lunar (1) simgrid_update_xml.1.gz

simgrid_update_xml - updates simgrid XML files to latest version
simgrid_update_xml xml_file
simgrid_update_xml updates the simgrid XML file passed as argument. The file is modified in place, without any kind of backup. You may want to save a copy before running the script. In SimGrid XML files, the standard version is indicated in the version attribute of the platform tag. Current version is 4. Here is a list of major changes in each version. Version 0: Used before SimGrid 3.3 Version 1: Introduced in SimGrid 3.3 • The version attribute of platform were added to allow file versioning. • The link bandwidth changed from Mb/s to b/s; and the CPU power were changed from MFlop/s to Flop/s Version 2: Introduced in SimGrid 3.4 • Several tags were renamed: CPU -> HOST NETWORK_LINK -> LINK ROUTE_ELEMENT -> LINK_CTN PLATFORM_DESCRIPTION -> PLATFORM Version 3: Introduced in SimGrid 3.5 • The AS tag were introduced. Every platform should now contain an englobing AS tag. • Routes are now symmetric by default. • Several tags were renamed (for sake of XML sanity): LINK:CTN -> LINK_CTN TRACE:CONNECT -> TRACE_CONNECT Version 4: Introduced in SimGrid 3.13 • Rename the attributes describing the amount of flop that a host / peer / cluster / cabinet can deliver per second. <host power=...> -> <host speed=...> • In <trace_connect>, attribute kind="POWER" is now kind="SPEED". • The DOCTYPE points to the right URL. • Units are now mandatory in attributes. USE THE SCRIPT TO CONVERT THIS - speed. Old default: 'f' or 'flops'. Also defined: 'Yf', 'Zf', 'Ef', 'Pf', 'Tf', 'Gf', 'Mf', 'kf' 'yottaflops', 'zettaflops', 'exaflops', 'petaflops', 'teraflops', 'gigaflops', 'megaflops', 'kiloflops' - bandwidth. Old default: 'Bps' bytes per second (or 'bps' but 1 Bps = 8 bps) Also defined in bytes: 'TiBps', 'GiBps', 'MiBps', 'KiBps', 'TBps', 'GBps', 'MBps', 'kBps', 'Bps' And the same in bits: 'Tibps', 'Gibps', 'Mibps', 'Kibps', 'Tbps', 'Gbps', 'Mbps', 'kbps', 'bps' - latency. Old default: 's' second. Also defined: 'w' week, 'd' day, 'h' hour, 'm' minute, 'ms' millisecond, 'us' microsecond, 'ns' nanosecond, 'ps' picosecond Version 4.1: Introduced in SimGrid 3.16 (this is the current version). • Rename a few tags, but in a backward-compatible manner: the old names are still accepted. AS -> zone ASroute -> zoneRoute bypassAsRoute -> bypassZoneRoute process -> actor Other backward-compatible changes (old syntax is still accepted) for which we did not bump the DTD version: • Rename the FULLDUPLEX sharing into SPLITDUPLEX. • In <host> and <peer>, rename the 'availability_file' attribute into 'speed_file'.
The SimGrid team
Copyright (c) 2006-2022. The SimGrid Team. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GNU LGPL (v2.1) license.