Key.OverridePrinter, 'OverrideSave': Key.OverrideSave, 'PNGFilter': Key.PNGFilter, 'PNGInterlaceType': Key.PNGInterlaceType, 'PageFormat': Key.PageFormat, 'PageNumber': Key.PageNumber, 'PagePosition': Key.PagePosition, 'PageSetup': Key.PageSetup, 'PaintCursorKind': Key.PaintCursorKind, 'PaintType': Key.PaintType, 'PaintingCursors': Key.PaintingCursors, 'Palette': Key.Palette, 'PaletteFile': Key.PaletteFile, 'PaperBrightness': Key.PaperBrightness, 'ParentIndex': Key.ParentIndex, 'ParentName': Key.ParentName, 'Path': Key.Path, 'PathContents': Key.PathContents, 'PathName': Key.PathName, 'Pattern': Key.Pattern, 'PencilWidth': Key.PencilWidth, 'PerspectiveIndex': Key.PerspectiveIndex, 'Phosphors': Key.Phosphors, 'PickerID': Key.PickerID, 'PickerKind': Key.PickerKind, 'PixelPaintSize': Key.PixelPaintSize, 'Platform': Key.Platform, 'PluginFolder': Key.PluginFolder, 'PluginPrefs': Key.PluginPrefs, 'Points': Key.Points, 'Position': Key.Position, 'PostScriptColor': Key.PostScriptColor, 'Posterization': Key.Posterization, 'PredefinedColors': Key.PredefinedColors, 'PreferBuiltin': Key.PreferBuiltin, 'Preferences': Key.Preferences, 'PreserveAdditional': Key.PreserveAdditional, 'PreserveLuminosity': Key.PreserveLuminosity, 'PreserveTransparency': Key.PreserveTransparency, 'Pressure': Key.Pressure, 'Preview': Key.Preview, 'PreviewCMYK': Key.PreviewCMYK, 'PreviewFullSize': Key.PreviewFullSize, 'PreviewIcon': Key.PreviewIcon, 'PreviewMacThumbnail': Key.PreviewMacThumbnail, 'PreviewWinThumbnail': Key.PreviewWinThumbnail, 'PreviewsQuery': Key.PreviewsQuery, 'PrintSettings': Key.PrintSettings, 'ProfileSetup': Key.ProfileSetup, 'ProvinceState': Key.ProvinceState, 'Quality': Key.Quality, 'QuickMask': Key.QuickMask, 'RGBSetup': Key.RGBSetup, 'Radius': Key.Radius, 'RandomSeed': Key.RandomSeed, 'Ratio': Key.Ratio, 'RecentFiles': Key.RecentFiles, 'Red': Key.Red, 'RedBlackPoint': Key.RedBlackPoint, 'RedFloat': Key.RedFloat, 'RedGamma': Key.RedGamma, 'RedWhitePoint': Key.RedWhitePoint, 'RedX': Key.RedX, 'RedY': Key.RedY, 'RegistrationMarks': Key.RegistrationMarks, 'Relative': Key.Relative, 'Relief': Key.Relief, 'RenderFidelity': Key.RenderFidelity, 'Resample': Key.Resample, 'ResizeWindowsOnZoom': Key.ResizeWindowsOnZoom, 'Resolution': Key.Resolution, 'ResourceID': Key.ResourceID, 'Response': Key.Response, 'RetainHeader': Key.RetainHeader, 'Reverse': Key.Reverse, 'Right': Key.Right, 'RippleMagnitude': Key.RippleMagnitude, 'RippleSize': Key.RippleSize, 'Rotate': Key.Rotate, 'Roundness': Key.Roundness, 'RulerOriginH': Key.RulerOriginH, 'RulerOriginV': Key.RulerOriginV, 'RulerUnits': Key.RulerUnits, 'Saturation': Key.Saturation, 'SaveAndClose': Key.SaveAndClose, 'SaveComposite': Key.SaveComposite, 'SavePaletteLocations': Key.SavePaletteLocations, 'SavePaths': Key.SavePaths, 'SavePyramids': Key.SavePyramids, 'Saving': Key.Saving, 'Scale': Key.Scale, 'ScaleHorizontal': Key.ScaleHorizontal, 'ScaleVertical': Key.ScaleVertical, 'Scaling': Key.Scaling, 'Scans': Key.Scans, 'ScratchDisks': Key.ScratchDisks, 'ScreenFile': Key.ScreenFile, 'ScreenType': Key.ScreenType, 'Separations': Key.Separations, 'SerialString': Key.SerialString, 'ShadingIntensity': Key.ShadingIntensity, 'ShadingNoise': Key.ShadingNoise, 'ShadingShape': Key.ShadingShape, 'ShadowColor': Key.ShadowColor, 'ShadowIntensity': Key.ShadingIntensity, 'ShadowLevels': Key.ShadowLevels, 'ShadowMode': Key.ShadowMode, 'ShadowOpacity': Key.ShadowOpacity, 'Shape': Key.Shape, 'Sharpness': Key.Sharpness, 'ShearEd': Key.ShearEd, 'ShearPoints': Key.ShearPoints, 'ShearSt': Key.ShearSt, 'ShiftKey': Key.ShiftKey, 'ShiftKeyToolSwitch': Key.ShiftKeyToolSwitch, 'ShortNames': Key.ShortNames, 'ShowEnglishFontNames': Key.ShowEnglishFontNames, 'ShowMenuColors': Key.ShowMenuColors, 'ShowToolTips': Key.ShowToolTips, 'ShowTransparency': Key.ShowTransparency, 'SizeKey': Key.SizeKey, 'Skew': Key.Skew, 'SmallFontType': Key.SmallFontType, 'SmartBlurMode': Key.SmartBlurMode, 'SmartBlurQuality': Key.SmartBlurQuality, 'Smooth': Key.Smooth, 'Smoothness': Key.Smoothness, 'SnapshotInitial': Key.SnapshotInitial, 'SoftClip': Key.SoftClip, 'Softness': Key.Softness, 'SolidFill': Key.SolidFill, 'Source': Key.Source, 'Source2': Key.Source2, 'SourceMode': Key.SourceMode, 'Spacing': Key.Spacing, 'SpecialInstructions': Key.SpecialInstructions, 'SpherizeMode': Key.SpherizeMode, 'Spot': Key.Spot, 'SprayRadius': Key.SprayRadius, 'SquareSize': Key.SquareSize, 'SrcBlackMax': Key.SrcBlackMax, 'SrcBlackMin': Key.SrcBlackMin, 'SrcWhiteMax': Key.SrcWhiteMax, 'SrcWhiteMin': Key.SrcWhiteMin, 'Start': Key.Saturation, 'StartArrowhead': Key.StartArrowhead, 'State': Key.State, 'Strength': Key.Strength, 'StrengthRatio': Key.StrengthRatio, 'Strength_PLUGIN': Key.Strength_PLUGIN, 'StrokeDetail': Key.StrokeDetail, 'StrokeDirection': Key.StrokeDirection, 'StrokeLength': Key.StrokeLength, 'StrokePressure': Key.StrokePressure, 'StrokeSize': Key.StrokeSize, 'StrokeWidth': Key.StrokeWidth, 'Style': Key.Style, 'Styles': Key.Styles, 'StylusIsColor': Key.StylusIsColor, 'StylusIsOpacity': Key.StylusIsOpacity, 'StylusIsPressure': Key.StylusIsPressure, 'StylusIsSize': Key.StylusIsSize, 'SubPathList': Key.SubPathList, 'SupplementalCategories': Key.SupplementalCategories, 'SystemInfo': Key.SystemInfo, 'SystemPalette': Key.SystemPalette, 'Target': Key.Null, 'TargetPath': Key.TargetPath, 'TargetPathIndex': Key.TargetPathIndex, 'TermLength': Key.Length, 'Text': Key.Text, 'TextClickPoint': Key.TextClickPoint, 'TextData': Key.TextData, 'TextStyle': Key.TextStyle, 'TextStyleRange': Key.TextStyleRange, 'Texture': Key.Texture, 'TextureCoverage': Key.TextClickPoint, 'TextureFile': Key.TextureFile, 'TextureType': Key.TextureType, 'Threshold': Key.Threshold, 'TileNumber': Key.TileNumber, 'TileOffset': Key.TileOffset, 'TileSize': Key.TileSize, 'Title': Key.Title, 'To': Key.To, 'ToBuiltin': Key.ToBuiltin, 'ToLinked': Key.ToLinked, 'ToMode': Key.ToMode, 'ToggleOthers': Key.ToggleOthers, 'Tolerance': Key.Tolerance, 'Top': Key.Top, 'TotalLimit': Key.TotalLimit, 'Tracking': Key.Tracking, 'TransferFunction': Key.TransferFunction, 'TransferSpec': Key.TransferSpec, 'Transparency': Key.Transparency, 'TransparencyGrid': Key.TransparencyGrid, 'TransparencyGridColors': Key.TransparencyGridColors, 'TransparencyGridSize': Key.TransparencyGrid, 'TransparencyPrefs': Key.TransparencyPrefs, 'TransparencyShape': Key.TransferSpec, 'TransparentIndex': Key.TransparentIndex, 'TransparentWhites': Key.TransparentWhites, 'Twist': Key.Twist, 'Type': Key.Type, 'UCA': Key.UCA, 'URL': Key.URL, 'UndefinedArea': Key.UndefinedArea, 'Underline': Key.Underline, 'UnitsPrefs': Key.UnitsPrefs, 'Untitled': Key.Untitled, 'UpperY': Key.UpperY, 'Urgency': Key.Urgency, 'UseAccurateScreens': Key.UseAccurateScreens, 'UseAdditionalPlugins': Key.UseAdditionalPlugins, 'UseCacheForHistograms': Key.UseCacheForHistograms, 'UseCurves': Key.UseCurves, 'UseDefault': Key.UseDefault, 'UseGlobalAngle': Key.UseGlobalAngle, 'UseICCProfile': Key.UseICCProfile, 'UseMask': Key.UseMask, 'UserMaskEnabled': Key.UserMaskEnabled, 'UserMaskLinked': Key.UserMaskLinked, 'Using': Key.Using, 'Value': Key.Value, 'Variance': Key.Variance, 'Vector0': Key.Vector0, 'Vector1': Key.Vector1, 'VectorColor': Key.VectorColor, 'VersionFix': Key.VersionFix, 'VersionMajor': Key.VersionMajor, 'VersionMinor': Key.VersionMinor, 'Vertical': Key.Vertical, 'VerticalScale': Key.VerticalScale, 'VideoAlpha': Key.VideoAlpha, 'Visible': Key.Visible, 'WatchSuspension': Key.WatchSuspension, 'Watermark': Key.Watermark, 'WaveType': Key.WaveType, 'WavelengthMax': Key.WavelengthMax, 'WavelengthMin': Key.WavelengthMin, 'WebdavPrefs': Key.WebdavPrefs, 'WetEdges': Key.WetEdges, 'What': Key.What, 'WhiteClip': Key.WhiteClip, 'WhiteIntensity': Key.WhiteIntensity, 'WhiteIsHigh': Key.WhiteIsHigh, 'WhiteLevel': Key.WhiteLevel, 'WhitePoint': Key.WhitePoint, 'WholePath': Key.WholePath, 'Width': Key.Width, 'WindMethod': Key.WindMethod, 'With': Key.With, 'WorkPath': Key.WorkPath, 'WorkPathIndex': Key.WorkPathIndex, 'X': Key.X, 'Y': Key.Y, 'Yellow': Key.Yellow, 'ZigZagType': Key.ZigZagType, '_3DAntiAlias': Key._3DAntiAlias, 'comp': Key.comp} _member_names_ = ['_3DAntiAlias', 'A', 'Adjustment', 'Aligned', 'Alignment', 'AllPS', 'AllExcept', 'AllToolOptions', 'AlphaChannelOptions', 'AlphaChannels', 'AmbientBrightness', 'AmbientColor', 'Amount', 'AmplitudeMax', 'AmplitudeMin', 'Anchor', 'Angle', 'Angle1', 'Angle2', 'Angle3', 'Angle4', 'AntiAlias', 'Append', 'Apply', 'Area', 'Arrowhead', 'As', 'AssetBin', 'AssumedCMYK', 'AssumedGray', 'AssumedRGB', 'At', 'Auto', 'AutoContrast', 'AutoErase', 'AutoKern', 'AutoUpdate', 'ShowMenuColors', 'Axis', 'B', 'Background', 'BackgroundColor', 'BackgroundLevel', 'Backward', 'Balance', 'BaselineShift', 'BeepWhenDone', 'BeginRamp', 'BeginSustain', 'BevelDirection', 'BevelEmboss', 'BevelStyle', 'BevelTechnique', 'BigNudgeH', 'BigNudgeV', 'BitDepth', 'Black', 'BlackClip', 'BlackGeneration', 'BlackGenerationCurve', 'BlackIntensity', 'BlackLevel', 'Bleed', 'BlendRange', 'Blue', 'BlueBlackPoint', 'BlueFloat', 'BlueGamma', 'BlueWhitePoint', 'BlueX', 'BlueY', 'Blur', 'BlurMethod', 'BlurQuality', 'Book', 'BorderThickness', 'Bottom', 'Brightness', 'BrushDetail', 'Brushes', 'BrushSize', 'BrushType', 'BumpAmplitude', 'BumpChannel', 'By', 'Byline', 'BylineTitle', 'ByteOrder', 'CachePrefs', 'ChokeMatte', 'CloneSource', 'CMYKSetup', 'Calculation', 'CalibrationBars', 'Caption', 'CaptionWriter', 'Category', 'CellSize', 'Center', 'CenterCropMarks', 'ChalkArea', 'Channel', 'ChannelMatrix', 'ChannelName', 'Channels', 'ChannelsInterleaved', 'CharcoalAmount', 'CharcoalArea', 'ChromeFX', 'City', 'ClearAmount', 'ClippingPath', 'ClippingPathEPS', 'ClippingPathFlatness', 'ClippingPathIndex', 'ClippingPathInfo', 'ClosedSubpath', 'Color', 'ColorChannels', 'ColorCorrection', 'ColorIndicates', 'ColorManagement', 'ColorPickerPrefs', 'ColorTable', 'Colorize', 'Colors', 'ColorsList', 'ColorSpace', 'ColumnWidth', 'CommandKey', 'Compensation', 'Compression', 'Concavity', 'Condition', 'Constant', 'ConstrainProportions', 'ConstructionFOV', 'Contiguous', 'Continue', 'Continuity', 'Convert', 'Copy', 'Copyright', 'CopyrightNotice', 'CornerCropMarks', 'Count', 'CountryName', 'CrackBrightness', 'CrackDepth', 'CrackSpacing', 'CreateLayersFromLayerFX', 'Credit', 'Crossover', 'Current', 'CurrentHistoryState', 'CurrentLight', 'CurrentToolOptions', 'Curve', 'CurveFile', 'Custom', 'CustomForced', 'CustomMatte', 'CustomPalette', 'Cyan', 'DarkIntensity', 'Darkness', 'DateCreated', 'Datum', 'DCS', 'Definition', 'Density', 'Depth', 'DestBlackMax', 'DestBlackMin', 'DestinationMode', 'DestWhiteMax', 'DestWhiteMin', 'Detail', 'Diameter', 'DiffusionDither', 'Direction', 'DirectionBalance', 'DisplaceFile', 'DisplacementMap', 'DisplayPrefs', 'Distance', 'Distortion', 'Dither', 'DitherAmount', 'DitherPreserve', 'DitherQuality', 'DocumentID', 'DotGain', 'DotGainCurves', 'DPXFormat', 'DropShadow', 'Duplicate', 'DynamicColorSliders', 'Edge', 'EdgeBrightness', 'EdgeFidelity', 'EdgeIntensity', 'EdgeSimplicity', 'EdgeThickness', 'EdgeWidth', 'Effect', 'EmbedProfiles', 'EmbedCMYK', 'EmbedGray', 'EmbedLab', 'EmbedRGB', 'EmulsionDown', 'Enabled', 'EnableGestures', 'Encoding', 'End', 'EndArrowhead', 'EndRamp', 'EndSustain', 'Engine', 'EraserKind', 'EraseToHistory', 'ExactPoints', 'Export', 'ExportClipboard', 'Exposure', 'Extend', 'Extension', 'ExtensionsQuery', 'ExtrudeDepth', 'ExtrudeMaskIncomplete', 'ExtrudeRandom', 'ExtrudeSize', 'ExtrudeSolidFace', 'ExtrudeType', 'EyeDropperSample', 'FadeoutSteps', 'FadeTo', 'Falloff', 'FPXCompress', 'FPXQuality', 'FPXSize', 'FPXView', 'Feather', 'FiberLength', 'File', 'FileCreator', 'FileInfo', 'FileReference', 'FileSavePrefs', 'FilesList', 'FileType', 'Fill', 'FillColor', 'FillNeutral', 'FilterLayerRandomSeed', 'FilterLayerPersistentData', 'Fingerpainting', 'FlareCenter', 'Flatness', 'Flatten', 'FlipVertical', 'Focus', 'Folders', 'FontDesignAxes', 'FontDesignAxesVectors', 'FontName', 'FontScript', 'FontStyleName', 'FontTechnology', 'ForcedColors', 'ForegroundColor', 'ForegroundLevel', 'Format', 'Forward', 'FrameFX', 'FrameWidth', 'FreeTransformCenterState', 'Frequency', 'From', 'FromBuiltin', 'FromMode', 'FunctionKey', 'Fuzziness', 'GamutWarning', 'GCR', 'GeneralPrefs', 'GIFColorFileType', 'GIFColorLimit', 'GIFExportCaption', 'GIFMaskChannelIndex', 'GIFMaskChannelInverted', 'GIFPaletteFile', 'GIFPaletteType', 'GIFRequiredColorSpaceType', 'GIFRowOrderType', 'GIFTransparentColor', 'GIFTransparentIndexBlue', 'GIFTransparentIndexGreen', 'GIFTransparentIndexRed', 'GIFUseBestMatch', 'Gamma', 'GlobalAngle', 'GlobalLightingAngle', 'Gloss', 'GlowAmount', 'GlowTechnique', 'Gradient', 'GradientFill', 'Grain', 'GrainType', 'Graininess', 'Gray', 'GrayBehavior', 'GraySetup', 'GreenBlackPoint', 'GreenFloat', 'GreenGamma', 'GreenWhitePoint', 'GreenX', 'GreenY', 'GridColor', 'GridCustomColor', 'GridMajor', 'GridMinor', 'GridStyle', 'GridUnits', 'Group', 'GroutWidth', 'GrowSelection', 'Guides', 'GuidesColor', 'GuidesCustomColor', 'GuidesStyle', 'GuidesPrefs', 'GutterWidth', 'HalftoneFile', 'HalftoneScreen', 'HalftoneSpec', 'HalftoneSize', 'Hardness', 'HasCmdHPreference', 'Header', 'Headline', 'Height', 'HostName', 'HighlightArea', 'HighlightColor', 'HighlightLevels', 'HighlightMode', 'HighlightOpacity', 'HighlightStrength', 'HistoryBrushSource', 'HistoryPrefs', 'HistoryStateSource', 'HistoryStates', 'Horizontal', 'HorizontalScale', 'HostVersion', 'Hue', 'ICCEngine', 'ICCSetupName', 'ID', 'Idle', 'ImageBalance', 'Import', 'Impressionist', 'In', 'Inherits', 'InkColors', 'Inks', 'InnerGlow', 'InnerGlowSource', 'InnerShadow', 'Input', 'InputBlackPoint', 'InputMapRange', 'InputRange', 'InputWhitePoint', 'Intensity', 'Intent', 'InterfaceBevelHighlight', 'InterfaceBevelShadow', 'InterfaceBlack', 'InterfaceBorder', 'InterfaceButtonDarkShadow', 'InterfaceButtonDownFill', 'InterfaceButtonUpFill', 'InterfaceColorBlue2', 'InterfaceColorBlue32', 'InterfaceColorGreen2', 'InterfaceColorGreen32', 'InterfaceColorRed2', 'InterfaceColorRed32', 'InterfaceIconFillActive', 'InterfaceIconFillDimmed', 'InterfaceIconFillSelected', 'InterfaceIconFrameActive', 'InterfaceIconFrameDimmed', 'InterfaceIconFrameSelected', 'InterfacePaletteFill', 'InterfaceRed', 'InterfaceWhite', 'InterfaceToolTipBackground', 'InterfaceToolTipText', 'InterfaceTransparencyForeground', 'InterfaceTransparencyBackground', 'InterlaceCreateType', 'InterlaceEliminateType', 'InterpolationMethod', 'Invert', 'InvertMask', 'InvertSource2', 'InvertTexture', 'IsDirty', 'ItemIndex', 'JPEGQuality', 'Kerning', 'Keywords', 'Kind', 'LZWCompression', 'Labels', 'Landscape', 'LastTransform', 'LayerEffects', 'LayerFXVisible', 'Layer', 'LayerID', 'LayerName', 'Layers', 'Leading', 'Left', 'Length', 'Lens', 'Level', 'Levels', 'LightDark', 'LightDirection', 'LightIntensity', 'LightPosition', 'LightSource', 'LightType', 'LightenGrout', 'Lightness', 'Line', 'LinkedLayerIDs', 'LocalLightingAngle', 'LocalLightingAltitude', 'LocalRange', 'Location', 'Log', 'Logarithmic', 'LowerCase', 'Luminance', 'LUTAnimation', 'Magenta', 'MakeVisible', 'ManipulationFOV', 'MapBlack', 'Mapping', 'MappingShape', 'Material', 'Matrix', 'MatteColor', 'Maximum', 'MaximumStates', 'MemoryUsagePercent', 'Merge', 'Merged', 'Message', 'Method', 'MezzotintType', 'Midpoint', 'MidtoneLevels', 'Minimum', 'MismatchCMYK', 'MismatchGray', 'MismatchRGB', 'Mode', 'Monochromatic', 'MoveTo', 'Name', 'Negative', 'New', 'Noise', 'NonImageData', 'NonLinear', 'Null', 'NumLights', 'Number', 'NumberOfCacheLevels', 'NumberOfCacheLevels64', 'NumberOfChannels', 'NumberOfChildren', 'NumberOfDocuments', 'NumberOfGenerators', 'NumberOfLayers', 'NumberOfPaths', 'NumberOfRipples', 'NumberOfSiblings', 'ObjectName', 'Offset', 'On', 'Opacity', 'Optimized', 'Orientation', 'OriginalHeader', 'OriginalTransmissionReference', 'OtherCursors', 'OuterGlow', 'Output', 'OutputBlackPoint', 'OutputWhitePoint', 'OverprintColors', 'OverrideOpen', 'OverridePrinter', 'OverrideSave', 'PaintCursorKind', 'ParentIndex', 'ParentName', 'PNGFilter', 'PNGInterlaceType', 'PageFormat', 'PageNumber', 'PageSetup', 'PagePosition', 'PaintingCursors', 'PaintType', 'Palette', 'PaletteFile', 'PaperBrightness', 'Path', 'PathContents', 'PathName', 'Pattern', 'PencilWidth', 'PerspectiveIndex', 'Phosphors', 'PickerID', 'PickerKind', 'PixelPaintSize', 'Platform', 'PluginFolder', 'PluginPrefs', 'Points', 'Position', 'Posterization', 'PostScriptColor', 'PredefinedColors', 'PreferBuiltin', 'PreserveAdditional', 'PreserveLuminosity', 'PreserveTransparency', 'Pressure', 'Preferences', 'Preview', 'PreviewCMYK', 'PreviewFullSize', 'PreviewIcon', 'PreviewMacThumbnail', 'PreviewWinThumbnail', 'PreviewsQuery', 'PrintSettings', 'ProfileSetup', 'ProvinceState', 'Quality', 'ExtendedQuality', 'QuickMask', 'RGBSetup', 'Radius', 'RandomSeed', 'Ratio', 'RecentFiles', 'Red', 'RedBlackPoint', 'RedFloat', 'RedGamma', 'RedWhitePoint', 'RedX', 'RedY', 'RegistrationMarks', 'Relative', 'Relief', 'RenderFidelity', 'Resample', 'ResizeWindowsOnZoom', 'Resolution', 'ResourceID', 'Response', 'RetainHeader', 'Reverse', 'Right', 'RippleMagnitude', 'RippleSize', 'Rotate', 'Roundness', 'RulerOriginH', 'RulerOriginV', 'RulerUnits', 'Saturation', 'SaveAndClose', 'SaveComposite', 'SavePaletteLocations', 'SavePaths', 'SavePyramids', 'Saving', 'Scale', 'ScaleHorizontal', 'ScaleVertical', 'Scaling', 'Scans', 'ScratchDisks', 'ScreenFile', 'ScreenType', 'ShadingIntensity', 'ShadingNoise', 'ShadingShape', 'ContourType', 'SerialString', 'Separations', 'ShadowColor', 'ShadowLevels', 'ShadowMode', 'ShadowOpacity', 'Shape', 'Sharpness', 'ShearEd', 'ShearPoints', 'ShearSt', 'ShiftKey', 'ShiftKeyToolSwitch', 'ShortNames', 'ShowEnglishFontNames', 'ShowToolTips', 'ShowTransparency', 'SizeKey', 'Skew', 'SmartBlurMode', 'SmartBlurQuality', 'Smooth', 'Smoothness', 'SnapshotInitial', 'SoftClip', 'Softness', 'SmallFontType', 'OldSmallFontType', 'SolidFill', 'Source', 'Source2', 'SourceMode', 'Spacing', 'SpecialInstructions', 'SpherizeMode', 'Spot', 'SprayRadius', 'SquareSize', 'SrcBlackMax', 'SrcBlackMin', 'SrcWhiteMax', 'SrcWhiteMin', 'StartArrowhead', 'State', 'Strength', 'StrengthRatio', 'Strength_PLUGIN', 'StrokeDetail', 'StrokeDirection', 'StrokeLength', 'StrokePressure', 'StrokeSize', 'StrokeWidth', 'Style', 'Styles', 'StylusIsPressure', 'StylusIsColor', 'StylusIsOpacity', 'StylusIsSize', 'SubPathList', 'SupplementalCategories', 'SystemInfo', 'SystemPalette', 'TargetPath', 'TargetPathIndex', 'Text', 'TextClickPoint', 'TextData', 'TextStyle', 'TextStyleRange', 'Texture', 'TextureFile', 'TextureType', 'Threshold', 'TileNumber', 'TileOffset', 'TileSize', 'Title', 'To', 'ToBuiltin', 'ToLinked', 'ToMode', 'ToggleOthers', 'Tolerance', 'Top', 'TotalLimit', 'Tracking', 'TransferSpec', 'TransparencyGrid', 'TransferFunction', 'Transparency', 'TransparencyGridColors', 'TransparencyPrefs', 'TransparentIndex', 'TransparentWhites', 'Twist', 'Type', 'UCA', 'UnitsPrefs', 'URL', 'UndefinedArea', 'Underline', 'Untitled', 'UpperY', 'Urgency', 'UseAccurateScreens', 'UseAdditionalPlugins', 'UseCacheForHistograms', 'UseCurves', 'UseDefault', 'UseGlobalAngle', 'UseICCProfile', 'UseMask', 'UserMaskEnabled', 'UserMaskLinked', 'LinkEnable', 'Using', 'Value', 'Variance', 'Vector0', 'Vector1', 'VectorColor', 'VersionFix', 'VersionMajor', 'VersionMinor', 'Vertical', 'VerticalScale', 'VideoAlpha', 'Visible', 'WatchSuspension', 'Watermark', 'WaveType', 'WavelengthMax', 'WavelengthMin', 'WebdavPrefs', 'WetEdges', 'What', 'WhiteClip', 'WhiteIntensity', 'WhiteIsHigh', 'WhiteLevel', 'WhitePoint', 'WholePath', 'Width', 'WindMethod', 'With', 'WorkPath', 'WorkPathIndex', 'X', 'Y', 'Yellow', 'ZigZagType', 'LegacySerialString', 'comp'] _member_type_ alias of bytes _new_member_(**kwargs) Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. _unhashable_values_ = [] _use_args_ = True _value2member_map_ = {b'A ': Key.A, b'AChn': Key.AlphaChannelOptions, b'AcrS': Key.UseAccurateScreens, b'AdPl': Key.UseAdditionalPlugins, b'Adjs': Key.Adjustment, b'AlTl': Key.AllToolOptions, b'Algd': Key.Aligned, b'Algn': Key.Alignment, b'Alis': Key._3DAntiAlias, b'All ': Key.AllPS, b'AllE': Key.AllExcept, b'AlpC': Key.AlphaChannels, b'AmMn': Key.AmplitudeMin, b'AmMx': Key.AmplitudeMax, b'AmbB': Key.AmbientBrightness, b'AmbC': Key.AmbientColor, b'Amnt': Key.Amount, b'Anch': Key.Anchor, b'Ang1': Key.Angle1, b'Ang2': Key.Angle2, b'Ang3': Key.Angle3, b'Ang4': Key.Angle4, b'Angl': Key.Angle, b'AntA': Key.AntiAlias, b'Aply': Key.Apply, b'Appe': Key.Append, b'Ar ': Key.Area, b'Arrw': Key.Arrowhead, b'As ': Key.As, b'AssC': Key.AssumedCMYK, b'AssG': Key.AssumedGray, b'AssR': Key.AssumedRGB, b'Asst': Key.AssetBin, b'At ': Key.At, b'AtKr': Key.AutoKern, b'AtUp': Key.AutoUpdate, b'Atrs': Key.AutoErase, b'AuCo': Key.AutoContrast, b'Auto': Key.Auto, b'Axis': Key.Axis, b'B ': Key.B, b'BckC': Key.BackgroundColor, b'BckL': Key.BackgroundLevel, b'Bckg': Key.Background, b'BgNH': Key.BigNudgeH, b'BgNV': Key.BigNudgeV, b'BgnR': Key.BeginRamp, b'BgnS': Key.BeginSustain, b'Bk ': Key.Book, b'Bl ': Key.Blue, b'BlBl': Key.BlueBlackPoint, b'BlGm': Key.BlueGamma, b'BlWh': Key.BlueWhitePoint, b'BlX ': Key.BlueX, b'BlY ': Key.BlueY, b'BlcC': Key.BlackClip, b'BlcG': Key.BlackGenerationCurve, b'BlcI': Key.BlackIntensity, b'BlcL': Key.BlackLevel, b'Blck': Key.Black, b'Blcn': Key.BlackGeneration, b'Bld ': Key.Bleed, b'Blnc': Key.Balance, b'Blnd': Key.BlendRange, b'BlrM': Key.BlurMethod, b'BlrQ': Key.BlurQuality, b'BmpA': Key.BumpAmplitude, b'BmpC': Key.BumpChannel, b'BpWh': Key.BeepWhenDone, b'BrdT': Key.BorderThickness, b'Brgh': Key.Brightness, b'BrsD': Key.BrushDetail, b'BrsS': Key.BrushSize, b'BrsT': Key.BrushType, b'Brsh': Key.Brushes, b'Bsln': Key.BaselineShift, b'BtDp': Key.BitDepth, b'Btom': Key.Bottom, b'Bwd ': Key.Backward, b'By ': Key.By, b'BylT': Key.BylineTitle, b'Byln': Key.Byline, b'BytO': Key.ByteOrder, b'CMYS': Key.CMYKSetup, b'CchP': Key.CachePrefs, b'Cfov': Key.ConstructionFOV, b'ChAm': Key.CharcoalAmount, b'ChFX': Key.ChromeFX, b'ChMx': Key.ChannelMatrix, b'ChlA': Key.ChalkArea, b'ChnI': Key.ChannelsInterleaved, b'ChnN': Key.ChannelName, b'Chnl': Key.Channel, b'Chns': Key.Channels, b'ChrA': Key.CharcoalArea, b'City': Key.City, b'Ckmt': Key.ChokeMatte, b'ClMg': Key.ColorManagement, b'ClPt': Key.ClippingPath, b'ClSz': Key.CellSize, b'Clbr': Key.CalibrationBars, b'Clcl': Key.Calculation, b'ClmW': Key.ColumnWidth, b'ClnS': Key.CloneSource, b'ClpF': Key.ClippingPathFlatness, b'ClpI': Key.ClippingPathIndex, b'ClpP': Key.ClippingPathEPS, b'Clpg': Key.ClippingPathInfo, b'Clr ': Key.Color, b'ClrA': Key.ClearAmount, b'ClrC': Key.ColorCorrection, b'ClrI': Key.ColorIndicates, b'ClrL': Key.ColorsList, b'ClrS': Key.ColorSpace, b'ClrT': Key.ColorTable, b'Clrh': Key.ColorChannels, b'Clrr': Key.ColorPickerPrefs, b'Clrs': Key.Colors, b'Clrz': Key.Colorize, b'Clsp': Key.ClosedSubpath, b'CmdK': Key.CommandKey, b'Cmpn': Key.Compensation, b'Cmpr': Key.Compression, b'Cncv': Key.Concavity, b'Cndt': Key.Condition, b'CnsP': Key.ConstrainProportions, b'Cnst': Key.Constant, b'Cnt ': Key.Count, b'CntC': Key.CenterCropMarks, b'CntN': Key.CountryName, b'Cntg': Key.Contiguous, b'Cntn': Key.Continue, b'Cntr': Key.Center, b'Cnty': Key.Continuity, b'Cnvr': Key.Convert, b'CprN': Key.CopyrightNotice, b'CptW': Key.CaptionWriter, b'Cptn': Key.Caption, b'Cpy ': Key.Copy, b'Cpyr': Key.Copyright, b'CrcB': Key.CrackBrightness, b'CrcD': Key.CrackDepth, b'CrcS': Key.CrackSpacing, b'Crdt': Key.Credit, b'CrnC': Key.CornerCropMarks, b'CrnH': Key.CurrentHistoryState, b'CrnL': Key.CurrentLight, b'CrnT': Key.CurrentToolOptions, b'Crnt': Key.Current, b'Crss': Key.Crossover, b'Crv ': Key.Curve, b'CrvF': Key.CurveFile, b'CstF': Key.CustomForced, b'CstM': Key.CustomMatte, b'CstP': Key.CustomPalette, b'Cstm': Key.Custom, b'Ctgr': Key.Category, b'Cyn ': Key.Cyan, b'DCS ': Key.DCS, b'DPXf': Key.DPXFormat, b'DffD': Key.DiffusionDither, b'Dfnt': Key.Definition, b'Dmtr': Key.Diameter, b'DnmC': Key.DynamicColorSliders, b'Dnst': Key.Density, b'DocI': Key.DocumentID, b'Dplc': Key.Duplicate, b'Dpth': Key.Depth, b'DrSh': Key.DropShadow, b'DrcB': Key.DirectionBalance, b'Drct': Key.Direction, b'DrkI': Key.DarkIntensity, b'Drkn': Key.Darkness, b'DspF': Key.DisplaceFile, b'DspM': Key.DisplacementMap, b'DspP': Key.DisplayPrefs, b'DstB': Key.DestBlackMin, b'DstM': Key.DestinationMode, b'DstW': Key.DestWhiteMin, b'Dstl': Key.DestBlackMax, b'Dstn': Key.Distance, b'Dstr': Key.Distortion, b'Dstt': Key.DestWhiteMax, b'Dt ': Key.Datum, b'DtCr': Key.DateCreated, b'DtGC': Key.DotGainCurves, b'DtGn': Key.DotGain, b'DthA': Key.DitherAmount, b'Dthp': Key.DitherPreserve, b'Dthq': Key.DitherQuality, b'Dthr': Key.Dither, b'Dtl ': Key.Detail, b'EGst': Key.EnableGestures, b'EQlt': Key.ExtendedQuality, b'Edg ': Key.Edge, b'EdgB': Key.EdgeBrightness, b'EdgF': Key.EdgeFidelity, b'EdgI': Key.EdgeIntensity, b'EdgS': Key.EdgeSimplicity, b'EdgT': Key.EdgeThickness, b'EdgW': Key.EdgeWidth, b'Effc': Key.Effect, b'EmbC': Key.EmbedCMYK, b'EmbG': Key.EmbedGray, b'EmbL': Key.EmbedLab, b'EmbP': Key.EmbedProfiles, b'EmbR': Key.EmbedRGB, b'EmlD': Key.EmulsionDown, b'Encd': Key.Encoding, b'End ': Key.End, b'EndA': Key.EndArrowhead, b'EndR': Key.EndRamp, b'EndS': Key.EndSustain, b'Engn': Key.Engine, b'ErsK': Key.EraserKind, b'ErsT': Key.EraseToHistory, b'ExcP': Key.ExactPoints, b'ExpC': Key.ExportClipboard, b'Expr': Key.Export, b'Exps': Key.Exposure, b'ExtD': Key.ExtrudeDepth, b'ExtF': Key.ExtrudeSolidFace, b'ExtM': Key.ExtrudeMaskIncomplete, b'ExtQ': Key.ExtensionsQuery, b'ExtR': Key.ExtrudeRandom, b'ExtS': Key.ExtrudeSize, b'ExtT': Key.ExtrudeType, b'Extd': Key.Extend, b'Extn': Key.Extension, b'EyDr': Key.EyeDropperSample, b'FTcs': Key.FreeTransformCenterState, b'FbrL': Key.FiberLength, b'Fcs ': Key.Focus, b'FdT ': Key.FadeTo, b'FdtS': Key.FadeoutSteps, b'FilR': Key.FileReference, b'File': Key.File, b'Fl ': Key.Fill, b'FlCl': Key.FillColor, b'FlCr': Key.FileCreator, b'FlIn': Key.FileInfo, b'FlNt': Key.FillNeutral, b'FlOf': Key.Falloff, b'FlPd': Key.FilterLayerPersistentData, b'FlRs': Key.FilterLayerRandomSeed, b'FlSP': Key.FileSavePrefs, b'FlTy': Key.FileType, b'Fldr': Key.Folders, b'FlpV': Key.FlipVertical, b'FlrC': Key.FlareCenter, b'Fltn': Key.Flatness, b'Fltt': Key.Flatten, b'Fmt ': Key.Format, b'FncK': Key.FunctionKey, b'Fngr': Key.Fingerpainting, b'FntD': Key.FontDesignAxes, b'FntN': Key.FontName, b'FntS': Key.FontStyleName, b'FntT': Key.FontTechnology, b'FntV': Key.FontDesignAxesVectors, b'FrFX': Key.FrameFX, b'FrcC': Key.ForcedColors, b'FrgC': Key.ForegroundColor, b'FrgL': Key.ForegroundLevel, b'FrmB': Key.FromBuiltin, b'FrmM': Key.FromMode, b'FrmW': Key.FrameWidth, b'From': Key.From, b'Frqn': Key.Frequency, b'Fthr': Key.Feather, b'Fwd ': Key.Forward, b'FxCm': Key.FPXCompress, b'FxQl': Key.FPXQuality, b'FxSz': Key.FPXSize, b'FxVw': Key.FPXView, b'Fzns': Key.Fuzziness, b'GCR ': Key.GCR, b'GFBM': Key.GIFUseBestMatch, b'GFCL': Key.GIFColorLimit, b'GFCS': Key.GIFRequiredColorSpaceType, b'GFEC': Key.GIFExportCaption, b'GFIT': Key.GIFRowOrderType, b'GFMI': Key.GIFMaskChannelIndex, b'GFMV': Key.GIFMaskChannelInverted, b'GFPF': Key.GIFPaletteFile, b'GFPL': Key.GIFPaletteType, b'GFPT': Key.GIFColorFileType, b'GFTB': Key.GIFTransparentIndexBlue, b'GFTC': Key.GIFTransparentColor, b'GFTG': Key.GIFTransparentIndexGreen, b'GFTR': Key.GIFTransparentIndexRed, b'GdPr': Key.GuidesPrefs, b'Gdes': Key.Guides, b'GdsC': Key.GuidesColor, b'GdsS': Key.GuidesStyle, b'Gdss': Key.GuidesCustomColor, b'Glos': Key.Gloss, b'GlwA': Key.GlowAmount, b'GlwT': Key.GlowTechnique, b'Gmm ': Key.Gamma, b'GmtW': Key.GamutWarning, b'GnrP': Key.GeneralPrefs, b'GrBh': Key.GrayBehavior, b'GrSt': Key.GraySetup, b'Grad': Key.Gradient, b'GrdC': Key.GridColor, b'GrdM': Key.GridMajor, b'GrdS': Key.GridStyle, b'Grdf': Key.GradientFill, b'Grdn': Key.GridMinor, b'Grds': Key.GridCustomColor, b'Grdt': Key.GridUnits, b'Grn ': Key.Grain, b'GrnB': Key.GreenBlackPoint, b'GrnG': Key.GreenGamma, b'GrnW': Key.GreenWhitePoint, b'GrnX': Key.GreenX, b'GrnY': Key.GreenY, b'Grns': Key.Graininess, b'Grnt': Key.GrainType, b'GrtW': Key.GroutWidth, b'Grup': Key.Group, b'GrwS': Key.GrowSelection, b'Gry ': Key.Gray, b'GttW': Key.GutterWidth, b'H ': Key.Hue, b'HCdH': Key.HasCmdHPreference, b'Hdln': Key.Headline, b'Hdr ': Key.Header, b'HghA': Key.HighlightArea, b'HghL': Key.HighlightLevels, b'HghS': Key.HighlightStrength, b'Hght': Key.Height, b'HlSz': Key.HalftoneSize, b'HlfF': Key.HalftoneFile, b'HlfS': Key.HalftoneScreen, b'Hlfp': Key.HalftoneSpec, b'Hrdn': Key.Hardness, b'HrzS': Key.HorizontalScale, b'Hrzn': Key.Horizontal, b'HsSS': Key.HistoryStateSource, b'HsSt': Key.HistoryStates, b'HstB': Key.HistoryBrushSource, b'HstN': Key.HostName, b'HstP': Key.HistoryPrefs, b'HstV': Key.HostVersion, b'ICBH': Key.InterfaceColorBlue32, b'ICBL': Key.InterfaceColorBlue2, b'ICCE': Key.ICCEngine, b'ICCt': Key.ICCSetupName, b'ICGH': Key.InterfaceColorGreen32, b'ICGL': Key.InterfaceColorGreen2, b'ICRH': Key.InterfaceColorRed32, b'ICRL': Key.InterfaceColorRed2, b'ITBg': Key.InterfaceTransparencyBackground, b'ITFg': Key.InterfaceTransparencyForeground, b'ITTT': Key.InterfaceToolTipText, b'Idle': Key.Idle, b'Idnt': Key.ID, b'ImgB': Key.ImageBalance, b'Impr': Key.Import, b'Imps': Key.Impressionist, b'In ': Key.In, b'InBF': Key.InterfaceButtonUpFill, b'InkC': Key.InkColors, b'Inks': Key.Inks, b'Inmr': Key.InputMapRange, b'Inpr': Key.InputRange, b'Inpt': Key.Input, b'IntB': Key.InterfaceBlack, b'IntC': Key.InterlaceCreateType, b'IntE': Key.InterlaceEliminateType, b'IntF': Key.InterfaceIconFillDimmed, b'IntH': Key.InterfaceBevelHighlight, b'IntI': Key.InterfaceIconFillActive, b'IntM': Key.InterpolationMethod, b'IntP': Key.InterfacePaletteFill, b'IntR': Key.InterfaceRed, b'IntS': Key.InterfaceIconFrameSelected, b'IntT': Key.InterfaceToolTipBackground, b'IntW': Key.InterfaceWhite, b'Intc': Key.InterfaceIconFillSelected, b'Intd': Key.InterfaceBorder, b'Inte': Key.Intent, b'Intk': Key.InterfaceButtonDarkShadow, b'Intm': Key.InterfaceIconFrameActive, b'Intn': Key.Intensity, b'Intr': Key.InterfaceIconFrameDimmed, b'Intt': Key.InterfaceButtonDownFill, b'Intv': Key.InterfaceBevelShadow, b'InvM': Key.InvertMask, b'InvS': Key.InvertSource2, b'InvT': Key.InvertTexture, b'Invr': Key.Invert, b'IrGl': Key.InnerGlow, b'IrSh': Key.InnerShadow, b'IsDr': Key.IsDirty, b'ItmI': Key.ItemIndex, b'JPEQ': Key.JPEGQuality, b'Knd ': Key.Kind, b'Krng': Key.Kerning, b'Kywd': Key.Keywords, b'LTnm': Key.LUTAnimation, b'LZWC': Key.LZWCompression, b'Lald': Key.LocalLightingAltitude, b'Lbls': Key.Labels, b'LclR': Key.LocalRange, b'Lctn': Key.Location, b'Ldng': Key.Leading, b'Left': Key.Left, b'Lefx': Key.LayerEffects, b'LgDr': Key.LightDark, b'LghD': Key.LightDirection, b'LghG': Key.LightenGrout, b'LghI': Key.LightIntensity, b'LghP': Key.LightPosition, b'LghS': Key.LightSource, b'LghT': Key.LightType, b'Lght': Key.Lightness, b'Line': Key.Line, b'Lmnc': Key.Luminance, b'Lnds': Key.Landscape, b'Lngt': Key.Length, b'LnkL': Key.LinkedLayerIDs, b'Lns ': Key.Lens, b'Log ': Key.Log, b'LstT': Key.LastTransform, b'Lvl ': Key.Level, b'Lvls': Key.Levels, b'LwCs': Key.LowerCase, b'Lyr ': Key.Layer, b'LyrI': Key.LayerID, b'LyrN': Key.LayerName, b'Lyrs': Key.Layers, b'Md ': Key.Mode, b'Mdpn': Key.Midpoint, b'MdtL': Key.MidtoneLevels, b'Mfov': Key.ManipulationFOV, b'Mgnt': Key.Magenta, b'MkVs': Key.MakeVisible, b'MmrU': Key.MemoryUsagePercent, b'Mnch': Key.Monochromatic, b'Mnm ': Key.Minimum, b'MpBl': Key.MapBlack, b'MpgS': Key.MappingShape, b'Mpng': Key.Mapping, b'Mrgd': Key.Merged, b'Mrge': Key.Merge, b'Msge': Key.Message, b'MsmC': Key.MismatchCMYK, b'MsmG': Key.MismatchGray, b'MsmR': Key.MismatchRGB, b'Mthd': Key.Method, b'Mtrl': Key.Material, b'Mtrx': Key.Matrix, b'MttC': Key.MatteColor, b'MvT ': Key.MoveTo, b'Mxm ': Key.Maximum, b'MxmS': Key.MaximumStates, b'MztT': Key.MezzotintType, b'NC64': Key.NumberOfCacheLevels64, b'NCch': Key.NumberOfCacheLevels, b'Ngtv': Key.Negative, b'Nm ': Key.Name, b'Nm L': Key.NumLights, b'NmbC': Key.NumberOfChildren, b'NmbD': Key.NumberOfDocuments, b'NmbG': Key.NumberOfGenerators, b'NmbL': Key.NumberOfLayers, b'NmbO': Key.NumberOfChannels, b'NmbP': Key.NumberOfPaths, b'NmbR': Key.NumberOfRipples, b'NmbS': Key.NumberOfSiblings, b'Nmbr': Key.Number, b'NnIm': Key.NonImageData, b'NnLn': Key.NonLinear, b'Nose': Key.Noise, b'Nw ': Key.New, b'ObjN': Key.ObjectName, b'ObrP': Key.OverridePrinter, b'Ofst': Key.Offset, b'On ': Key.On, b'Opct': Key.Opacity, b'Optm': Key.Optimized, b'OrGl': Key.OuterGlow, b'OrgH': Key.OriginalHeader, b'OrgT': Key.OriginalTransmissionReference, b'Ornt': Key.Orientation, b'OthC': Key.OtherCursors, b'Otpt': Key.Output, b'OvrC': Key.OverprintColors, b'OvrO': Key.OverrideOpen, b'Ovrd': Key.OverrideSave, b'PGIT': Key.PNGInterlaceType, b'PMpf': Key.PageFormat, b'PMps': Key.PrintSettings, b'PNGf': Key.PNGFilter, b'PPSz': Key.PixelPaintSize, b'Path': Key.Path, b'PckI': Key.PickerID, b'Pckr': Key.PickerKind, b'PgNm': Key.PageNumber, b'PgPs': Key.PagePosition, b'PgSt': Key.PageSetup, b'Phsp': Key.Phosphors, b'PlgF': Key.PluginFolder, b'PlgP': Key.PluginPrefs, b'Plt ': Key.Palette, b'PltF': Key.PaletteFile, b'PltL': Key.SavePaletteLocations, b'Pltf': Key.Platform, b'PnCK': Key.PaintCursorKind, b'Pncl': Key.PencilWidth, b'PntC': Key.PaintingCursors, b'PntT': Key.PaintType, b'PprB': Key.PaperBrightness, b'PrIn': Key.ParentIndex, b'PrNm': Key.ParentName, b'PrdC': Key.PredefinedColors, b'PrfB': Key.PreferBuiltin, b'PrfS': Key.ProfileSetup, b'Prfr': Key.Preferences, b'Prs ': Key.Pressure, b'PrsA': Key.PreserveAdditional, b'PrsL': Key.PreserveLuminosity, b'PrsT': Key.PreserveTransparency, b'Prsp': Key.PerspectiveIndex, b'PrvF': Key.PreviewFullSize, b'PrvI': Key.PreviewIcon, b'PrvK': Key.PreviewCMYK, b'PrvM': Key.PreviewMacThumbnail, b'PrvQ': Key.PreviewsQuery, b'PrvS': Key.ProvinceState, b'PrvW': Key.PreviewWinThumbnail, b'Prvw': Key.Preview, b'PstS': Key.PostScriptColor, b'Pstn': Key.Position, b'Pstr': Key.Posterization, b'PthC': Key.PathContents, b'PthN': Key.PathName, b'Pts ': Key.Points, b'Pttn': Key.Pattern, b'Qlty': Key.Quality, b'QucM': Key.QuickMask, b'RGBS': Key.RGBSetup, b'RWOZ': Key.ResizeWindowsOnZoom, b'Rcnf': Key.RecentFiles, b'Rd ': Key.Red, b'RdBl': Key.RedBlackPoint, b'RdGm': Key.RedGamma, b'RdWh': Key.RedWhitePoint, b'RdX ': Key.RedX, b'RdY ': Key.RedY, b'Rds ': Key.Radius, b'Rfid': Key.RenderFidelity, b'Rght': Key.Right, b'RgsM': Key.RegistrationMarks, b'Rlf ': Key.Relief, b'RlrH': Key.RulerOriginH, b'RlrU': Key.RulerUnits, b'RlrV': Key.RulerOriginV, b'Rltv': Key.Relative, b'RndS': Key.RandomSeed, b'Rndn': Key.Roundness, b'RplM': Key.RippleMagnitude, b'RplS': Key.RippleSize, b'Rslt': Key.Resolution, b'Rsmp': Key.Resample, b'Rspn': Key.Response, b'RsrI': Key.ResourceID, b'Rt ': Key.Ratio, b'RtnH': Key.RetainHeader, b'Rtt ': Key.Rotate, b'Rvrs': Key.Reverse, b'SDir': Key.StrokeDirection, b'SbpL': Key.SubPathList, b'Scl ': Key.Scale, b'SclH': Key.ScaleHorizontal, b'SclV': Key.ScaleVertical, b'Scln': Key.Scaling, b'Scns': Key.Scans, b'ScrD': Key.ScratchDisks, b'ScrF': Key.ScreenFile, b'ScrT': Key.ScreenType, b'Scrp': Key.FontScript, b'SfCl': Key.SoftClip, b'Sftn': Key.Softness, b'Sfts': Key.SmallFontType, b'Sftt': Key.OldSmallFontType, b'ShKT': Key.ShiftKeyToolSwitch, b'ShTr': Key.ShowTransparency, b'ShdI': Key.ShadingIntensity, b'ShdL': Key.ShadowLevels, b'ShdN': Key.ShadingNoise, b'ShdS': Key.ShadingShape, b'ShfK': Key.ShiftKey, b'Shp ': Key.Shape, b'ShpC': Key.ContourType, b'ShrE': Key.ShearEd, b'ShrN': Key.ShortNames, b'ShrP': Key.ShearPoints, b'ShrS': Key.ShearSt, b'Shrp': Key.Sharpness, b'ShwE': Key.ShowEnglishFontNames, b'ShwT': Key.ShowToolTips, b'Skew': Key.Skew, b'SmBM': Key.SmartBlurMode, b'SmBQ': Key.SmartBlurQuality, b'Smoo': Key.Smooth, b'Smth': Key.Smoothness, b'SnpI': Key.SnapshotInitial, b'SoFi': Key.SolidFill, b'SpcI': Key.SpecialInstructions, b'Spcn': Key.Spacing, b'SphM': Key.SpherizeMode, b'SplC': Key.SupplementalCategories, b'Spot': Key.Spot, b'SprR': Key.SprayRadius, b'Sprt': Key.Separations, b'SqrS': Key.SquareSize, b'Src2': Key.Source2, b'SrcB': Key.SrcBlackMin, b'SrcM': Key.SourceMode, b'SrcW': Key.SrcWhiteMin, b'Srce': Key.Source, b'Srcl': Key.SrcBlackMax, b'Srcm': Key.SrcWhiteMax, b'SrlS': Key.SerialString, b'SstI': Key.SystemInfo, b'SstP': Key.SystemPalette, b'StDt': Key.StrokeDetail, b'StlC': Key.StylusIsColor, b'StlO': Key.StylusIsOpacity, b'StlP': Key.StylusIsPressure, b'StlS': Key.StylusIsSize, b'StrA': Key.StartArrowhead, b'StrL': Key.StrokeLength, b'StrP': Key.StrokePressure, b'StrS': Key.StrokeSize, b'StrW': Key.StrokeWidth, b'Strg': Key.Strength_PLUGIN, b'Strt': Key.Saturation, b'Stte': Key.State, b'Styl': Key.Style, b'Stys': Key.Styles, b'SvAn': Key.SaveAndClose, b'SvCm': Key.SaveComposite, b'SvPt': Key.SavePaths, b'SvPy': Key.SavePyramids, b'Svng': Key.Saving, b'SwMC': Key.ShowMenuColors, b'Sz ': Key.SizeKey, b'T ': Key.To, b'TBl ': Key.ToBuiltin, b'TMd ': Key.ToMode, b'TglO': Key.ToggleOthers, b'Thsh': Key.Threshold, b'TlNm': Key.TileNumber, b'TlOf': Key.TileOffset, b'TlSz': Key.TileSize, b'Tlrn': Key.Tolerance, b'ToLk': Key.ToLinked, b'Top ': Key.Top, b'Trck': Key.Tracking, b'TrgP': Key.TargetPathIndex, b'Trgp': Key.TargetPath, b'TrnC': Key.TransparencyGridColors, b'TrnF': Key.TransferFunction, b'TrnG': Key.TransparencyGrid, b'TrnI': Key.TransparentIndex, b'TrnP': Key.TransparencyPrefs, b'TrnS': Key.TransferSpec, b'TrnW': Key.TransparentWhites, b'Trns': Key.Transparency, b'Ttl ': Key.Title, b'TtlL': Key.TotalLimit, b'Twst': Key.Twist, b'Txt ': Key.Text, b'TxtC': Key.TextClickPoint, b'TxtD': Key.TextData, b'TxtF': Key.TextureFile, b'TxtS': Key.TextStyle, b'TxtT': Key.TextureType, b'Txtr': Key.Texture, b'Txtt': Key.TextStyleRange, b'Type': Key.Type, b'UC ': Key.UCA, b'URL ': Key.URL, b'UndA': Key.UndefinedArea, b'Undl': Key.Underline, b'UntP': Key.UnitsPrefs, b'Untl': Key.Untitled, b'UppY': Key.UpperY, b'Urgn': Key.Urgency, b'UsCc': Key.UseCacheForHistograms, b'UsCr': Key.UseCurves, b'UsDf': Key.UseDefault, b'UsIC': Key.UseICCProfile, b'UsMs': Key.UseMask, b'Usng': Key.Using, b'UsrM': Key.UserMaskEnabled, b'Usrs': Key.UserMaskLinked, b'Vct0': Key.Vector0, b'Vct1': Key.Vector1, b'VctC': Key.VectorColor, b'Vdlp': Key.VideoAlpha, b'Vl ': Key.Value, b'Vrnc': Key.Variance, b'VrsF': Key.VersionFix, b'VrsM': Key.VersionMajor, b'VrsN': Key.VersionMinor, b'VrtS': Key.VerticalScale, b'Vrtc': Key.Vertical, b'Vsbl': Key.Visible, b'WLMn': Key.WavelengthMin, b'WLMx': Key.WavelengthMax, b'WbdP': Key.WebdavPrefs, b'Wdth': Key.Width, b'WhHi': Key.WhiteIsHigh, b'WhPt': Key.WholePath, b'What': Key.What, b'WhtC': Key.WhiteClip, b'WhtI': Key.WhiteIntensity, b'WhtL': Key.WhiteLevel, b'WhtP': Key.WhitePoint, b'With': Key.With, b'WndM': Key.WindMethod, b'WrPt': Key.WorkPath, b'WrkP': Key.WorkPathIndex, b'WtcS': Key.WatchSuspension, b'Wtdg': Key.WetEdges, b'Wvtp': Key.WaveType, b'X ': Key.X, b'Y ': Key.Y, b'Ylw ': Key.Yellow, b'ZZTy': Key.ZigZagType, b'blfl': Key.CreateLayersFromLayerFX, b'blueFloat': Key.BlueFloat, b'blur': Key.Blur, b'bvlD': Key.BevelDirection, b'bvlS': Key.BevelStyle, b'bvlT': Key.BevelTechnique, b'c@#^': Key.Inherits, b'comp': Key.comp, b'ebbl': Key.BevelEmboss, b'enab': Key.Enabled, b'flst': Key.FilesList, b'gagl': Key.GlobalLightingAngle, b'gblA': Key.GlobalAngle, b'glwS': Key.InnerGlowSource, b'greenFloat': Key.GreenFloat, b'hglC': Key.HighlightColor, b'hglM': Key.HighlightMode, b'hglO': Key.HighlightOpacity, b'kIBP': Key.InputBlackPoint, b'kIWP': Key.InputWhitePoint, b'kLog': Key.Logarithmic, b'kOBP': Key.OutputBlackPoint, b'kOWP': Key.OutputWhitePoint, b'lSNs': Key.LegacySerialString, b'lagl': Key.LocalLightingAngle, b'lfxv': Key.LayerFXVisible, b'lnkE': Key.LinkEnable, b'null': Key.Null, b'redFloat': Key.RedFloat, b'sdwC': Key.ShadowColor, b'sdwM': Key.ShadowMode, b'sdwO': Key.ShadowOpacity, b'srgR': Key.StrengthRatio, b'srgh': Key.Strength, b'uglg': Key.UseGlobalAngle, b'watr': Key.Watermark} _value_repr_() Return repr(self). comp = b'comp' Type class psd_tools.terminology.Type(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Type definitions extracted from PITerminology.h. See ActionData = b'ActD' ActionReference = b'#Act' AlignDistributeSelector = b'ADSt' Alignment = b'Alg ' Amount = b'Amnt' AntiAlias = b'Annt' AreaSelector = b'ArSl' AssumeOptions = b'AssO' BevelEmbossStampStyle = b'BESs' BevelEmbossStyle = b'BESl' BitDepth = b'BtDp' BlackGeneration = b'BlcG' BlendMode = b'BlnM' BlurMethod = b'BlrM' BlurQuality = b'BlrQ' BrushType = b'BrsT' BuiltInContour = b'BltC' BuiltinProfile = b'BltP' CMYKSetupEngine = b'CMYE' Calculation = b'Clcn' Channel = b'Chnl' ChannelReference = b'#ChR' CheckerboardSize = b'Chck' ClassColor = b'#Clr' ClassElement = b'#ClE' ClassExport = b'#Cle' ClassFormat = b'#ClF' ClassHueSatHueSatV2 = b'#HsV' ClassImport = b'#ClI' ClassMode = b'#ClM' ClassStringFormat = b'#ClS' ClassTextExport = b'#CTE' ClassTextImport = b'#ClT' Color = b'Clr ' ColorChannel = b'#ClC' ColorPalette = b'ClrP' ColorSpace = b'ClrS' ColorStopType = b'Clry' Colors = b'Clrs' Compensation = b'Cmpn' ContourEdge = b'CntE' Convert = b'Cnvr' CorrectionMethod = b'CrcM' CursorKind = b'CrsK' DCS = b'DCS ' DeepDepth = b'DpDp' Depth = b'Dpth' DiffuseMode = b'DfsM' Direction = b'Drct' DisplacementMap = b'DspM' Distribution = b'Dstr' Dither = b'Dthr' DitherQuality = b'Dthq' DocumentReference = b'#DcR' EPSPreview = b'EPSP' ElementReference = b'#ElR' Encoding = b'Encd' EraserKind = b'ErsK' ExtrudeRandom = b'ExtR' ExtrudeType = b'ExtT' EyeDropperSample = b'EyDp' FPXCompress = b'FxCm' Fill = b'Fl ' FillColor = b'FlCl' FillContents = b'FlCn' FillMode = b'FlMd' ForcedColors = b'FrcC' FrameFill = b'FrFl' FrameStyle = b'FStl' GIFColorFileType = b'GFPT' GIFPaletteType = b'GFPL' GIFRequiredColorSpaceType = b'GFCS' GIFRowOrderType = b'GFIT' GlobalClass = b'GlbC' GlobalObject = b'GlbO' GradientForm = b'GrdF' GradientType = b'GrdT' GrainType = b'Grnt' GrayBehavior = b'GrBh' GuideGridColor = b'GdGr' GuideGridStyle = b'GdGS' HistoryStateSource = b'HstS' HorizontalLocation = b'HrzL' ImageReference = b'#ImR' InnerGlowSource = b'IGSr' IntegerChannel = b'#inC' Intent = b'Inte' InterlaceCreateType = b'IntC' InterlaceEliminateType = b'IntE' Interpolation = b'Intp' Kelvin = b'Klvn' KelvinCustomWhitePoint = b'#Klv' Lens = b'Lns ' LightDirection = b'LghD' LightPosition = b'LghP' LightType = b'LghT' LocationReference = b'#Lct' MaskIndicator = b'MskI' MatteColor = b'MttC' MatteTechnique = b'BETE' MenuItem = b'MnIt' Method = b'Mthd' MezzotintType = b'MztT' Mode = b'Md ' Notify = b'Ntfy' Object = b'Objc' ObjectReference = b'obj ' OnOff = b'OnOf' Ordinal = b'Ordn' Orientation = b'Ornt' PNGFilter = b'PNGf' PNGInterlaceType = b'PGIT' PagePosition = b'PgPs' PathKind = b'PthK' PathReference = b'#PtR' Phosphors = b'Phsp' PhosphorsCustomPhosphors = b'#Phs' PickerKind = b'PckK' PixelPaintSize = b'PPSz' Platform = b'Pltf' Preview = b'Prvw' PreviewCMYK = b'Prvt' ProfileMismatch = b'PrfM' PurgeItem = b'PrgI' QuadCenterState = b'QCSt' Quality = b'Qlty' QueryState = b'QurS' RGBSetupSource = b'RGBS' RawData = b'tdta' RippleSize = b'RplS' RulerUnits = b'RlrU' ScreenType = b'ScrT' Shape = b'Shp ' SmartBlurMode = b'SmBM' SmartBlurQuality = b'SmBQ' SourceMode = b'Cndn' SpherizeMode = b'SphM' State = b'Stte' StringChannel = b'#sth' StringClassFormat = b'#StC' StringCompensation = b'#Stm' StringFSS = b'#Stf' StringInteger = b'#StI' StrokeDirection = b'StrD' StrokeLocation = b'StrL' TextureType = b'TxtT' TransparencyGridColors = b'Trnl' TransparencyGridSize = b'TrnG' TypeClassModeOrClassMode = b'#TyM' UndefinedArea = b'UndA' UnitFloat = b'UntF' Urgency = b'Urgn' UserMaskOptions = b'UsrM' ValueList = b'VlLs' VerticalLocation = b'VrtL' WaveType = b'Wvtp' WindMethod = b'WndM' YesNo = b'YsN ' ZigZagType = b'ZZTy' _generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values) Generate the next value when not given. name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the list of values assigned _member_map_ = {'ActionData': Type.ActionData, 'ActionReference': Type.ActionReference, 'AlignDistributeSelector': Type.AlignDistributeSelector, 'Alignment': Type.Alignment, 'Amount': Type.Amount, 'AntiAlias': Type.AntiAlias, 'AreaSelector': Type.AreaSelector, 'AssumeOptions': Type.AssumeOptions, 'BevelEmbossStampStyle': Type.BevelEmbossStampStyle, 'BevelEmbossStyle': Type.BevelEmbossStyle, 'BitDepth': Type.BitDepth, 'BlackGeneration': Type.BlackGeneration, 'BlendMode': Type.BlendMode, 'BlurMethod': Type.BlurMethod, 'BlurQuality': Type.BlurQuality, 'BrushType': Type.BrushType, 'BuiltInContour': Type.BuiltInContour, 'BuiltinProfile': Type.BuiltinProfile, 'CMYKSetupEngine': Type.CMYKSetupEngine, 'Calculation': Type.Calculation, 'Channel': Type.Channel, 'ChannelReference': Type.ChannelReference, 'CheckerboardSize': Type.CheckerboardSize, 'ClassColor': Type.ClassColor, 'ClassElement': Type.ClassElement, 'ClassExport': Type.ClassExport, 'ClassFormat': Type.ClassFormat, 'ClassHueSatHueSatV2': Type.ClassHueSatHueSatV2, 'ClassImport': Type.ClassImport, 'ClassMode': Type.ClassMode, 'ClassStringFormat': Type.ClassStringFormat, 'ClassTextExport': Type.ClassTextExport, 'ClassTextImport': Type.ClassTextImport, 'Color': Type.Color, 'ColorChannel': Type.ColorChannel, 'ColorPalette': Type.ColorPalette, 'ColorSpace': Type.ColorSpace, 'ColorStopType': Type.ColorStopType, 'Colors': Type.Colors, 'Compensation': Type.Compensation, 'ContourEdge': Type.ContourEdge, 'Convert': Type.Convert, 'CorrectionMethod': Type.CorrectionMethod, 'CursorKind': Type.CursorKind, 'DCS': Type.DCS, 'DeepDepth': Type.DeepDepth, 'Depth': Type.Depth, 'DiffuseMode': Type.DiffuseMode, 'Direction': Type.Direction, 'DisplacementMap': Type.DisplacementMap, 'Distribution': Type.Distribution, 'Dither': Type.Dither, 'DitherQuality': Type.DitherQuality, 'DocumentReference': Type.DocumentReference, 'EPSPreview': Type.EPSPreview, 'ElementReference': Type.ElementReference, 'Encoding': Type.Encoding, 'EraserKind': Type.EraserKind, 'ExtrudeRandom': Type.ExtrudeRandom, 'ExtrudeType': Type.ExtrudeType, 'EyeDropperSample': Type.EyeDropperSample, 'FPXCompress': Type.FPXCompress, 'Fill': Type.Fill, 'FillColor': Type.FillColor, 'FillContents': Type.FillContents, 'FillMode': Type.FillMode, 'ForcedColors': Type.ForcedColors, 'FrameFill': Type.FrameFill, 'FrameStyle': Type.FrameStyle, 'GIFColorFileType': Type.GIFColorFileType, 'GIFPaletteType': Type.GIFPaletteType, 'GIFRequiredColorSpaceType': Type.GIFRequiredColorSpaceType, 'GIFRowOrderType': Type.GIFRowOrderType, 'GlobalClass': Type.GlobalClass, 'GlobalObject': Type.GlobalObject, 'GradientForm': Type.GradientForm, 'GradientType': Type.GradientType, 'GrainType': Type.GrainType, 'GrayBehavior': Type.GrayBehavior, 'GuideGridColor': Type.GuideGridColor, 'GuideGridStyle': Type.GuideGridStyle, 'HistoryStateSource': Type.HistoryStateSource, 'HorizontalLocation': Type.HorizontalLocation, 'ImageReference': Type.ImageReference, 'InnerGlowSource': Type.InnerGlowSource, 'IntegerChannel': Type.IntegerChannel, 'Intent': Type.Intent, 'InterlaceCreateType': Type.InterlaceCreateType, 'InterlaceEliminateType': Type.InterlaceEliminateType, 'Interpolation': Type.Interpolation, 'Kelvin': Type.Kelvin, 'KelvinCustomWhitePoint': Type.KelvinCustomWhitePoint, 'Lens': Type.Lens, 'LightDirection': Type.LightDirection, 'LightPosition': Type.LightPosition, 'LightType': Type.LightType, 'LocationReference': Type.LocationReference, 'MaskIndicator': Type.MaskIndicator, 'MatteColor': Type.MatteColor, 'MatteTechnique': Type.MatteTechnique, 'MenuItem': Type.MenuItem, 'Method': Type.Method, 'MezzotintType': Type.MezzotintType, 'Mode': Type.Mode, 'Notify': Type.Notify, 'Object': Type.Object, 'ObjectReference': Type.ObjectReference, 'OnOff': Type.OnOff, 'Ordinal': Type.Ordinal, 'Orientation': Type.Orientation, 'PNGFilter': Type.PNGFilter, 'PNGInterlaceType': Type.PNGInterlaceType, 'PagePosition': Type.PagePosition, 'PathKind': Type.PathKind, 'PathReference': Type.PathReference, 'Phosphors': Type.Phosphors, 'PhosphorsCustomPhosphors': Type.PhosphorsCustomPhosphors, 'PickerKind': Type.PickerKind, 'PixelPaintSize': Type.PixelPaintSize, 'Platform': Type.Platform, 'Preview': Type.Preview, 'PreviewCMYK': Type.PreviewCMYK, 'ProfileMismatch': Type.ProfileMismatch, 'PurgeItem': Type.PurgeItem, 'QuadCenterState': Type.QuadCenterState, 'Quality': Type.Quality, 'QueryState': Type.QueryState, 'RGBSetupSource': Type.RGBSetupSource, 'RawData': Type.RawData, 'RippleSize': Type.RippleSize, 'RulerUnits': Type.RulerUnits, 'ScreenType': Type.ScreenType, 'Shape': Type.Shape, 'SmartBlurMode': Type.SmartBlurMode, 'SmartBlurQuality': Type.SmartBlurQuality, 'SourceMode': Type.SourceMode, 'SpherizeMode': Type.SpherizeMode, 'State': Type.State, 'StringChannel': Type.StringChannel, 'StringClassFormat': Type.StringClassFormat, 'StringCompensation': Type.StringCompensation, 'StringFSS': Type.StringFSS, 'StringInteger': Type.StringInteger, 'StrokeDirection': Type.StrokeDirection, 'StrokeLocation': Type.StrokeLocation, 'TextureType': Type.TextureType, 'TransparencyGridColors': Type.TransparencyGridColors, 'TransparencyGridSize': Type.TransparencyGridSize, 'TypeClassModeOrClassMode': Type.TypeClassModeOrClassMode, 'UndefinedArea': Type.UndefinedArea, 'UnitFloat': Type.UnitFloat, 'Urgency': Type.Urgency, 'UserMaskOptions': Type.UserMaskOptions, 'ValueList': Type.ValueList, 'VerticalLocation': Type.VerticalLocation, 'WaveType': Type.WaveType, 'WindMethod': Type.WindMethod, 'YesNo': Type.YesNo, 'ZigZagType': Type.ZigZagType} _member_names_ = ['ActionReference', 'ActionData', 'AlignDistributeSelector', 'Alignment', 'Amount', 'AntiAlias', 'AreaSelector', 'AssumeOptions', 'BevelEmbossStampStyle', 'BevelEmbossStyle', 'BitDepth', 'BlackGeneration', 'BlendMode', 'BlurMethod', 'BlurQuality', 'BrushType', 'BuiltinProfile', 'BuiltInContour', 'CMYKSetupEngine', 'Calculation', 'Channel', 'ChannelReference', 'CheckerboardSize', 'ClassColor', 'ClassElement', 'ClassExport', 'ClassFormat', 'ClassHueSatHueSatV2', 'ClassImport', 'ClassMode', 'ClassStringFormat', 'ClassTextExport', 'ClassTextImport', 'Color', 'ColorChannel', 'ColorPalette', 'ColorSpace', 'ColorStopType', 'Colors', 'Compensation', 'ContourEdge', 'Convert', 'CorrectionMethod', 'CursorKind', 'DCS', 'DeepDepth', 'Depth', 'DiffuseMode', 'Direction', 'DisplacementMap', 'Distribution', 'Dither', 'DitherQuality', 'DocumentReference', 'EPSPreview', 'ElementReference', 'Encoding', 'EraserKind', 'ExtrudeRandom', 'ExtrudeType', 'EyeDropperSample', 'FPXCompress', 'Fill', 'FillColor', 'FillContents', 'FillMode', 'ForcedColors', 'FrameFill', 'FrameStyle', 'GIFColorFileType', 'GIFPaletteType', 'GIFRequiredColorSpaceType', 'GIFRowOrderType', 'GlobalClass', 'GlobalObject', 'GradientType', 'GradientForm', 'GrainType', 'GrayBehavior', 'GuideGridColor', 'GuideGridStyle', 'HistoryStateSource', 'HorizontalLocation', 'ImageReference', 'InnerGlowSource', 'IntegerChannel', 'Intent', 'InterlaceCreateType', 'InterlaceEliminateType', 'Interpolation', 'Kelvin', 'KelvinCustomWhitePoint', 'Lens', 'LightDirection', 'LightPosition', 'LightType', 'LocationReference', 'MaskIndicator', 'MatteColor', 'MatteTechnique', 'MenuItem', 'Method', 'MezzotintType', 'Mode', 'Notify', 'Object', 'ObjectReference', 'OnOff', 'Ordinal', 'Orientation', 'PNGFilter', 'PNGInterlaceType', 'PagePosition', 'PathKind', 'PathReference', 'Phosphors', 'PhosphorsCustomPhosphors', 'PickerKind', 'PixelPaintSize', 'Platform', 'Preview', 'PreviewCMYK', 'ProfileMismatch', 'PurgeItem', 'QuadCenterState', 'Quality', 'QueryState', 'RGBSetupSource', 'RawData', 'RippleSize', 'RulerUnits', 'ScreenType', 'Shape', 'SmartBlurMode', 'SmartBlurQuality', 'SourceMode', 'SpherizeMode', 'State', 'StringClassFormat', 'StringChannel', 'StringCompensation', 'StringFSS', 'StringInteger', 'StrokeDirection', 'StrokeLocation', 'TextureType', 'TransparencyGridColors', 'TransparencyGridSize', 'TypeClassModeOrClassMode', 'UndefinedArea', 'UnitFloat', 'Urgency', 'UserMaskOptions', 'ValueList', 'VerticalLocation', 'WaveType', 'WindMethod', 'YesNo', 'ZigZagType'] _member_type_ alias of bytes _new_member_(**kwargs) Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. _unhashable_values_ = [] _use_args_ = True _value2member_map_ = {b'#Act': Type.ActionReference, b'#CTE': Type.ClassTextExport, b'#ChR': Type.ChannelReference, b'#ClC': Type.ColorChannel, b'#ClE': Type.ClassElement, b'#ClF': Type.ClassFormat, b'#ClI': Type.ClassImport, b'#ClM': Type.ClassMode, b'#ClS': Type.ClassStringFormat, b'#ClT': Type.ClassTextImport, b'#Cle': Type.ClassExport, b'#Clr': Type.ClassColor, b'#DcR': Type.DocumentReference, b'#ElR': Type.ElementReference, b'#HsV': Type.ClassHueSatHueSatV2, b'#ImR': Type.ImageReference, b'#Klv': Type.KelvinCustomWhitePoint, b'#Lct': Type.LocationReference, b'#Phs': Type.PhosphorsCustomPhosphors, b'#PtR': Type.PathReference, b'#StC': Type.StringClassFormat, b'#StI': Type.StringInteger, b'#Stf': Type.StringFSS, b'#Stm': Type.StringCompensation, b'#TyM': Type.TypeClassModeOrClassMode, b'#inC': Type.IntegerChannel, b'#sth': Type.StringChannel, b'ADSt': Type.AlignDistributeSelector, b'ActD': Type.ActionData, b'Alg ': Type.Alignment, b'Amnt': Type.Amount, b'Annt': Type.AntiAlias, b'ArSl': Type.AreaSelector, b'AssO': Type.AssumeOptions, b'BESl': Type.BevelEmbossStyle, b'BESs': Type.BevelEmbossStampStyle, b'BETE': Type.MatteTechnique, b'BlcG': Type.BlackGeneration, b'BlnM': Type.BlendMode, b'BlrM': Type.BlurMethod, b'BlrQ': Type.BlurQuality, b'BltC': Type.BuiltInContour, b'BltP': Type.BuiltinProfile, b'BrsT': Type.BrushType, b'BtDp': Type.BitDepth, b'CMYE': Type.CMYKSetupEngine, b'Chck': Type.CheckerboardSize, b'Chnl': Type.Channel, b'Clcn': Type.Calculation, b'Clr ': Type.Color, b'ClrP': Type.ColorPalette, b'ClrS': Type.ColorSpace, b'Clrs': Type.Colors, b'Clry': Type.ColorStopType, b'Cmpn': Type.Compensation, b'Cndn': Type.SourceMode, b'CntE': Type.ContourEdge, b'Cnvr': Type.Convert, b'CrcM': Type.CorrectionMethod, b'CrsK': Type.CursorKind, b'DCS ': Type.DCS, b'DfsM': Type.DiffuseMode, b'DpDp': Type.DeepDepth, b'Dpth': Type.Depth, b'Drct': Type.Direction, b'DspM': Type.DisplacementMap, b'Dstr': Type.Distribution, b'Dthq': Type.DitherQuality, b'Dthr': Type.Dither, b'EPSP': Type.EPSPreview, b'Encd': Type.Encoding, b'ErsK': Type.EraserKind, b'ExtR': Type.ExtrudeRandom, b'ExtT': Type.ExtrudeType, b'EyDp': Type.EyeDropperSample, b'FStl': Type.FrameStyle, b'Fl ': Type.Fill, b'FlCl': Type.FillColor, b'FlCn': Type.FillContents, b'FlMd': Type.FillMode, b'FrFl': Type.FrameFill, b'FrcC': Type.ForcedColors, b'FxCm': Type.FPXCompress, b'GFCS': Type.GIFRequiredColorSpaceType, b'GFIT': Type.GIFRowOrderType, b'GFPL': Type.GIFPaletteType, b'GFPT': Type.GIFColorFileType, b'GdGS': Type.GuideGridStyle, b'GdGr': Type.GuideGridColor, b'GlbC': Type.GlobalClass, b'GlbO': Type.GlobalObject, b'GrBh': Type.GrayBehavior, b'GrdF': Type.GradientForm, b'GrdT': Type.GradientType, b'Grnt': Type.GrainType, b'HrzL': Type.HorizontalLocation, b'HstS': Type.HistoryStateSource, b'IGSr': Type.InnerGlowSource, b'IntC': Type.InterlaceCreateType, b'IntE': Type.InterlaceEliminateType, b'Inte': Type.Intent, b'Intp': Type.Interpolation, b'Klvn': Type.Kelvin, b'LghD': Type.LightDirection, b'LghP': Type.LightPosition, b'LghT': Type.LightType, b'Lns ': Type.Lens, b'Md ': Type.Mode, b'MnIt': Type.MenuItem, b'MskI': Type.MaskIndicator, b'Mthd': Type.Method, b'MttC': Type.MatteColor, b'MztT': Type.MezzotintType, b'Ntfy': Type.Notify, b'Objc': Type.Object, b'OnOf': Type.OnOff, b'Ordn': Type.Ordinal, b'Ornt': Type.Orientation, b'PGIT': Type.PNGInterlaceType, b'PNGf': Type.PNGFilter, b'PPSz': Type.PixelPaintSize, b'PckK': Type.PickerKind, b'PgPs': Type.PagePosition, b'Phsp': Type.Phosphors, b'Pltf': Type.Platform, b'PrfM': Type.ProfileMismatch, b'PrgI': Type.PurgeItem, b'Prvt': Type.PreviewCMYK, b'Prvw': Type.Preview, b'PthK': Type.PathKind, b'QCSt': Type.QuadCenterState, b'Qlty': Type.Quality, b'QurS': Type.QueryState, b'RGBS': Type.RGBSetupSource, b'RlrU': Type.RulerUnits, b'RplS': Type.RippleSize, b'ScrT': Type.ScreenType, b'Shp ': Type.Shape, b'SmBM': Type.SmartBlurMode, b'SmBQ': Type.SmartBlurQuality, b'SphM': Type.SpherizeMode, b'StrD': Type.StrokeDirection, b'StrL': Type.StrokeLocation, b'Stte': Type.State, b'TrnG': Type.TransparencyGridSize, b'Trnl': Type.TransparencyGridColors, b'TxtT': Type.TextureType, b'UndA': Type.UndefinedArea, b'UntF': Type.UnitFloat, b'Urgn': Type.Urgency, b'UsrM': Type.UserMaskOptions, b'VlLs': Type.ValueList, b'VrtL': Type.VerticalLocation, b'WndM': Type.WindMethod, b'Wvtp': Type.WaveType, b'YsN ': Type.YesNo, b'ZZTy': Type.ZigZagType, b'obj ': Type.ObjectReference, b'tdta': Type.RawData} _value_repr_() Return repr(self). Unit class psd_tools.terminology.Unit(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None) Unit definitions extracted from PITerminology.h. See Angle = b'#Ang' Density = b'#Rsl' Distance = b'#Rlt' Millimeters = b'#Mlm' Percent = b'#Prc' Pixels = b'#Pxl' Points = b'#Pnt' _None = b'#Nne' _generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values) Generate the next value when not given. name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the list of values assigned _member_map_ = {'Angle': Unit.Angle, 'Density': Unit.Density, 'Distance': Unit.Distance, 'Millimeters': Unit.Millimeters, 'Percent': Unit.Percent, 'Pixels': Unit.Pixels, 'Points': Unit.Points, '_None': Unit._None} _member_names_ = ['Angle', 'Density', 'Distance', '_None', 'Percent', 'Pixels', 'Millimeters', 'Points'] _member_type_ alias of bytes _new_member_(**kwargs) Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature. _unhashable_values_ = [] _use_args_ = True _value2member_map_ = {b'#Ang': Unit.Angle, b'#Mlm': Unit.Millimeters, b'#Nne': Unit._None, b'#Pnt': Unit.Points, b'#Prc': Unit.Percent, b'#Pxl': Unit.Pixels, b'#Rlt': Unit.Distance, b'#Rsl': Unit.Density} _value_repr_() Return repr(self).
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