Provided by: sumo_1.15.0+dfsg-1build1_amd64 bug


       Eclipse - GUI version of the simulation SUMO


       sumo-gui [OPTION]*


       Eclipse SUMO GUI Version 1.15.0

              Copyright    (C)    2001-2022   German   Aerospace   Center   (DLR)   and   others;

       GUI version of the microscopic, multi-modal traffic simulation SUMO.

   Configuration Options:
       -c, --configuration-file FILE
              Loads the named config on startup

       -C, --save-configuration FILE
              Saves current configuration into FILE

              Enforce relative paths when saving the configuration

       --save-template FILE
              Saves a configuration template (empty) into FILE

       --save-schema FILE
              Saves the configuration schema into FILE

              Adds comments to saved template, configuration, or schema

   Input Options:
       -n, --net-file FILE
              Load road network description from FILE

       -r, --route-files FILE
              Load routes descriptions from FILE(s)

       -a, --additional-files FILE
              Load further descriptions from FILE(s)

       -w, --weight-files FILE
              Load edge/lane weights for online rerouting from FILE

       -x, --weight-attribute STR
              Name of the xml attribute which gives the edge weight

       --load-state FILE
              Loads a network state from FILE

       --load-state.offset TIME
              Shifts all times loaded from a saved state by the given offset

       --load-state.remove-vehicles STR[]
              Removes vehicles with the given IDs from the loaded state

              Initialize a TAZ for every junction to use attributes toJunction and fromJunction

   Output Options:
              Include license info into every output file

       --output-prefix STR
              Prefix which is applied to all output files. The special string 'TIME' is  replaced
              by the current time.

       --precision INT
              Defines the number of digits after the comma for floating point output

       --precision.geo INT
              Defines the number of digits after the comma for lon,lat output

       -H, --human-readable-time
              Write  time  values  as  hour:minute:second  or  day:hour:minute:second rather than

       --netstate-dump FILE
              Save complete network states into FILE

              Write also empty edges completely when dumping

       --netstate-dump.precision INT
              Write positions and speeds with the given precision (default 2)

       --emission-output FILE
              Save the emission values of each vehicle

       --emission-output.precision INT
              Write emission values with the given precision (default 2)

              Save the positions in emission output using geo-coordinates (lon/lat)

              Write emission values scaled to the step length rather than as per-second values

       --battery-output FILE
              Save the battery values of each vehicle

       --battery-output.precision INT
              Write battery values with the given precision (default 2)

       --elechybrid-output FILE
              Save the elecHybrid values of each vehicle

       --elechybrid-output.precision INT
              Write elecHybrid values with the given precision (default 2)

              Write elecHybrid values into one aggregated file

       --chargingstations-output FILE
              Write data of charging stations

       --overheadwiresegments-output FILE
              Write data of overhead wire segments

       --substations-output FILE
              Write data of electrical substation stations

       --substations-output.precision INT
              Write substation values with the given precision (default 2)

       --fcd-output FILE
              Save the Floating Car Data

              Save the Floating Car Data using geo-coordinates (lon/lat)

              Add the vehicle signal state to the FCD output (brake lights etc.)

              Add kilometrage to the FCD output (linear referencing)

              Add acceleration to the FCD output

       --fcd-output.max-leader-distance FLOAT
              Add leader vehicle information to the FCD output (within the given distance)

       --fcd-output.params STR[]
              Add generic parameter values to the FCD output

       --fcd-output.filter-edges.input-file FILE
              Restrict fcd output to the edge selection from the given input file

       --fcd-output.attributes STR[]
              List attributes that should be included in the FCD output

       --fcd-output.filter-shapes STR[]
              List shape names that should be used to filter the FCD output

       --device.ssm.filter-edges.input-file FILE
              Restrict SSM device output to the edge selection from the given input file

       --full-output FILE
              Save a lot of information for each timestep (very redundant)

       --queue-output FILE
              Save the vehicle queues at the junctions (experimental)

       --queue-output.period TIME
              Save vehicle queues with the given period

       --vtk-output FILE
              Save complete vehicle positions inclusive speed values in the  VTK  Format  (usage:
              /path/out will produce /path/out_$TIMESTEP$.vtp files)

       --amitran-output FILE
              Save the vehicle trajectories in the Amitran format

       --summary-output FILE
              Save aggregated vehicle departure info into FILE

       --summary-output.period TIME
              Save summary-output with the given period

       --person-summary-output FILE
              Save aggregated person counts into FILE

       --tripinfo-output FILE
              Save single vehicle trip info into FILE

              Write tripinfo output for vehicles which have not arrived at simulation end

              Write  tripinfo  output  for  vehicles  which  have  not departed at simulation end
              because of depart delay

       --vehroute-output FILE
              Save single vehicle route info into FILE

              Write the exit times for all edges

              Write the last route only

              Sorts the output by departure time

              Write the output in the duarouter alternatives style

              Write costs for all routes

              Write the output with the intended instead of the real departure time

              Include total route length in the output

              Write vehroute output for vehicles which have not arrived at simulation end

              Skip vehroute output for public transport vehicles

              Include invalid routes and route stubs in vehroute output

              Include information about edges between stops

              Write the vehicle speedFactor (defaults to 'true' if departSpeed is written)

              Include internal edges in the output

       --personroute-output FILE
              Save person and container routes to separate FILE

       --link-output FILE
              Save links states into FILE

       --railsignal-block-output FILE
              Save railsignal-blocks into FILE

       --bt-output FILE
              Save bluetooth visibilities into FILE (in conjunction  with  device.btreceiver  and

       --lanechange-output FILE
              Record lane changes and their motivations for all vehicles into FILE

              Record start of lane change manoeuvres

              Record end of lane change manoeuvres

              Record coordinates of lane change manoeuvres

       --stop-output FILE
              Record  stops  and  loading/unloading  of passenger and containers for all vehicles
              into FILE

              Write stop output for stops which have not ended at simulation end

       --collision-output FILE
              Write collision information into FILE

       --edgedata-output FILE
              Write aggregated traffic statistics for all edges into FILE

       --lanedata-output FILE
              Write aggregated traffic statistics for all lanes into FILE

       --statistic-output FILE
              Write overall statistics into FILE

       --save-state.times STR[]
              Use TIME[] as times at which a network state written

       --save-state.period TIME
              save state repeatedly after TIME period

       --save-state.period.keep INT
              Keep only the last INT periodic state files

       --save-state.prefix FILE
              Prefix for network states

       --save-state.suffix STR
              Suffix for network states (.xml.gz or .xml)

       --save-state.files FILE
              Files for network states

              Save random number generator states

              Save person and container states (experimental)

              Save rail signal constraints

       --save-state.precision INT
              Write internal state values with the given precision (default 2)

   Time Options:
       -b, --begin TIME
              Defines the begin time in seconds; The simulation starts at this time

       -e, --end TIME
              Defines the end time in seconds; The simulation ends at this time

       --step-length TIME
              Defines the step duration in seconds

   Processing Options:
              Whether to use ballistic method for the positional update of vehicles (default is a
              semi-implicit Euler method).

              Whether vehicles that depart between simulation steps should extrapolate the depart

       --threads INT
              Defines the number of threads for parallel simulation

       --lateral-resolution FLOAT
              Defines the resolution in m when handling lateral positioning within a  lane  (with
              -1 all vehicles drive at the center of their lane

       -s, --route-steps TIME
              Load routes for the next number of seconds ahead

              Disable (junction) internal links

       --ignore-junction-blocker TIME
              Ignore  vehicles which block the junction after they have been standing for SECONDS
              (-1 means never ignore)

              Do not check whether routes are connected

              Do not check whether accidents occur

       --collision.action STR
              How to deal with collisions: [none,warn,teleport,remove]

       --collision.stoptime TIME
              Let vehicle stop for TIME before performing  collision.action  (except  for  action

              Enables collisions checks on junctions

       --collision.check-junctions.mingap FLOAT
              Increase or decrease sensitivity for junction collision check

       --collision.mingap-factor FLOAT
              Sets  the  fraction of minGap that must be maintained to avoid collision detection.
              If a negative value is given, the carFollowModel parameter is used

       --max-num-vehicles INT
              Delay vehicle insertion to stay within the given maximum number

       --max-num-teleports INT
              Abort the simulation if the given maximum number of teleports is exceeded

       --scale FLOAT
              Scale demand by the given factor (by discarding or duplicating vehicles)

       --scale-suffix STR
              Suffix to be added when creating ids for cloned vehicles

       --time-to-teleport TIME
              Specify how long a vehicle may  wait  until  being  teleported,  defaults  to  300,
              non-positive values disable teleporting

       --time-to-teleport.highways TIME
              The  waiting  time  after  which  vehicles  on  a  fast  road  (speed > 69km/h) are
              teleported if they are on a non-continuing lane

       --time-to-teleport.highways.min-speed FLOAT
              The waiting time after which vehicles on a fast road (default: speed > 69km/h)  are
              teleported if they are on a non-continuing lane

       --time-to-teleport.disconnected TIME
              The  waiting  time  after  which vehicles with a disconnected route are teleported.
              Negative values disable teleporting

              Whether vehicles  shall  be  removed  after  waiting  too  long  instead  of  being

       --time-to-teleport.ride TIME
              The  waiting  time  after  which  persons  /  containers  waiting  for a pickup are
              teleported. Negative values disable teleporting

       --time-to-teleport.bidi TIME
              The waiting time after which vehicles on bidirectional edges are teleported

       --waiting-time-memory TIME
              Length of time interval, over which accumulated waiting time is taken into  account
              (default is 100s.)

       --startup-wait-threshold TIME
              Minimum consecutive waiting time before applying startupDelay

       --max-depart-delay TIME
              How  long  vehicles  wait  for departure before being skipped, defaults to -1 which
              means vehicles are never skipped

              Whether insertion on an edge shall not be repeated in same step once failed

              Whether each vehicle is checked separately for insertion on an edge

              Allow inserting a vehicle in a situation which requires emergency braking

       --random-depart-offset TIME
              Each vehicle receives a random offset to its depart value drawn uniformly from  [0,

       --lanechange.duration TIME
              Duration of a lane change maneuver (default 0)

              Whether overtaking on the right on motorways is permitted

              Switches off all traffic lights.
              Sets default visibility for actuation detectors

       --tls.actuated.jam-threshold FLOAT
              Sets default jam-treshold parameter for all actuation detectors

       --tls.actuated.detector-length FLOAT
              Sets default detector length parameter for all actuation detectors

       --tls.delay_based.detector-range FLOAT
              Sets default range for detecting delayed vehicles

       --tls.yellow.min-decel FLOAT
              Minimum deceleration when braking at yellow

              Let railsignals operate in moving-block mode by default

       --time-to-impatience TIME
              Specify how long a vehicle may wait until impatience grows from 0 to 1, defaults to
              300, non-positive values disable impatience growth

       --default.action-step-length FLOAT
              Length of the default interval length between action points for  the  car-following
              and  lane-change  models (in seconds). If not specified, the simulation step-length
              is used per default. Vehicle- or VType-specific settings override the default. Must
              be a multiple of the simulation step-length.

       --default.carfollowmodel STR
              Select default car following model (Krauss, IDM, ...)

       --default.speeddev FLOAT
              Select  default  speed deviation. A negative value implies vClass specific defaults
              (0.1 for the default passenger class

       --default.emergencydecel STR
              Select default emergencyDecel value among ('decel', 'default',  FLOAT)  which  sets
              the  value  either  to  the same as the deceleration value, a vClass-class specific
              default or the given FLOAT in m/s^2

              Use Kirchhoff's laws for solving overhead wire circuit

              Enable recuperation from the vehicle  equipped  with  elecHybrid  device  into  the
              ovrehead wire.

              Enable  current  limits  of  traction  substation  during solving the overhead wire
              electrical circuit.

       --emergencydecel.warning-threshold FLOAT
              Sets the fraction of emergency decel capability that must  be  used  to  trigger  a

              Whether parking simulation includes manoeuvering time and associated lane blocking

              Override stop until times with stop ended times when given

       --pedestrian.model STR
              Select among pedestrian models ['nonInteracting', 'striping', 'remote']

       --pedestrian.striping.stripe-width FLOAT
              Width  of  parallel  stripes  for segmenting a sidewalk (meters) for use with model

       --pedestrian.striping.dawdling FLOAT
              Factor for random slow-downs [0,1] for use with model 'striping'

       --pedestrian.striping.mingap-to-vehicle FLOAT
              Minimal gap / safety buffer (in meters) from a pedestrian to  another  vehicle  for
              use with model 'striping'

       --pedestrian.striping.jamtime TIME
              Time  in  seconds  after which pedestrians start squeezing through a jam when using
              model 'striping' (non-positive values disable squeezing)

       --pedestrian.striping.jamtime.crossing TIME
              Time in seconds after which pedestrians start squeezing through a jam  while  on  a
              pedestrian  crossing  when  using  model  'striping'  (non-positive  values disable

       --pedestrian.striping.jamtime.narrow TIME
              Time in seconds after which pedestrians start squeezing through a jam  while  on  a
              narrow lane when using model 'striping'

       --pedestrian.striping.reserve-oncoming FLOAT
              Fraction of stripes to reserve for oncoming pedestrians

       --pedestrian.striping.reserve-oncoming.junctions FLOAT
              Fraction   of  stripes  to  reserve  for  oncoming  pedestrians  on  crossings  and

              Interpret departPosLat for walks in legacy style

       --pedestrian.striping.walkingarea-detail INT
              Generate INT intermediate points to smooth out lanes within the walkingarea

       --pedestrian.remote.address STR
              The address (host:port) of the external simulation

       --ride.stop-tolerance FLOAT
              Tolerance to apply when matching pedestrian and vehicle positions  on  boarding  at
              individual stops

       --persontrip.walk-opposite-factor FLOAT
              Use FLOAT as a factor on walking speed against vehicle traffic direction

   Routing Options:
       --routing-algorithm STR
              Select among routing algorithms ['dijkstra', 'astar', 'CH', 'CHWrapper']

       --weights.random-factor FLOAT
              Edge  weights  for  routing  are  dynamically  disturbed  by  a random factor drawn
              uniformly from [1,FLOAT)

       --weights.minor-penalty FLOAT
              Apply the given time penalty when computing minimum routing  costs  for  minor-link
              internal lanes

       --weights.tls-penalty FLOAT
              Apply  scaled  travel  time  penalties  based on green split when computing minimum
              routing costs for internal lanes at traffic lights

       --weights.priority-factor FLOAT
              Consider edge priorities in addition to travel times, weighted by factor

       --weights.separate-turns FLOAT
              Distinguish travel time by turn direction and shift a  fraction  of  the  estimated
              time loss ahead of the intersection onto the internal edges

       --astar.all-distances FILE
              Initialize  lookup  table  for  astar  from  the  given file (generated by marouter

       --astar.landmark-distances FILE
              Initialize lookup table for astar ALT-variant from the given file

       --persontrip.walkfactor FLOAT
              Use FLOAT as a factor on pedestrian maximum speed during intermodal routing STR[]
              Where  are  mode  changes  from  car   to   walking   allowed   (possible   values:
              'parkingAreas', 'ptStops', 'allJunctions' and combinations) STR[]
              Where taxis can drop off customers ('allJunctions, 'ptStops')

       --persontrip.transfer.walk-taxi STR[]
              Where taxis can pick up customers ('allJunctions, 'ptStops') STR
              When  set,  trips  between  the  same  origin  and destination will share a taxi by
              default TIME
              Estimated time for taxi pickup

       --railway.max-train-length FLOAT
              Use FLOAT as a maximum train length when initializing the railway router

              Replay exact rerouting sequence from vehroute-output

       --device.rerouting.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'rerouting' device

       --device.rerouting.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'rerouting' device to named vehicles

              The 'rerouting' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.rerouting.period TIME
              The period with which the vehicle shall be rerouted

       --device.rerouting.pre-period TIME
              The rerouting period before depart

       --device.rerouting.adaptation-weight FLOAT
              The weight of prior edge weights for exponential moving average

       --device.rerouting.adaptation-steps INT
              The number of steps for moving average weight of prior edge weights

       --device.rerouting.adaptation-interval TIME
              The interval for updating the edge weights

              Use zones (districts) as routing startand endpoints

              Use weight files given with option --weight-files for initializing edge weights

       --device.rerouting.threads INT
              The number of parallel execution threads used for rerouting

              Let rerouting happen at the same time for all vehicles

              Allow rerouting triggered by rail signals.
              Compute separate average speeds for bicycles

       --device.rerouting.output FILE
              Save adapting weights to FILE

       --person-device.rerouting.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a person to have a 'rerouting' device

       --person-device.rerouting.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'rerouting' device to named persons

              The 'rerouting' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --person-device.rerouting.period TIME
              The period with which the person shall be rerouted

   Report Options:
       -v, --verbose
              Switches to verbose output

              Prints option values before processing

       -?, --help
              Prints this screen or selected topics

       -V, --version
              Prints the current version

       -X, --xml-validation STR
              Set schema validation scheme of XML inputs ("never", "local", "auto" or "always") STR
              Set schema validation scheme of SUMO network inputs ("never",  "local",  "auto"  or

       --xml-validation.routes STR
              Set  schema  validation  scheme  of  SUMO route inputs ("never", "local", "auto" or

       -W, --no-warnings
              Disables output of warnings

       --aggregate-warnings INT
              Aggregate warnings of the same type whenever more than INT occur

       -l, --log FILE
              Writes all messages to FILE (implies verbose)

       --message-log FILE
              Writes all non-error messages to FILE (implies verbose)

       --error-log FILE
              Writes all warnings and errors to FILE

              Disable performance reports for individual simulation steps

       -t, --duration-log.statistics
              Enable statistics on vehicle trips

              Disable console output of current simulation step

       --step-log.period INT
              Number of simulation steps between step-log outputs

   Emissions Options:
              Return fuel consumption values in (legacy) unit l instead of mg

       --phemlight-path FILE
              Determines where to load PHEMlight definitions from

       --phemlight-year INT
              Enable fleet age modelling with the given reference year in PHEMlight5

       --phemlight-temperature FLOAT
              Set ambient temperature to correct NOx emissions in PHEMlight5

       --device.emissions.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'emissions' device

       --device.emissions.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'emissions' device to named vehicles

              The 'emissions' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.emissions.begin STR
              Recording begin time for emission-data

       --device.emissions.period STR
              Recording period for emission-output

   Communication Options:
       --device.btreceiver.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'btreceiver' device

       --device.btreceiver.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'btreceiver' device to named vehicles

              The 'btreceiver' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.btreceiver.range FLOAT
              The range of the bt receiver

              Whether all recognition point shall be written

       --device.btreceiver.offtime FLOAT
              The offtime used for calculating detection probability (in seconds)

       --device.btsender.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'btsender' device

       --device.btsender.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'btsender' device to named vehicles

              The 'btsender' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --person-device.btsender.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a person to have a 'btsender' device

       --person-device.btsender.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'btsender' device to named persons

              The 'btsender' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --person-device.btreceiver.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a person to have a 'btreceiver' device

       --person-device.btreceiver.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'btreceiver' device to named persons

              The 'btreceiver' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

   Battery Options:
       --device.battery.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'battery' device

       --device.battery.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'battery' device to named vehicles

              The 'battery' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

              Track fuel consumption for non-electric vehicles

   Example Device Options:
       --device.example.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'example' device

       --device.example.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'example' device to named vehicles

              The 'example' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.example.parameter FLOAT
              An exemplary parameter which can be used by all instances of the example device

   SSM Device Options:
       --device.ssm.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'ssm' device

       --device.ssm.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'ssm' device to named vehicles

              The 'ssm' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.ssm.measures STR
              Specifies which measures will be logged (as a space or comma-separated sequence  of
              IDs in ('TTC', 'DRAC', 'PET'))

       --device.ssm.thresholds STR
              Specifies  space  or  comma-separated  thresholds  corresponding  to  the specified
              measures (see documentation and  watch  the  order!).  Only  events  exceeding  the
              thresholds will be logged.

              Specifies  whether  trajectories will be logged (if false, only the extremal values
              and times are reported).

       --device.ssm.range FLOAT
              Specifies the detection range in meters.  For vehicles below this distance from the
              equipped vehicle, SSM values are traced.

       --device.ssm.extratime FLOAT
              Specifies  the  time in seconds to be logged after a conflict is over.  Required >0
              if PET is to be calculated for crossing conflicts.

       --device.ssm.file STR
              Give a global default filename for the SSM output

              Whether to use coordinates of the original reference system in output

              Whether to write positions (coordinates) for each timestep

              Whether to write lanes and their positions for each timestep

   ToC Device Options:
       --device.toc.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'toc' device

       --device.toc.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'toc' device to named vehicles

              The 'toc' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.toc.manualType STR
              Vehicle type for manual driving regime.

       --device.toc.automatedType STR
              Vehicle type for automated driving regime.

       --device.toc.responseTime FLOAT
              Average response time needed by a driver to take back control.

       --device.toc.recoveryRate FLOAT
              Recovery rate for the driver's awareness after a ToC.

       --device.toc.lcAbstinence FLOAT
              Attention level below which a driver restrains from performing lane changes  (value
              in [0,1]).

       --device.toc.initialAwareness FLOAT
              Average awareness a driver has initially after a ToC (value in [0,1]).

       --device.toc.mrmDecel FLOAT
              Deceleration rate applied during a 'minimum risk maneuver'.

       --device.toc.dynamicToCThreshold FLOAT
              Time,  which  the vehicle requires to have ahead to continue in automated mode. The
              default value of 0 indicates no dynamic triggering of ToCs.

       --device.toc.dynamicMRMProbability FLOAT
              Probability that a dynamically triggered TOR is not answered in time.

              If true, the vehicle tries to change to the right during an MRM.

       --device.toc.mrmSafeSpot STR
              If set, the vehicle tries to reach the given named stopping place during an MRM.

       --device.toc.mrmSafeSpotDuration FLOAT
              Duration the vehicle stays at the safe spot after an MRM.

       --device.toc.maxPreparationAccel FLOAT
              Maximal acceleration that may be applied during the ToC preparation phase.

       --device.toc.ogNewTimeHeadway FLOAT
              Timegap for ToC preparation phase.

       --device.toc.ogNewSpaceHeadway FLOAT
              Additional spacing for ToC preparation phase.

       --device.toc.ogMaxDecel FLOAT
              Maximal deceleration applied for establishing  increased  gap  in  ToC  preparation

       --device.toc.ogChangeRate FLOAT
              Rate of adaptation towards the increased headway during ToC preparation.

              Whether a coloring scheme shall by applied to indicate the different ToC stages.

       --device.toc.file STR
              Switches on output by specifying an output filename.

   Driver State Device Options:
       --device.driverstate.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'driverstate' device

       --device.driverstate.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'driverstate' device to named vehicles

              The 'driverstate' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.driverstate.initialAwareness FLOAT
              Initial value assigned to the driver's awareness.

       --device.driverstate.errorTimeScaleCoefficient FLOAT
              Time scale for the error process.

       --device.driverstate.errorNoiseIntensityCoefficient FLOAT
              Noise intensity driving the error process.

       --device.driverstate.speedDifferenceErrorCoefficient FLOAT
              General  scaling  coefficient  for  applying  the  error  to  the  perceived  speed
              difference (error also scales with distance).

       --device.driverstate.headwayErrorCoefficient FLOAT
              General scaling coefficient for applying the error to the perceived distance (error
              also scales with distance).

       --device.driverstate.speedDifferenceChangePerceptionThreshold FLOAT
              Base  threshold  for  recognizing  changes  in the speed difference (threshold also
              scales with distance).

       --device.driverstate.headwayChangePerceptionThreshold FLOAT
              Base threshold for recognizing changes in the headway (threshold also  scales  with

       --device.driverstate.minAwareness FLOAT
              Minimal admissible value for the driver's awareness.

       --device.driverstate.maximalReactionTime FLOAT
              Maximal  reaction  time  (~action step length) induced by decreased awareness level
              (reached for awareness=minAwareness).

   Bluelight Device Options:
       --device.bluelight.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'bluelight' device

       --device.bluelight.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'bluelight' device to named vehicles

              The 'bluelight' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.bluelight.reactiondist FLOAT
              Set the distance at which other drivers react to the blue light and siren sound

   FCD Device Options:
       --device.fcd.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'fcd' device

       --device.fcd.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'fcd' device to named vehicles

              The 'fcd' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.fcd.begin STR
              Recording begin time for FCD-data

       --device.fcd.period STR
              Recording period for FCD-data

       --device.fcd.radius FLOAT
              Record objects in a radius around equipped vehicles

       --person-device.fcd.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a person to have a 'fcd' device

       --person-device.fcd.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'fcd' device to named persons

              The 'fcd' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --person-device.fcd.period STR
              Recording period for FCD-data

   ElecHybrid Device Options:
       --device.elechybrid.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'elechybrid' device

       --device.elechybrid.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'elechybrid' device to named vehicles

              The 'elechybrid' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

   Taxi Device Options: FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'taxi' device STR[]
              Assign a 'taxi' device to named vehicles
              The 'taxi' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000 STR
              The dispatch algorithm [greedy|greedyClosest|greedyShared|routeExtension|traci] FILE
              Write information from the dispatch algorithm to FILE STR
              Load dispatch algorithm parameters in format KEY1:VALUE1[,KEY2:VALUE] TIME
              The period between successive calls to the dispatcher STR
              The behavior of idle taxis [stop|randomCircling] FILE
              Write information from the idling algorithm to FILE

   GLOSA Device Options:
       --device.glosa.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'glosa' device

       --device.glosa.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'glosa' device to named vehicles

              The 'glosa' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.glosa.range FLOAT
              The communication range to the traffic light

       --device.glosa.max-speedfactor FLOAT
              The maximum speed factor when approaching a green light

       --device.glosa.min-speed FLOAT
              Minimum speed when coasting towards a red light

   Tripinfo Device Options:
       --device.tripinfo.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'tripinfo' device

       --device.tripinfo.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'tripinfo' device to named vehicles

              The 'tripinfo' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

   Vehroutes Device Options:
       --device.vehroute.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'vehroute' device

       --device.vehroute.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'vehroute' device to named vehicles

              The 'vehroute' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

   Friction Device Options:
       --device.friction.probability FLOAT
              The probability for a vehicle to have a 'friction' device

       --device.friction.explicit STR[]
              Assign a 'friction' device to named vehicles

              The 'friction' devices are set deterministic using a fraction of 1000

       --device.friction.stdDev FLOAT
              The measurement noise parameter which can be applied to the friction device

       --device.friction.offset FLOAT
              The measurement offset parameter which can be applied to  the  friction  device  ->
              e.g. to force false measurements

   TraCI Server Options:
       --remote-port INT
              Enables TraCI Server if set

       --num-clients INT
              Expected number of connecting clients

   Mesoscopic Options:
              Enables mesoscopic simulation

       --meso-edgelength FLOAT
              Length of an edge segment in mesoscopic simulation

       --meso-tauff TIME
              Factor for calculating the net free-free headway time

       --meso-taufj TIME
              Factor for calculating the net free-jam headway time

       --meso-taujf TIME
              Factor for calculating the jam-free headway time

       --meso-taujj TIME
              Factor for calculating the jam-jam headway time

       --meso-jam-threshold FLOAT
              Minimum  percentage  of  occupied  space  to  consider a segment jammed. A negative
              argument causes thresholds to be computed based on edge speed and tauff (default)

              Enable multiple queues at edge ends

              Enable separate queues for every lane

       --meso-ignore-lanes-by-vclass STR[]
              Do not build queues (or reduce capacity) for lanes allowing only the given vclasses

              Enable mesoscopic traffic light and priority junction handling
              Enable mesoscopic traffic light and priority junction handling for saturated links.
              This prevents faulty traffic lights from hindering flow in low-traffic situations

       --meso-tls-penalty FLOAT
              Apply  scaled  travel  time  penalties when driving across tls controlled junctions
              based on green split instead of checking actual phases

       --meso-tls-flow-penalty FLOAT
              Apply scaled headway penalties when driving across tls controlled  junctions  based
              on green split instead of checking actual phases

       --meso-minor-penalty TIME
              Apply   fixed   time   penalty  when  driving  across  a  minor  link.  When  using
    ,  the  penalty  is  not  applied  whenever  limited
              control is active.

              Enable mesoscopic overtaking

       --meso-recheck TIME
              Time interval for rechecking insertion into the next segment after failure

   Random Number Options:
              Initialises the random number generator with the current system time

       --seed INT
              Initialises the random number generator with the given value

       --thread-rngs INT
              Number   of   pre-allocated   random   number   generators   to  ensure  repeatable
              multi-threaded simulations (should be at least the number of threads for repeatable

   GUI Only Options:
       -g, --gui-settings-file FILE
              Load visualisation settings from FILE

       -Q, --quit-on-end
              Quits the GUI when the simulation stops

       -G, --game
              Start the GUI in gaming mode

       --game.mode STR
              Select the game type ('tls', 'drt')

       -S, --start
              Start the simulation after loading

       -d, --delay FLOAT
              Use FLOAT in ms as delay between simulation steps

       -B, --breakpoints STR[]
              Use TIME[] as times when the simulation should halt

       --edgedata-files FILE
              Load edge/lane weights for visualization from FILE

       -D, --demo
              Restart the simulation after ending (demo mode)

       -T, --disable-textures
              Do not load background pictures

              Load current viewport from registry

       --window-size STR[]
              Create initial window with the given x,y size

       --window-pos STR[]
              Create initial window at the given x,y position

       --tracker-interval TIME
              The aggregation period for value tracker windows

              Start with an OpenSceneGraph view instead of the regular 2D view

              Enable overlay for screen recognition

              Enable output messages during GUI-Testing

       --gui-testing.setting-output FILE
              Save gui settings in the given settings output file


              sumo-gui -b 0 -e 1000 -n net.xml -r routes.xml

              start a simulation from time 0 to 1000 with given net and routes

              sumo-gui -c munich_config.cfg

              start with a configuration file

              sumo-gui --help

              print help


       Report bugs at <>.
       Get in contact via <>.

              Build  features:  Linux-5.4.0-135-generic  x86_64 GNU 12.2.0 None FMI Proj GUI Intl
              SWIG GDAL FFmpeg OSG GL2PS Eigen
              Copyright   (C)   2001-2022   German   Aerospace   Center   (DLR)    and    others;

       Eclipse SUMO GUI Version 1.15.0 is part of SUMO.
       This  program  and  the  accompanying  materials are made available under the terms of the
       Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies  this  distribution,  and  is  available  at
       This program may also be made available under the following Secondary
       Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       Public  License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2 or later which is
       available at
       SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later