lunar (1) y4mdenoise.1.gz

Provided by: mjpegtools_2.1.0+debian-7_amd64 bug


       y4mdenoise - Motion-compensating YUV4MPEG-frame denoiser


       y4mdenoise  [-v  verbosity]  [-p  parallelism] [-r motion-search_radius] [-R color_motion-
       search_radius]     [-t      error_tolerance]      [-T      color_error_tolerance]      [-z
       zero_motion_error_tolerance]    [-Z    color_zero_motion_error_tolerance]    [-m    match-
       count_throttle] [-M match-size_throttle] [-f reference_frames] [-B] [-I  interlacing_type]
       < /dev/stdin > /dev/stdout


       y4mdenoise  can  be used to remove noise from images in a YUV4MPEG2 stream. This is useful
       for cleaning old sources to increase video quality, and to reduce the  bitrate  needed  to
       encode your video (e.g. for VCD and SVCD creation).


       It  maintains  a list of the last several frames, called reference frames.  Each reference
       frame is composed of reference pixels.  Every time a pixel in one frame is proven to be  a
       moved  instance  of  a pixel in another frame, the reference-pixel incorporates its value,
       and produces an average value for all instances of the pixel.  The oldest reference frame,
       therefore,  gets a pretty good idea of the real value of every pixel, but of course output
       is delayed by the number of reference frames.

       The search is not actually done one pixel at a time; it's done in terms of  pixel  groups.
       An  entire  pixel-group  has  to  match for any match to be found, but all possible pixel-
       groups are tested (i.e. all possible overlapping combinations are checked).  Using  pixel-
       groups  helps to establish a minimum standard for what may be considered a match, in order
       to avoid finding lots of really small (and really useless) matches.  Presently,  intensity
       pixel-groups are 4x2 (i.e. 4 across and 2 down), and color pixel-groups are 2x2.

       It  compares  every pixel-group in the current frame with all pixel-groups in the previous
       frame, within a given search-radius, and sorts them based on  how  close  the  match  was,
       keeping  the  top  contenders.   It  then  flood-fills  each found pixel-group in turn, to
       determine the full size of the match.  The first match found to be big enough  is  applied
       to  the image.  The number of contenders to consider, and the minimum size of a match, can
       be specified on the command line.

       At the end of the frame, any new-frame pixels not resolved yet are considered  to  be  new
       information, and a new reference-pixel is generated for each one.

       A "zero-motion pass" happens each frame, before motion-detection, in an attempt to resolve
       most of the frame cheaply.  Its error-tolerance can be set separately.


       y4mdenoise accepts the following options:

       -v [0..2] verbosity
           0 = none, 1 = normal (per-frame pixel-detection totals), 2=debug.

       -p num
           Controls the level of parallelism.  Since intensity and color are denoised  separately
           by design, it's very easy to do each in parallel on a multiple-processor machine.  The
           default value is 1; that reads and writes video frames in parallel with denoising.   A
           value  of  2 causes intensity and color to be denoised in parallel.  A value of 3 does
           both types of concurrency.  A value of 0 turns off all concurrency.

       -r [4..] search radius
           The search radius, i.e. the maximum distance that a pixel can move and still be  found
           by  motion-detection.  The default is 16.  There are no particular restrictions on the
           search radius, e.g. it doesn't have to be an even multiple of 4.

       -R [4..] color search radius
           The search radius to use for color.  Default is whatever the  main  search-radius  was
           set to.  Note that this value ends up getting scaled by the relative size of intensity
           & color planes in your YUV4MPEG2 stream.

       -t [0..255] Error tolerance
           The largest difference between two pixels that's accepted for the  two  pixels  to  be
           considered  equal.   The  default  is  3, which is good for medium-noise material like
           analog cable TV.  (This value will have to be changed to whatever is  appropriate  for
           your  YUV4MPEG2  stream  in  order to avoid undesirable results.  See the instructions

       -T [0..255] Error tolerance for color
           The default is whatever the main error-tolerance was set to.

       -z [0..255] Error tolerance for zero-motion pass
           The error-tolerance used on pixels that haven't moved.   Usually  equal  to  the  main
           error-tolerance or one less than that.  Default is 2.

       -Z [0..255] Error tolerance for color's zero-motion pass
           The default is whatever the main zero-motion error-tolerance was set to.

       -m [num] Match-count throttle
           The  maximum number of pixel-group matches (within the search radius) to consider.  If
           more are found, only the closest matches are kept.  Default is 15.

       -M [num] Match-size throttle
           The minimum size of the flood-filled region generated from a match.   Matches  smaller
           than this are thrown away.  Specified in terms of pixel-groups.  Default is 3.

       -f num
           The  number  of  reference  frames  to keep.  Pixel values are averaged over this many
           frames before they're written to standard output; this also  implies  that  output  is
           delayed by this many frames.  Default is 10.

       -B  Black-and-white  mode.   Denoise  only the intensity plane, and set the color plane to
           all white.

       -I num
           Set interlacing type.  Default is taken  from  the  YUV4MPEG2  stream.   0  means  not
           interlaced,  1  means  top-field interlaced, 2 means bottom-field interlaced.  This is
           useful when the signal is more naturally of  some  other  interlacing  type  than  its
           current  representation  (e.g.  if the original was shot on film and then later it was
           transferred to interlaced video, it will denoise better if treated as film, i.e.  non-


       Keep  in  mind  that  all of this advice was gained through experience.  (Just because one
       writes a tool doesn't mean one understands how it should be used, for the same reason that
       car designers aren't necessarily professional drivers.)

       The  error-threshold  must  be  determined  for every individual YUV4MPEG2 stream.  If the
       threshold is set too low, it'll leave noise in the video, and the denoiser will run a  lot
       slower  than  it  has to.  If it's set too high, the denoiser will start to remove detail:
       the video will get blurrier, you may see topographical-like bands in the  relatively  flat
       areas  of  the  video, and small parts of the video that should be moving will be stuck in
       place.  It may also run a little slower.  Additionally, just because the video came to you
       from  a  clean source (digital cable TV, LaserDisc, etc.) doesn't mean the video itself is
       clean; y4mdenoise is capable of picking up on noise in the original recording as  well  as
       sampling  error  from  the video-capture device.  You will have to generate small clips of
       representative parts of your video, denoise them with various error  thresholds,  and  see
       what  looks  the  best.   As  you  gain  experience with the tool, you may know what error
       threshold generally works with various types of sources, but you'll still want to  double-
       check your assumptions.

       Flat,  shiny  surfaces,  like gloss-painted walls, or the polished wood floor of an indoor
       gymnasium, seem to require a lower error threshold than other types of video.

       Here is the author's experience:

        -t 1 : Digital cable TV, most LaserDiscs, DV camcorder video
        -t 2 : VHS camcorder video, commercially-produced videotapes
        -t 3 : Analog cable TV, VHS videotape (at the 2-hour speed)
        -t 4 : VHS videotape (at the 6-hour speed)

       Interlaced video that was made from non-interlaced video (e.g. a videotape or LaserDisc of
       a film) must be denoised as non-interlaced.  Otherwise the result tends to be grainy.

       y4mdenoise only removes temporal noise, i.e. noise that occurs over time.  And it tends to
       do such a good job of this, that the spatial noise (i.e. noise that occurs in nearby areas
       of  the  same  frame) tends to become very distinct.  Therefore, always pipe the output of
       y4mdenoise through a spatial filter such as y4mspatialfilter or yuvmedianfilter.

       When producing very low bitrate video (e.g. VCD-compatible  video  less  than  900  kbps),
       denoise  at  the output frame size, e.g. don't denoise at DVD frame size then downscale to
       VCD size.  That will denoise as well as condition the video for the motion-detection  part
       of  mpeg2enc.   Not  doing this will produce video where the less complex scenes will look
       really good, but high-motion scenes will blur significantly.

       JPEG compression of your video frames, even  100%  compression,  seems  to  be  inaccurate
       enough  to  affect  MPEG  encoding.   Therefore, if you're using motion-JPEG files as your
       intermediary video format, you  may  want  to  use  the  denoiser  in  your  MPEG-encoding
       pipeline,  i.e.  after  lav2yuv  and  before  mpeg2enc.   If  you're  generating  multiple
       resolutions of the same video, e.g. DVD and VCD, experience shows that it's acceptable  to
       run  y4mdenoise  before  yuv2lav,  but  you  should  still  use  the  spatial-filter (e.g.
       y4mspatialfilter, yuvmedianfilter) in the MPEG-encoding pipeline, to try  to  smooth  away
       JPEG encoding artifacts.


       The  bulk  of  the  y4mdenoise  code,  and this manual page, was written by Steven Boswell


       If you have questions, remarks, problems or you just want to contact the  developers,  the
       main mailing list for the MJPEG-tools is:

       For more info, see our website at


       mjpegtools(1), mpeg2enc(1), yuvdenoise(1), yuvmedianfilter(1)