Provided by: universal-ctags_5.9.20210829.0-1_amd64 bug


       readtags - Find tag file entries matching specified names


       readtags -h | --help
       readtags (-H | --help-expression) (filter|sorter)
       readtags [OPTION]... ACTION


       The  readtags  program  filters,  sorts  and prints tag entries in a tags file.  The basic
       filtering is done using actions, by which you can list all regular tags,  pseudo  tags  or
       regular tags matching specific name. Then, further filtering and sorting can be done using
       post processors, namely filter expressions and sorter expressions.


       -l, --list
              List regular tags.

       [-] NAME
              List regular tags matching NAME.  "-" as NAME indicates  arguments  after  this  as
              NAME even if they start with -.

       -D, --list-pseudo-tags
              Equivalent to --list-pseudo-tags.


   Controlling the Tags Reading Behavior
       The behavior of reading tags can be controlled using these options:

       -t TAGFILE, --tag-file TAGFILE
              Use specified tag file (default: "tags").

       -s[0|1|2], --override-sort-detection METHOD
              Override sort detection of tag file.  METHOD: unsorted|sorted|foldcase

       The  NAME  action  will perform binary search on sorted (including "foldcase") tags files,
       which is much faster then on unsorted tags files.

   Controlling the NAME Action Behavior
       The behavior of the NAME action can be controlled using these options:

       -i, --icase-match
              Perform case-insensitive matching in the NAME action.

       -p, --prefix-match
              Perform prefix matching in the NAME action.

   Controlling the Output
       By default, the output of readtags contains only the name, input and  pattern  field.  The
       Output can be tweaked using these options:

       -d, --debug
              Turn on debugging output.

       -E, --escape-output
              Escape characters like tabs in output as described in tags(5).

       -e, --extension-fields
              Include extension fields in output.

       -n, --line-number
              Also include the line number field when -e option is give.

       About  the  -E  option:  certain  characters  are  escaped  in  a  tags  file,  to make it
       machine-readable. e.g., ensuring no tabs character appear in fields other than the pattern
       field.  By default, readtags translates them to make it human-readable, but when utilizing
       readtags  output  in  a  script  or  a  client  tool,  -E  option  should  be  used.   See
       ctags-client-tools(7) for more discussion on this.

   Filtering and Sorting
       Further filtering and sorting on the tags listed by actions are performed using:

       -Q EXP, --filter EXP
              Filter the tags listed by ACTION with EXP before printing.

       -S EXP, --sorter EXP
              Sort the tags listed by ACTION with EXP before printing.

       These are discussed in the EXPRESSION section.

       • List all tags in "/path/to/tags":

            $ readtags -t /path/to/tags -l

       • List all tags in "tags" that start with "mymethod":

            $ readtags -p - mymethod

       • List all tags matching "mymethod", case insensitively:

            $ readtags -i - mymethod

       • List all tags start with "myvar", and printing all fields (i.e., the whole line):

            $ readtags -p -ne - myvar


       Scheme-style  expressions  are  used for the -Q and -S options. For those who doesn't know
       Scheme or Lisp, just remember:

       • A function call is wrapped in a pair of  parenthesis.  The  first  item  in  it  is  the
         function/operator name, the others are arguments.

       • Function calls can be nested.

       • Missing  values  and  boolean  false  are represented by #f. #t and all other values are
         considered to be true.

       So, (+ 1 (+ 2 3)) means add 2 and 3 first, then add the result with 1.   (and  "string"  1
       #t) means logical AND on "string", 1 and #t, and the result is true since there is no #f.

       The  tag  entries  that  make  the  filter  expression  produces true value are printed by

       The basic operators for filtering are eq?,  prefix?,  suffix?,  substr?,  and  #/PATTERN/.
       Language  common  fields  can be accessed using variables starting with $, e.g., $language
       represents the language field.  For example:

       • List all tags start with "myfunc" in Python code files:

            $ readtags -p -Q '(eq? $language "Python")' - myfunc

       downcase or upcase operators can be used to perform case-insensitive matching:

       • List all tags containing "my", case insensitively:

                $ readtags -Q '(substr? (downcase $name) "my")' -l

       We have logical operators like and, or and not. The value of a missing field is #f, so  we
       could deal with missing fields:

       • List  all  tags containing "impl" in Python code files, but allow the language: field to
         be missing:

            $ readtags -Q '(and (substr? $name "impl")\
                                (or (not $language)\
                                    (eq? $language "Python")))' -l

       #/PATTERN/ is for the case when string predicates (prefix?, suffix?, and substr?) are  not
       enough. You can use "Posix extended regular expression" as PATTERN.

       • List all tags inherits from the class "A":

            $ readtags -Q '(#/(^|,) ?A(,|$)/ $inherits)' -l

       Here  $inherits  is  a  comma-separated  class  list like "A,B,C", "P, A, Q", or just "A".
       Notice that this filter works on both situations where there's a space after each comma or
       there's not.

       Case-insensitive matching can be performed by #/PATTERN/i:

       • List all tags inherits from the class "A" or "a":

            $ readtags -Q '(#/(^|,) ?A(,|$)/i $inherits)' -l

       To include "/" in a pattern, prefix \ to the "/".

       NOTE:  The above regular expression pattern for inspecting inheritances is just an example
       to show how to use #/PATTERN/ expression. Tags file generators have no consensus about the
       format  of inherits:, e.g., whether there should be a space after a comma. Even parsers in
       ctags have no consensus. Noticing the format of the inherits: field of specific  languages
       is needed for such queries.

       The  expressions #/PATTERN/ and #/PATTERN/i are for interactive use.  Readtags also offers
       an alias string->regexp,  so  #/PATTERN/  is  equal  to  (string->regexp  "PATTERN"),  and
       #/PATTERN/i  is  equal to (string->regexp "PATTERN" :case-fold #t). string->regexp doesn't
       need to prefix \ for including "/" in a pattern. string->regexp may simplify a client tool
       building  an  expression.  See also ctags-client-tools(7) for building expressions in your

       Let's now consider missing fields. The  tags  file  may  have  tag  entries  that  has  no
       inherits:  field. In that case $inherits is #f, and the regular expression matching raises
       an error, since string operators only work for strings. To avoid this problem:

       • Safely list all tags inherits from the class "A":

            $ readtags -Q '(and $inherits (#/(^|,) ?A(,|$)/ $inherits))' -l

       This makes sure $inherits is not missing first, then match it by regexp.

       Sometimes you want to keep tags where the field is missing.  For  example,  your  want  to
       exclude  reference  tags, which is marked by the extras: field, then you want to keep tags
       who doesn't have extras: field since they are also not reference tags. Here's  how  to  do

       • List all tags but the reference tags:

            $ readtags -Q '(or (not $extras) (#/(^|,) ?reference(,|$)/ $extras))' -l

       Notice  that (not $extras) produces #t when $extras is missing, so the whole or expression
       produces #t.

       Run "readtags -H filter" to know about all valid functions and variables.

       When sorting, the sorter expression is evaluated on two tag entries to decide which should
       sort before the other one, until the order of all tag entries is decided.

       In  a sorter expression, $ and & are used to access the fields in the two tag entries, and
       let's call them $-entry and &-entry. The sorter expression should have a value of -1, 0 or
       1.  The  value -1 means the $-entry should be put above the &-entry, 1 means the contrary,
       and 0 makes their order in the output uncertain.

       The core operator of sorting is <>. It's used  to  compare  two  strings  or  two  numbers
       (numbers are for the line: or end: fields). In (<> a b), if a < b, the result is -1; a > b
       produces 1, and a = b produces 0. Strings are compared  using  the  strcmp  function,  see

       For  example,  sort by names, and make those shorter or alphabetically smaller ones appear
       before the others:

          $ readtags -S '(<> $name &name)' -l

       This reads "If the tag name in the $-entry is smaller, it goes before the &-entry".

       The <or> operator is used to chain multiple expressions until one returns  -1  or  1.  For
       example, sort by input file names, then line numbers if in the same file:

          $ readtags -S '(<or> (<> $input &input) (<> $line &line))' -l

       The *- operator is used to flip the compare result. i.e., (*- (<> a b)) is the same as (<>
       b a).

       Filter expressions can be used in sorter expressions. The technique is use if  to  produce
       integers that can be compared based on the filter, like:

          (<> (if filter-expr-on-$-entry -1 1)
              (if filter-expr-on-&-entry -1 1))

       So  if  $-entry  satisfies  the filter, while &-entry doesn't, it's the same as (<> -1 1),
       which produces -1.

       For example, we want to put tags with "file" kind below other tags, then the sorter  would
       look like:

          (<> (if (eq? $kind "file") 1 -1)
              (if (eq? &kind "file") 1 -1))

       A quick read tells us: If $-entry has "file" kind, and &-entry doesn't, the sorter becomes
       (<> 1 -1), which produces 1, so the $-entry is put below  the  &-entry,  exactly  what  we

   Inspecting the Behavior of Expressions
       The print operator can be used to print the value of an expression. For example:

          $ readtags -Q '(print $name)' -l

       prints  the  name  of each tag entry before it. Since the return value of print is not #f,
       all the tag entries are printed. We could control this using the begin or begin0 operator.
       begin  returns  the  value of its last argument, and begin0 returns the value of its first
       argument. For example:

          $ readtags -Q '(begin0 #f (print (prefix? "ctags" "ct")))' -l

       prints a bunch of "#t" (depending on how many lines are in the tags file), and the  actual
       tag entries are not printed.


       See tags(5) for the details of tags file format.

       See ctags-client-tools(7) for the tips writing a tool utilizing tags file.

       The official Universal Ctags web site at:

       The git repository for the library used in readtags command:


       Universal Ctags project

       Darren Hiebert <>

       The  readtags  command  and  libreadtags  maintained  at  Universal Ctags are derived from
       readtags.c and readtags.h developd at