lunar (1) scheme-script-chez.1.gz

Provided by: chezscheme_9.5.8+dfsg-1_amd64 bug


       chezscheme - Chez Scheme
       petite - Petite Chez Scheme


       scheme [ options ] file ...
       petite [ options ] file ...


       Chez  Scheme  is  a  programming  language,  based  on R6RS Scheme, and a high-performance
       implementation of that language.  Chez Scheme compiles source expressions incrementally to
       machine code, providing the speed of compiled code in an interactive system.

       Petite Chez Scheme is an interpreted version of Chez Scheme that may be used as a run-time
       environment for Chez Scheme applications or as a  stand-alone  Scheme  system.   With  the
       exception  that  the  compiler  is not present, Petite Chez Scheme is 100% compatible with
       Chez Scheme.  Interpreted code is fast in Petite Chez Scheme, but generally not nearly  as
       fast  as  compiled  code.  Debugging and profiling support is also limited for interpreted

       Scheme is normally used interactively.  The system prompts the user  with  a  right  angle
       bracket  (“>”) at the beginning of each input line.  Any Scheme expression may be entered.
       The system evaluates the expression and prints the result.  After printing the result, the
       system  prompts again for more input.  The user can exit the system by typing Control-D or
       by using the procedure exit.


       Chez Scheme recognizes the following command line options:

       -q, --quiet
                 Suppress greeting and prompts.

       --script file
                 Run file as a shell script.

       --program file
                 Run rnrs program in file as a shell script.

       --libdirs dir:...
                 Set library directories to dir:....

       --libexts ext:...
                 Set library extensions to ext:....

                 Compile libraries before loading them.

                 Enable import search messages.

       --optimize-level 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
                 Set optimize level to 0, 1, 2, or 3.

                 On uncaught exception, call debug.

                 Disables the expression editor.

       --eehistory off | file
                 Set expression-editor history file or disable restore and save of history.

                 Have collector maintain object counts.

                 Keep reloc information for compute-size, etc.

       -b file, --boot file
                 Load boot code from file.

       --verbose Trace boot search process.

       --version Print version and exit.

       --help    Print brief command-line help and exit.

       --        Pass all remaining command-line arguments through to Scheme.

       The following options are recognized but cause the system to print an  error  message  and
       exit because saved heaps are not presently supported.

       -h file, --heap file

       -s[level] file, --saveheap[level] file

       -c, --compact

       Any remaining command-line arguments are treated as the names of files to be loaded before
       Chez Scheme begins interacting with the user (see  COMMAND-LINE  FILE  ARGUMENTS),  unless
       “--script”  or  “--program”  is  present,  in  which case the remaining arguments are made
       available to the script via the command-line parameter (see SCHEME SCRIPTS).


       Interaction of the system with the user is performed by a Scheme program called a  waiter,
       running  in  a  program state called a cafe.  The waiter merely prompts, reads, evaluates,
       prints and loops back for more.  It is possible to open up a chain of Chez Scheme cafes by
       invoking  the  new-cafe  procedure with no arguments.  New-cafe is also one of the options
       when an interrupt occurs.  Each cafe has its own reset and exit procedures.  Exiting  from
       one  cafe in the chain returns you to the next one back, and so on, until the entire chain
       closes and you leave the system altogether.  Sometimes it is useful to  interrupt  a  long
       computation  by  typing  the  interrupt  character,  enter a new cafe to execute something
       (perhaps to check a status variable set by computation), and exit the cafe back to the old

       You  can tell what level you are at by the number of angle brackets in the prompt, one for
       level one, two for level two, and so on.  Three angle brackets in  the  prompt  means  you
       would  have to exit from three cafes to get out of Chez Scheme.  If you wish to abort from
       Chez Scheme and you are  several  cafes  deep,  the  procedure  abort  leaves  the  system

       You  can  exit  the  system by typing the end-of-file character (normally Control-D) or by
       using the procedure exit.  Typing Control-D is equivalent to  (exit),  (exit  (void)),  or
       (exit 0), each of which is considered a “normal exit”.


       Ordinarily,  if  an  exception  occurs  during  interactive use of the system, the default
       exception handler displays the condition with which the exception was raised, saves it for
       possibly  later  use  by  the  debugger, and prints the message "type (debug) to enter the
       debugger."  Once in the debugger,  the  user  has  the  option  of  inspecting  the  raise
       continuation,  i.e., the stack frames of the pending calls.  When an exception occurs in a
       script or top  level  program,  or  when  the  standard  input  and/or  output  ports  are
       redirected,  the default exception handler does not save the continuation of the exception
       and does not print the "type (debug)" message.

       If the parameter debug-on-exception is set to #t, however, the default  exception  handler
       directly  invokes  debug,  whether  running  interactively or not, and even when running a
       script or top-level program.  The “--debug-on-exception” option may be used to set  debug-
       on-exception  to  #t  from  the  command line, which is particularly useful when debugging
       scripts or top-level programs run via the “--script” or “--program”  options.

       None of this applies to exceptions raised with  a  non-serious  (warning)  condition,  for
       which the default exception handler simply displays the condition and returns.


       Running  programs  may be interrupted by typing the interrupt character (normally Control-
       C).   In response, the system enters a break handler,  which  prompts  for  input  with  a
       “break>”  prompt.   Several  commands may be issued to the break handler, including “e” to
       exit from the handler and continue, “r” to reset to the current cafe, “a”  to  abort  Chez
       Scheme,  “n”  to  enter  a  new  cafe, “i” to inspect the current continuation, and “s” to
       display statistics about the interrupted program.   While  typing  an  expression  to  the
       waiter, the interrupt character simply resets to the current cafe.


       When  Chez  Scheme is used interactively in a shell window, the waiter's “prompt and read”
       procedure employs an expression editor that permits  entry  and  editing  of  single-  and
       multiple-line  expressions,  automatically  indents  expressions  as they are entered, and
       supports name-completion based on the identifiers defined in the interactive  environment.
       The  expression  editor  also  maintains  a history of expressions typed during and across
       sessions and supports tcsh(1)-like history movement and search  commands.   Other  editing
       commands  include  simple  cursor  movement  via  arrow  keys,  deletion of characters via
       backspace and delete, and movement, deletion, and other commands using  mostly  emacs  key

       The  expression  editor  does  not run if the TERM environment variable is not set, if the
       standard input or output files have been redirected, or if  the  --eedisable  command-line
       option  has  been  used.   The  history  is saved across sessions, by default, in the file
       “$HOME/.chezscheme_history”.  The --eehistory command-line option can be used to specify a
       different  location  for  the  history  file or to disable the saving and restoring of the
       history file.

       Keys for nearly all printing characters (letters,  digits,  and  special  characters)  are
       “self  inserting”  by default.  The open parenthesis, close parenthesis, open bracket, and
       close bracket keys are self inserting as well, but also cause the editor to “flash” to the
       matching  delimiter,  if  any.   Furthermore, when a close parenthesis or close bracket is
       typed, it is automatically corrected to match the corresponding open delimiter, if any.

       Key bindings for other keys and key  sequences  initially  recognized  by  the  expression
       editor  are  given  below,  organized into groups by function.  Some keys or key sequences
       serve more than one purpose depending upon context.  For example, tab  is  used  both  for
       identifier  completion  and  for  indentation.  Such bindings are shown in each applicable
       functional group.

       Multiple-key sequences are displayed with hyphens between the keys of the  sequences,  but
       these  hyphens  should  not  be  entered.  When two or more key sequences perform the same
       operation, the sequences are shown separated by commas.

       Newlines, acceptance, exiting, and redisplay:

       enter, ^M         accept balanced entry if used at end of entry;
                         else add a newline before the cursor and indent
       ^J                accept entry unconditionally
       ^O                insert newline after the cursor and indent
       ^D                exit from the waiter if entry is empty;
                         else delete character under cursor
       ^Z                suspend to shell if shell supports job control
       ^L                redisplay entry
       ^L-^L             clear screen and redisplay entry

       Basic movement and deletion:

       left, ^B          move cursor left
       right, ^F         move cursor right
       up, ^P            move cursor up; from top of unmodified entry,
                         move to preceding history entry.
       down, ^N          move cursor down; from bottom of unmodified entry,
                         move to next history entry.
       ^D                delete character under cursor if entry not empty;
                         else exit from the waiter.
       backspace, ^H     delete character before cursor
       delete            delete character under cursor

       Line movement and deletion:

       home, ^A          move cursor to beginning of line
       end, ^E           move cursor to end of line
       ^K, esc-k         delete to end of line or, if cursor is at the end
                         of a line, join with next line
       ^U                delete contents of current line

       When used on the first line of  a  multiline  entry  of  which  only  the  first  line  is
       displayed, i.e., immediately after history movement, ^U deletes the contents of the entire
       entry, like ^G (described below).

       Expression movement and deletion:

       esc-^F            move cursor to next expression
       esc-^B            move cursor to preceding expression
       esc-]             move cursor to matching delimiter
       ^]                flash cursor to matching delimiter
       esc-^K, esc-delete delete next expression
       esc-backspace, esc-^H delete preceding expression

       Entry movement and deletion:

       esc-<             move cursor to beginning of entry
       esc->             move cursor to end of entry
       ^G                delete current entry contents
       ^C                delete current entry contents; reset to end of history


       tab               re-indent current line if identifier prefix not
                         just entered; else insert identifier completion
       esc-tab           re-indent current line unconditionally
       esc-q, esc-Q, esc-^Q re-indent each line of entry

       Identifier completion:

       tab               insert identifier completion if just entered
                         identifier prefix; else re-indent current line
       tab-tab           show possible identifier completions at end of
                         identifier just typed, else re-indent
       ^R                insert next identifier completion

       If at end of existing identifier, i.e., not one just typed, the first tab re-indents,  the
       second tab inserts identifier completion, and the third shows possible completions.

       History movement:

       up, ^P            move to preceding entry if at top of unmodified
                         entry; else move up within entry
       down, ^N          move to next entry if at bottom of unmodified
                         entry; else move down within entry
       esc-up, esc-^P    move to preceding entry from unmodified entry
       esc-down, esc-^N  move to next entry from unmodified entry
       esc-p             search backward through history for given prefix
       esc-n             search forward through history for given prefix
       esc-P             search backward through history for given string
       esc-N             search forward through history for given string

       To  search,  enter a prefix or string followed by one of the search key sequences.  Follow
       with additional search key sequences to search further backward or forward in the history.
       For  example,  enter  “(define”  followed  by  one  or  more esc-p key sequences to search
       backward for entries that are definitions, or “(define” followed by one or more esc-P  key
       sequences for entries that contain definitions.

       Word and page movement:

       esc-f, esc-F      move cursor to end of next word
       esc-b, esc-B      move cursor to start of preceding word
       ^X-[              move cursor up one screen page
       ^X-]              move cursor down one screen page

       Inserting saved text:

       ^Y                insert most recently deleted text
       ^V                insert contents of window selection/paste buffer

       Mark operations:

       ^@, ^space, ^^    set mark to current cursor position
       ^X-^X             move cursor to mark, leave mark at old cursor
       ^W                delete between current cursor position and mark

       Command repetition:

       esc-^U            repeat next command four times
       esc-^U-n          repeat next command n times


       Upon  startup, the “interaction environment” used to hold the top-level bindings for user-
       defined variables and other identifiers contains an initial set of bindings, some standard
       and  some  specific  to  Chez  Scheme.   Any initial identifier binding may be replaced by
       redefining the identifier with a normal top-level definition.  For  example,  the  initial
       binding for cons can be replaced with one that performs a "reverse cons" as follows.

       (define cons (lambda (x y) (import scheme) (cons y x)))

       Code  entered  into  the REPL or loaded from a file prior to this point will still use the
       original binding for cons.  If you want it to use the new binding,  you  must  reenter  or
       reload the code.  Furthermore, the initial bindings for variables like cons are immutable,
       so you cannot assign one (e.g., via set! or trace) without first defining it.  This allows
       the  system  to  check to make sure it receives the expected two arguments at compile time
       and generate inline code to allocate the pair.  This is not the case if cons is redefined,
       even  if  redefined to have the same value, since its value can be changed via set! at any
       time during a program run.


       In the normal mode of operation, the file names  on  the  command  line  (except  for  the
       arguments  to  the  various  command-line  options)  are  loaded before Chez Scheme begins
       interacting with the user.  Each of the expressions in the loaded files is  executed  just
       as  if  it  were  typed by the user in response to a prompt.  If you wish to load a set of
       definitions each time, consider setting up a shell script to  load  the  file  “.schemerc”
       from your home directory:

            scheme ${HOME}/.schemerc $*

       If  you have a substantial number of definitions to load each time, it might be worthwhile
       to compile the .schemerc file (that is, compile the definitions  and  name  the  resulting
       object file .schemerc).

       Typically, a Scheme programmer creates a source file of definitions and other Scheme forms
       using an editor such as vi(1) or emacs(1) and loads the file into  Scheme  to  test  them.
       The  conventional filename extension for Chez Scheme source files is .ss.  Such a file may
       be loaded during a session by typing (load “filename”), or by specifying the  filename  on
       the  command  line as mentioned above.  Any expression that may be typed interactively may
       be placed in a file to be loaded.


       When the “--script” option is used, the named file is treated as a  Scheme  shell  script,
       and  the  script  name  and  remaining  command-line  arguments are made available via the
       parameter “command-line”.  To support executable shell scripts,  the  system  ignores  the
       first  line  of a loaded script if it begins with #! followed by a space or forward slash.
       For example, the following script prints its command-line arguments.

       #! /usr/bin/scheme --script
         (lambda (x) (display x) (newline))
         (cdr (command-line)))


       The “--program” option is like the “--script”  option  except  that  the  script  file  is
       treated  as  an  RNRS  top-level program.  The following RNRS top-level program prints its
       command-line arguments, as with the script above.

       #! /usr/bin/scheme --program
       (import (rnrs))
         (lambda (x) (display x) (newline))
         (cdr (command-line)))

       “scheme-script” may  be  used  in  place  of  “scheme  --program”,  possibly  prefixed  by
       “/usr/bin/env”  as  suggested  in  the  nonnormative  R6RS  appendix  on running top-level
       programs as scripts, i.e., the first line of the top-level program may  be  replaced  with
       the following.

       #! /usr/bin/env scheme-script

       If  a  top-level program depends on libraries other than those built into Chez Scheme, the
       “--libdirs” option can be used to specify which source and object directories  to  search.
       Similarly, if a library upon which a top-level program depends has an extension other than
       one of the standard extensions, the “--libexts” option can be used to  specify  additional
       extensions to search.

       These  options  set  the  corresponding  Chez  Scheme  parameters  library-directories and
       library-extensions.  The values of both parameters are lists of  pairs  of  strings.   The
       first string in each library-directories pair identifies a source-file root directory, and
       the second identifies the corresponding object-file root directory.  Similarly, the  first
       string  in each library-extensions pair identifies a source-file extension, and the second
       identifies the corresponding object-file extension.  The full path of a library source  or
       object  file  consists  of  the  source  or  object root followed by the components of the
       library name prefixed by slashes, with the  library  extension  added  on  the  end.   For
       example,  for  root /usr/lib/scheme, library name (app lib1), and extension .sls, the full
       path is /usr/lib/scheme/app/lib1.sls.

       The format of the arguments to “--libdirs” and “--libexts” is  the  same:  a  sequence  of
       substrings  separated by a single separator character.  The separator character is a colon
       (:), except under Windows where it is a semi-colon (;).  Between  single  separators,  the
       source  and  object  strings,  if  both  are  specified,  are  separated  by two separator
       characters.  If a single separator character  appears  at  the  end  of  the  string,  the
       specified pairs are added to the existing list; otherwise, the specified pairs replace the
       existing list.  The parameters are set after all boot files have been loaded.

       If multiple “--libdirs” options appear, all but the final  one  are  ignored,  and  if  If
       multiple  “--libexts”  options  appear,  all but the final are ignored.  If no “--libdirs”
       option appears and the CHEZSCHEMELIBDIRS environment variable is set, the string value  of
       CHEZSCHEMELIBDIRS  is treated as if it were specified by a “--libdirs” option.  Similarly,
       if no “--libexts” option appears and the CHEZSCHEMELIBEXTS environment  variable  is  set,
       the  string value of CHEZSCHEMELIBEXTS is treated as if it were specified by a “--libexts”

       The library-directories  and  library-extensions  parameters  set  by  these  options  are
       consulted  by  the  expander  when  it  encounters  an  import  for a library that has not
       previously been defined or loaded.  The expander first constructs a partial name from  the
       list  of  components in the library name, e.g., “a/b” for library (a b).  It then searches
       for the partial name in each pair of root directories, in order, trying each of the source
       extensions  then each of the object extensions in turn before moving onto the next pair of
       root directories.  If the partial name is an absolute pathname, e.g., “~/.myappinit” for a
       library  named  (~/.myappinit),  only  the specified absolute path is searched, first with
       each source extension, then with each object extension.  If  the  expander  finds  both  a
       source  file  and its corresponding object file, and the object file is not older than the
       source file, the expander loads the object file.  If the object file does  not  exist,  if
       the  object file is older, or if after loading the object file, the expander determines it
       was built using a library or include file that has changed, the source file is  loaded  or
       compiled, depending on the value of the parameter compile-imported-libraries.  If compile-
       imported-libraries is set to #t, the expander compiles  the  library  via  compile-library
       (which  is described below).  Otherwise, the expander loads the source file.  (Loading the
       source file actually causes the code  to  be  compiled,  assuming  the  default  value  of
       current-eval,  but  the  compiled  code  is not saved to an object file.)  An exception is
       raised during this process if a source or object file exists but is not readable or if  an
       object file cannot be created.

       The  search  process used by the expander when processing an import for a library that has
       not yet been loaded can be monitored by setting the parameter import-notify to  #t.   This
       parameter can be set from the command line via the “--import-notify” command-line option.


       The  “--optimize-level”  option  sets  the initial value of the Chez Scheme optimize-level
       parameter to 0, 1, 2, or 3.  The value is 0 by default.

       At optimize-levels 0, 1, and 2, code generated by the compiler is  safe,  i.e.,  generates
       full  type  and  bounds  checks.   At  optimize-level 3, code generated by the compiler is
       unsafe, i.e., may omit these checks.  Unsafe code is usually faster, but optimize-level  3
       should  be  used only for well-tested code since the absence of type and bounds checks may
       result in invalid memory references, corruption  of  the  Scheme  heap  (which  may  cause
       seemingly unrelated problems later), system crashes, or other undesirable behaviors.

       At present, there is no direct difference other than safety among optimize levels.


       Chez  Scheme  compiles source expressions as it sees them.  In order to speed loading of a
       large file, the file may be compiled with the output placed in an object file.   (compile-
       file  “foo”) compiles the expressions in the file “” and places the resulting object
       code on the file “”.  Loading a pre-compiled file is no different from  loading  the
       source file, except that loading is faster since compilation is already done.

       To  compile  a  program  to be run with --program, use compile-program instead of compile-
       file.  compile-program preserves the first line unchanged, if it begins with  #!  followed
       by  a  forward  slash  or space.  Also, while compile-file compresses the resulting object
       file, compile-program does not do so if the #! line is present, so it can be recognized by
       the  shell's  script  executor.   Any  libraries upon which the top-level program depends,
       other than built-in libraries, must be compiled first via compile-file or compile-library.
       This  can  be  done  manually or by setting the parameter compile-imported-libraries to #t
       before compiling the program.

       To compile a script to be run with --script, use compile-script instead  of  compile-file.
       compile-script is like compile-program, but, like compile-file, implements the interactive
       top-level semantics rather than the RNRS top-level program semantics.


       When Chez Scheme is run, it looks for one or more boot files to load.  Boot files  contain
       the  compiled  Scheme  code  that  implements  most  of  the  Scheme system, including the
       interpreter, compiler, and most libraries.  Boot files may be specified explicitly on  the
       command  line  via  “-b” options or implicitly.  In the simplest case, no “-b” options are
       given and the necessary boot files are loaded automatically  based  on  the  name  of  the
       executable.   For  example,  if  the  executable  name  is  “myapp”,  the system looks for
       “myapp.boot” in a  set  of  standard  directories.   It  also  looks  for  and  loads  any
       subordinate  boot  files required by “myapp.boot”.  Subordinate boot files are also loaded
       automatically for the first boot file explicitly specified via  the  command  line.   When
       multiple  boot  files are specified via the command line and boot each file must be listed
       before those that depend upon it.

       The “--verbose” option may be used to trace the  boot  file  searching  process  and  must
       appear before any boot arguments for which search tracing is desired.

       Ordinarily,  the  search  for  boot  files  is  limited  to  a set of default installation
       directories,  but  this  may  be  overridden   by   setting   the   environment   variable
       SCHEMEHEAPDIRS.  SCHEMEHEAPDIRS should be a colon-separated list of directories, listed in
       the order in which they should be searched.   Within  each  directory,  the  two-character
       escape  sequence  “%v”  is  replaced  by the current version, and the two-character escape
       sequence “%m” is replaced by the machine type.  A percent followed by any other  character
       is  replaced  by the second character; in particular, “%%” is replaced by “%”, and “%:” is
       replaced by “:”.  If SCHEMEHEAPDIRS ends in a non-escaped colon, the  default  directories
       are searched after those in SCHEMEHEAPDIRS; otherwise, only those listed in SCHEMEHEAPDIRS
       are searched.  Under Windows, semi-colons are used in place of colons.

       Boot files consist of a header followed by ordinary compiled code and may be created  with
       make-boot-file.  For example,

         (make-boot-file "myapp.boot" '("petite")
           "" "")

       creates  a  boot  file  containing  the  code  from and with a header
       identifying petite.boot as a boot file upon which the new boot file depends.  Source files
       can be provided as well and are compiled on-the-fly by make-boot-header.

       Multiple  alternatives  for  the  boot  file  upon  which the new boot file depends can be
       listed, e.g.:

         (make-boot-file "myapp.boot" '("petite" "scheme")
           "" "")

       When possible, both “scheme“ and “petite“ should be specified when creating  a  boot  file
       for  an application, as shown above, so that the application can run in either Petite Chez
       Scheme or Chez Scheme.  If the application requires the use of the compiler, just “scheme“
       should be specified.

       If  the new boot file is to be a base boot file, i.e., one that does not depend on another
       boot file, petite.boot (or some other boot file created from petite.boot) should be listed
       first among the input files.

         (make-boot-file "myapp.boot" '() "petite.boot"
           "" "")


       Complete  documentation  for Chez Scheme is available in two parts: The Scheme Programming
       Language, 4th Edition, and The Chez Scheme Version 9 User's Guide.  The first document  is
       available  in  printed form from MIT Press, and links to online versions of both documents
       are available at

       Several example Scheme programs, ranging from a simple factorial procedure to  a  somewhat
       complex  unification  algorithm, are in the examples directory (see FILES below).  Looking
       at and trying out example programs is a good way to start learning Scheme.


       The environment variable SCHEMEHEAPDIRS (see above) may be set to a colon-separated (semi-
       colon under Windows) list of directories in which to search for boot files.


       /usr/bin/scheme             executable file
       /usr/bin/petite             executable file
       /usr/bin/scheme-script      executable file
       /usr/lib/csv9.5.8/examples  example program library
       /usr/lib/csv9.5.8/ta6le     boot and include files


       R.  Kent  Dybvig,  The  Scheme  Programming  Language,  4th  Edition,  MIT  Press  (2009),
       Chez Scheme Version 9 User's Guide, Cisco Systems, Inc.
       Michael Sperber, R. Kent Dybvig, Matthew Flatt, and Anton van Straaten,  eds.,  “Revised^6
            Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme,” (2007),
       Daniel  P.  Friedman and Matthias Felleisen, The Little Schemer, fourth edition, MIT Press
       Harold Abelson and Gerald J. Sussman with Julie Sussman, Structure and Interpretation   of
            Computer Programs, Second Edition, MIT press (1996).


       Copyright  2022  Cisco  Systems,  Inc.   Licensed  under  the  Apache License, Version 2.0

                               Chez Scheme Version 9.5.8 April 2022                     SCHEME(1)