lunar (1) sfv-hash.1.gz

Provided by: rhash_1.4.3-3_amd64 bug


       rhash - calculate/check CRC32, MD5, SHA1, GOST, TTH, BTIH or other message digests.


       rhash [ option ]... [ file ]...


       RHash  (Recursive  Hasher)  computes and verifies various message digests and checksums of
       files.  Supported hash algorithms include CRC32, CRC32C, MD4, MD5, SHA1,  SHA256,  SHA512,
       SHA3,   Tiger,   DC++  TTH,  BTIH,  AICH,  ED2K,  GOST  R  34.11-*,  RIPEMD-160,  HAS-160,
       BLAKE2s/BLAKE2b, EDON-R 256/512, Whirlpool, Snefru-128/256.

       The program can create and verify Magnet links and eDonkey ed2k:// links, see --magnet and
       --ed2k-link options.

       A dash string parameter `-' is interpreted as the standard input stream (stdin).

       By  default  rhash  prints sums in SFV format with CRC32 checksum only.  The format can be
       changed by options --bsd, --magnet, --simple, --printf, --template.  To  output  all  sums
       use the `-a' option.


       The  default  mode  is  to  print checksums for all files and directory trees specified by
       command line. The mode can be changed by the following options.

       -c, --check
              Check hash files specified by command line. RHash can verify hash files in SFV  and
              BSD  formats,  MD5  and  SHA1 files format and text files containing magnet or ed2k
              links (one link per line).  Empty lines and lines starting  with  `;'  or  `#'  are

              RHash  can  verify  hash files generated without --printf and --template formatting

              If the hash algorithm is not specified by command line options then RHash tries  to
              detect algorithm from the extension of the hash file.  If detection fails, then all
              hash function of the same hash length are calculated, and that  significally  slows
              down files verification. To speed up verification, in such case, explicitly specify
              the hash algorithm in the command line.

       -u, --update=<hash-file>
              Update the hash file specified by the option.  Message digests will  be  calculated
              for  all files specified by the command line and not present in this hash file. The
              calculated Message digests will be appended to the updated hash file in the  format
              specified  by  formatting  options.   The  --update  option  can  be  combined with
              --recursive to update a hash file for whole directory trees. Also  --update  option
              can be used with --check to verify the hash file before updating it.

       -k, --check-embedded
              Verify files by crc32 sum embedded in their names.

              Create a torrent file for each processed file.

       -h, --help
              Help: print help screen and exit.

       -V, --version
              Version: print version and exit.

       -B, --benchmark
              Run benchmark for the selected hash algorithm(s).


       -C, --crc32
              CRC32: Select CRC32 checksum algorithm.

              CRC32C: Select CRC32C checksum algorithm.

       --md4  MD4: Select MD4 hash function.

       -M, --md5
              MD5: Select MD5 hash function.

       -H, --sha1
              SHA1: Select SHA1 hash function.

       --sha224, --sha256, --sha384, --sha512
              Select specified SHA2 hash function.

       --sha3-224, --sha3-256, --sha3-384, --sha3-512
              Select specified SHA3 hash function.

              Tiger: Select Tiger hash function.

       -T, --tth
              TTH: Select DC++ TTH hash function.

       --btih BTIH: Select BitTorrent Info Hash.

       -A, --aich
              AICH: Select AICH hash function.

       -E, --ed2k
              ED2K: Select eDonkey 2000 hash function.

       -L, --ed2k-link
              eDonkey link: calculate and print eDonkey link.

       -W, --whirlpool
              Whirlpool: Select Whirlpool hash function.

       -G, --gost12-256
              GOST-2012:  Select  256-bit  GOST  R  34.11-2012,  the  Russian  GOST standard hash

              GOST-2012: Select 512-bit  GOST  R  34.11-2012,  the  Russian  GOST  standard  hash

              GOST-94: Select GOST R 34.11-94, the deprecated Russian hash function.

              GOST-94-CRYPTOPRO:  Select  the  CryptoPro version of the deprecated Russian GOST R
              34.11-94 hash function.

              RIPEMD-160: Select RIPEMD-160 hash function.

              HAS-160: Select HAS-160 hash function.

       --snefru128, --snefru256
              SNEFRU: Select SNEFRU-128/256 hash function.

       --edonr256, --edonr512
              EDON-R: Select EDON-R 256/512 hash function.

       --blake2b, --blake2s
              BLAKE2: Select BLAKE2b/BLAKE2s hash function.

       -a, --all
              Calculate all supported hash functions.

              List names of all supported hash functions, one per line.


       -r, --recursive
              Recursively process directories, specified by command line.

              Follow symbolic links when processing files or directories recursively.

       -m, --message=<text>
              Calculate message digests of the given text message.

              Process given file as a file-list. Lines of this file are interpreted as  paths  to
              files to be processed. Multiple file lists can be specified at command line.

       -v, --verbose
              Be verbose.

              Print  brief  form  of  verification  report  (without  a  header and footer), when
              verifying a hash file.

       -P, --percents
              Show percents, while calculating or checking sums

              Don't print OK messages for successfully verified files.

       -i, --ignore-missing
              Ignore missing files, while verifying a hash file.

       -i, --ignore-case
              Ignore case of filenames when updating crc files.

              Print per-file and the total processing speed.

       -e, --embed-crc
              Rename files by inserting crc32 sum into name.

              Insert specified <delimiter> before a crc sum in the --embed-crc mode,  default  is
              white space. The <delimiter> can be a character or empty string.

              Use specified path separator to display paths.

       -q, --accept=<list>
              Set a comma‐delimited list of extensions of the files to process.

              Set a comma‐delimited list of extensions of the files to exclude from processing.

       -t, --crc-accept=<list>
              Set a comma‐delimited list of extensions of the hash files to verify.

              Descend  at  most <levels> (a non‐negative integer) levels of directories below the
              command line arguments. `--maxdepth 0' means only apply the tests  and  actions  to
              the command line arguments.

       -o, --output=<file-path>
              Set the file to output calculated message digests or verification results to.

       -l, --log=<file-path>
              Set the file to log errors and verbose information to.

              Specify  which  hash functions should be calculated using the OpenSSL library.  The
              <list> is a comma delimited list of hash function names, but only  those  supported
              by openssl are allowed: md4, md5, sha1, sha2*, ripemd160 and whirlpool.

              Reverse bytes in hexadecimal output of a GOST hash functions.  The most significant
              byte of the message digest will be printed  first.   Default  order  is  the  least
              significant byte first.

              Turn on torrent batch mode (implies torrent mode). Calculates batch-torrent for the
              files specified at command line and saves the torrent file to  the  file-path.  The
              option -r <directory> can be useful in this mode.

              Generate torrent file or BTIH for a private BitTorrent tracker.

              Generate torrent file or BTIH compatible with Transmission torrent client.

              Set the piece length value for torrent file.

              Add  a  tracker  announce  URL to the created torrent file(s).  Several URLs can be
              passed by specifying the option mutltiple times.  This option  doesn't  change  the
              BTIH message digest.

              Switch  benchmark  output  format  to be a machine‐readable tab‐delimited text with
              hash function name, speed, cpu clocks per byte.  This  option  works  only  if  the
              --benchmark option was specified.

              Do not detect hash function by an extension of hash file, in the --check mode.

              Turn  off  escape  characters  in  file  paths.  The option can be specified in the
              default, check or update modes.

       -- (double dash)
              Mark the end of command line options. All parameters following the double dash  are
              interpreted  as  files  or  directories.  It is typically used to process filenames
              starting with a dash `-'.  Alternatively you can specify './' or full  path  before
              such files, so they will not look like options anymore.


       --sfv  Print  message  digests  in  the  SFV  (Simple  File  Verification)  output  format
              (default).  But unlike common SFV file, not only CRC32,  but  any  message  digests
              specified by options can be printed.

       -g, --magnet
              Print message digests formatted as magnet links.

       --bsd  Use BSD output format. Each message digest is printed on a separate line after hash
              function name and file's path, enclosed in parentheses.

              Use simple output format. Each line will consist of filename  and  message  digests
              specified by options.

       --hex  Print message digests in hexadecimal format.

              Print message digests in Base32 format.

       -b, --base64
              Print message digests in Base64 format.

              Print message digests in upper case.

              Print message digests in lower case.

              Read printf‐like template from given <file>. See the --printf option.

       -p, --printf=<format>
              Format:  print  format string the standard output, interpreting `\' escapes and `%'
              directives. The escapes and directives are:

              \n     Newline.

              \r     Carriage return.

              \t     Horizontal tab.

              \\     A literal backslash (`\').

              \0     ASCII NUL.

              \NNN   The character which octal ASCII code is NNN.

              \xNN   The character which hexadecimal ASCII code is NN.

              A `\' character  followed  by  any  other  character  is  treated  as  an  ordinary
              character, so they both are printed.

              %%     A literal percent sign.

              %p     File's path.

              %f     File's name.

              %u or %U
                     Prefix  used  to print a filename, file path or base64/raw message digest as
                     an URL‐encoded string. For example: `%uf', `%up', `%uBm',  `%u@h'.   Use  %u
                     for lowercase and %U for uppercase characters.

              %s     File's size in bytes.

                     File's last modification time.

              %a or %A
                     AICH message digest.

              %c or %C
                     CRC32 checksum.  Use %c for lowercase and %C for uppercase characters.

              %g or %G
                     GOST R 34.11-2012 256-bit message digest.

              %h or %H
                     SHA1 message digest.

              %e or %E
                     ED2K message digest.

              %l or %L
                     EDonkey ed2k://... link.

              %m or %M
                     MD5 message digest.

              %r or %R
                     RIPEMD-160 message digest.

              %t or %T
                     TTH message digest.

              %w or %W
                     Whirlpool message digest.

              %{crc32},  %{crc32c},  %{md4}, %{md5}, %{sha1}, %{tiger}, %{tth}, %{btih}, %{ed2k},
              %{aich}, %{whirlpool},  %{ripemd160},  %{has160},  %{gost94},  %{gost94-cryptopro},
              %{gost12-256},   %{gost12-512},  %{sha-224},  %{sha-256},  %{sha-384},  %{sha-512},
              %{sha3-224}, %{sha3-256},  %{sha3-384},  %{sha3-512},  %{edon-r256},  %{edon-r512},
              %{blake2s}, %{blake2b}, %{snefru128}, %{snefru256}
                     Print  the specified message digest. It is printed in uppercase, if the hash
                     function name starts with a capital letter, e.g. %{TTH}, %{Sha-512}.

              %x<hash>, %b<hash>, %B<hash>, %@<hash>
                     Use one of these prefixes to output a message digest in hexadecimal, base32,
                     base64 or raw (binary) format respectively, e.g. %b{md4}, %BH or %xT.

       The  default  output  format  can  also  be  changed  by renaming the program or placing a
       hardlink/symlink to it with a filename containing strings `crc32', `crc32c', `md4', `md5',
       `sha1',   `sha224'   `sha256',  `sha384'  `sha512',  `sha3-256',  `sha3-512',  `sha3-224',
       `sha3-384',  `tiger',  `tth',   `btih',   `aich',   `ed2k',   `ed2k-link',   `gost12-256',
       `gost12-512',  `gost94',  `gost94-cryptopro', `rmd160', `has160', `whirlpool', `edonr256',
       `edonr512', `blake2s', `blake2b', `snefru128', `snefru256', `sfv' , `bsd' or `magnet'.


       RHash    looks    for     a     config     file     at     $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rhash/rhashrc,
       $HOME/.config/rhash/rhashrc,     $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/rhash/rhashrc,     $HOME/.rhashrc    and

       The config file consists of lines formatted as
              variable = value

       where the variable can be a  name  of  any  command  line  option,  like  magnet,  printf,
       percents,  etc.   A  boolean variable can be set to true by a value `on', `yes' or `true',
       any other value sets the variable to false.

       Empty lines and lines starting with `#' or `;' are ignored.

       Example config file:
       # This is a comment line
       percents = on
       crc-accept = .sfv,.md5,.sha1,.sha256,.sha512,.tth,.magnet


       Aleksey Kravchenko <>


       md5sum(1) cksfv(1) ed2k_hash(1)


       Bug   reports    are    welcome!     Post    them    to    the    GitHub    issues    page