lunar (1) python-semantic-release.1.gz

Provided by: python3-semantic-release_7.32.2-1_all bug


       python-semantic-release - python-semantic-release Documentation

       Automatic  Semantic  Versioning  for  Python  projects. This is a Python implementation of
       semantic-release for JS by Stephan Bönnemann. If  you  find  this  topic  interesting  you
       should check out his talk from JSConf Budapest.

       The  general  idea  is to be able to detect what the next version of the project should be
       based on the commits. This tool will use that to automate the whole release, upload to  an
       artifact  repository  and post changelogs to GitHub. You can run the tool on a CI service,
       or just run it locally.


          python3 -m pip install python-semantic-release
          semantic-release --help

       Python Semantic Release is also available from conda-forge or as a  GitHub  Action.   Read
       more about the setup and configuration in our getting started guide.


       If you haven't done so already, install Python Semantic Release following the instructions

       There is no strict requirement to have it installed locally if you intend on  using  a  CI
       service, however running with --noop can be useful to test your configuration.

   Setting up version numbering
       Create  a  variable  set  to  the  current version number.  This could be anywhere in your
       project, for example

          from setuptools import setup

          __version__ = "0.0.0"

             # And so on...

       Python  Semantic  Release  is  configured  using   setup.cfg   or   pyproject.toml.    Set
       version_variable to the location of your version variable inside any Python file:


          version_variable =


          version_variable = ""

       SEE ALSO:version_toml - use tomlkit to read and update the version number in a TOML file.

          • version_pattern  -  use regular expressions to keep the version number in a different

          • version_source - store the version using Git tags.

   Setting up commit parsing
       We rely on commit messages to detect when a version bump is needed.   By  default,  Python
       Semantic  Release  uses the Angular style.  You can find out more about this on Parsing of
       commit logs.

       SEE ALSO:branch - change the default branch.

          • commit_parser - use a different parser for commit messages.  For example, there is an
            emoji parser.

          • upload_to_repository - disable uploading the package to an artifact repository.

          • hvcs - change this if you are using GitLab.

   Setting up the changelog
       If  you  already have a, you will need to insert a placeholder tag so we know
       where to write new versions:


       If you don't have a changelog file then one will be set up like this automatically.

       SEE ALSO:changelog_file - use a file other than

          • config-changelog_placeholder - use a different placeholder.

   Releasing on GitHub / GitLab
       Some options and environment variables need to be set in order to push release  notes  and
       new versions to GitHub / GitLab:

       • hvcs - change this if you are using GitLab.

       • GH_TOKEN - GitHub personal access token.

       • GL_TOKEN - GitLab personal access token.

       • GITEA_TOKEN - Gitea personal access token.

   Distributing release on PyPI or custom repository
       Unless  you disable upload_to_repository (or upload_to_pypi), Python Semantic Release will
       publish new versions to Pypi. Customization is supported using a ~/.pypirc file or  config
       setting  and  environment  variables  for  username and password/token or a combination of
       both.  Publishing is done using twine.

       • repository - use repository and/or credentials from ~/.pypirc file

       • repository_url - set custom repository url

       • Artifact Repository - provide credentials using environment variables

       • Configuring distribution upload - configuring CI distribution upload

   semantic-release changelog
       Print the changelog to stdout.

       If the option --post is used and there is an authentication token configured for your  vcs
       provider  (GH_TOKEN for GitHub, GL_TOKEN for GitLab, GITEA_TOKEN for Gitea), the changelog
       will be posted there too.

   semantic-release version
       Figure out the new version number, update and commit it, and create a tag.

       This will not push anything to any remote. All changes are local.

   semantic-release print-version
       Print to standard output the new version number.

       If the option --current is used, it will display the current version number.

       It can be used to retrieve the next version number in a shell  script  during  the  build,
       before  running  the  effective  release,  ie.  to  rename  a distribution binary with the
       effective version:

          VERSION=$(semantic-release print-version)

   semantic-release publish
       Publish will do a sequence of things:

       1. Update changelog file.

       2. Run semantic-release version.

       3. Push changes to git.

       4. Run build_command and upload the distribution file to your repository.

       5. Run semantic-release changelog and post to your vcs provider.

       6. Attach the files created by build_command to GitHub releases.

       Some of these steps may be disabled based on your configuration.

   Common Options
       Every command understands these flags:

       Force a patch release, ignoring the version bump determined from commit messages.

       Force a minor release, ignoring the version bump determined from commit messages.

       Force a major release, ignoring the version bump determined from commit messages.

       Makes the next release a prerelease, version bumps are still determined or can be  forced,
       but the prerelease_tag (see prerelease_tag) will be appended to version number.

       No operations mode. Do not take any actions, only print what will be done.

       Retry the same release, do not bump.

       Override a configuration value. Takes an argument of the format setting="value".

       Change the verbosity of Python Semantic Release's logging. See Showing debug output.

   Running from
       Add  the  following  hook  to  your  and you will be able to run python
       <command> as you would semantic-release <command>:

              from semantic_release import setup_hook
          except ImportError:

   Running on CI
       Getting a fully automated setup with releases from CI can be helpful  for  some  projects.
       See Automatic releases.


       Configuration options can be given in three ways:

       • setup.cfg file in a [semantic_release] section

       • pyproject.toml file in a [tool.semantic_release] section

       • -D option, like so:

            semantic-release <command> -D <option_name>=<option_value>

       Each location has priority over the ones listed above it.

       The branch to run releases from.

       Default: master

       The file and variable name of where the version number is stored, for example:


       You  can  specify  multiple  version  variables  (i.e.  in  different  files) by providing
       comma-separated list of such strings:


       In pyproject.toml specifically, you can also use the TOML list syntax to specify  multiple

          version_variable = [

       Similar  to  version_variable,  but allows the version number to be identified safely in a
       toml file like pyproject.toml, using a dotted notation to the key path:


       Similar to version_variable, but allows the version  number  to  be  identified  using  an
       arbitrary regular expression:

          README.rst:VERSION (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)

       The  regular expression must contain a parenthesized group that matches the version number
       itself.  Anything outside that group is just context.  For example,  the  above  specifies
       that there is a version number in README.rst preceded by the string "VERSION".

       If  the  pattern  contains  the  string  {version},  it  will be replaced with the regular
       expression used internally by python-semantic-release to match semantic  version  numbers.
       So the above example would probably be better written as:

          README.rst:VERSION {version}

       As  with  version_variable,  it  is  possible  to  specify  multiple  version  patterns in

       The way we get and set the new version. Can be commit or tag.

       • If set to tag, will get the current version from the latest tag matching  vX.Y.Z.   This
         won't change the source defined in version_variable.

       • If   set   to  commit,  will  get  the  current  version  from  the  source  defined  in
         version_variable, edit the file and commit it.

       • If set to tag_only, then  version_variable  is  ignored  and  no  changes  are  made  or
         committed  to  local  config  files.  The  current  version from the latest tag matching
         vX.Y.Z.  This won't change the source defined in version_variable.

       Default: commit

       Defined the prerelease marker appended to the version when doing a prerelease.

       • The       format       of       a        prerelease        version        will        be
         {tag_format}-{prerelease_tag}.<prerelease_number>, e.g. 1.0.0-beta.0 or 1.1.0-beta.1

       Default: beta

       Whether to create a tag for each new release.

       Default: true

       If  this is set to true, semantic-release will create a new patch release even if there is
       no tag in any commits since the last release.

       Default: false

       If this is set to false, semantic-release will create a new minor release instead of major
       release when current major version is zero.

       Quote from Semantic Versioning Specification:
          Major version zero (0.y.z) is for initial development. Anything MAY change at any time.
          The public API SHOULD NOT be considered stable.

       If you do not want to bump version to 1.0.0 from 0.y.z automatically,  you  can  set  this
       option to false.

       Default: true.

       If this command is provided, it will be run prior to the creation of the release commit.

       A comma-separated list of files to be included within the release commit. This can include
       any files created/modified by the pre_commit_command.

   Commit Parsing
       Import path of a Python function that can parse commit  messages  and  return  information
       about the commit as described in Parsing of commit logs.

       The following parsers are built in to Python Semantic Release:

       • semantic_release.history.angular_parser()

         The default parser, which uses the Angular commit style with the following differences:

         • Multiple BREAKING CHANGE: paragraphs are supported

         • revert is not currently supported

       • semantic_release.history.emoji_parser()

         Parser for commits using one or more emojis as tags in the subject line.

         If  a  commit contains multiple emojis, the one with the highest priority (major, minor,
         patch, none) or the one listed first is used as the changelog section for  that  commit.
         Commits containing no emojis go into an "Other" section.

         See major_emoji, minor_emoji and patch_emoji. The default settings are for Gitmoji.

       • semantic_release.history.tag_parser()

         The  original parser from v1.0.0 of Python Semantic Release. Similar to the emoji parser
         above, but with less features.

       • semantic_release.history.scipy_parser()

         A parser for scipy-style commits with the following differences:

            • Beginning a paragraph inside the commit with BREAKING CHANGE  declares  a  breaking
              change. Multiple BREAKING CHANGE paragraphs are supported.

            • A scope (following the tag in parentheses) is supported

         See scipy_parser for details.

       Comma-separated  list  of emojis used by semantic_release.history.emoji_parser() to create
       major releases.

       Default: :boom:

       Comma-separated list of emojis used by semantic_release.history.emoji_parser()  to  create
       minor releases.

       Default:     :sparkles:,     :children_crossing:,     :lipstick:,     :iphone:,     :egg:,

       Comma-separated list of emojis used by semantic_release.history.emoji_parser()  to  create
       patch releases.

       Default:   :ambulance:,   :lock:,   :bug:,   :zap:,   :goal_net:,  :alien:,  :wheelchair:,
       :speech_balloon:, :mag:, :apple:, :penguin:, :checkered_flag:, :robot:, :green_apple:

       If  this  is  set  to  true  with   using   the   semantic_release.history.emoji_parser(),
       semantic-release  will  use human readable ASCII section headings in the changelog instead
       of the configured emoji.

       Default: false

       Parses commit messages using scipy tags of the form:

          <tag>(<scope>): <subject>


       The elements <tag>, <scope> and <body> are optional. If no tag is present, the commit will
       be added to the changelog section "None" and no version increment will be performed.

       While  <scope>  is  supported  here  it  isn't actually part of the scipy style.  If it is
       missing, parentheses around it are too. The commit should then be of the form:

          <tag>: <subject>


       To communicate a breaking change add "BREAKING CHANGE" into the body at the beginning of a
       paragraph. Fill this paragraph with information how to migrate from the broken behavior to
       the new behavior. It will be added to the "Breaking" section of the changelog.

       Supported Tags:


       Supported Changelog Sections:

          breaking, feature, fix, Other, None

       Whether or not to commit changes when bumping version.

       Default: True if version_source is commit, False for other values of version_source.

       Git commit subject line. Accepts the following variables as format fields:

                             │Variable  │ Contents                         │
                             │{version} │ The new version  number  in  the │
                             │          │ format X.Y.Z.                    │

       Default: {version}

       Git commit message body. Accepts the following variables as format fields:

                             │Variable  │ Contents                         │
                             │{version} │ The  new  version  number in the │
                             │          │ format X.Y.Z.                    │

       Default: Automatically generated by python-semantic-release

       Author used in commits in the format name <email>.

       Default: semantic-release <semantic-release>

          If you are using the built-in GitHub Action,  this  is  always  set  to  github-actions

       Comma-separated  list  of sections to display in the changelog.  They will be displayed in
       the order they are given.

       The available options depend on the commit parser used.

       Default: feature, fix, breaking, documentation, performance plus all  the  default  emojis
       for semantic_release.history.emoji_parser.

       A comma-separated list of the import paths of components to include in the changelog.

       The following components are included in Python Semantic Release:

       • semantic_release.changelog.changelog_headers()

         Only component displayed by default.

         List  of  commits  between this version and the previous one, with sections and headings
         for each type of change present in the release.

       • semantic_release.changelog.changelog_table()

         List of commits between this version and the previous one, dsplayed in a table.

       • semantic_release.changelog.compare_url()

         Link to view a comparison between this release and the  previous  one  on  GitHub.  Only
         appears when running through semantic-release publish.

         If you are using a different HVCS, the link will not be included.

       It  is  also  possible  to create your own components. Each component is simply a function
       which returns a string, or None if it should be skipped, and may take any of the following
       values as keyword arguments:

                        │changelog          │ A  dictionary with section names │
                        │                   │ such as feature as keys, and the │
                        │                   │ values   are   lists   of  (SHA, │
                        │                   │ message)  tuples.  There  is   a │
                        │                   │ special  section  named breaking │
                        │                   │ for breaking changes, where  the │
                        │                   │ same commit can appear more than │
                        │                   │ once with a different message.   │
                        │changelog_sections │ A   list   of   sections    from │
                        │                   │ changelog which the user has set │
                        │                   │ to be displayed.                 │
                        │version            │ The current  version  number  in │
                        │                   │ the  format  X.X.X,  or  the new │
                        │                   │ version number when publishing.  │
                        │previous_version   │ The  previous  version   number. │
                        │                   │ Only  present  when  publishing, │
                        │                   │ None otherwise.                  │

       You can should use **kwargs to capture any arguments you don't need.

       The name of the file where the changelog is kept, relative to the root of the repo.

       If this file doesn't exist, it will be created.


       A placeholder used to inject the changelog of the current release in the changelog_file.

       If the placeholder isn't present in the file, a warning will be logged and nothing will be

       Default: <!--next-version-placeholder-->.

       If  set to false, **scope:** (when scope is set for a commit) will not be prepended to the
       description when generating the changelog.

       Default: True.

       If set to false commit messages will not be automatically capitalized when generating  the

       Default: True.

       Deprecated since version 7.20.0: Please use upload_to_repository instead

       If set to false the pypi uploading will be disabled.

       See Artifact Repository which must also be set for this to work.

       Default: true

       If set to false the artifact uploading to repository will be disabled.

       See Artifact Repository which must also be set for this to work.

       Default: true

       Deprecated since version 7.20.0: Please use dist_glob_patterns instead

       A comma , separated list of glob patterns to use when uploading to pypi.

       Default: *

       A  comma  ,  separated  list of glob patterns to use when uploading dist files to artifact

       Default: *

       The repository (package index) name to upload to. Should be a section in  ~/.pypirc.   The
       repositories pypi and testpypi are preconfigured.

       Default: pypi

       SEE ALSO:The .pypirc file - ~/.pypirc documentation

       The repository (package index) URL to upload the package to.

       See Configuring distribution upload for more about uploads to custom repositories.

       If  set  to  false,  do not upload distributions to GitHub releases.  If you are not using
       GitHub, this will be skipped regardless.

       The relative path to the folder for dists  configured  for  setuptools.  This  allows  for
       customized setuptools processes.

       Default: dist/

       Flag for whether the dist folder should be removed after a release.

       Default: true

       Command  to  build  dists.  Build  output  should be stored in the directory configured in
       dist_path.  If necessary, multiple commands can be specified using &&, e.g.   pip  install
       -m  flit  &&  flit  build.  If set to false, build command is disabled and files should be
       placed manually in the directory configured in dist_path.

       Default: python sdist bdist_wheel

       The name of your hvcs. Currently only github and gitlab are supported.

       Default: github

       The domain url (without https://) of your custom vcs server.

       The api url (without https://) of your custom vcs server.

       If enabled, the status of the head commit will be checked  and  a  release  will  only  be
       created if the status is success.

       Default: false

       Git tag format. Accepts the following variables as format fields:

                             │Variable  │ Contents                         │
                             │{version} │ The  new  version  number in the │
                             │          │ format X.Y.Z.                    │

       Default: v{version}

       Do not use the default auth token to push  changes  to  the  repository.  Use  the  system
       configured method.  This is useful if the auth token does not have permission to push, but
       the system method (an ssh deploy key for instance) does.

       Default: false

   Environment Variables
       Set to * to get a lot of debug information.  See Showing debug output for more.

       See Environment checks.

       Used to check if this is a Circle CI environment.

       Used to check if this is a Frigg environment.

       Used to check if this is a Semaphore environment.

       Used to check if this is a Travis CI environment.

       Used to check if this is a GitLab CI environment.

       Used to check if this is a Jenkins CI environment.

       Host  component  of  the  GitLab  instance  URL,  without  protocol  and  port.   Example:

          Automatically set in a GitLab CI environment from version 12.1.

   HVCS Authentication
       A  personal  access  token from GitHub. This is used for authenticating when pushing tags,
       publishing releases etc. See Configuring push to Github for usage.

       To generate a token go to and click on Personal  access

       A  personal  access  token from GitLab. This is used for authenticating when pushing tags,
       publishing releases etc.

       A personal access token from Gitea. This is used for  authenticating  when  pushing  tags,
       publishing releases etc.

   Artifact Repository
       Deprecated since version 7.20.0: Please use REPOSITORY_PASSWORD instead

       Set an API token for publishing to

       Deprecated since version 7.20.0: Please use REPOSITORY_PASSWORD instead

       Used together with PYPI_USERNAME when publishing to

       Deprecated since version 7.20.0: Please use REPOSITORY_USERNAME instead

       Used together with PYPI_PASSWORD when publishing to

       Used together with REPOSITORY_PASSWORD when publishing artifact.

          If you use token authentication with pypi set this to __token__

       Used together with REPOSITORY_USERNAME when publishing artifact.  Also used for token when
       using token authentication.

          You should use token authentication instead of username and password authentication for
          the following reasons:

          • It is strongly recommended by PyPI.

          • Tokens  can  be  given  access  to  only a single project, which reduces the possible
            damage if it is compromised.

          • You can change your password without having to update it in CI settings.

          • If your PyPI username is the same as your GitHub and you have it set as a secret in a
            CI  service,  they will likely scrub it from the build output. This can break things,
            for example repository links.

          • Find more information on how to obtain a token.

       Custom repository (package index) URL to upload the package  to.   Takes  precedence  over

       See Configuring distribution upload for more about uploads to custom repositories.

   semantic-release changelog
       Print the changelog to stdout.

       If  the option --post is used and there is an authentication token configured for your vcs
       provider (GH_TOKEN for GitHub, GL_TOKEN for GitLab, GITEA_TOKEN for Gitea), the  changelog
       will be posted there too.

   semantic-release version
       Figure out the new version number, update and commit it, and create a tag.

       This will not push anything to any remote. All changes are local.

   semantic-release print-version
       Print to standard output the new version number.

       If the option --current is used, it will display the current version number.

       It  can  be  used  to retrieve the next version number in a shell script during the build,
       before running the effective release,  ie.  to  rename  a  distribution  binary  with  the
       effective version:

          VERSION=$(semantic-release print-version)

   semantic-release publish
       Publish will do a sequence of things:

       1. Update changelog file.

       2. Run semantic-release version.

       3. Push changes to git.

       4. Run build_command and upload the distribution file to your repository.

       5. Run semantic-release changelog and post to your vcs provider.

       6. Attach the files created by build_command to GitHub releases.

       Some of these steps may be disabled based on your configuration.

   Common Options
       Every command understands these flags:

       Force a patch release, ignoring the version bump determined from commit messages.

       Force a minor release, ignoring the version bump determined from commit messages.

       Force a major release, ignoring the version bump determined from commit messages.

       Makes  the next release a prerelease, version bumps are still determined or can be forced,
       but the prerelease_tag (see prerelease_tag) will be appended to version number.

       No operations mode. Do not take any actions, only print what will be done.

       Retry the same release, do not bump.

       Override a configuration value. Takes an argument of the format setting="value".

       Change the verbosity of Python Semantic Release's logging. See Showing debug output.

   Parsing of commit logs
       The semver level that should be bumped on a release is determined by the  commit  messages
       since the last release. In order to be able to decide the correct version and generate the
       changelog, the content of those commit messages must be parsed. By  default  this  package
       uses a parser for the Angular commit message style:

          <type>(<scope>): <subject>
          <BLANK LINE>
          <BLANK LINE>

       The  body  or  footer  can  begin with BREAKING CHANGE: followed by a short description to
       create a major release.

          Python Semantic Release is able to parse more than just the body  and  footer  sections
          (in  fact,  they  are  processed  in  a loop so you can write as many paragraphs as you
          need). It also supports having multiple breaking changes in one commit.

          However, other tools may not do this, so if you plan to use any similar  programs  then
          you should try to stick to the official format.

       More information about the style can be found in the angular commit guidelines.

   Available parsers
       See commit_parser.

   Writing your own parser
       If  you  think this is all well and cool, but the angular style is not for you, no need to
       worry because custom parsers are supported.

       A parser is basically a Python function that takes the commit message as the only argument
       and  returns the information extracted from the commit. The format of the output should be
       a   semantic_release.history.parser_helpers.ParsedCommit   object   with   the   following

            version level to bump: major=3 minor=2 patch=1 none=0,
            changelog section (see: :ref:`config-changelog_sections`),
            scope of change: can be None,
            (subject, descriptions...),
            (breaking change descriptions...)

       The  breaking  change  descriptions  will  be added to the changelog in full. They can and
       should also be included within the regular list of description paragraphs. The presence of
       a breaking change description will not implicitly trigger a major release.

       If    your    parser    is   unable   to   parse   a   commit   then   it   should   raise

       The parser can be set with the commit_parser configuration option.

   Automatic releases
       The key point with using this package is to automate your releases and stop worrying about
       version  numbers.  Different approaches to automatic releases and publishing with the help
       of this package can be found below. Using a CI is the recommended approach.

   Environment checks
       On publish, a few environment  checks  will  run.  Below  are  descriptions  of  what  the
       different checks do and under what condition they will run.

       Condition: Environment variable FRIGG is 'true'

       Checks for frigg to ensure that the build is not a pull-request and on the correct branch.
       The branch check, checks against the branch that  frigg  said  it  checked  out,  not  the
       current branch.

       Condition: Environment variable SEMAPHORE is 'true'

       Checks  for  semaphore  to  ensure that the build is not a pull-request and on the correct
       branch.  The branch check, checks against the branch that semaphore said it  checked  out,
       not the current branch. It also checks that the thread state is not failure.

       Condition: Environment variable TRAVIS is 'true'

       Checks  for  travis  to  ensure  that  the  build is not a pull-request and on the correct
       branch.  The branch check, checks against the branch that travis said it checked out,  not
       the current branch.

       Condition: Environment variable CIRCLECI is 'true'

       Checks  for  circle-ci  to  ensure that the build is not a pull-request and on the correct
       branch.  The branch check, checks against the branch that circle-ci said it  checked  out,
       not the current branch.

   GitLab CI
       Condition: Environment variable GITLAB_CI is 'true'

       Checks for gitlab-ci to ensure that the build is on the correct branch.  The branch check,
       checks against the branch that gitlab-ci said it checked out, not the current branch.

       Condition: Environment variable JENKINS_URL is set.

       Determines the branch name  from  either  the  environment  variable  BRANCH_NAME  or  the
       environment  variable  GIT_BRANCH,  and  checks to ensure that the build is on the correct
       branch. Also, if CHANGE_ID is set, meaning it is a PR from a  multi-branch  pipeline,  the
       build will not be automatically released.

   Publish with CI
       Add  python publish or semantic-release publish as an after success task on your
       preferred Continuous Integration service. Ensure that you have configured the CI  so  that
       it can upload to an artifact repository and push to git and it should be ready to roll.

   Configuring distribution upload
       In order to upload to an artifact repository, Python Semantic Release needs credentials to
       access the project. You will need to set the environment variables REPOSITORY_USERNAME and
       REPOSITORY_PASSWORD.  Use repository_url or REPOSITORY_URL to set a custom repository url.
       As an alternative the repository and/or credentials can be configured using the  ~/.pypirc

          Make sure to protect any environment variable containing secrets on your CI service.

       SEE ALSO:GitLab pypi-repository - GitLab example configuration

          • The .pypirc file - ~/.pypirc documentation

   Configuring push to Github
       In  order  to  push  to  Github  and post the changelog to Github the environment variable
       GH_TOKEN has to be set. It needs access to the public_repo scope for  public  repositories
       and repo for private repositories.

   GuidesSetting up python-semantic-release on Travis CISetting up python-semantic-release on GitHub Actions

   Publish with cronjobs
       This  is  for  you  if  for  some reason you cannot publish from your CI or you would like
       releases to drop at a certain interval. Before you start, answer this: Are you sure you do
       not want a CI to release for you? (high version numbers are not a bad thing).

       The  guide  below is for setting up scheduled publishing on a server. It requires that the
       user that runs the cronjob has push access to the  repository  and  upload  access  to  an
       artifact repository.

       1. Create a virtualenv:

             virtualenv semantic_release -p `which python3`

       2. Install python-semantic-release:

             pip install python-semantic-release

       3.  Clone the repositories you want to have scheduled publishing.  3. Put the following in


          $VENV/pip install -U pip python-semantic-release > /dev/null

          publish() {
            cd $1
            git stash -u # ensures that there is no untracked files in the directory
            git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master
            $VENV/semantic-release publish
            cd ..

          publish <package1>
          publish <package2>

       4. Add cronjob:

             /bin/bash -c "cd <path> && source semantic_release/bin/activate && ./publish 2>&1 >> releases.log"

       Things to check...

       • Check setup.cfg for Configuration

       • Check all applicable Environment Variables

       • Git tags beginning with v. This is, depending on configuration,  used  for  getting  the
         last version.

   Showing debug output
       If  you  are  having  trouble with semantic-release there is a way to get more information
       during it's work.

       By setting the --verbosity option to DEBUG you can  display  information  from  the  inner
       workings of semantic-release.

          Debug output is always enabled on GitHub Actions using the built-in action.

          semantic-release changelog --verbosity=DEBUG

          The  =  symbol is required between --verbosity and its argument, but not when using the
          short form of -v:

              semantic-release changelog -v DEBUG

          See #227.

   semantic_release package
       Semantic Release

       semantic_release.setup_hook(argv: list)
              A hook to be used in to enable python publish.

                     argv -- sys.argv

   semantic_release.changelog package
       semantic_release.changelog.markdown_changelog(owner: str, repo_name:  str,  version:  str,
       changelog: dict, header: bool = False, previous_version: str = None) -> str
              Generate a markdown version of the changelog.

              Parametersowner -- The repo owner.

                     • repo_name -- The repo name.

                     • version -- A string with the version number.

                     • previous_version  -- A string with the last version number, to use for the
                       comparison URL. If omitted, the URL will not be included.

                     • changelog -- A parsed changelog dict from generate_changelog.

                     • header -- A boolean that decides whether a version number header should be

                     The markdown formatted changelog.

   semantic_release.changelog.changelog module
       semantic_release.changelog.changelog.add_pr_link(owner: str, repo_name: str, message: str)
       -> str
              GitHub release notes automagically link to the PR, but changelog markdown  doesn't.
              Replace (#123) at the end of a message with a markdown link.

       semantic_release.changelog.changelog.changelog_headers(owner:    str,    repo_name:   str,
       changelog: dict, changelog_sections: list, **kwargs) -> Optional[str]

       semantic_release.changelog.changelog.changelog_table(owner:    str,    repo_name:     str,
       changelog: dict, changelog_sections: list, **kwargs) -> str

       semantic_release.changelog.changelog.get_changelog_sections(changelog:               dict,
       changelog_sections: list) -> Iterable[str]
              Generator which yields each changelog section to be included

       semantic_release.changelog.changelog.get_hash_link(owner: str, repo_name: str, hash_: str)
       -> str
              Generate the link for commit hash module       str,       previous_version:
       Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Optional[str]  str,  to_version:
       str) -> str
              Get the GitHub comparison link between two version tags.

              Parametersfrom_version -- The older version to compare.

                     • to_version -- The newer version to compare.

                     Link to view a comparison between the two versions.

   semantic_release.history package

       class semantic_release.history.PatternVersionDeclaration(path: str, pattern: str)
              Bases: semantic_release.history.VersionDeclaration

              Represent a version number in a particular file.

              The  version  number  is  identified by a regular expression.  Methods are provided
              both the read the version number from the file, and to update the file with  a  new
              version  number.   Use  the  load_version_patterns() factory function to create the
              version patterns specified in the config files.

              parse() -> Set[str]
                     Return the versions matching this pattern.

                     Because a pattern can match in multiple places, this method returns a set of
                     matches.  Generally, there should only be one element in this set (i.e. even
                     if the version is specified in  multiple  places,  it  should  be  the  same
                     version  in  each  place),  but  it  falls  on  the caller to check for this

              replace(new_version: str)
                     Update the versions matching this pattern.

                     This method reads the underlying  file,  replaces  each  occurrence  of  the
                     matched pattern, then writes the updated file.

                            new_version -- The new version number as a string

       class semantic_release.history.TomlVersionDeclaration(path, key)
              Bases: semantic_release.history.VersionDeclaration

              parse() -> Set[str]
                     Return the versions.

                     Because  a source can match in multiple places, this method returns a set of
                     matches. Generally, there should only be one element in this set (i.e.  even
                     if  the  version  is  specified  in  multiple  places, it should be the same
                     version in each place), but it  falls  on  the  caller  to  check  for  this

              replace(new_version: str) -> None
                     Update the versions.

                     This  method  reads  the  underlying  file,  replaces each occurrence of the
                     matched pattern, then writes the updated file.

                            new_version -- The new version number as a string

       class semantic_release.history.VersionDeclaration(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path])
              Bases: abc.ABC

              static from_pattern(config_str: str)
                     Instantiate a PatternVersionDeclaration from a string specifying a path  and
                     a regular expression matching the version number.

              static from_toml(config_str: str)
                     Instantiate  a  TomlVersionDeclaration from a string specifying a path and a
                     key matching the version number.

              static from_variable(config_str: str)
                     Instantiate a PatternVersionDeclaration from a string specifying a path  and
                     a variable name.

              abstract parse() -> Set[str]
                     Return the versions.

                     Because  a source can match in multiple places, this method returns a set of
                     matches. Generally, there should only be one element in this set (i.e.  even
                     if  the  version  is  specified  in  multiple  places, it should be the same
                     version in each place), but it  falls  on  the  caller  to  check  for  this

              abstract replace(new_version: str)
                     Update the versions.

                     This  method  reads  the  underlying  file,  replaces each occurrence of the
                     matched pattern, then writes the updated file.

                            new_version -- The new version number as a string


       semantic_release.history.get_current_release_version() -> str
              Get current release version from tag or commit message (no  going  back  in  config
              file),  depending  on  configuration.  This will return the current release version
              (NOT prerelease), instead of just the current version

                     A string with the current version number

       semantic_release.history.get_current_release_version_by_commits() -> str
              Return the current release version (NOT prerelease) version.

                     A string with the current version number.

       semantic_release.history.get_current_release_version_by_tag() -> str
              Find the current version of the package in the current working directory using  git

                     A string with the version number or 0.0.0 on failure.

       semantic_release.history.get_current_version() -> str
              Get current version from tag or version variable, depending on configuration.  This
              can be either a release or prerelease version

                     A string with the current version number

       semantic_release.history.get_current_version_by_config_file() -> str
              Get current version from the version variable defined in the configuration.

                     A string with the current version number

              Raises ImproperConfigurationError -- if either no versions are found, or

              multiple versions are found.

       semantic_release.history.get_current_version_by_tag() -> str
              Find the current version of the package in the current working directory using  git

                     A string with the version number or 0.0.0 on failure.

       semantic_release.history.get_new_version(current_version:   str,  current_release_version:
       str, level_bump: str, prerelease: bool = False, prerelease_patch: bool = True) -> str
              Calculate the next version based on the given bump level with semver.

              Parameterscurrent_version -- The version the package has now.

                     • level_bump -- The level of the  version  number  that  should  be  bumped.
                       Should be 'major', 'minor' or 'patch'.

                     • prerelease -- Should the version bump be marked as a prerelease

                     A string with the next version number.



       semantic_release.history.get_previous_release_version(version: str) -> Optional[str]
              Return the version prior to the given version.

                     version -- A string with the version number.

                     A string with the previous version number.

       semantic_release.history.get_previous_version(version: str) -> Optional[str]
              Return the version prior to the given version.

                     version -- A string with the version number.

                     A string with the previous version number.



       semantic_release.history.load_version_declarations()               ->               List[‐
              Create the VersionDeclaration objects specified by the config file.

       semantic_release.history.set_new_version(new_version: str) -> bool
              Update the version number in each configured location.

                     new_version -- The new version number as a string.

                     True if it succeeded.

   semantic_release.history.logs module

       semantic_release.history.logs.evaluate_version_bump(current_version:  str,  force:  str  =
       None) -> Optional[str]
              Read  git  log since the last release to decide if we should make a major, minor or
              patch release.

              Parameterscurrent_version -- A string with the current version number.

                     • force -- A string with the bump level that should be forced.

                     A string with either major, minor or patch if there should be a release.  If
                     no release is necessary, None will be returned.

       semantic_release.history.logs.generate_changelog(from_version:  Optional[str], to_version:
       Optional[str] = None) -> dict
              Parse a changelog dictionary for the given version.

              Parametersfrom_version -- The  version  before  where  the  changelog  starts.   The
                       changelog will be generated from the commit after this one.

                     • to_version -- The last version included in the changelog.

                     A dict with changelog sections and commits

   semantic_release.history.parser_angular module
       Angular commit style parser

       semantic_release.history.parser_angular.parse_commit_message(message:        str)       ->
              Parse a commit message according to the angular commit guidelines specification.

                     message -- A string of a commit message.

                     A tuple of (level to bump, type of change, scope of  change,  a  tuple  with

              Raises UnknownCommitMessageStyleError -- if regular expression matching fails

   semantic_release.history.parser_emoji module
       Commit parser which looks for emojis to determine the type of commit

       semantic_release.history.parser_emoji.parse_commit_message(message:         str)        ->
              Parse a commit using an emoji in the subject line.

              When multiple emojis are encountered, the one with the highest bump level is  used.
              If  there are multiple emojis on the same level, the we use the one listed earliest
              in the configuration.

              If the message does not contain any known emojis, then the level to bump will be  0
              and    the    type    of    change    "Other".    This    parser    never    raises

              Emojis are not removed from the description, and will appear alongside  the  commit
              subject in the changelog.

                     message -- A string of a commit message.

                     A  tuple  of  (level  to bump, type of change, scope of change, a tuple with

   semantic_release.history.parser_helpers module
       Commit parser helpers

       class     semantic_release.history.parser_helpers.ParsedCommit(bump,     type,      scope,
       descriptions, breaking_descriptions)
              Bases: tuple

                     Alias for field number 4

              bump   Alias for field number 0

                     Alias for field number 3

              scope  Alias for field number 2

              type   Alias for field number 1

       semantic_release.history.parser_helpers.parse_paragraphs(text: str) -> List[str]
              This  will  take  a  text  block  and return a tuple containing each paragraph with
              single line breaks collapsed into spaces.

                     text -- The text string to be divided.

                     A tuple of paragraphs.

   semantic_release.history.parser_scipy module
       Parses commit messages using scipy tags of the form:

          <tag>(<scope>): <subject>


       The elements <tag>, <scope> and <body> are optional. If no tag is present, the commit will
       be added to the changelog section "None" and no version increment will be performed.

       While  <scope>  is  supported  here  it  isn't actually part of the scipy style.  If it is
       missing, parentheses around it are too. The commit should then be of the form:

          <tag>: <subject>


       To communicate a breaking change add "BREAKING CHANGE" into the body at the beginning of a
       paragraph. Fill this paragraph with information how to migrate from the broken behavior to
       the new behavior. It will be added to the "Breaking" section of the changelog.

       Supported Tags:


       Supported Changelog Sections:

          breaking, feature, fix, Other, None

       class semantic_release.history.parser_scipy.Breaking(tag, section)
              Bases: semantic_release.history.parser_scipy.ChangeType

       class semantic_release.history.parser_scipy.ChangeType(tag, section)
              Bases: object


       class semantic_release.history.parser_scipy.Compatible(tag, section)
              Bases: semantic_release.history.parser_scipy.ChangeType

       class semantic_release.history.parser_scipy.Ignore(tag, section)
              Bases: semantic_release.history.parser_scipy.ChangeType

       class semantic_release.history.parser_scipy.Patch(tag, section)
              Bases: semantic_release.history.parser_scipy.ChangeType

       semantic_release.history.parser_scipy.parse_commit_message(message:        str)         ->
              Parse a scipy-style commit message

                     message -- A string of a commit message.

                     A tuple of (level to bump, type of change, scope of change, a tuple

              with  descriptions)  :raises  UnknownCommitMessageStyleError: if regular expression
              matching fails

   semantic_release.history.parser_tag module
       Legacy commit parser from Python Semantic Release 1.0

       semantic_release.history.parser_tag.parse_commit_message(message:         str)          ->
              Parse a commit message according to the 1.0 version of python-semantic-release.

              It  expects  a  tag of some sort in the commit message and will use the rest of the
              first line as changelog content.

                     message -- A string of a commit message.

              Raises UnknownCommitMessageStyleError -- If it does not recognise the commit style

                     A tuple of (level to bump, type of change, scope of  change,  a  tuple  with

   semantic_release.ci_checks module
       CI Checks

       semantic_release.ci_checks.bitbucket(*args, **kwargs)

       semantic_release.ci_checks.check(branch: str = 'master')
              Detects  the  current  CI  environment,  if any, and performs necessary environment

                     branch -- The branch that should be the current branch.

       semantic_release.ci_checks.checker(func: Callable) -> Callable
              A decorator that will convert AssertionErrors into CiVerificationError.

                     func -- A function that will raise AssertionError

                     The given function wrapped to raise a CiVerificationError on AssertionError*args, **kwargs)

       semantic_release.ci_checks.frigg(*args, **kwargs)

       semantic_release.ci_checks.gitlab(*args, **kwargs)

       semantic_release.ci_checks.jenkins(*args, **kwargs)

       semantic_release.ci_checks.semaphore(*args, **kwargs)

       semantic_release.ci_checks.travis(*args, **kwargs)

   semantic_release.cli module

       semantic_release.cli.bump_version(new_version, level_bump)
              Set the version to the given new_version.

              Edit in the source code, commit and create a git tag.

       semantic_release.cli.changelog(*,      unreleased=False,      noop=False,      post=False,
       prerelease=False, **kwargs)
              Generate the changelog since the last release.

              Raises ImproperConfigurationError -- if there is no current version

              Decorator that adds all the options in COMMON_OPTIONS


              Remove secrets from cli output.

       semantic_release.cli.print_version(*,  current=False,  force_level=None, prerelease=False,
       prerelease_patch=True, **kwargs)
              Print the current or new version to standard output.

       semantic_release.cli.publish(retry: bool = False, noop: bool = False, prerelease:  bool  =
       False, prerelease_patch=True, **kwargs)
              Run  the  version  task,  then  push  to git and upload to an artifact repository /
              GitHub Releases.

       semantic_release.cli.should_bump_version(*,   current_version,    current_release_version,
       new_version, prerelease, retry=False, noop=False)

       semantic_release.cli.version(*,       retry=False,      noop=False,      force_level=None,
       prerelease=False, prerelease_patch=True, **kwargs)
              Detect the new version according to git log and semver.

              Write the new version number and commit it, unless the noop option is True.

   semantic_release.dist module
       Build and manage distributions


       semantic_release.dist.remove_dists(path: str)



   semantic_release.errors module
       Custom Errors

       exception semantic_release.errors.CiVerificationError
              Bases: semantic_release.errors.SemanticReleaseBaseError

       exception semantic_release.errors.GitError
              Bases: semantic_release.errors.SemanticReleaseBaseError

       exception semantic_release.errors.HvcsRepoParseError
              Bases: semantic_release.errors.SemanticReleaseBaseError

       exception semantic_release.errors.ImproperConfigurationError
              Bases: semantic_release.errors.SemanticReleaseBaseError

       exception semantic_release.errors.SemanticReleaseBaseError
              Bases: Exception

       exception semantic_release.errors.UnknownCommitMessageStyleError
              Bases: semantic_release.errors.SemanticReleaseBaseError

   semantic_release.helpers module
       class semantic_release.helpers.LoggedFunction(logger)
              Bases: object

              Decorator which adds debug logging to a function.

              The input arguments are logged before the function is called, and the return  value
              is logged once it has completed.

                     logger -- Logger to send output to.

       semantic_release.helpers.build_requests_session(raise_for_status=True,  retry: Union[bool,
       int, urllib3.util.retry.Retry] = True) -> requests.sessions.Session
              Create a requests session.  :param raise_for_status: If  True,  a  hook  to  invoke
              raise_for_status  be  installed  :param  retry:  If true, it will use default Retry
              configuration. if an integer, it will use default Retry  configuration  with  given
              integer  as  total  retry  count.  if  Retry  instance,  it will use this instance.
              :return: configured requests Session


   semantic_release.hvcs module

       class semantic_release.hvcs.Base
              Bases: object

              static api_url() -> str

              static check_build_status(owner: str, repo: str, ref: str) -> bool

              static domain() -> str

              classmethod post_release_changelog(owner: str, repo: str, version: str,  changelog:
              str) -> bool

              static token() -> Optional[str]

              classmethod upload_dists(owner: str, repo: str, version: str, path: str) -> bool

       class semantic_release.hvcs.Gitea
              Bases: semantic_release.hvcs.Base

              Gitea helper class

              DEFAULT_API_PATH = '/api/v1'

              DEFAULT_DOMAIN = ''

              static api_url() -> str
                     Gitea api_url property

                            The Gitea API URL

              static auth() -> Optional[semantic_release.hvcs.TokenAuth]
                     Gitea token property

                            The Gitea token environment variable (GITEA_TOKEN) value

              static check_build_status(owner: str, repo: str, ref: str) -> bool
                     Check build status


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • ref -- The sha1 hash of the commit ref

                            Was the build status success?

              classmethod create_release(owner: str, repo: str, tag: str, changelog: str) -> bool
                     Create a new release


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • tag -- Tag to create release for

                            • changelog -- The release notes for this version

                            Whether the request succeeded

              static domain() -> str
                     Gitea domain property

                            The Gitea domain

              classmethod edit_release(owner: str, repo: str, id: int, changelog: str) -> bool
                     Edit a release with updated change notes


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • id -- ID of release to update

                            • changelog -- The release notes for this version

                            Whether the request succeeded

              classmethod get_release(owner: str, repo: str, tag: str) -> Optional[int]
                     Get a release by its tag name


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • tag -- Tag to get release for

                            ID of found release

              classmethod  post_release_changelog(owner: str, repo: str, version: str, changelog:
              str) -> bool
                     Post release changelog

                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • version -- The version number

                            • changelog -- The release notes for this version

                            The status of the request

              static session(raise_for_status=True, retry: Union[urllib3.util.retry.Retry,  bool,
              int] = True) -> requests.sessions.Session

              static token() -> Optional[str]
                     Gitea token property

                            The Gitea token environment variable (GITEA_TOKEN) value

              classmethod  upload_asset(owner: str, repo: str, release_id: int, file: str, label:
              str = None) -> bool
                     Upload an asset to an existing release


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • release_id -- ID of the release to upload to

                            • file -- Path of the file to upload

                            • label -- Custom label for this file

                            The status of the request

              classmethod upload_dists(owner: str, repo: str, version: str, path: str) -> bool
                     Upload distributions to a release

                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • version -- Version to upload for

                            • path -- Path to the dist directory

                            The status of the request

       class semantic_release.hvcs.Github
              Bases: semantic_release.hvcs.Base

              Github helper class

              DEFAULT_DOMAIN = ''

              static api_url() -> str
                     Github api_url property

                            The Github API URL

              static auth() -> Optional[semantic_release.hvcs.TokenAuth]
                     Github token property

                            The Github token environment variable (GH_TOKEN) value

              static check_build_status(owner: str, repo: str, ref: str) -> bool
                     Check build status


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • ref -- The sha1 hash of the commit ref

                            Was the build status success?

              classmethod create_release(owner: str, repo: str, tag: str, changelog: str) -> bool
                     Create a new release


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • tag -- Tag to create release for

                            • changelog -- The release notes for this version

                            Whether the request succeeded

              static domain() -> str
                     Github domain property

                            The Github domain

              classmethod edit_release(owner: str, repo: str, id: int, changelog: str) -> bool
                     Edit a release with updated change notes


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • id -- ID of release to update

                            • changelog -- The release notes for this version

                            Whether the request succeeded

              classmethod   get_asset_upload_url(owner:  str,  repo:  str,  release_id:  str)  ->
                     Get the correct upload url for a release


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • release_id -- ID of the release to upload to

                            URL found to upload for a release

              classmethod get_release(owner: str, repo: str, tag: str) -> Optional[int]
                     Get a release by its tag name


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • tag -- Tag to get release for

                            ID of found release

              classmethod  post_release_changelog(owner: str, repo: str, version: str, changelog:
              str) -> bool
                     Post release changelog

                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • version -- The version number

                            • changelog -- The release notes for this version

                            The status of the request

              static session(raise_for_status=True, retry: Union[urllib3.util.retry.Retry,  bool,
              int] = True) -> requests.sessions.Session

              static token() -> Optional[str]
                     Github token property

                            The Github token environment variable (GH_TOKEN) value

              classmethod  upload_asset(owner: str, repo: str, release_id: int, file: str, label:
              str = None) -> bool
                     Upload an asset to an existing release


                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • release_id -- ID of the release to upload to

                            • file -- Path of the file to upload

                            • label -- Custom label for this file

                            The status of the request

              classmethod upload_dists(owner: str, repo: str, version: str, path: str) -> bool
                     Upload distributions to a release

                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • version -- Version to upload for

                            • path -- Path to the dist directory

                            The status of the request

       class semantic_release.hvcs.Gitlab
              Bases: semantic_release.hvcs.Base

              Gitlab helper class

              static api_url() -> str
                     Gitlab api_url property

                            The Gitlab instance API url

              static check_build_status(owner: str, repo: str, ref: str) -> bool
                     Check last build status

                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the  repository.  It  includes  all
                              groups and subgroups.

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • ref -- The sha1 hash of the commit ref

                            the status of the pipeline (False if a job failed)

              static domain() -> str
                     Gitlab domain property

                            The Gitlab instance domain

              classmethod  post_release_changelog(owner: str, repo: str, version: str, changelog:
              str) -> bool
                     Post release changelog

                     Parametersowner -- The owner namespace of the repository

                            • repo -- The repository name

                            • version -- The version number

                            • changelog -- The release notes for this version

                            The status of the request

              static token() -> Optional[str]
                     Gitlab token property

                            The Gitlab token environment variable (GL_TOKEN) value

       class semantic_release.hvcs.TokenAuth(token)
              Bases: requests.auth.AuthBase

              requests Authentication for token based authorization

       semantic_release.hvcs.check_build_status(owner: str, repository: str, ref: str) -> bool
              Checks the build status of a commit on the api from  your  hosted  version  control

              Parametersowner -- The owner of the repository

                     • repository -- The repository name

                     • ref -- Commit or branch reference

                     A boolean with the build status

       semantic_release.hvcs.check_token() -> bool
              Checks whether there exists a token or not.

                     A boolean telling if there is a token.

       semantic_release.hvcs.get_domain() -> Optional[str]
              Returns the domain for the current VCS

                     The domain in string form

       semantic_release.hvcs.get_hvcs() -> semantic_release.hvcs.Base
              Get HVCS helper class

              Raises ImproperConfigurationError -- if the hvcs option provided is not valid

       semantic_release.hvcs.get_token() -> Optional[str]
              Returns the token for the current VCS

                     The token in string form

       semantic_release.hvcs.post_changelog(owner: str, repository: str, version: str, changelog:
       str) -> bool
              Posts the changelog to the current hvcs release API

              Parametersowner -- The owner of the repository

                     • repository -- The repository name

                     • version -- A string with the new version

                     • changelog -- A string with the changelog in correct format

                     a tuple with success status and payload from hvcs

       semantic_release.hvcs.upload_to_release(owner: str, repository: str, version:  str,  path:
       str) -> bool
              Upload distributions to the current hvcs release API

              Parametersowner -- The owner of the repository

                     • repository -- The repository name

                     • version -- A string with the version to upload for

                     • path -- Path to dist directory

                     Status of the request

   semantic_release.pre_commit module
       Run commands prior to the release commit



   semantic_release.repository module
       Helper for using Twine to upload to an artifact repository.

       class    semantic_release.repository.ArtifactRepo(dist_path:    dataclasses.InitVar[Path],
       repository_name:  str  =  'pypi',  repository_url:   Optional[str]   =   None,   username:
       Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None)
              Bases: object

              Object that manages the configuration and execution of upload using Twine.

              This object needs only one shared argument to be instantiated.

              dist_path: dataclasses.InitVar[Path]

              dists: List[str]

              password: Optional[str] = None

              repository_name: str = 'pypi'

              repository_url: Optional[str] = None

              upload(noop: bool, verbose: bool, skip_existing: bool, **additional_kwargs) -> bool
                     Upload artifact to repository using Twine.

                     For  known  repositories  (like PyPI), the web URLs of successfully uploaded
                     packages will be displayed.

                     Parametersnoop -- Do not apply any changes..

                            • verbose -- Show verbose output for Twine.

                            • skip_existing -- Continue uploading files if  one  already  exists.
                              (May not work, check your repository for support.)

                     Raises ImproperConfigurationError   --   The   upload   failed   due   to  a
                            configuration error.

                     :returns True if successful, False otherwise.

              static upload_enabled() -> bool
                     Check if artifact repository upload is enabled

                     :returns True if upload is enabled, False otherwise.

              username: Optional[str] = None

       semantic_release.repository.get_env_var(name: str) -> Optional[str]
              Resolve variable name from config and return matching environment variable

                     name -- Variable name to retrieve from environment

              :returns Value of environment variable or None if not set.

   semantic_release.settings module
       Helpers to read settings from setup.cfg or pyproject.toml

       semantic_release.settings.current_changelog_components() -> List[Callable]
              Get the currently-configured changelog components

              Raises ImproperConfigurationError -- if ImportError or AttributeError is raised

                     List of component functions

       semantic_release.settings.current_commit_parser() -> Callable
              Get the currently-configured commit parser

              Raises ImproperConfigurationError -- if ImportError or AttributeError is raised

                     Commit parser

              This decorator gets the content of the "define" array and edits "config"  according
              to the pairs of key/value.

   semantic_release.vcs_helpers module
       VCS Helpers

       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.checkout(branch: str)
              Check out the given branch in the local repository.

                     branch -- The branch to checkout.

       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.commit_new_version(version: str)
              Commit the file containing the version number variable.

              The commit message will be generated from the configured template.

                     version -- Version number to be used in the commit message.

       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.get_changed_files(repo: git.repo.base.Repo) -> List[str]
              Get untracked / dirty files in the given git repo().

                     repo -- Git repo to check.

                     A list of filenames.

       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.get_commit_log(from_rev=None, to_rev=None)
              Yield all commit messages from last to first.

       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.get_current_head_hash() -> str
              Get the commit hash of the current HEAD.

                     The commit hash.

       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.get_formatted_commit(version: str) -> str

              Get the version, formatted with tag_format config option

       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.get_last_version(pattern, skip_tags=None) -> Optional[str]
              Find the latest version using repo tags.

                     A string containing a version number.

       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.get_repository_owner_and_name() -> Tuple[str, str]
              Check the 'origin' remote to get the owner and name of the remote repository.

                     A tuple of the owner and name.

       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.push_new_version(auth_token:  str  = None, owner: str = None,
       name: str = None, branch: str = 'master', domain: str = '')
              Run git push and git push --tags.

              Parametersauth_token -- Authentication token used to push.

                     • owner -- Organisation or user that owns the repository.

                     • name -- Name of repository.

                     • branch -- Branch to push to

                     • server_url -- Name of the server.  Will  be  used  to  identify  a  gitlab

              Raises GitError -- if GitCommandError is raised


       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.tag_new_version(version: str)
              Create a new tag with the version number, prefixed with v by default.

                     version -- The version number used in the tag as a string.

              Add specified files to VCS, if they've changed.

       semantic_release.vcs_helpers.update_changelog_file(version: str, content_to_add: str)
              Update changelog file with changelog for the release.

              Parametersversion -- The release version number, as a string.

                     • content_to_add -- The release notes for the version.


       Rolf Erik Lekang

       2022, Rolf Erik Lekang