lunar (1) idseq-bench-score.1.gz
idseq-bench-score - Score benchmark samples based on answer key
idseq-bench-score [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-t [TRUTH_FILES [TRUTH_FILES ...]]] [-e ENV] [-p LOCAL_PATH] [--mono-aupr] project_id sample_id pipeline_version
Score benchmark samples based on answer key (against key encode in fastq read IDs for IDseq Bench samples or against a provided answer key).
positional arguments: project_id ID of the project sample_id ID of the sample pipeline_version Pipeline version to retrieve: <major>.<minor> optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE Path of output file to write the results to (if not set results are written to stdout) -t [TRUTH_FILES [TRUTH_FILES ...]], --truth_files [TRUTH_FILES [TRUTH_FILES ...]] Space separated list of truth files. Truth files are TSV files with the fields <tax_id, absolute abundance, relative abundance, rank, tax_name> -e ENV, --env ENV String name of environment in which sample exists; options are: prod (default), staging -p LOCAL_PATH, --local-path LOCAL_PATH Root of local path where IDseq files are stored. Must follow the same structure to store files as IDseq --mono-aupr Computed adjusted AUPR by forcing the precision/recall curve to be monotonic decreasing
This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.