Provided by: chip-seq_1.5.5-3_amd64 

sga2wig - Convert SGA format into Wiggle Track format
sga2wig [options] [<] <SGA file|stdin>
- version 1.5.5 where options are: -d|--debug Produce Debug information -h|--help Show this Help text -i|--db <path> Use <path> to locate the chr_NC_gi and chr_size files [default is: $HOME/db/genome] -o|--format <0|1> Set Wiggle Track data format: variableStep[def=0]/fixedStep[1] -n|--chrnb <int> Chromosome number [def: 0 (all chromosomes)] -b|--start <int> Chromosome start [def: -1 (entire chromosome)] -e|--end <int> Chromosome end [def: -1 (entire chromosome)] -c|--coff <int> Count cut-off for the SGA input file [def=99999] -s|--span <int> Wiggle Track Span(/stepInterval) parameter [def=150] For fixedStep data format, it defines the step parameter -f|--norm <int> Normalization factor for total tag counts within step intervals [def=0] This option is only valid for fixedStep data format --peakf Indicate that the The SGA input file represents a peak file [i.e. coordinates are peak centers] In such case, the span range begins upstream of [span=]150 bp chromosome position specified, and ends [span=]150 bp downstream --name <name> Set name for track name field [def. name=SGA-feature] --desc <desc> Set track description field [def. desc="ChIP-Seq Custom data"] --color <col> Define the track color in comma-separated RGB values [def. 100,100,100] --autoscale <on|off> Data viewing paramenter: set auto-scale to UCSC data view [def=OFF] --always0 <on|off> Data viewing paramenter: always include zero [def=OFF] --wfunction <func> Data viewing paramenter: windowing function [def=mean+whiskers|maximum|mean|minimum] --smoothing <grade> Data viewing paramenter: smoothing window [def=OFF[0], <grade>=0,2..16] --visibility <mode> Display mode: [def=full|dense|hide] Convert SGA format into Wiggle Track format (WIG). WIG format is line-oriented, and is composed of declaration lines and data lines. - variableStep is for data with irregular intervals between new data points. It begins with a declaration line and is followed by two columns containing chromosome positions and data values: variableStep chrom=chrN [span=windowSize] chromStartA dataValueA chromStartB dataValueB ... etc ... ... etc ... - fixedStep is for data with regular intervals between new data values. It begins with a declaration line and is followed by a single column of data values: fixedStep chrom=chrN start=position step=stepInterval [span=windowSize = stepInterval] dataValue1 dataValue2 ... etc ...
This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.