lunar (1) linkicc.1.gz

Provided by: liblcms2-utils_2.14-2_amd64 bug


       linkicc - little cms device link generator.


       linkicc [options] profiles


       lcms  is  a standalone CMM engine, which deals with the color management.  It implements a
       fast transformation between ICC profiles.  linkicc is a little cms device link generator.

       Links two or more profiles into a single devicelink profile.  Colorspaces must  be  paired
       except Lab/XYZ, that can be interchanged.


       -a NUM Observer adaptation state (abs.col. only), (0..1.0, float value) [defaults to 1.0].

       -b     Black point compensation.

       -c precision
              Precision (0=LowRes, 1=Normal, 2=Hi-res) [defaults to 1].

       -d description
              Description text (quotes can be used).

       -h NUM Show  summary  of  options  and  examples (0=help, 1=Built-in profiles, 2=Examples,
              3=Contact information)

       -k inklimit
              Ink-limiting in % (CMYK only), (0..400.0, float value) [default 400.0].

       -l     Use linearization curves (may affect accuracy).

       -n gridpoints
              Alternate way to set precision, number of CLUT points.

       -o profile
              Output devicelink profile [defaults to 'devicelink.icm'].

       -r profileversion
              Profile version. (CAUTION: may change the profile implementation), (2.0..4.3, float
              value) [defaults to 4.3].

       -t NUM Rendering intent
              0=Perceptual [default]
              1=Relative colorimetric
              3=Absolute colorimetric
              10=Perceptual preserving black ink
              11=Relative colorimetric preserving black ink
              12=Saturation preserving black ink
              13=Perceptual preserving black plane
              14=Relative colorimetric preserving black plane
              15=Saturation preserving black plane

       -v verbosity
              Verbosity level, (0=None, 1=Normal, 2=High, 3=Very High) [defaults to 0].

       -x     Creatively, guess deviceclass of resulting profile.

       -y copyright
              Copyright notice (quotes can be used) ["No copyright, use freely"].

       -8     Creates 8-bit devicelink.


            *Lab2  -- D50-based v2 CIEL*a*b
            *Lab4  -- D50-based v4 CIEL*a*b
            *Lab   -- D50-based v4 CIEL*a*b
            *XYZ   -- CIE XYZ (PCS)
            *sRGB  -- sRGB color space
            *Gray22 - Monochrome of Gamma 2.2
            *Gray30 - Monochrome of Gamma 3.0
            *null   - Monochrome black for all input
            *Lin2222- CMYK linearization of gamma 2.2 on each channel


       To create 'devicelink.icm' from a.icc to b.icc:
            linkicc a.icc b.icc

       To create 'out.icc' from sRGB to cmyk.icc:
            linkicc -o out.icc *sRGB cmyk.icc

       To create a sRGB input profile working in Lab:
            linkicc -x -o sRGBLab.icc *sRGB *Lab

       To create a XYZ -> sRGB output profile:
            linkicc -x -o sRGBLab.icc *XYZ *sRGB

       To create a abstract profile doing softproof for cmyk.icc:
            linkicc -t1 -x -o softproof.icc *Lab cmyk.icc cmyk.icc *Lab

       To create a 'grayer' sRGB input profile:
            linkicc -x -o grayer.icc *sRGB gray.icc gray.icc *Lab

       To embed ink limiting into a cmyk output profile:
            linkicc -x -o cmyklimited.icc -k 250 cmyk.icc *Lab


       For suggestions, comments, bug reports etc. send mail to


       jpgicc(1), psicc(1), tificc(1), transicc(1)


       This manual page was written by Shiju p. Nair <>, for the Debian project.

                                        September 30, 2004                             LINKICC(1)