lunar (1) midge.1.gz

Provided by: midge_0.2.41-4_all bug


       midge - generate midi file from text description of music


       midge [options] [filename]


       midge  generates  a  type  1  midi file from a text description of music. midge takes it's
       input from stdin unless filename is specified.


       -h or --help

              Show help text.

       --version or --warranty or --about

              Show version and license info.

       -v or --verbose

              Print verbose output to stdout.

       -d or --debug

              Print debugging output to stdout (sets verbose mode automatically).

       -q or --quiet

              Quiet. no stdout.

       -o file or --outfile file

              Midi output to file. Otherwise to a.out.mid

       -c or --check

              Check input only; No midi output.

       -u or --unroll-loops

              Unroll all the repeat blocks before parsing and save the unrolled source code to  a
              new file (* Should be set automatically if needed.

       -U or --no-unroll-save

              Don't save unrolled source to file.

       -R or --no-reset

              Don't insert `reset all controllers' event at start of tracks.

       -t bpm or --tempo bpm

              Set tempo to bpm beats per minute, overriding value set in input file.

       -b steps or --bend-steps steps

              Set the number of steps per quarter note for the simple bend syntax.


              Do not use to run Perl code from %eval blocks.

       -s number or --seed number

              Use number as the seed for the random number generator.

       -S [scale [root]] or --show-scale [scale [root]]

              List  notes in scale starting from root. If root is omitted c4 is used. If scale is
              omitted, a list of suported scales is shown.

       -I path or --include path

              Add path to include paths. Can be specified multiple times or path can  be  a  list
              separated by colons or commas.


       Sample source file to play a scale of E.

       ================start file======================

       # this line is a comment

       @head { # there must be exactly 1 @head section

            # set time signature

            $time_sig 4/4

            # set tempo in BPM

            $tempo 120

       } # end of @head section

       @body { # there must be exactly 1 @body section

            # start a music track on channel 1

            # multiple tracks can use the same channel

            @channel 1 {

                 # set patch to electric bass

                 $patch 34

                 # notes. see below for explanation.

                 /l4/e3     # quarter note e in third octave

                 f+         # f sharp same octave same length

                            # use `-' for flat

                 g+ a b # rest of notes

                 c+4 d+ e # octave changes at c

            } # end of track

       } # end of @body section

       ========================end file====================

       More examples are included in the examples/ directory of the archive.

       In the following, <name> is a required parameter and [name] is an optional parameter.


       The format of a note is: [/options/]<name>[+|-][octave]

       The /options/ section can contain the following:


       Sets the length of the note to (numerator or one) divided by denominator. ie. l4 = quarter
       note, l1 = whole note, l3:4 = 3/4 note (3 quarter notes tied).  An uppercase  `L'  may  be
       used instead to distinguish it from a `1'.


       Sets the number of times to repeat the note. For example


       makes the note duration 1/8 and repeats the note 16 times.


       Sets the note's note on velocity (attack)


       Sets the note's note off velocity (decay)


       Offsets  the  note  by number midi clicks. Positive values play the note late and negative
       values play it early. If number is followed by a `%´ character it is taken as a percentage
       of the current note length. Offset values are not inherited by subsequent notes.


       As  the  above  `z´  option  but a random value is used. If number is negative or positive
       (plus sign required), a value between zero and number is used. If  there  is  no  sign,  a
       value between plus and minus number is used.

       The  offset  option  will not work with the repeat note option, but the same effect can be
       achieved using a %repeat block.

       Notes cannot be offset backwards (ie played early) unless they are preceded by a rest.  To
       work around this I have added the $shorten keyword, described below. See also $unquantise.

       name is the name of the note ie. [a-g] required.

       + sharp.

       - flat.

       octave  is  the  midi octave ie. [1-11]. Although most midi software uses 0 for the lowest
       octave, I have used 1 for consistency with the midi channels and  instrument  names  which
       both count from 1.

       If  not  specified,  the  length, octave, attack and decay are inherited from the previous

       In a drum track, instead of the note names, aliases can be used. For example,  to  get  an
       open  hi  hat,  instead  of  `f+3' you can use `hh_o'. See README.drums for a full list of


       Rests are written as note `r', with /options/ the same as for notes,  but  with  only  the
       length  and  repeat options used. The length value is inherited from note to rest and vice


       The pipe symbol (`|') can be used to denote bars. The lengths of bars are not  checked  --
       this  is  only  to  allow  more readable source files. Bars can be numbered by appending a
       number to the pipe symbol. They may be separated by an underscore but not by spaces.

       Simple bar example: | c d e f | g a b c

       Numbered bar examples: |1 c d e f |2 g a b c

       |_1 c d e f |_2 g a b c

       The consistency of bars can be checked by using  the  $bar_strict  keyword  in  the  @head
       section. This gives an error or warning unless all tracks have the same number of bars and
       numbered bars appear at the same time in each track:

       $bar_strict warn  # Print a warning message for inconsistent bars.

       $bar_strict error  # Exit with an error message for inconsistent bars.

       Top level keywords.

       @head { content }

       There must be exactly one @head section. See below for description of content.

       @body { content }

       There must be exactly one @body section. See below for description of content.

       Keywords in the @head section.

       $time_sig <a/b>

       The b value must be one of 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

       $tempo <t>

       t is the tempo in BPM.

       Both $time_sig and $tempo are also allowed within an @channel block (described below).

       $title <title>

       Sets the title of the song to title. If title contains spaces it  must  be  inside  double

       $resolution <n>

       Sets the number of midi clicks per quarter note to n. The default is 96.

       Keywords in the @body section.

       %define <name> { notes }

       Define  a sequence of notes, assigning it to name to be recalled in a music track. Defined
       sequences are used by including:


       within a track to include the sequence name, transposed by transpose semitones. Previously
       defined sequences can be used in subsequent %define blocks. for instance:

       %define a_riff { a3 a c4 d }

       %define d_riff { d4 d f g }

       %define main_riff { ~a_riff ~d_riff }

       Although  we  could  achieve  the  same  result  by transposing the first riff to make the

       %define a_riff { a3 a c4 d }

       %define main_riff { ~a_riff ~a_riff/5/ }

       define blocks may also contain repeat blocks, bend blocks and $volume/patch/reverb etc.

       @channel <number> [name] { content }

       Begin a midi track on channel number, optionally setting the instrument name to  name.  If
       name contains spaces it must be inside double quotes.

       content  can  include  notes,  rests,  previously  defined  sequences,  and  the following

       $time_sig <a/b>

       Changes the time signature for the song (affects all tracks).  The b value must be one  of
       4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

       $tempo <t>

       Changes the song tempo (affects all tracks). t is in BPM.

       $patch [[bank_LSB,]bank_MSB,]<number|name>

       Set  patch  number  for  this channel to number or name. Where number is from 1 to 128 and
       name is an alias as defined in README.patches.  Optionally select  bank  number  bank_MSB.
       Optionally select bank LSB number bank_LSB (used for external midi keyboards).  Each value
       must be in the range 1-128.

       $bank [LSB,]<MSB>

       Select bank number  MSB.  Optionally  setting  the  LSB  value  (used  for  external  midi
       keyboards) to LSB.  Both values must be in the range 1-128.

       $length [n:]<d>

       Set default note length. The value is specified in the same format as in the note options.

       $shorten <number>

       Shorten each note by number midi clicks, to allow space for notes to be offset backwards.

       $unquantise [+|-]<number>[%]

       Apply  a  random offset to each note. number has the same meaning as for the Z note option

       $octave <number>

       Set default octave to number

       $volume <number>

       Set the track volume to number

       $attack <number>

       Set the note's attack to number

       $decay <number>

       Set the note's decay to number

       $reverb <number>

       Set the reverb depth to number on the current channel.

       $chorus <number>

       Set the chorus depth to number on the current channel.

       $pan <number>

       Set the pan value to number. 0 is left 127 is right.

       The volume, attack, decay, reverb, chorus and pan values must be integers from 0  to  127.
       They can also be specified as a range (eg `8-64'), in which case a random value within the
       range is used.

       %pan_all { note value ... }

       Sets the pan value for each subsequent instance of note in  the  current  track.  This  is
       mainly  intended  for panning a drum kit, but could be used on another track. value can be
       an integer or a range (eg `8-64'). Multiple note value pairs are  allowed.  If  two  notes
       with different pan_all values are played at the same time anything could happen.

       To  affect  every  note  in  the  channel  with  a  range,  use `*' or `any' for note. The
       /r4/<note> method of repeating notes will not work with this option, but the  same  effect
       can be achieved using a repeat block.

       $marker <text>

       Adds  a  marker event with text as it's content. If text contains spaces it must be quoted
       using double-quote characters.

       %repeat <number> { notes }

       Repeat notes number times. notes can include notes, rests, predefined sequences and  other
       %repeat blocks.

       %bend <note> { event ... }

       Play  note and move the pitch wheel in the manner described by multiple events, which have
       the following format:


       where n and d specify the time from the start of the note or from the previous  event,  in
       the same format as the note lengths, and value is the amount to bend the note by (the plus
       or minus sign is required). With the default pitch wheel range of +/- 2 semitones a  value
       of  32  equates  to  one  semitone.   Note  that  the bend amount is relative. The maximum
       cumulative bend amount is plus or minus 64.

       For example the following:

       %bend a3 { 4+32 4-32 2+0 }

       Plays the note a3 for 1/4 note, bends up a whole tone for 1/4 then returns down to a3  and
       holds for 1/2 note.

       $bend_range <number>

       Changes the pitch wheel range to +/- number. This sets the maximum bend up and down, so if
       it is set to 4, a bend value of 64 will bend up 4 semitones  and  -64  will  bend  down  4
       semitones. The default range for most midi devices is 2 semitones.

       $pitch <val>

       Set  the  pitch  wheel value to val. This can be used in conjunction with separate note on
       and note off events (see below under  `simultaneous  notes')  to  create  complex  bending
       effects. Unlike the %bend syntax above, this does not reset the pitch wheel to the neutral
       position (64)

       Simpler pitch bends can be created with this syntax:


       This bends from e4 up to g4 and back down to e4 in linear steps over the  duration  of  an
       eighth  note.  By  default  there  are 16 steps per quarter note duration (8 steps in this
       example), but a different value can be set using the `-b' command line switch. Any  number
       of  notes  can  be  used, but the first one must have a length value and each of them must
       have an octave value.

       %choose [time] { weighting item ... }

       where time is a length value in the format [n:]<d> the same as used in the length options,
       with the `l' omitted.

       If time is not specified:

       Choose  one item from a list, where each item can be a note, rest, or predefined riff, and
       each item has a weighting which defines how likely it is to be chosen. For example:

       %choose { 2 a3 4 c5 3 e4 1 g3 }

       gives a3 a 20% chance, c5 - 40% ; e4 - 30% and g3 - 10% Each item must have  a  weighting.
       See also scales below.

       if time is specified:

       Choose  multiple items from the list up to a length of time. If all the items are too long
       to end the riff exactly at time, the remainder is filled with a rest. When choose is  used
       in  this way each note or rest must have a length value and any predefined riffs used must
       have a fixed length (ie the first note must have a length value), and the  length  of  the
       whole  riff  must  be  specified  in the choose block in the same format as for notes. for

       %define riff_1 { /l2/a3 /l4/b c4 } # riff is 1 bar long

       %choose 4:1 { # choose 4 bars

            1 /l8/d4 3 /l8/e4 2 /l4/g4 1 /l1/~riff_1


       If time is 0 or - then midge looks for a block of the form:

       rhythm { n[:d] ... }

       which is taken as a series of note length values for which the pitches are chosen from the
       list.  Other tokens are passed through, so you can insert specific notes, predefined riffs
       or rests. Any token in the block begining with an underscore will be passed through,  with
       the underscore removed. See examples/tutorial/ for an example.

       Another way to specify the list of notes/weightings is with the scale keyword:

       scale minor /l8/g4-6 [ weight ... ]

       This  selects  a G Minor scale from the 4th to 6th octaves (ie g4 to g6). The length value
       is unnecesary if you are using a rhythm block. If the -6 is omitted  a  single  octave  is

       The  weight  block  specifies the note weightings in order.  If omitted all weightings are
       equal. To ingore a note use a weighting of 0, but there must be a weighting for each  note
       if the block is present at all.

       The -S switch can be used to show the notes in a scale or a list of supported scales.

       %chain <time> {
           start <note>
           note1 [ weight note ... ]
           rhythm [ weight length ... ] or rhythm { length ... } }

       Define a `chain' structure where for each note there is a weighted list of notes which may
       follow it. A starting point is picked randomly from all the notes used, or specified  with
       the  start keyword, and then subsequent notes are chosen from the appropriate list up to a
       total length of time.

       The rhythm keyword has two forms: Using square brackets `[]',  a  weighted  list  of  note
       lengths  can  be defined, which will be chosen from randomly. Using braces `{}', a list of
       length values can be defined which will be used in sequence (repeating as neccessary).  To
       play  through  the rhythm block just once, set the time to 0 or -. In this case the rhythm
       block is parsed in the same way as described above for %choose with time set to zero.  The
       keyword times can be used as a synonym for rhythm.

       The  start  keyword  specifies  the  note  to start from when using the chain. If start is
       omitted, the start note is chosen randomly.

       Another way define the notes in a chain block is to use one of the built in  scales.  Then
       the weightings are specified in the form of a matrix, with a row for each "from" note (one
       for each note of the scale) and a column for each "to" note. An example of this  form  can
       be found in the file examples/tutorial/

       To  use the choose or chain blocks, the file must be compiled with the unroll-loops option
       (it is set automatically when a choose or chain block is found).  This  option  saves  the
       unrolled source code in a new file, so if it produces particularly good output you have an
       exact copy which you can make other changes to without losing the generated track.

       Note that a choose and chain blocks cannot be inside a %define or inside another choose or
       chain block.

       %eval { Perl code }

       Run a block of Perl code and replace the %eval block with the value returned from the Perl

       %eval - { Perl Code }

       Run a block of Perl code without reading the return value.

       Perl code is run using the Safe module if it is present, with :base_core,  :base_math  and
       :base_mem allowed. If is not available or more permissions are needed the --unsafe
       option causes midge to run the %eval blocks in it's own perl process.

       Keywords allowed at any point in the source.

       %include <file>

       Includes the contents of file as if they had been written at  that  point  in  the  source
       file. Must be on a line of it's own in the source file.

       Simultaneous Notes.

       The  most flexible way to play simultaneous notes is by using separate tracks (you can use
       the same channel/patch), or by using separate note on and note  off  events  (see  below).
       However,  there  is  a simpler way with some limitations. For example: ( c e g ) will play
       the notes c, e and g simultaneously, making a C chord. The length of all the  simultaneous
       notes  is  the  same  as  the  first  one  (determined by it's own length value or the one
       inherited from the previous note, rest, or $length declaration.

       One way to use this to make chords is as follows:

       %define minor { ( c e- g ) } # define minor to be a c-minor

       %define major { ( c e g ) } # define major to be a c-major

       %define 7th { ( c e g b- ) } # define 7th to be a c-7th

       Then you can use the in your music tracks:

       $length 4 $octave 4 # set default length and octave

       ~major # play a c-major

       ~minor/9/ # play an a-minor

       ~7th/5/ # play an f-7th

       To make chords sound strummed, the strum keyword can be used:

       $strum 5

       This sets the interval between each note in subsequent chords to 5 midi clicks.

       To create complex patterns of simultaneous notes on one track, separate note on  and  note
       off  events can be used. These are specified in the same way as normal notes, but with a +
       prepended for note on and a - prepended for note off. The length and repeat options cannot
       be  used.  The  length  of  notes entered this way is controlled by putting rests or other
       notes between the note on and note off events. eg:

       +c4 /l4/r +e r +g /l2/r -c -e -g

       plays and holds c4, after a 1/4 note plays and holds e4 and after another 1/4  note  plays
       and holds g4, releasing all three after a further 1/2 note.


       While  it  is possible to create tuplets by choosing a suitable note length, they can also
       be written in a more conventional way using the %tuplet keyword:

       %tuplet n:d { notes... }

       plays n notes in the space of d. notes can contain anything allowed in a  @channel  block.
       The note values are then automatically altered to create the tuplet. For example:

       %tuplet 5:3 { /l8/e4 f g f e }

       plays  five  eigth  notes  in  the space of three. Tuplets can be nested to any depth. See
       examples/tutorial/ for an example. Midge does not check that the length of  music
       inside the tuplet block is correct.


       If  you want to import your midi file into a notation editor you will want to set the key.
       This is done with:

       $key <name>[+|-][m]

       Where name is a-g, +|- are sharp and flat, and m is minor.  If the whole  piece  stays  in
       the  same  key  you can set it in the @head section, otherwise it can appear anywhere in a
       @channel section, and will affect all tracks.

       If you are used to regular music notation and want notes to be sharp or flat automatically
       depending on the key, use the $key_strict keyword instead. To get a natural note use the =
       sign, eg in G, f= plays an f natural. The $key_strict keyword can  only  be  used  in  the
       @head section.  The key can still be changed using the regular $key keyword.

       $ctrl <num,val>

       Set controller number num to val.

       $rpn [num-msb,]<num-lsb,val-msb>[,val-lsb]

       Set the rpn controller num to val

       $nrpn [num-msb,]<num-lsb,val-msb>[,val-lsb]

       Set the nrpn controller num to val

       %verbatim { byteval... }

       Insert a string of bytes into the midi file. Each byteval can be in either decimal (0-255)
       or hex (0x00-0xFF). The keyword bytes can be used instead of verbatim.

       $print <text>

       Print text to stdout. If text contains spaces it must be quoted using double quotes (").


       When building scales, although the pitches are correct, the note names may be  technically
       wrong, eg `a sharp' instead of `b flat'.

       If  there  is an error in a %repeat or %define block the error message only gives the line
       number of the %repeat or %define keyword.

       No commercial potential.

       If you find any other bugs, please let me know.


       midi2mg(1), emacs(1), playmidi(1), drvmidi(1), timidity(1).


       David Riley <>

                                           17 July 2006                                  MIDGE(1)