Provided by: pycoqc_2.5.2+dfsg-3_all 

pycoQC - computes metrics and generates interactive QC plots from the sequencing summary report generated by Oxford Nanopore technologies basecallers
usage: pycoQC [-h] [--version] [--summary_file [SUMMARY_FILE ...]] [--barcode_file [BARCODE_FILE ...]] [--bam_file [BAM_FILE ...]] [--html_outfile HTML_OUTFILE] [--json_outfile JSON_OUTFILE] [--min_pass_qual MIN_PASS_QUAL] [--min_pass_len MIN_PASS_LEN] [--filter_calibration] [--filter_duplicated] [--min_barcode_percent MIN_BARCODE_PERCENT] [--report_title REPORT_TITLE] [--template_file TEMPLATE_FILE] [--config_file CONFIG_FILE] [--skip_coverage_plot] [--sample SAMPLE] [--default_config] [-v | -q] pycoQC computes metrics and generates interactive QC plots from the sequencing summary report generated by Oxford Nanopore technologies basecallers * Minimal usage pycoQC -f sequencing_summary.txt -o pycoQC_output.html * Including Guppy barcoding file + html output + json output pycoQC -f sequencing_summary.txt -b barcoding_sequencing.txt -o pycoQC_output.html -j pycoQC_output.json * Including Bam file + html output pycoQC -f sequencing_summary.txt -a alignment.bam -o pycoQC_output.html optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit -v, --verbose Increase verbosity -q, --quiet Reduce verbosity Input/output options: --summary_file [SUMMARY_FILE ...], -f [SUMMARY_FILE ...] Path to a sequencing_summary generated by Albacore 1.0.0 + ( / Guppy 2.1.3+ (guppy_basecaller). One can also pass multiple space separated file paths or a UNIX style regex matching multiple files (Required) --barcode_file [BARCODE_FILE ...], -b [BARCODE_FILE ...] Path to the barcode_file generated by Guppy 2.1.3+ (guppy_barcoder) or Deepbinner 0.2.0+. This is not a required file. One can also pass multiple space separated file paths or a UNIX style regex matching multiple files (optional) --bam_file [BAM_FILE ...], -a [BAM_FILE ...] Path to a Bam file corresponding to reads in the summary_file. Preferably aligned with Minimap2 One can also pass multiple space separated file paths or a UNIX style regex matching multiple files (optional) --html_outfile HTML_OUTFILE, -o HTML_OUTFILE Path to an output html file report (required if json_outfile not given) --json_outfile JSON_OUTFILE, -j JSON_OUTFILE Path to an output json file report (required if html_outfile not given) Filtering options: --min_pass_qual MIN_PASS_QUAL Minimum quality to consider a read as 'pass' (default: 7) --min_pass_len MIN_PASS_LEN Minimum read length to consider a read as 'pass' (default: 0) --filter_calibration If given, reads flagged as calibration strand by the basecaller are removed (default: False) --filter_duplicated If given, duplicated read_ids are removed but the first occurence is kept (Guppy sometimes outputs the same read multiple times) (default: False) --min_barcode_percent MIN_BARCODE_PERCENT Minimal percent of total reads to retain barcode label. If below, the barcode value is set as `unclassified` (default: 0.1) HTML report options: --report_title REPORT_TITLE Title to use in the html report (default: PycoQC report) --template_file TEMPLATE_FILE Jinja2 html template for the html report (default: ) --config_file CONFIG_FILE Path to a JSON configuration file for the html report. If not provided, looks for it in ~/.pycoQC and ~/.config/pycoQC/config. If it's still not found, falls back to default parameters. The first level keys are the names of the plots to be included. The second level keys are the parameters to pass to each plotting function (default: )") --skip_coverage_plot Skip the coverage plot in HTML report. Useful when using a reference file containing many sequences, i.e. transcriptome (default: False) Other options: --sample SAMPLE If not None a n number of reads will be randomly selected instead of the entire dataset for ploting function (deterministic sampling) (default: 100000) --default_config, -d Print default configuration file. Can be used to generate a template JSON file (default: False)
This manpage was written by Nilesh Patra for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.