Provided by: uuu_1.4.193-1_amd64 

uuu - Freescale/NXP I.MX Chip image deploy tools
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- lib1.4.193 uuu [-d -m -v -V] <bootloader|cmdlists|cmd> bootloader download bootloader to board by usb cmdlist run all commands in cmdlist file If it is path, search in dir If it is zip, search in zip cmd Run one command, use -H see detail example: SDPS: boot -f flash.bin -d Daemon mode, wait for forever. -v -V verbose mode, -V enable libusb error\warning info -dry Dry run mode, check if script or cmd correct -m USBPATH Only monitor these paths. -m 1:2 -m 1:3 -t Timeout second for wait known usb device appeared -T Timeout second for wait next known usb device appeared at stage switch -e set environment variable key=value -pp usb polling period in milliseconds uuu -s Enter shell mode. uuu.inputlog record all input commands you can use "uuu uuu.inputlog" next time to run all commands uuu -udev linux: show udev rule to avoid sudo each time uuu -lsusb List connected know devices uuu -IgSerNum Set windows registry to ignore USB serial number for known uuu devices uuu -h show general help uuu -H show general help and detailed help for commands uuu [-d -m -v] -b[run] <emmc|emmc_all|fat_write|nand|qspi|sd|sd_all|spl> arg... Run Built-in scripts emmc burn boot loader to eMMC boot partition arg0: _flash.bin bootloader arg1: _image[Optional] image burn to emmc, default is the same as bootloader emmc_all burn whole image to eMMC arg0: _flash.bin bootloader, which can extract from wic image arg1: _image[Optional] wic image burn to emmc. fat_write update one file in fat partition, require uboot fastboot running in board arg0: _image image, which cp to fat partition arg1: _device storage device, mmc\sata arg2: _partition fat partition number, like 1:1 arg3: _filename[Optional] file name in target fat partition, only support rootdir now nand burn boot loader to NAND flash arg0: _flash.bin bootloader arg1: _image[Optional] image burn to nand, default is the same as bootloader qspi burn boot loader to qspi nor flash arg0: _flexspi.bin bootloader arg1: _image[Optional] image burn to flexspi, default is the same as bootloader sd burn boot loader to sd card arg0: _flash.bin bootloader arg1: _image[Optional] image burn to emmc, default is the same as bootloader sd_all burn whole image to sd card arg0: _flash.bin bootloader, which can extract from wic image arg1: _image[Optional] wic image burn to emmc. spl boot spl and uboot arg0: _flash.bin uuu -bshow <emmc|emmc_all|fat_write|nand|qspi|sd|sd_all|spl> Show built-in script Enjoy auto [tab] command complete by put below script into /etc/bash_completion.d/uuu _uuu_autocomplete() { COMPREPLY=($(/usr/bin/uuu $1 $2 $3)) } complete -o nospace -F _uuu_autocomplete uuu [?25h uuu [-d -m -v -V] <bootloader|cmdlists|cmd> bootloader download bootloader to board by usb cmdlist run all commands in cmdlist file If it is path, search in dir If it is zip, search in zip cmd Run one command, use -H see detail example: SDPS: boot -f flash.bin -d Daemon mode, wait for forever. -v -V verbose mode, -V enable libusb error\warning info -dry Dry run mode, check if script or cmd correct -m USBPATH Only monitor these paths. -m 1:2 -m 1:3 -t Timeout second for wait known usb device appeared -T Timeout second for wait next known usb device appeared at stage switch -e set environment variable key=value -pp usb polling period in milliseconds uuu -s Enter shell mode. uuu.inputlog record all input commands you can use "uuu uuu.inputlog" next time to run all commands uuu -udev linux: show udev rule to avoid sudo each time uuu -lsusb List connected know devices uuu -IgSerNum Set windows registry to ignore USB serial number for known uuu devices uuu -h show general help uuu -H show general help and detailed help for commands uuu [-d -m -v] -b[run] <emmc|emmc_all|fat_write|nand|qspi|sd|sd_all|spl> arg... Run Built-in scripts emmc burn boot loader to eMMC boot partition arg0: _flash.bin bootloader arg1: _image[Optional] image burn to emmc, default is the same as bootloader emmc_all burn whole image to eMMC arg0: _flash.bin bootloader, which can extract from wic image arg1: _image[Optional] wic image burn to emmc. fat_write update one file in fat partition, require uboot fastboot running in board arg0: _image image, which cp to fat partition arg1: _device storage device, mmc\sata arg2: _partition fat partition number, like 1:1 arg3: _filename[Optional] file name in target fat partition, only support rootdir now nand burn boot loader to NAND flash arg0: _flash.bin bootloader arg1: _image[Optional] image burn to nand, default is the same as bootloader qspi burn boot loader to qspi nor flash arg0: _flexspi.bin bootloader arg1: _image[Optional] image burn to flexspi, default is the same as bootloader sd burn boot loader to sd card arg0: _flash.bin bootloader arg1: _image[Optional] image burn to emmc, default is the same as bootloader sd_all burn whole image to sd card arg0: _flash.bin bootloader, which can extract from wic image arg1: _image[Optional] wic image burn to emmc. spl boot spl and uboot arg0: _flash.bin uuu -bshow <emmc|emmc_all|fat_write|nand|qspi|sd|sd_all|spl> Show built-in script Enjoy auto [tab] command complete by put below script into /etc/bash_completion.d/uuu _uuu_autocomplete() { COMPREPLY=($(/usr/bin/uuu $1 $2 $3)) } complete -o nospace -F _uuu_autocomplete uuu [?25h Universal Update Utility for nxp imx chipsFebruary.20223 UUU(1)