Provided by: grass-doc_8.2.1-1build1_all bug

NAME  - Produces hardcopy PostScript map output.


       postscript, printing

SYNOPSIS --help   [-rpeb]   input=name   output=name   [copies=integer]    [--overwrite]   [--help]
       [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]

           Rotate plot 90 degrees

           List paper formats (name width height left right top bottom(margin))

           Create EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) instead of PostScript file

           Describe map-box’s position on the page and exit (inches from top-left of paper)

           Allow output files to overwrite existing files

           Print usage summary

           Verbose module output

           Quiet module output

           Force launching GUI dialog

       input=name [required]
           File containing mapping instructions
           Use ’-’ to enter instructions from keyboard)

       output=name [required]
           Name for PostScript output file

           Number of copies to print
           Options: 1-20

DESCRIPTION is a cartographic mapping program for  producing  high  quality  hardcopy  maps  in
       PostScript  format.  Output  can include a raster map, any number of vector overlays, text
       labels, decorations, and other spatial data.

       A file of mapping instructions that describes the various spatial and textual  information
       to be printed must be prepared prior to running


       The  order  of commands is generally unimportant but may affect how some layers are drawn.
       For example to plot vpoints above vareas list the vpoints entry  first.  Raster  maps  are
       always  drawn  first,  and  only  a single raster map (or 3 if part of a RGB group) may be

       The hash character (’#’) may be used at the beginning of a line to indicate that the  line
       is a comment. Blank lines will also be ignored.

       Be  aware  that  some  mapping  instructions  require the end command and some do not. Any
       instruction that allows subcommands will require it, any instruction that does  not  allow
       subcommands will not.

       The resolution and extent of raster maps plotted with are controlled by the current
       region settings via the g.region module. The output filesize is largely a function of  the
       region  resolution, so special care should be taken if working with large raster datasets.
       For example if the desired output is US-Letter sized paper at 600dpi, with 1" margins  and
       the  raster  filling the entire page, the usable area on the page will be 6.5" x 9", which
       at 600 dots/inch is equivalent to a region of 3900 columns  x  5400  rows  (see  "g.region
       -p"). Any higher resolution settings will make the output file larger, but with a consumer
       printer you probably won’t be able to resolve any better detail in the hardcopy.

       The user can specify negative or  greater  than  100  percentage  values  for  positioning
       several  map  decorations and embedded EPS-files, to move them outside the current map box
       region (for example to position a caption, barscale, or legend  above  or  below  the  map

       One point ("pixel") is 1/72 of an inch.

       For  users wanting to use special characters (such as accented characters) it is important
       to note that uses ISO-8859-1 encoding.  This means that your instructions file will
       have  to  be  encoded  in  this  encoding.  If  you  normally work in a different encoding
       environment (such as UTF-8), you have to transform your file to the  ISO-8859-1  encoding,
       for example by using the iconv utility:
       iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO_8859-1 utf_file > iso_file


       The  mapping  instructions  allow  the user to specify various spatial data to be plotted.
       These instructions are normally prepared in a regular text file  using  a  system  editor.
       Some  instructions  are  single line instructions while others are multiple line. Multiple
       line instructions consist of the main instruction followed by a subsection of one or  more
       additional instructions and are terminated with an end instruction.

   Instruction keywords:
       [  border |  colortable |  comments |  copies |  eps | geogrid | greyrast | grid | group |
       header | labels | line | mapinfo | maploc | maskcolor | outline | paper | point | psfile |
       raster |  read |  rectangle | region | rgb | scale | scalebar | setcolor | text | vareas |
       vlines | vpoints | vlegend | end ]

   Common instructions
       Instructions that  may  be  included  in  the  subsection  under  several  different  main
       instructions are:

       where x y
           The  top left corner of the bounding box of the item to be plotted is located x inches
           from the left edge of the paper and y inches from the top edge of the paper. If  x  is
           less  than  or  equal  to zero, the default horizontal location is used.  If y is less
           than or equal to zero, the default vertical location is used.

       font font name
           The name of the PostScript font.  Fonts present in all PostScript implementations are:
           Times-Roman, Times-Italic, Times-Bold, Times-BoldItalic, Helvetica, Helvetica-Oblique,
           Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-BoldOblique,  Courier,  Courier-Oblique,  Courier-Bold,  and
           The default is Helvetica.

       fontsize font size
           The size of the PostScript font (in 1/72nds of an inch).  The default is 10 point.

       color name
           The  following  colors  names  are accepted by aqua, black, blue, brown, cyan,
           gray, grey, green, indigo, magenta, orange, purple, red, violet, white, yellow .
           For vectors and some plotting commands you can also specify  ’none’  or  ’R:G:B’  (e.g

           For  options  that take a yes or no answer, you can simply use the letters "y" or "n",
           or type out the full words "Yes" or "No" if you  prefer.  It  is  not  case-sensitive.
           Typically  the  option  with have a default answer and you only need to specify one if
           you wish to override it.

   Command usage


       Controls the border which is drawn around the map area.
       USAGE:  border [y|n]
            color color
            width #
       The color may be either a standard GRASS color, a R:G:B triplet, or "none". The  width  is
       specified  in  points,  unless  followed by an "i" in which case it is measured in inches.
       The default is a black border box of width 1 point.

       The border can be turned off completely with the "border n" instruction. In this case  the
       end  command  should  not  be  given  as the main command will be treated as a single line

       This example would create a grey border 0.1" wide.
            color grey
            width 0.1i


       Prints the color table legend for the raster map layer anywhere on the page.
       USAGE:    colortable [y|n]
            where x y
            raster raster map
            range minimum maximum
            width table width
            height table height (FP legend only)
            cols table columns
            font font name
            fontsize font size
            color text color
            nodata [Y|n]
            tickbar [y|N]
            discrete [y|n]
       For a categorical (CELL) map the color table will create a legend  displaying  the  colors
       for each of a raster map’s category values along with its associated category label. For a
       floating point (FCELL or DCELL) map a continuous gradient legend will be created.

       If raster is omitted, the colortable defaults to the previously registered raster layer.

       The default location for  the  colortable  is  immediately  below  any  other  map  legend
       information, starting at the left margin.  The default text color is black.

       Omitting  the colortable instruction would result in no color table.  If the colortable is
       turned off with a "colortable N" instruction the end command should not be  given  as  the
       main command will be treated as a single line instruction.

       See also the vlegend command for creating vector map legends.

   Categorical (CELL) Maps
       Adding  the nodata N instruction will prevent the "no data" box from being drawn (category
       based legends only). If you have manually added a "no data" label to  the  cats/  file  it
       will be shown regardless.

       Note:   Be  careful about asking for color tables for integer raster map layers which have
       many categories, such as elevation.  This could result in the  printing  of  an  extremely
       long  color  table!   In  this situation it is useful to use the discrete N instruction to
       force a continuous color gradient legend.

       Be aware that the color table only includes categories which have a label. You can use the
       r.category module to add labels.

   Floating point (FCELL and DCELL) Maps
       The  legend’s  range  can  be  adjusted  for floating point rasters, but if set beyond the
       extent of the map’s range be sure that you have set up color  rules  with  r.colors  which
       cover  this  range.  If the map has been given a data-units label with then this
       label will be displayed.  For floating point legends width is width of  color  band  only.
       height  is  used  only  for  floating  point  legend.  A horizontal gradient legend can be
       achieved by setting the legend width greater  than  its  height.   Adding  the  tickbar  Y
       instruction will change the tick mark style so that ticks are drawn across the color table
       instead of protruding out to the right (floating point legends only).  Adding the discrete
       Y  instruction will command the program to treat the map as a categorical map. In this way
       the legend can be created with discrete range bands instead of a continuous gradient.  You
       must use the r.category or module to set up the range labels first.

       This example would print a color table immediately below any other map legend information,
       starting at the left margin, with 4 columns:
            colortable y
               cols 4
               width 4


       Prints comments anywhere on the page.
       USAGE:    comments commentfile
            where x y
            font font name
            fontsize font size
            color text color
       The default location is immediately below the last item item printed, starting at the left
       margin. The default text color is black.

       If  you wish to use parentheses spanning multiple lines you will need to quote them with a
       backslash to prevent the PostScript interpreter from getting confused. e.g. ’\(’ and ’\)’

       This example prints in blue whatever is in the file veg.comments starting  at  1.5  inches
       from  the  left  edge  of the page and 7.25 inches from the top of the page, using a 15/72
       inch Helvetica Bold font.
            raster vegetation
            comments veg.comments
            where 1.5 7.25
            font Helvetica Bold
            fontsize 15
            color blue
       Presumably, the file veg.comments contain comments pertaining  to  the  raster  map  layer
       vegetation, such as "This map was created by classifying a LANDSAT TM image".


       Specifies the number of copies to be printed.
       USAGE:    copies n
       Each page will be printed n times.

       This instruction is identical to the copies command line parameter.


       Places EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) pictures on the output map.
       USAGE:    eps east north
            eps x% y%
            epsfile EPS file
            scale #
            rotate #
            masked [y|n]
       The  EPS picture location is entered in the main instruction line by giving either the map
       coordinates or by using percentages of the geographic region.  The  EPS  picture  will  be
       centered  at  the  given position.  The user must specify full EPS file path epsfile.  The
       user may also specify the scale of the icon (default is 1.0), the rotate i.e. rotation  in
       degrees  (default  is  0) and whether the point is to be masked by the current mask.  (See
       manual entry for r.mask for more information on the mask.)

       This example would place a EPS file ./epsf/logo.eps at the point (E456000 N7890000).  This
       picture  would  be  rotated 20 degrees clockwise, 3 times bigger than in original file and
       would not be masked by the current mask.
            eps 456000 7890000
            epsfile ./epsf/logo.eps
            scale 3
            rotate 20
            masked n
       Of course, multiple EPS pictures may be drawn with multiple eps instructions.


       Overlays a geographic grid onto the output map.
       USAGE:    geogrid spacing unit
            color color
            numbers # [color]
            font font name
            fontsize font size
            width #
       The spacing and spacing unit of the geographic grid is given on the main instruction line.
       The  spacing unit is given as one of d for degrees, m for minutes, and s for seconds.  The
       subsection instructions allow the user to specify the color of the geographic grid  lines,
       whether  coordinate  numbers  should appear on the geographic grid lines, the width of the
       lines (accepts decimal points [floating points] as well as integers), and if  they  should
       appear  every  grid  line (1), every other grid line (2), etc., and what color the numbers
       should be.  The defaults are black grid lines, unnumbered.

       NOTE: The geogrid draws grid numbers on the east and south borders of the map.

       This example would overlay a blue geographic grid with a spacing of 30  minutes  onto  the
       output map.  Alternate grid lines would be numbered with yellow numbers.
            geogrid 30 m
            color blue
            numbers 2 yellow


       Selects a raster map layer for output in shades of grey.
       USAGE:    greyrast mapname
       For each run, only one raster map layer can be requested (using either the greyrast
       or the raster instruction).


       Overlays a coordinate grid onto the output map.
       USAGE:    grid spacing
            color color
            numbers # [color]
            cross cross size
            font font name
            fontsize font size
            width #
       The spacing of the grid is given (in the geographic coordinate system units) on  the  main
       instruction  line.  The subsection instructions allow the user to specify the color of the
       grid lines, whether coordinate numbers should appear on the grid lines, and if they should
       appear  every  grid  line (1), every other grid line (2), etc., and what color the numbers
       should be.  The cross argument draws grid intersection crosses instead of grid lines, with
       cross  size  given  in  geographic  coordinate  system units.  The defaults are black grid
       lines, unnumbered.

       This example would overlay a green grid with a spacing of  10000  meters  (for  a  metered
       database,  like UTM) onto the output map.  Alternate grid lines would be numbered with red
            grid 10000
            color green
            numbers 2 red


       Selects an RGB imagery group for output.
       USAGE:    group groupname
       This is similar to raster, except that it uses an imagery group instead of  a  raster  map
       layer.  The group must contain three raster map layers, comprising the red, green and blue
       bands of the image.


       Prints the map header above the map.
       USAGE:    header
            file header file
            font font name
            fontsize font size
            color text color
       If the file sub-instruction is absent the header will consist of the map’s title  and  the
       location’s description.  The text will be centered on the page above the map.  The default
       text color is black.

       If the file sub-instruction is given the header will consist of the text in the text  file
       specified, with some special formatting keys:

           •   %%  - a literal %

           •   %n  - ? newline ?

           •   %_  - horizontal bar

           •   %c  - "<raster name> in mapset <mapset name>"

           •   %d  - today’s date

           •   %l  - location name

           •   %L  - Location’s text description

           •   %m  - mapset name

           •   %u  - user name

           •   %x  - mask info

           •   %-  - advance to this character column number (see example below)
       Example header file:
       LOCATION: %-27l  DATE: %d
       MAPSET:   %-27m  USER: %u
       RASTER MAP: %c
       MASK:     %x
       Produced by: US Army CERL, Champaign Illinois
       Software:    GRASS

       This  example  prints  (in  red)  whatever is in the file soils.hdr above the map, using a
       20/72 inch Courier font.
            file soils.hdr
            font Courier
            fontsize 20
            color red


       Selects a labels file for output (see manual entry for v.label ).
       USAGE:    labels  labelfile
            font font name

       NOTE: can read new option ’ROTATE:’  from  labels  file,  which  specifies  counter
       clockwise rotation in degrees.

       This example would paint labels from the labels file called town.names.  Presumably, these
       labels would indicate the names of towns on the map.
            labels town.names


       Draws lines on the output map.
       USAGE:    line east north east north
            line x% y% x% y%
            color color
            width #
            masked [y|n]
       The beginning and ending points of the line are entered on the  main  instruction.   These
       points  can be defined either by map coordinates or by using percentages of the geographic
       region.  The user may also specify line color, width in  points  (1/72";  accepts  decimal
       values  as  well  as integers), and if the line is to be masked by the current mask.  (See
       manual entry for r.mask
        for more information on the mask.)  The line width (if given) is measured in points; an i
       directly following the number indicates that the width is given in inches instead.

       This example would draw a yellow line from the point x=10% y=80% to the point x=30% y=70%.
       This line would be 2 points wide (2/72") and would appear even if there is a mask.
            line 10% 80% 30% 70%
            color yellow
            width 2
            masked n
       Of course, multiple lines may be drawn with multiple line instructions.


       Prints the portion of the map legend containing the scale, grid and region information, on
       or below the map.
       USAGE:    mapinfo
            where x y
            font font name
            fontsize font size
            color text color
            background box color|none
            border color|none
       The  default  location is immediately below the map, starting at the left edge of the map.
       The default text color is black.  The default background box color is white.

       border will draw a border around the legend using the specified color.  (see NAMED COLORS)

       This example prints (in brown) the scale, grid and region  information  immediately  below
       the map and starting 1.5 inches from the left edge of the page, using a 12/72 inch Courier
            where 1.5 0
            font Courier
            fontsize 12
            color brown


       Positions the map on the page.
       USAGE:    maploc  x y [width height]
       The upper left corner of the map will be positioned x inches from the  left  edge  of  the
       page  and y inches from the top of the page.  If width and height (in inches) are present,
       the map will be rescaled, if necessary, to fit.

       This example positions the upper left corner of the map 2.0 inches from the left edge  and
       3.5 inches from the top edge of the map.
            maploc 2.0 3.5


       Color to be used for mask.
       USAGE:    maskcolor  color


       Outlines the areas of a raster map layer with a specified color.
       USAGE:    outline
            color  color
            width  width of line in points
       Distinct  areas  of the raster map will be separated from each other visually by drawing a
       border (or outline) in the specified color (default: black). For width the program accepts
       decimal  points  [floating  points]  as  well as integers.  Note: it is important the user
       enter the instruction end even if a color is not chosen.  (It is hoped that in the  future
       the outline of a different raster map layer other than the one currently being painted may
       be placed on the map.)

       This example would outline the category areas of the soils raster map layer in grey.
            raster soils
            color grey
            width 2


       Specifies paper size and margins.
       USAGE:    paper paper name
            height #
            width #
            left #
            right #
            bottom #
            top #
       paper may select  predefined  paper  name  (a4,a3,a2,a1,a0,us-legal,us-letter,us-tabloid).
       Default paper size is a4. The measures are defined in inches.  left, right, bottom and top
       are paper margins.  If the plot is rotated with the -r command  line  flag,  measures  are
       applied to the rotated page.

            paper a3

            width 10
            height 10
            left 2
            right 2
            bottom 2
            top 2


       Places additional points or icons on the output map.
       USAGE:    point east north
            point x% y%
            color color
            fcolor color
            symbol symbol group/name
            size #
            width #
            rotate #
            masked [y|n]
       The  point  location  is  entered  in  the  main instruction line by giving either the map
       coordinates or by using percentages of the geographic region.  The user may  also  specify
       the  point  color,  the size of symbol in points, the rotation angle (in degrees CCW), and
       whether the point is to be masked by the current mask.  (See manual entry for  r.mask
        for more information on the mask.)  The symbol line  width  (if  given)  is  measured  in
       points;  an  i  directly  following the number indicates that the width is given in inches
       instead. If a width is not given it will be set proportional to the symbol size.

       This example would place a purple diamond (from icon file diamond) at the  point  (E456000
       N7890000).   This  diamond would be the the size of a 15 points and would not be masked by
       the current mask.
            point 456000 7890000
            fcolor purple
            color black
            symbol basic/diamond
            size 15
            masked n
       Of course, multiple points may be drawn with multiple point instructions.


       Copies a file containing PostScript commands into the output file.

       Note: will not search for this file.  The user must be in the correct directory  or
       specify  the  full  path on the psfile instruction.  (Note to /bin/csh users: ~ won’t work
       with this instruction).
       USAGE:    psfile filename
       This example copies the file "" into the output file.


       Selects a raster map layer for output.
       USAGE:    raster mapname
       For each run, only one raster map layer (or set of layers  or  imagery  group;  see
       below)  can be requested. If no raster map layer is requested, a completely white map will
       be produced. It can be useful to select no raster map layer in order to  provide  a  white
       background for vector maps.

       Note that an imagery group selected with the group option, or a set of three raster layers
       selected with the rgb option, count as  a  raster  map  layer  for  the  purposes  of  the
       preceding paragraph.

       The  PostScript file’s internal title will be set to the raster map’s title, which in turn
       may be set with the module.

       This example would paint a map of the raster map layer soils.
            raster soils


       Provides with a previously prepared input stream.
       USAGE:    read previously prepared UNIX file
       Mapping instructions can be placed into a file and read into

       Note: will not search for this file.  The user must be in the correct directory  or
       specify the full path on the read instruction.  (Note to /bin/csh users: ~ won’t work with
       this instruction).

       This example reads the UNIX file pmap.roads into  This file may  contain  all  the instructions for placing the vector map layer roads onto the output map.
            read pmap.roads
       The  user  may have created this file because this vector map layer is particularly useful
       for many outputs.  By using the read option, the user need not enter all the  input
       for  the vector instruction, but simply read the previously prepared file with the correct


       Draws rectangle on the output map.
       USAGE:    rectangle east north east north
            rectangle x% y% x% y%
            color color
            fcolor fill color
            width #
            masked [y|n]
       The two corners of the rectangle are entered on the main instruction.  These points can be
       defined  either  by map coordinates or by using percentages of the geographic region.  The
       user may also specify line color, fill color fcolor,  width  in  points  (accepts  decimal
       points [floating points] as well as integers), and if the rectangle is to be masked by the
       current mask.  (See manual entry for r.mask for more information on the mask.)  The border
       line  width (if given) is measured in points; an i directly following the number indicates
       that the width is given in inches instead.
       Multiple rectangles may be drawn by using multiple rectangle instructions.

       This example would draw a yellow rectangle filled by green from the point x=10%  y=80%  to
       the point x=30% y=70%.  The border line would be 1/16" wide and would appear even if there
       is a mask.
            rectangle 10% 80% 30% 70%
            color yellow
            fcolor green
            width 0.0625i
            masked n


       Places the outline of a smaller geographic region on the output.
       USAGE:    region regionfile
            color color
            width #
       Geographic region settings are created and saved using  the g.region module.   The
       region  option  can  be used to show an outline of a smaller region which was printed on a
       separate run of on other user-created maps.

       The user can specify the color and the  width  in  point  units  (accepts  decimal  points
       [floating  points]  as well as integers) of the outline.  The default is a black border of
       one point width (1/72").

       This example would place a white outline, 2 points wide, of the geographic  region  called
       fire.zones  onto the output map.  This geographic region would have been created and saved
       using g.region.
            region fire.zones
            color white
            width 2


       Selects three raster map layers for output as an RGB color image.
       USAGE:    rgb red green blue
       This is similar to raster, except that it uses three raster map layers instead of a single
       layer. The three layers are composed to form a color image, similar to d.rgb.

       For  each  layer,  only  one of the components of the layer’s color table is used: the red
       component for the red layer, and so on.  This will give the desired result if all  of  the
       layers  have  a  grey-scale  color  table,  or  if  each  layer’s color table uses the hue
       appropriate to the layer.


       Selects a scale for the output map.
       USAGE:    scale scale
       The scale can be selected either as:

           a relative ratio, e.g. 1:25000;

           an absolute width of the printed map, e.g. 10 inches;

           the number of printed paper panels, e.g. 3 panels .I (at  the  present  time,  only  1
           panel is supported);

           the number of miles per inch, e.g. 1 inch equals 4 miles.

       This example would set the scale of the map to 1 unit = 25000 units.
            scale 1:25000


       Draws a scalebar on the map.
       USAGE:    scalebar [f|s]
            where x y
            length overall distance in map units
            units [auto|meters|kilometers|feet|miles|nautmiles]
            height scale height in inches
            segment number of segments
            numbers #
            fontsize font size
            background [Y|n]
       Draw  one  of  two  types of scale bar.  Fancy (f) draws alternating black and white scale
       boxes.  Simple (s) draws a plain line scale. The default type is  fancy.   The  subsection
       instructions  allow  the  user  to  set  where  the  scalebar is placed, the length of the
       scalebar (in geographic coordinate system units, or those given by units), the  height  of
       the  scalebar  in  inches,  and the number of segments (or tics for simple). The number of
       annotations numbers  every  n-th  segment.   The  background  command  can  turn  off  the
       background box for the text.

       The  scalebar length is the only required argument. The defaults are a fancy scalebar with
       4 segments, each segment labeled, and a height of 0.1 inches. The default  location  is  2
       inches from the top of the page and halfway across.

       NOTE: The scalebar is centered on the location given.

       This  example draws a simple scalebar 1000 meters (for a metered database, like UTM) long,
       with tics every 200 meters, labeled every second tic.  The scalebar is drawn 5 inches from
       the top and 4 inches from the left and is 0.25 inches high.
            scalebar s
            where 4 5
            length 1000
            height 0.25
            segment 5
            numbers 2


       Overrides the color assigned to one or more categories of the raster map layer.
       USAGE:    setcolor cat(s) color
       This  example  would  set  the  color  for  categories  2,5  and 8 of the raster map layer
       watersheds to white and category 10 to green.  (NOTE: no spaces are inserted  between  the
       category values.)
            raster watersheds
            setcolor 2,5,8 white
            setcolor 10 green
       Of  course,  setcolor  can  be  requested more than once to override the default color for
       additional categories.  More than one category can be changed for each request by  listing
       all  the  category  values  separated  by  commas (but with no spaces). Also ranges can be
       included,  for  example  "1,2,6-10,12".  Colors  for  "null"  and  the   "default"   (i.e.
       out-of-range) color may also be reassigned.


       Places text on the map.
       USAGE:    text  east north text
            text  x% y% text
            font fontname
            color color|none
            width #
            hcolor color|none
            hwidth #
            background color|none
            border color|none
            fontsize font size
            size #
            ref reference point
            rotate degrees CCW
            xoffset #
            yoffset #
            opaque [y|n]
       The  user  specifies  where  the  text  will  be  placed  by  providing map coordinates or
       percentages of the geographic region.  The text follows  these  coordinates  on  the  same
       instruction  line.   More  than one line of text can be specified by notating the end of a
       line with \n (e.g. USA\nCERL).

       The user can then specify various text features:

       font: the PostScript font. Common possibilities are listed at the start of this help page.
       The default is Helvetica.

       color (see NAMED COLORS);

       width  of  the lines used to draw the text to make thicker letters (accepts decimal points
       [floating points] as well as integers);

       size and fontsize.  size gives the vertical height of the letters in meters on the  ground
       (text  size  will  grow  or  shrink  depending  on the scale at which the map is painted).
       Alternatively fontsize can set the font size directly. If  neither  size  or  fontsize  is
       given, a default font size of 10 will be used;

       the highlight color (hcolor) and the width of the highlight color (hwidth);

       the text-enclosing-box background color; the text box border color;

       ref.   This  reference  point  specifies the text handle - what part of the text should be
       placed on the location specified by the map coordinates.  Reference points can  refer  to:
       [lower|upper|center]  [left|right|center] of the text to be printed; The default is center
       center, i.e. the text is centered on the reference point.

       rotate sets the text rotation angle, measured in degrees counter-clockwise.

       yoffset, which provides finer placement of text by shifting the text a  vertical  distance
       in  points  (1/72") from the specified north.  The vertical offset will shift the location
       to the south if positive, north if negative;

       xoffset, which shifts the text a horizontal distance in points from the specified east The
       horizontal offset will shift the location east if positive, west if negative;

       opaque,  whether  or  not the text should be opaque to vectors.  Entering no to the opaque
       option will allow the user to see any vectors which go through the text’s background  box.
       Otherwise, they will end at the box’s edge.

       The following example would place the text SPEARFISH LAND COVER at the coordinates E650000
       N7365000. The text would be a total of 3 points wide (2 pixels of red  text  and  1  pixel
       black  highlight),  have  a  white  background enclosed in a red box, and be 500 meters in
       size.  The lower right corner of the text would be centered over the coordinates provided.
       All vectors on the map would stop at the border of this text.
            text 650000 7365000 SPEARFISH LAND COVER
            font romand
            color red
            width 2
            hcolor black
            hwidth 1
            background white
            border red
            size 500
            ref lower left
            opaque y


       Selects a vector map layer for output and plots areas.
       USAGE:    vareas vectormap
            layer # (layer number used with cats/where option)
            cats list of categories (e.g. 1,3,5-7)
            where SQL where statement
            masked [y|n]
            color color
            fcolor color
            rgbcolumn column
            width #
            label label to use in legend
            lpos position in legend
            pat pattern file
            pwidth #
            scale #
       The user can specify:

       color - color of the vector lines or area boundaries;

       fcolor - the area fill color;

       rgbcolumn - name of color definition column used for the area fill color;

       width  -  width  of the vectors lines or area boundaries in points (accepts decimal points
       [floating points] as well as integers);

       masked - whether or not the raster map layer is to be masked by  the  current  mask;  (see
       manual entry r.mask for more information on the mask)

       cats - which categories should be plotted (default is all);

       where - select features using a SQL where statement.  For example: vlastnik = ’Cimrman’;

       label - for description in vlegend.  Default is: map(mapset);

       lpos  -  position vector is plotted in legend. If lpos is 0 then this vector is omitted in
       legend. If more vectors used the same lpos then their symbols in  legend  are  merged  and
       label for first vector is used.

       pat  -  full  path to pattern file. The pattern file contains header and simple PostScript
       commands. It is similar to EPS but more limited, meaning that while each pattern file is a
       true  EPS  file,  most  EPS  files  are  not  useful as pattern files because they contain
       restricted commands. Color  of patterns are set by fcolor (red, green, ..., none,  R:G:B).
       Color  of  the boundaries remain set by the color instruction.  Pattern may be scaled with
       the   scale   command.   Several   standard   hatching   patterns    are    provided    in
       $GISBASE/etc/paint/patterns/.   Demonstrative  images can be found on the GRASS Wiki site.
       You can also create your own custom pattern files in a text editor.   Example  of  pattern
       %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
       %%BoundingBox: 0 0 10 10
       5 0 moveto
       5 10 lineto

       scale - pattern scale

       pwidth  -  pattern  line width, width is used by pattern until the width is overwritten in
       pattern file.

            vareas forest
            color blue
            width 1
            masked y
            cats 2,5-7


       Selects a vector map layer for output and plots lines.
       USAGE:    vlines vectormap
            type line and/or boundary
            layer # (layer number used with cats/where option)
            cats list of categories (e.g. 1,3,5-7)
            where SQL where statement like: vlastnik = ’Cimrman’
            masked [y|n]
            color color
            rgbcolumn column
            width #
            cwidth #
            hcolor color
            hwidth #
            offset #
            coffset #
            ref left|right
            style 00001111
            linecap style
            label label
            lpos #
       The user can specify:

       type - the default is lines only;

       color - color of the vector lines or area boundaries;

       rgbcolumn - name of color definition column used for the vector lines or area boundaries;

       width - width of the vectors lines or area boundaries in points  (accepts  decimal  points
       [floating points] as well as integers);

       cwidth  -  width  of  the  vectors lines. If cwidth is used then width of line is equal to
       cwidth * category value and width is used in legend;

       hcolor - the highlight color for the vector lines;

       hwidth - the width of the highlight color in points;

       offset (experimental) - offset for the  vectors  lines  in  points  (1/72")  for  plotting
       parallel  lines in distance equal to offset (accepts positive or negative decimal points).
       Useful to print streets with several parallel lanes;

       coffset (experimental) - offset for the vectors lines. If coffset is used then  offset  of
       line is equal to coffset * category value and offset is used in legend;

       ref (experimental) - line justification.

       masked  -  whether  or  not the raster map layer is to be masked by the current mask; (see
       manual entry r.mask for more information on the mask);

       style - the line style allows the vectors to be dashed in  different  patterns.   This  is
       done  by either typing "solid", "dashed", "dotted", or "dashdotted", or as a series of 0’s
       and 1’s in a desired sequence or pattern.  The first  block  of  repeated  zeros  or  ones
       represents  "draw",  the  second  block represents "blank".  An even number of blocks will
       repeat the pattern, an odd number of blocks will alternate the pattern.   The  default  is

       linecap - the linecap specifies the look of the ends of the line, or the end of the dashes
       in a dashed line. The parameters are: ’butt’ for butt caps (default),  ’round’  for  round
       caps  and  ’extended_butt’ for extended butt caps. The shape of the round and the extended
       butt caps is related to the line thickness:  for  round  butts  the  radius  is  half  the
       linewidth, while for extended butt the line will extend for half the linewidth.

       cats - which categories should be plotted (default is all);

       label - for description in vlegend.  Default is: map(mapset);

       lpos  -  position vector is plotted in legend. If lpos is 0 then this vector is omitted in
       legend. If more vectors used the same lpos then their symbols in  legend  are  merged  and
       label for first vector is used.

            vlines streams
            color blue
            width 2
            hcolor white
            hwidth 1
            masked y
            cats 2
            label Streams - category 2


       Selects vector point data to be placed on the output map
       USAGE:    vpoints vectormap
            type point and/or centroid
            layer # (layer number used with cats/where/sizecol options)
            cats list of categories (e.g. 1,3,5-7)
            where SQL where statement like: vlastnik = ’Cimrman’
            masked [y|n]
            color color
            fcolor color
            rgbcolumn column
            width #
            eps epsfile
            symbol symbol group/name
            size #
            sizecolumn attribute column used for symbol sizing
            scale scaling factor for sizecolumn values
            rotate #
            rotatecolumn column
            label legend label
            lpos position in legend
       The  user may specify the the color of the sites (see section on NAMED COLORS); either the
       GRASS symbol or the eps Encapsulated Postscript file to be used to represent the  presence
       of  a  site  (if ’$’ is used in the EPS file path it will be replaced by category number);
       and rotate (in degrees) for counter-clockwise rotation.
       The size of the icon (number of times larger than the size it is  in  the  icon  file)  is
       typically  given  by  the size option. Alternatively the size of the symbol or EPS graphic
       can be taken from an attribute column by using the sizecolumn command. The value given  by
       sizecolumn may be scaled by using the scale factor setting (default scaling is 1.0).  In a
       similar manner symbol color can be read from rgbcolumn and the rotation  angle  read  from
            vpoints windmills
            color blue
            symbol mills/windmill
            size 10


       Prints  the  portion  of the map legend containing the vector information, on or below the
       USAGE:    vlegend
            where x y
            font font name
            fontsize font size
            width width of color symbol
            cols number of columns to print
            span column separation
            border color|none
       The default location is immediately below the legend containing the scale, grid and region
       information,  starting  at  the left edge of the map.  If the where instruction is present
       and y is less than or equal to zero, the vector  legend  will  be  positioned  immediately
       below the map, starting x inches from the left edge of the page.

       width  is the width in inches of the color symbol (for lines) in front of the legend text.
       The default is 1/24 * fontsize inches.

       cols is the number of columns to split the legend into. The default  is  one  column.  The
       maximum  number  of  columns  is 10, or equal to the number of legend entries if there are
       less than 10 entries.

       span is the column separation distance  between  the  left  edges  of  two  columns  in  a
       multicolumn  legend. It is given in inches.  The default is automatic scaling based on the
       left margin and the right hand side of the map box.

       border will draw a border around the legend using the specified color.  (see NAMED COLORS)

       Alternatively, the user can create a custom legend by using the rectangle, point, and text

       See also the colortable command for creating raster map legends.

       This  example  prints  the vector legend immediately below the map and starting 4.5 inches
       from the left edge of the page, using a 12/72 inch Helvetica font.
            where 4.5 0
            font Courier
            fontsize 12


       Terminates input and begin painting the map.
       USAGE:    end


       The following are examples of script files.

   Simple example
       The file has been named simple_map.txt:
       # this example draws a map of Wake county, NC
       raster elevation
       vlines roadsmajor
         color 30:144:255
         width 2
       text 50% 105% Wake County Terrain and Roads
          size 550
       Generate map as Postsript file: input=simple_map.txt

       Figure: Result of for the a simple Wake county terrain and roads example

   More complicated example
       The following is content of a file named elevation_map.txt:
       # this example draws a map of Wake county, NC
       raster elevation
       colortable y
         where 1 6.0
         cols 4
         width 4
         font Helvetica
       setcolor 6,8,9 white
       setcolor 10 green
       vlines streams
         width 0.1
         color blue
         masked n
         label streams
       vlines roadsmajor
         width 1.5
         style 1111
         color grey
         masked n
         label major roads
         where 4.5 0
         font Courier
         fontsize 8
       text 30% 100% Wake County Terrain
         color black
         width 1
         background white
         size 550
         ref lower left
       text 92% -25% meters
         color black
         width 1
         background white
         size 550
         ref lower left
       scale 1:125000
       scalebar f
         where 1.5 5.5
         length 5000
         height 0.05
         segment 5
         numbers 5
       geogrid 60 s
         color gray
         numbers 2 black
       paper a4
       This script file can be entered at the command line:
       # First set the region
       g.region raster=elevation
       # Generate map as Postsript file input=elevation_map.txt

       Figure: Result of for the more complicated Wake county, NC example

       More examples can be found on the GRASS Wiki help site.


        g.gui.psmap, g.region, v.label, wxGUI


       Paul Carlson, USDA, SCS, NHQ-CGIS
       Modifications: Radim Blazek, Glynn Clements, Bob Covill, Hamish Bowman


       Available at: source code (history)

       Accessed: Sunday Feb 05 04:09:26 2023

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       © 2003-2023 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.2.1 Reference Manual