lunar (1) entrez-phrase-search.1.gz
entrez-phrase-search - search NCBI Entrez for phrases (DEPRECATED)
entrez-phrase-search [-help] [-count[s]] [-string] [-db name] [-database name] [-field name] query
Note: entrez-phrase-search will not appear in future releases of NCBI Entrez Direct. Instead, please either run esearch normally or establish a local archive via archive-pubmed and search it via phrase-search. entrez-phrase-search is an edirect(1) esearch(1) wrapper script that searches an NCBI Entrez database for a phrase rather than discrete keywords. It works by breaking the query up into pairs of adjacent words (disregarding connecting words like "the") and intersecting searches for word pairs that appear reasonably often.
-help Print usage information. -count[s] Just print counts for individual word pairs. -string Just print the final query string. -db name (-database name) Search the specified Entrez database (default: pubmed). -field name Search the specified field (default: TIAB, titles + abstracts). query Phrase to search for. (Quotes optional.)
edirect(1), esearch(1), filter-stop-words(1), phrase-search(1).