lunar (1) pyvows.1.gz

Provided by: python3-pyvows_3.0.0-4_all bug

NAME - BDD test engine based on Vows.js


       usage: [-h] [-p PATTERN] [-e EXCLUDE]

              [-i  INCLUDE]  [-c]  [-l  PACKAGE]  [-o  FILE] [-t NUMBER] [-r FILE] [-x] [-f FILE]
              [--profile]  [--profile-threshold  NUM]  [--template]   [--no-color]   [--progress]
              [--version] [--capture-output] [-v] [path]

       Run PyVows tests.

   positional arguments:
       path   Directory  to  look  for vows recursively. If a file is passed,the file will be the
              target for vows. (default: '.').

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
              Pattern of vows files. (default: '*')

       -e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
              Exclude tests and contexts that match  regex-pattern  EXCLUDE  [Mutually  exclusive
              with --include]

       -i INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
              Include only tests and contexts that match regexpattern INCLUDE [Mutually exclusive
              with --exclude]

              Turn off colorized output. (default: False)

              Show progress ticks during testing. (default: False)

              show program's version number and exit

              Capture stdout and stderr during test execution (default: False)

       -v     Verbosity. May be specified many times to increase verbosity (default: -vv)

   Test Coverage:
       -c, --cover
              Show the code coverage of tests. (default: False)

       -l PACKAGE, --cover-package PACKAGE
              Verify coverage of PACKAGE. May be specified many times. (default: all packages)

       -o FILE, --cover-omit FILE
              Exclude FILE from coverage. May be specified many times. (default: no files)

       -t NUMBER, --cover-threshold NUMBER
              Coverage below NUMBER is considered a failure.  (default: 80.0)

       -r FILE, --cover-report FILE
              Store coverage report as FILE. (default: None)

       -x, --xunit-output
              Enable XUnit output. (default: False)

       -f FILE, --xunit-file FILE
              Store XUnit output as FILE. (default: 'pyvows.xml')

              Prints the 10 slowest topics. (default: False)

       --profile-threshold NUM
              Tests taking longer than NUM seconds are considered slow. (default: 0.1)

              Print a PyVows test file template. (Disables testing)