lunar (1) needle-estimate.1.gz
needle-estimate - Estimate expression value of transcript based on the Needle index.
ARGUMENT-1 (std::filesystem::path) Please provide a sequence file.
Basic options: -h, --help Prints the help page. -hh, --advanced-help Prints the help page including advanced options. --version Prints the version information. --copyright Prints the copyright/license information. --export-help (std::string) Export the help page information. Value must be one of [html, man]. -i, --in (std::filesystem::path) Directory where input files can be found. Default: "./". -o, --out (std::filesystem::path) Directory, where output files should be saved. Default: "expressions.out". -t, --threads (unsigned 8 bit integer) Number of threads to use. Default: 1. Default: 1. -m, --normalization-mode Set, if normalization is wanted. Normalization is achieved bydividing the expression value with the expression threshold of the first ibf. Only make sense if every bin has its own expression thresholds (which is the case if expression thresholds were generated automatically).Default: False.
Last update: needle-estimate version: 1.0.0 SeqAn version: 3.2.0
Author: Mitra Darvish SeqAn Copyright: 2006-2022 Knut Reinert, FU-Berlin; released under the 3-clause BSDL.