Provided by: seetxt_0.72-8_amd64 bug


       seetxt/seeman ‐‐ GUI text file and manual page ("manpage") viewer for X windows.


       seetxt [textfile] [-x search term]
       seeman [manpage] [-s section] [-x search term]


       Seetxt and seeman (collectively: "see") are the same program, but the name used to call it
       indicates whether a man page or a regular text file is being  loaded.   Subsequently,  the
       invocation  name  is irrelevant ‐‐ the GUI can always be used to view both kinds of files.
       See maintains document "meta‐data" independently for  each  user,  allowing  you  to  keep
       bookmarks  and highlights for read‐only system files (including man pages) in a simple and
       intuitive manner.  See also does layered finds, hyper‐linked apropos searches, and can  be
       set to monitor an existing file (such as a log) for changes.

       By  default,  see runs in "server mode": command‐line requests will be sent to the running
       server rather than starting a new instance. This helps facilitate  integration  with  file
       browsers,  most  of  which  allow  you  to  register  a command to use when viewing a text

       See uses the titlebar to issue some program messages.  You can drag n' drop  a  text  file
       from  another application window into the text area to view it (this does not move or copy
       the file anywhere, and is not applicable to man pages).


       To start "see" (or to send a request to the existing server), use either seetxt or seeman,
       then  the  file  name,  then  any options.  The filename must be before the options. If no
       filename is given, a new instance of see is launched, even if there's  a  server  running.
       If  the  filename  itself begins with a dash, make sure to use the full path or "./".  You
       can also view out‐of‐path manual pages by using the full pathname or "./".  See will refer
       to such pages (in the filelist, etc.) as belonging to section "***".

       All options are a single character preceded by a dash.

       -s section
              Used  to  indicate a manual page section to use instead of the default, eg. "seeman
              printf -s 3".  Do not use this with out‐of‐path manpages.

       -x term
              See will perform an initial find‐all  text  search  for  "term",  highlighting  all
              instances.  To search for a phrase, (ie, a term including spaces), enclose the term
              in quotation marks.

       -v     Show version.  This documentation is for version 0.72.

       -h     Show a helpful "usage" message.

       NOTE ABOUT SYMLINKS IN FILE PATHS: If you load a file in your  current  working  directory
       with  no  path,  see  uses the real path to that file.  However, if that directory is also
       symlinked, and you later load the file using a full  path  to  the  file  with  a  symlink
       somewhere  in  it,  see  will use that path.  This matters with regard to the filelist and
       seedata (bookmarks/highlighting), since that information is saved by file  name  including
       the path, and a symlinked path will not match "the real one".


       Top  left  on  the GUI are three buttons: a "Back" button, a button containing the name of
       the current file, and a "Forward" button.  The middle button will  present  the  Filelist.
       This  is a list of previously viewed files, in "last in, first out" order.  You can select
       a file from this list by double left clicking on it (which moves that file to the  top  of
       the  list).   You  can also use the Back and Forward buttons, with or without the Filelist
       window open, to skip through the list (files loaded this  way  do  not  change  position).
       When you switch files, the last position of the cursor is recorded, so you can switch back
       and forth between files and  maintain  a  line  position  without  bothering  to  place  a
       bookmark.   This information is saved for all files in the list, even between invocations,
       and is shared between instances. The Filelist is kept on disk  and  you  should  define  a
       location  for  this  in your configuration (see below); if not, see will use a global list
       from its runtime directory.

       You can edit the Filelist on disk manually if  desired.   Note  that  the  format  changed
       between  0.61  and 0.70, and your old Filelist will not be compatible.  To correct it: all
       file and manpage names must be followed by a |, then the (section) in parentheses for  man
       pages.   Optionally,  there  is  then  a  $NUM  where  "NUM"  is an integer ‐‐ this is the
       character position of the cursor on load.  The bar itself (|) is mandatory as is a section
       for  manpages.   You  will  be  warned  about  invalid  entries.  Also read the NOTE ABOUT


       There are five toggle buttons along the bottom of the see interface,  two  of  which  look
       like little round lights that blink green when set.  Click directly on the light to toggle
       it.  The left light toggles the server on and off (see SERVER  MODE,  below).   The  right
       light  sets a watch on the current file, which means it will be reloaded at an interval to
       include any new changes.  The default for this interval is ten seconds (see CONFIGURATION,

       NOTE:  Files  over  a default 1 Mb are not reloaded ‐‐ they are tailed.  This means if the
       file size has increased, an amount equal to the difference will be taken from the end  and
       added to the display.  That works fine if "the change" was an addition to the end (such as
       occurs with a normal log).  But if you want to monitor a very large text  file  for  other
       (random) changes, you will have to adjust the default 1 Mb limit, see CONFIGURATION.  This
       does not apply to man pages.  If the cursor is at the end of a watched file,  the  display
       should remain there even if the file has grown.

       The  three  buttons in the center, around the text entry, are controls for text searching.
       If you type something into the text entry and press enter, see will perform a  "find  all"
       style  search,  highlighting the term in yellow where found and moving the view to include
       the first instance.  You can now advance the cursor to the next instance with ctrl‐n,  and
       back  to  the  previous instance with ctrl‐p.  If you toggle "push" and enter a new search
       term, all the instances of the last search will change to a purple highlight and  the  new
       term will be yellow.  Reloading, or setting a watch which causes reloading, will erase the
       highlights.  Don't worry, there's a command history, making it easy to repeat searches  by
       using  the  arrow  keys  in  the  text  entry (this history is not shared or saved between

       Normally, searches are  case‐insensitive.   To  make  the  search  case‐sensitive,  toggle
       "case".   To process the search term as a regular expression, toggle "regexp" (eg: to find
       "for" but not "foreach", search for "\bfor\b" as a regexp).  These are POSIX style regular
       expressions,  as  with  the "grep" command. The number to the left of the text entry shows
       the number of instances found in the last search.  You can use "ctrl‐/" to  set  focus  to
       the text entry instead of clicking in it with the mouse.

       There are a few key combinations that may be useful in navigating the text area:  alt‐left
       or Home moves to the beginning of a line, alt‐right jumps 27 characters  at  a  time,  End
       moves  to  the  end  of  the line.  Ctrl‐home moves to the very beginning of the document,
       ctrl‐end to the very end.


       The main menu is invoked with the right button when the mouse pointer is in the main  text
       area.   All the entries have ctrl macros or "hotkeys" which work anywhere, if appropriate.
       There can be as many as twenty items on the menu if you have a seedata file and "copy  to"
       directory  defined  in  ~/.seeconfig.   Some  items  (eg.  copy,  help,  quit),  are self‐
       explanatory and not included here.

       file list (ctrl‐f)
              This opens the Filelist window (see FILELIST above).

       see bookmarks (ctrl‐s)
              If any bookmarks exist for the current file they will  be  loaded  with  the  file.
              Bookmarks  are  displayed as a line number and, to help identify them, the first 31
              characters in the line (if the line is blank or contains less than  31  characters,
              two or more text lines may appear next to the number).  You move to the bookmark by
              double left clicking on it.  You can DELETE a bookmark from the list by using  both
              buttons/button‐3.   Bookmarks  are  saved  automatically  as  they  are  placed and
              deleted.  See loads bookmarks based on the full pathname of the  file  (except  for
              man  pages),  so  if  the file has been moved, the saved bookmarks will not appear.
              However, the bookmark index used for all files is itself just one plain  text  file
              which  can  be  easily edited if need be (see CONFIGURATION, below).  This requires
              that you have a "seedata" file defined in your configuration.

       place bookmark (ctrl‐m)
              Add a new bookmark  for  the  line  containing  the  text  cursor.   Bookmarks  are
              automatically saved (if you have a seedata file).

       reload (ctrl‐l)
              This updates the display to reflect the current state of the file.  With files over
              1 MB, the file is "tailed" (see NOTE in the previous section), which is useful  for
              long  logs,  etc.   To actually reload the entire file (if it is that big), use the
              file list (the first file in the file list is always the last  file  loaded).   The
              cursor and view will return to the same line number as before (which may or may not
              be the same line, obviously), unless this is a large "tailed" file, in  which  case
              the view moves to the end.

       apropos search (ctrl‐a)
              List  the results of an "apropos" search for man pages in the main text area, using
              whatever term is in the bottom  text  entry.   Individual  page  names  are  double
              underlined green and hyper‐linked.  Double left click to display the page.

       (un)number lines (ctrl‐3)
              Add  or  remove line numbers on the left.  Line numbers are only available on files
              with less than 100000 lines.  When performing searches on  files  longer  than  ten
              thousand lines, it is recommended you turn line numbering off first.

       bold blue (ctrl‐h)
              This  applies  a "bold blue" tag to the currently selected text.  This mark‐up will
              appear again in see whenever you load this file (if the path is  the  same),  until
              you "untag" it.

       italic red (alt‐r)
              Applies  an  "italic  red"  tag to the currently selected text.  What was just said
              about italic red is equally true of bold blue.

       untag (ctrl‐u)
              Removes any tagging/mark‐up from the currently selected text.  Tip: when untagging,
              use  a  decent  swath around the tag you want to remove in case there is whitespace
              included.  This may seem irrelevant, but if the file changes and you have groups of
              one or two whitespace characters highlighted by accident, those "hidden" highlights
              will suddenly appear.  They  can  also  be  confusing  in  the  seedata  file  (see
              CONFIGURATION, below).

       wrap mode (ctrl‐w)
              Gives  you  three choices for breaking lines longer than the display: no wrap, wrap
              on word, or exact wrap.  The default is wrap on word.

       send to editor (ctrl‐e)
              This issues a user defined command to send the file to  a  text  editor.   Personal
              fav:  "vim  ‐‐remote".   However,  since  most  *nix  installations do not have vim
              compiled this way, the default is "gedit".  See CONFIGURATION, below.

       copy out (ctrl‐o)
              This will appear  if  you  have  a  valid  "copy  to"  directory  defined  in  your
              ~/.seeconfig file.  It takes whatever is in the text entry as the name for the file
              and copies the contents of the text buffer to this file, with  the  "copy‐to"  path
              appended (you can include subdirectories).  If the buffer contains a text file, the
              new file will be an exact copy.  If you have text selected, see will  only  include
              the  selected  text in the new file, so you can save part of the buffer rather than
              all of it.  Copy‐out is most useful in combination with the next option...

       execute (ctrl‐x)
              This executes whatever is in the text entry as a command via the shell  and  prints
              the  output  in  the  text  view.   See keeps the display updated until the command
              exits.  You cannot interact and this is not really intended for use as  a  console.
              However, what you can do is apply a command to the content of the text buffer as if
              it were a file, using "SEEBUF" instead of a filename (in fact, this is written  out
              to a temporary file).  For example: if you want to see only the lines in the buffer
              containing the word "word", type 'grep word SEEBUF'; this will  clear  the  display
              and  print  the result as if the previous display were a file you just grepped.  If
              you have text selected in the display, see will only  use  the  selected  text  for
              SEEBUF.  You can save your results using "copy‐out", above, and in fact this option
              will only appear in the menu if  you  have  a  "copy  to"  directory  defined  (see
              CONFIGURATION).   By  default,  see  redirects  stderr to the display.  If for some
              reason you do not want this, set "no redirect" (see CONFIGURATION again).  You also
              get the return value (usually 0) in the titlebar.

       reconfigure (F2)
              This   reprocesses  your  configuration  file  (~./seeconfig)  and  shows  you  the
              "Configuration" screen again.  Geometry changes  via  "dimensions:"  may  not  take
              place until you restart see.


       The  only  way to load a new file into a running instance of see (unless it's in the "file
       list", above) is to use drag n' drop, an apropos search (for manpages), or the server.

       "Server mode" allows you to send remote commands to see,  primarily  so  that  it  can  be
       included  in  the  user  menu  of  a  file browser, operated by some other application, or
       operated from a command‐line.  EXAMPLE:  To use see with GNOME's  nautilus  file  browser,
       click  "open with" on a text file in nautilus, select a custom command, and type "seetxt".
       From now on, nautilus will offer you the option of viewing text files with seetxt.

       While the server is running, a green light on the left will be blinking, and  any  command
       line  invocation  which  includes  a filename or manpage will go to it (including requests
       from other applications such as your file browser).  Most web browsers work this way ‐‐ if
       you  click  on  a link in your email client, it will appear in the running web browser and
       not launch another one.

       The server uses a local socket which defaults to ~/.seesock but  it  can  be  set  in  the
       configuration  file.  If  the  server refuses to start for some reason, quit see and erase
       this socket file (it should only exist when a server is running).

       There can only be one server running at a time.  You can turn the server off  by  clicking
       the flashing indicator on the left side of the interface.


       See does not require any configuration to work, although without it you may not be able to
       use   all   features.    An    example    configuration    file    is    installed    into
       INSTALLDIR/share/seetxt‐runtime  (INSTALLDIR  is set at build time, probably /usr/local if
       you built from source and didn't choose anything different, or /usr if you installed  from
       a  pre‐built  package).   Copy  .seeconfig  into  your home directory and adapt it to your
       needs.  Field names are case insensitive  and  lines  beginning  with  a  #  are  ignored.
       Configuration can affect the following:

       •   "text font" eg, "text font: helvetica 12"

       •   "dimensions"  eg,  "dimensions: 1200 800".  This is the dimensions of the text area in

       •   file load confirmation: normally, see asks you to confirm when a new  file  is  to  be
           loaded.  You can skip this by including "no confirm" on a line by itself.

       •   "seedata:"  this is the location of a text file to store mark‐up and bookmarks in. Eg.
           "seedata: /home/user/seedata".  DO NOT USE THE TILDE (~).  You can  edit  the  seedata
           file,  but be careful to follow the structure there: manpages require a section number
           in parentheses.  Versions prior to 0.70 did not require this and you may have  to  add
           the  section  manually  if  your  bookmarks for a page do not load with version 0.70+.
           After that there is an asterisk separated list of line numbers for the bookmarks.  The
           first  number  is  the number of bookmarks.  Then there can be an "R" (for red) and or
           "B" (for blue), with more asterisk separated integers.   These are pairs of  character
           positions  (begin  and end) for highlights.  For example, try inserting this into your
           seedata file:


           With or without a config file, the first time you use see, it will  create  a  seedata
           file   for   you  (defaulting  to  ~/.seedata).   This  is  the  only  permanent  file
           automatically created in your home directory. Also read the  NOTE  ABOUT  SYMLINKS  IN
           FILE PATHS under INVOCATION OPTIONS, above.

       •   "filelist:"  this  is  the location of a text file to keep the history of viewed files
           in.   It  defaults  to  INSTALLDIR/share/seetxt‐runtime/filelist,   which   is   world
           read/writable.   Multiple  instances  of  see  may  share the same filelist; it is not
           locked or held open.

       •   "seesocket:" a path and name to use as the socket  for  the  server;  the  default  is
           ~/.seesock  (again,  do  not use a tilde).  The full length of this pathname cannot be
           more than 106 characters (this is  a  limitation  of  local  unix  sockets).   DO  NOT

       •   "watch  interval:"  is  the number of seconds between updates when a file is "watched"
           (using the right side blinking toggle, see TOGGLES AND INTERFACE, above); the  default
           is ten seconds. The light blinks at a constant rate unrelated to the watch time.

       •   "background:"  sets the text area background color (eg, "background: CornflowerBlue").
           The text highlights used by see (red, blue,  green,  and  cyan)  are  reasonably  high
           contrast,  but  if  you want to adjust the background for any reason pick a color from
           /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt (except ones with spaces in the name), or use the  hexbyte  RGB
           format (eg, #ffffff).

       •   "tail  at:"  sets  the  file  size  boundary  at  which to use "tailing" rather than a
           complete reload, in bytes. (eg, "tail at: 5000000").  The default is 1000000.  See the
           NOTE at the beginning of BOTTOM TOGGLES, above.

       •   "copy  to:"  is a directory into which to place files from a "copy out" operation (see
           MAIN MENU above). Eg, "copy to: /home/user/Desktop".  If you do  not  have  a  copy‐to
           directory, you cannot perform any copy‐outs.

       •   stderr  redirection  with  the  "execute"  menu  option  (see  above).  To turn stderr
           redirection off, include "no redirect" on a line by itself.

       •   "editor:" sets an editor command to use (eg, "editor: vim ‐‐remote");  see  MAIN  MENU
           above for a more detailed explanation.

       Incorrect values in your .seeconfig file may cause a malfunction o_O


       Most error messages, either in the titlebar or a pop‐up, should be self‐explanatory.

       Short Read on file
              This  can  happen if you try to load a non‐text file, since see will stop at a zero
              byte, meaning the amount of text read is less than the actual file length.

       Could not create temp file
              See uses your home directory for two very short  lived  possible  temporary  files,
              .seeTMP  and .seeTP (these should never be left behind as garbage and you can erase
              them if you find them).  Without the permission to do this, functionality  will  be

       Unable to update filelist! (Error #3)
              This will only happen if see is able to read the filelist, but not write to it.  In
              that case you either need to change/add the "filelist:" entry  in  ~/.seeconfig  or
              have  the  permission  to write the file.  The default system wide file list should
              have been set mode 666 at installation; if not, your system administrator needs  to
              "chmod 666" the filelist.

       Can't Validate Text (Error #4)
              There is a non‐utf8 character (something unprintable) in your file.

       Out of Memory
              Your computer will never run out of memory, I promise.


       Copyright  (C)  2008,  2009,  2010  Mark  Thomas  Eriksen.  Permission is granted to copy,
       distribute and/or modify this document under the  terms  of  the  GNU  Free  Documentation
       License,  Version  1.3  or  any  later  version  published by the Free Software Foundation

       Visit the seetxt homepage: