Provided by: casacore-tools_3.5.0-2ubuntu3_amd64 

writems - Create one or more MeasurementSets
writems parm=value ...
nms Number of MeasurementSets to create (0 means 1 MS without suffix; default, >0 also creates MultiMS) msname Name of the output MeasurementSet (suffix _p<i> is added if nms>0) ra One or more J2000 Right Ascensions (as hh:mm:ss.sss); defines the fields dec One or more J2000 Declinations (as; defines the fields anttab Name of the ANTENNA table giving the antenna parameters to use (zero/empty values if not given) startfreq Start frequency (Hz) per spw (1 value counts on for other spws; default: 1e9) chanwidth Channel frequency width (Hz) per spw (1 value applies to all spws; default: 1e6) starttime Start time (e.g., 23Mar2016/12:00:00) timestep Time interval (sec; default: 1) ntime Number of time steps (default: 1) ntimefield Number of time steps per field (0=all fields for all times; default) nspw Number of spectral windows (default: 1) npol Number of polarizations per spectral window; 1 value applies to all spws (default: 4) nchan Number of channels per spectral window; 1 value applies to all spws (default: 256) nant Number of antennae to use; it anttab is given maximum to use is its size (default: 0) calcuvw Calculate UVW coordinates? (default: false) autocorr Write autocorrelations? (default: true) weightspectrum Write WEIGHT_SPECTRUM column? (default: false) imagercolumns Write imager columns (MODEL_DATA, CORRECTED_DATA)? (default: false) rowwise Write the data row wise (thus a put per row) (default: true) nflagbits int Write multiple flag bits (0, 8, 16 or 32) mapped to FLAG (default: 0) flagcolumn Name of the FlagBits column if nflagbits>0 (default: "FLAG_BITS") tilesize Size of data tiles (KBytes); default is 1024 tilesizefreq Number of channels in data tiles; default is all channels multifile Use the MultiFile feature? (default: false) multihdf5 Use the MultiHDF5 feature? (default: false) mfsize MultiFile/HDF5 block size (KBytes); default is tilesize ashdf5 bool Write the data in HDF5 format (default: false)