lunar (1) triangle.1.gz

Provided by: triangle-bin_1.6-4_amd64 bug


       triangle - triangle [-prq__a__uAcDjevngBPNEIOXzo_YS__iFlsCQVh] input_file


       Triangle A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator.  Version 1.6

       Copyright  1993,  1995, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2005 Jonathan Richard Shewchuk 2360 Woolsey #H /
       Berkeley, California 94705-1927 Bugs/comments to Created  as  part  of
       the  Quake  project  (tools  for  earthquake  simulation).  Supported in part by NSF Grant
       CMS-9318163 and an NSERC 1967 Scholarship.  There is no warranty whatsoever.  Use at  your
       own risk.  This executable is compiled for double precision arithmetic.

       Triangle  generates  exact  Delaunay  triangulations, constrained Delaunay triangulations,
       conforming Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, and high-quality triangular  meshes.
       The  latter  can  be  generated  with  no small or large angles, and are thus suitable for
       finite element analysis.  If no command line switch is specified, your .node input file is
       read,  and  the  Delaunay  triangulation  is returned in .node and .ele output files.  The
       command syntax is:

       triangle [-prq__a__uAcDjevngBPNEIOXzo_YS__iFlsCQVh] input_file

       Underscores indicate that numbers may optionally follow certain switches.   Do  not  leave
       any  space  between  a  switch  and its numeric parameter.  input_file must be a file with
       extension .node, or extension .poly if the -p switch is used.  If -r  is  used,  you  must
       supply  .node  and  .ele  files, and possibly a .poly file and an .area file as well.  The
       formats of these files are described below.

       Command Line Switches:

       -p     Reads a Planar Straight Line  Graph  (.poly  file),  which  can  specify  vertices,
              segments,  holes,  regional attributes, and regional area constraints.  Generates a
              constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT) fitting the input; or, if -s, -q,  -a,  or
              -u  is used, a conforming constrained Delaunay triangulation (CCDT).  If you want a
              truly Delaunay (not just constrained Delaunay) triangulation, use -D as well.  When
              -p is not used, Triangle reads a .node file by default.

       -r     Refines  a  previously  generated  mesh.  The mesh is read from a .node file and an
              .ele file.  If -p is also used, a .poly file is read and used to constrain segments
              in  the mesh.  If -a is also used (with no number following), an .area file is read
              and used to impose area constraints on the mesh.   Further  details  on  refinement
              appear below.

       -q     Quality  mesh  generation  by  Delaunay refinement (a hybrid of Paul Chew's and Jim
              Ruppert's algorithms).  Adds vertices to the mesh to ensure  that  all  angles  are
              between  20  and 140 degrees.  An alternative bound on the minimum angle, replacing
              20 degrees, may be specified after the `q'.  The  specified  angle  may  include  a
              decimal point, but not exponential notation.  Note that a bound of theta degrees on
              the smallest angle also implies a bound of (180 - 2 theta) on  the  largest  angle.
              If  the  minimum  angle  is  28.6  degrees  or  smaller, Triangle is mathematically
              guaranteed to terminate (assuming infinite precision arithmetic--Triangle may  fail
              to  terminate  if  you run out of precision).  In practice, Triangle often succeeds
              for minimum angles up to 34 degrees.  For some meshes, however, you might  need  to
              reduce   the   minimum   angle  to  avoid  problems  associated  with  insufficient
              floating-point precision.

       -a     Imposes a maximum triangle area.  If a number  follows  the  `a',  no  triangle  is
              generated  whose  area  is  larger than that number.  If no number is specified, an
              .area file (if -r is used) or .poly file (if -r is not used)  specifies  a  set  of
              maximum  area  constraints.   An .area file contains a separate area constraint for
              each triangle, and is useful  for  refining  a  finite  element  mesh  based  on  a
              posteriori error estimates.  A .poly file can optionally contain an area constraint
              for each segment-bounded region, thereby controlling triangle densities in a  first
              triangulation of a PSLG.  You can impose both a fixed area constraint and a varying
              area constraint by invoking the -a switch twice,  once  with  and  once  without  a
              number following.  Each area specified may include a decimal point.

       -u     Imposes a user-defined constraint on triangle size.  There are two ways to use this
              feature.  One is to edit the triunsuitable() procedure in triangle.c to encode  any
              constraint  you  like, then recompile Triangle.  The other is to compile triangle.c
              with the EXTERNAL_TEST symbol set  (compiler  switch  -DEXTERNAL_TEST),  then  link
              Triangle  with  a  separate object file that implements triunsuitable().  In either
              case, the -u switch causes the userdefined test to be applied to every triangle.

       -A     Assigns an additional floating-point attribute to  each  triangle  that  identifies
              what  segment-bounded  region each triangle belongs to.  Attributes are assigned to
              regions by the .poly file.  If a region is not explicitly marked by the .poly file,
              triangles  in  that region are assigned an attribute of zero.  The -A switch has an
              effect only when the -p switch is used and the -r switch is not.

       -c     Creates segments on the convex hull of the triangulation.  If you are triangulating
              a  vertex  set, this switch causes a .poly file to be written, containing all edges
              of the convex hull.  If you are triangulating a PSLG, this  switch  specifies  that
              the  whole  convex  hull  of  the  PSLG  should be triangulated, regardless of what
              segments the PSLG has.  If you do not use this switch when  triangulating  a  PSLG,
              Triangle  assumes  that  you  have  identified  the  region  to  be triangulated by
              surrounding it with segments of the input PSLG.  Beware:  if you are  not  careful,
              this  switch  can  cause the introduction of an extremely thin angle between a PSLG
              segment and a convex hull segment, which can  cause  overrefinement  (and  possibly
              failure  if  Triangle  runs  out of precision).  If you are refining a mesh, the -c
              switch works differently:  it causes a .poly file  to  be  written  containing  the
              boundary edges of the mesh (useful if no .poly file was read).

       -D     Conforming  Delaunay triangulation:  use this switch if you want to ensure that all
              the triangles in the mesh are Delaunay, and not merely constrained Delaunay; or  if
              you  want  to  ensure  that  all the Voronoi vertices lie within the triangulation.
              (Some finite volume methods have this requirement.)  This switch invokes  Ruppert's
              original  algorithm,  which  splits  every  subsegment  whose  diametral  circle is
              encroached.  It usually increases the number of vertices and triangles.

       -j     Jettisons vertices that are not part of the final  triangulation  from  the  output
              .node  file.   By  default, Triangle copies all vertices in the input .node file to
              the output .node file, in the same order, so their indices do not change.   The  -j
              switch  prevents  duplicated  input  vertices,  or  vertices `eaten' by holes, from
              appearing in the output .node file.  Thus, if two input vertices have  exactly  the
              same  coordinates,  only  the  first  appears  in  the output.  If any vertices are
              jettisoned, the vertex numbering in the output .node file differs from that of  the
              input .node file.

       -e     Outputs (to an .edge file) a list of edges of the triangulation.

       -v     Outputs the Voronoi diagram associated with the triangulation.  Does not attempt to
              detect  degeneracies,  so  some  Voronoi  vertices  may  be  duplicated.   See  the
              discussion of Voronoi diagrams below.

       -n     Outputs (to a .neigh file) a list of triangles neighboring each triangle.

       -g     Outputs  the  mesh  to an Object File Format (.off) file, suitable for viewing with
              the Geometry Center's Geomview package.

       -B     No boundary markers in the output .node, .poly, and .edge output  files.   See  the
              detailed discussion of boundary markers below.

       -P     No  output  .poly  file.   Saves  disk  space, but you lose the ability to maintain
              constraining segments on later refinements of the mesh.

       -N     No output .node file.

       -E     No output .ele file.

       -I     No iteration numbers.  Suppresses the output of .node  and  .poly  files,  so  your
              input  files  won't  be  overwritten.  (If your input is a .poly file only, a .node
              file is written.)  Cannot be used with the -r switch, because that would  overwrite
              your  input  .ele file.  Shouldn't be used with the -q, -a, -u, or -s switch if you
              are using a .node file for input, because no .node file is written, so there is  no
              record of any added Steiner points.

       -O     No holes.  Ignores the holes in the .poly file.

       -X     No  exact  arithmetic.  Normally, Triangle uses exact floating-point arithmetic for
              certain tests if it thinks the  inexact  tests  are  not  accurate  enough.   Exact
              arithmetic   ensures  the  robustness  of  the  triangulation  algorithms,  despite
              floating-point roundoff error.  Disabling  exact  arithmetic  with  the  -X  switch
              causes  a small improvement in speed and creates the possibility that Triangle will
              fail to produce a valid mesh.  Not recommended.

       -z     Numbers all items starting from zero (rather than one).  Note that this  switch  is
              normally overridden by the value used to number the first vertex of the input .node
              or .poly file.  However, this switch is useful when calling Triangle  from  another

       -o2 Generates second-order subparametric elements with six nodes each.

       -Y     No new vertices on the boundary.  This switch is useful when the mesh boundary must
              be preserved so that it conforms to some adjacent mesh.   Be  forewarned  that  you
              will probably sacrifice much of the quality of the mesh; Triangle will try, but the
              resulting mesh may contain poorly shaped triangles.  Works well if all the boundary
              vertices  are  closely  spaced.   Specify  this switch twice (`-YY') to prevent all
              segment splitting, including internal boundaries.

       -S     Specifies the maximum number of Steiner points (vertices that are not in the input,
              but  are  added  to  meet  the constraints on minimum angle and maximum area).  The
              default is to allow an unlimited number.  If you specify this switch with no number
              after  it,  the  limit  is  set  to zero.  Triangle always adds vertices at segment
              intersections, even if it needs to use more vertices than the limit you set.   When
              Triangle  inserts  segments  by  splitting  (-s), it always adds enough vertices to
              ensure that all the segments of the PLSG  are  recovered,  ignoring  the  limit  if

       -i     Uses  an  incremental  rather  than  a  divide-and-conquer algorithm to construct a
              Delaunay triangulation.  Try it if the divide-andconquer algorithm fails.

       -F     Uses Steven Fortune's sweepline algorithm to construct  a  Delaunay  triangulation.
              Warning:   does  not use exact arithmetic for all calculations.  An exact result is
              not guaranteed.

       -l     Uses only vertical cuts in the divide-and-conquer algorithm.  By default,  Triangle
              alternates  between  vertical  and horizontal cuts, which usually improve the speed
              except with vertex sets that are small or short and wide.  This switch is primarily
              of theoretical interest.

       -s     Specifies  that  segments  should  be  forced into the triangulation by recursively
              splitting them at their midpoints, rather than by generating a constrained Delaunay
              triangulation.   Segment splitting is true to Ruppert's original algorithm, but can
              create needlessly  small  triangles.   This  switch  is  primarily  of  theoretical

       -C     Check  the consistency of the final mesh.  Uses exact arithmetic for checking, even
              if the -X switch is used.  Useful if you suspect Triangle is buggy.

       -Q     Quiet:  Suppresses all explanation of what  Triangle  is  doing,  unless  an  error

       -V     Verbose:   Gives  detailed information about what Triangle is doing.  Add more `V's
              for increasing amount of detail.  `-V'  is  most  useful;  itgives  information  on
              algorithmic   progress   and   much   more   detailed   statistics.    `-VV'  gives
              vertex-by-vertex details, and prints so much that Triangle runs much  more  slowly.
              `-VVVV' gives information only a debugger could love.

       -h     Help:  Displays these instructions.


              A  Delaunay triangulation of a vertex set is a triangulation whose vertices are the
              vertex  set,  that  covers  the  convex  hull  of  the  vertex  set.   A   Delaunay
              triangulation has the property that no vertex lies inside the circumscribing circle
              (circle  that  passes  through  all  three  vertices)  of  any  triangle   in   the

              A  Voronoi  diagram  of  a  vertex set is a subdivision of the plane into polygonal
              cells (some of which may be unbounded, meaning infinitely large), where  each  cell
              is  the set of points in the plane that are closer to some input vertex than to any
              other input vertex.  The Voronoi diagram  is  a  geometric  dual  of  the  Delaunay

              A  Planar  Straight  Line Graph (PSLG) is a set of vertices and segments.  Segments
              are simply edges, whose endpoints are all  vertices  in  the  PSLG.   Segments  may
              intersect  each  other  only  at their endpoints.  The file format for PSLGs (.poly
              files) is described below.

              A constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT) of a  PSLG  is  similar  to  a  Delaunay
              triangulation,  but  each  PSLG segment is present as a single edge of the CDT.  (A
              constrained Delaunay triangulation is not truly a Delaunay  triangulation,  because
              some  of  its triangles might not be Delaunay.)  By definition, a CDT does not have
              any vertices other than those specified in the input PSLG.  Depending on context, a
              CDT  might  cover  the  convex  hull  of  the  PSLG,  or  it  might  cover  only  a
              segmentbounded region (e.g. a polygon).

              A conforming Delaunay triangulation of a PSLG is  a  triangulation  in  which  each
              triangle  is  truly  Delaunay,  and  each  PSLG  segment is represented by a linear
              contiguous sequence of edges of the triangulation.  New vertices (not part  of  the
              PSLG)  may  appear,  and  each  input segment may have been subdivided into shorter
              edges (subsegments) by these additional vertices.  The new vertices are  frequently
              necessary  to  maintain  the Delaunay property while ensuring that every segment is

              A conforming constrained Delaunay triangulation (CCDT) of a PSLG is a triangulation
              of  a  PSLG whose triangles are constrained Delaunay.  New vertices may appear, and
              input segments may be subdivided  into  subsegments,  but  not  to  guarantee  that
              segments  are  respected;  rather,  to  improve  the quality of the triangles.  The
              high-quality meshes produced by the -q switch are usually CCDTs, but  can  be  made
              conforming Delaunay with the -D switch.

       File Formats:

       All files may contain comments prefixed by the character '#'.

              triangles,   edges,   holes,   and   maximum  area  constraints  must  be  numbered
              consecutively, starting from either 1 or 0.  Whichever you choose, all input  files
              must  be  consistent;  if  the  vertices  are numbered from 1, so must be all other
              objects.  Triangle automatically detects your choice while reading  the  .node  (or
              .poly) file.  (When calling Triangle from another program, use the -z switch if you
              wish to number objects from zero.)  Examples of these file formats are given below.

              .node files:

       First line:
              <# of vertices> <dimension (must be 2)> <# of attributes>

              <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)>

       Remaining lines:
              <vertex #> <x> <y> [attributes] [boundary marker]

              The attributes, which are typically floating-point values  of  physical  quantities
              (such  as mass or conductivity) associated with the nodes of a finite element mesh,
              are copied unchanged to the output mesh.  If -q, -a, -u, -D,  or  -s  is  selected,
              each  new  Steiner  point added to the mesh has attributes assigned to it by linear

              If the fourth entry of the first line is `1', the last column of the  remainder  of
              the  file  is  assumed  to  contain boundary markers.  Boundary markers are used to
              identify boundary vertices and  vertices  resting  on  PSLG  segments;  a  complete
              description  appears  in  a  section  below.   The  .node file produced by Triangle
              contains boundary markers in the last column unless they are suppressed by  the  -B

              .ele files:

       First line:
              <# of triangles> <nodes per triangle> <# of attributes>

       Remaining lines:
              <triangle #> <node> <node> <node> ... [attributes]

       Nodes are indices into the corresponding .node file.
              The first three

              nodes are the corner vertices, and are listed in counterclockwise order around each
              triangle.  (The remaining nodes, if any, depend  on  the  type  of  finite  element

       The attributes are just like those of .node files.
              Because there is no

              simple  mapping  from  input  to output triangles, Triangle attempts to interpolate
              attributes, and may cause a lot of diffusion of attributes among  nearby  triangles
              as  the  triangulation  is  refined.  Attributes do not diffuse across segments, so
              attributes used to identify segment-bounded regions remain intact.

              In .ele files produced  by  Triangle,  each  triangular  element  has  three  nodes
              (vertices)  unless  the  -o2  switch is used, in which case subparametric quadratic
              elements with six nodes each are generated.  The first three nodes are the  corners
              in  counterclockwise  order,  and  the  fourth,  fifth,  and sixth nodes lie on the
              midpoints  of  the  edges  opposite  the  first,  second,   and   third   vertices,

              .poly files:

       First line:
              <# of vertices> <dimension (must be 2)> <# of attributes>

              <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)>

       Following lines:
              <vertex #> <x> <y> [attributes] [boundary marker]

       One line:
              <# of segments> <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)>

       Following lines:
              <segment #> <endpoint> <endpoint> [boundary marker]

       One line:
              <# of holes>

       Following lines:
              <hole #> <x> <y>

       Optional line:
              <# of regional attributes and/or area constraints>

       Optional following lines:
              <region #> <x> <y> <attribute> <max area>

              A  .poly file represents a PSLG, as well as some additional information.  The first
              section lists all the vertices, and is identical to the format of .node files.   <#
              of  vertices>  may  be  set  to  zero to indicate that the vertices are listed in a
              separate .node file; .poly files produced by Triangle always have this  format.   A
              vertex  set  represented  this  way  has  the  advantage  that  it  may  easily  be
              triangulated with or without segments  (depending  on  whether  the  -p  switch  is

       The second section lists the segments.
              Segments are edges whose

       presence in the triangulation is enforced.
              (Depending on the choice of

       switches, segment might be subdivided into smaller edges).

       segment is specified by listing the indices of its two endpoints.

       means that you must include its endpoints in the vertex list.

              segment, like each point, may have a boundary marker.

              If  -q,  -a,  -u, and -s are not selected, Triangle produces a constrained Delaunay
              triangulation (CDT), in which  each  segment  appears  as  a  single  edge  in  the
              triangulation.   If  -q,  -a, -u, or -s is selected, Triangle produces a conforming
              constrained Delaunay triangulation (CCDT), in which segments may be subdivided into
              smaller  edges.   If  -D  is  selected,  Triangle  produces  a  conforming Delaunay
              triangulation, so that  every  triangle  is  Delaunay,  and  not  just  constrained

              The  third  section  lists  holes  (and  concavities,  if  -c  is  selected) in the
              triangulation.  Holes are specified by identifying a point inside each hole.  After
              the  triangulation is formed, Triangle creates holes by eating triangles, spreading
              out from each hole point until its progress is blocked by  segments  in  the  PSLG.
              You  must  be careful to enclose each hole in segments, or your whole triangulation
              might be eaten away.  If the two  triangles  abutting  a  segment  are  eaten,  the
              segment  itself  is  also eaten.  Do not place a hole directly on a segment; if you
              do, Triangle chooses one side of the segment arbitrarily.

              The optional fourth section lists  regional  attributes  (to  be  assigned  to  all
              triangles  in  a  region)  and  regional  constraints on the maximum triangle area.
              Triangle reads this section only if the -A switch is used or the -a switch is  used
              without  a number following it, and the -r switch is not used.  Regional attributes
              and area constraints are propagated in the same manner as  holes:   you  specify  a
              point  for  each  attribute  and/or constraint, and the attribute and/or constraint
              affects the whole region (bounded by segments) containing the point.  If two values
              are written on a line after the x and y coordinate, the first such value is assumed
              to be a regional attribute (but is only applied if the -A switch is selected),  and
              the  second  value is assumed to be a regional area constraint (but is only applied
              if the -a  switch  is  selected).   You  may  specify  just  one  value  after  the
              coordinates, which can serve as both an attribute and an area constraint, depending
              on the choice of switches.  If you are using the -A and -a switches  simultaneously
              and wish to assign an attribute to some region without imposing an area constraint,
              use a negative maximum area.

              When a triangulation is created from a .poly file,  you  must  either  enclose  the
              entire  region  to  be  triangulated  in PSLG segments, or use the -c switch, which
              automatically creates extra segments that enclose the convex hull of the PSLG.   If
              you  do not use the -c switch, Triangle eats all triangles that are not enclosed by
              segments; if you are not careful, your whole triangulation may be eaten  away.   If
              you  do  use  the  -c  switch, you can still produce concavities by the appropriate
              placement of holes just inside the boundary of the convex hull.

              An ideal PSLG has no intersecting segments, nor any vertices that lie upon segments
              (except,  of  course,  the endpoints of each segment).  You aren't required to make
              your .poly files ideal, but you should be aware of  what  can  go  wrong.   Segment
              intersections are relatively safe-- Triangle calculates the intersection points for
              you and adds them to the triangulation--as long as  your  machine's  floating-point
              precision  doesn't  become a problem.  You are tempting the fates if you have three
              segments that cross at the same location, and expect Triangle to figure  out  where
              the  intersection point is.  Thanks to floating-point roundoff error, Triangle will
              probably decide that the three segments intersect at three  different  points,  and
              you  will find a minuscule triangle in your output--unless Triangle tries to refine
              the tiny triangle, uses up  the  last  bit  of  machine  precision,  and  fails  to
              terminate  at  all.   You're better off putting the intersection point in the input
              files, and manually breaking up each segment into two.  Similarly, if you  place  a
              vertex at the middle of a segment, and hope that Triangle will break up the segment
              at that vertex, you might get lucky.  On the other hand, Triangle might decide that
              the  vertex  doesn't  lie  precisely on the segment, and you'll have a needle-sharp
              triangle in your output--or a lot of tiny triangles if you're generating a  quality

              When  Triangle  reads a .poly file, it also writes a .poly file, which includes all
              the subsegments--the edges that are parts of input segments.  If the -c  switch  is
              used,  the  output  .poly  file  also includes all of the edges on the convex hull.
              Hence, the output .poly file is useful for  finding  edges  associated  with  input
              segments  and  for  setting  boundary  conditions  in  finite  element simulations.
              Moreover, you will need the output .poly file if you  plan  to  refine  the  output
              mesh, and don't want segments to be missing in later triangulations.

              .area files:

       First line:
              <# of triangles>

       Following lines:
              <triangle #> <maximum area>

              An  .area  file  associates with each triangle a maximum area that is used for mesh
              refinement.  As with other file formats, every triangle must  be  represented,  and
              the triangles must be numbered consecutively.  A triangle may be left unconstrained
              by assigning it a negative maximum area.

              .edge files:

       First line:
              <# of edges> <# of boundary markers (0 or 1)>

       Following lines:
              <edge #> <endpoint> <endpoint> [boundary marker]

       Endpoints are indices into the corresponding .node file.
              Triangle can

       produce .edge files (use the -e switch), but cannot read them.

              optional column of boundary markers is suppressed by the -B switch.

              In Voronoi diagrams, one also finds a special kind of edge that is an infinite  ray
              with only one endpoint.  For these edges, a different format is used:

              <edge #> <endpoint> -1 <direction x> <direction y>

              The  `direction'  is  a  floating-point  vector that indicates the direction of the
              infinite ray.

              .neigh files:

       First line:
              <# of triangles> <# of neighbors per triangle (always 3)>

       Following lines:
              <triangle #> <neighbor> <neighbor> <neighbor>

       Neighbors are indices into the corresponding .ele file.
              An index of -1

              indicates no neighbor (because the triangle is on an exterior boundary).  The first
              neighbor of triangle i is opposite the first corner of triangle i, and so on.

              Triangle can produce .neigh files (use the -n switch), but cannot read them.

       Boundary Markers:

              Boundary  markers  are tags used mainly to identify which output vertices and edges
              are associated with which PSLG segment, and to identify which  vertices  and  edges
              occur  on  a  boundary  of  the  triangulation.  A common use is to determine where
              boundary conditions should be applied to a finite element mesh.   You  can  prevent
              boundary markers from being written into files produced by Triangle by using the -B

              The boundary marker associated with each segment in an output .poly file  and  each
              edge in an output .edge file is chosen as follows:

              - If an output edge is part or all of a PSLG segment with a nonzero

              boundary marker, then the edge is assigned the same marker.

              - Otherwise, if the edge lies on a boundary of the triangulation

              (even the boundary of a hole), then the edge is assigned the marker one (1).

              - Otherwise, the edge is assigned the marker zero (0).

              The  boundary  marker associated with each vertex in an output .node file is chosen
              as follows:

              - If a vertex is assigned a nonzero boundary marker in the input file,

              then it is assigned the same marker in the output .node file.

              - Otherwise, if the vertex lies on a PSLG segment (even if it is an

              endpoint of the segment) with  a  nonzero  boundary  marker,  then  the  vertex  is
              assigned  the same marker.  If the vertex lies on several such segments, one of the
              markers is chosen arbitrarily.

              - Otherwise, if the vertex occurs on a boundary of the triangulation,

              then the vertex is assigned the marker one (1).

              - Otherwise, the vertex is assigned the marker zero (0).

              If you want Triangle to determine for you which  vertices  and  edges  are  on  the
              boundary,  assign  them the boundary marker zero (or use no markers at all) in your
              input files.  In the output files, all boundary vertices, edges, and segments  will
              be assigned the value one.

       Triangulation Iteration Numbers:

              Because Triangle can read and refine its own triangulations, input and output files
              have iteration numbers.  For instance, Triangle might read the  files  mesh.3.node,
              mesh.3.ele,  and  mesh.3.poly,  refine  the  triangulation,  and  output  the files
              mesh.4.node, mesh.4.ele, and mesh.4.poly.   Files  with  no  iteration  number  are
              treated  as  if their iteration number is zero; hence, Triangle might read the file
              points.node, triangulate it, and produce the files points.1.node and points.1.ele.

              Iteration numbers allow you to create  a  sequence  of  successively  finer  meshes
              suitable  for  multigrid  methods.   They  also  allow you to produce a sequence of
              meshes using error estimate-driven mesh refinement.

              If you're not using refinement or quality meshing, and  you  don't  like  iteration
              numbers,  use  the  -I switch to disable them.  This switch also disables output of
              .node and .poly files to prevent your input files from being overwritten.  (If  the
              input  is a .poly file that contains its own points, a .node file is written.  This
              can be quite convenient for computing CDTs or quality meshes.)

       Examples of How to Use Triangle:

              `triangle  dots'  reads  vertices  from  dots.node,  and  writes   their   Delaunay
              triangulation   to  dots.1.node  and  dots.1.ele.   (dots.1.node  is  identical  to
              dots.node.)  `triangle -I dots' writes the triangulation to dots.ele instead.   (No
              additional .node file is needed, so none is written.)

              `triangle   -pe   object.1'   reads   a   PSLG  from  object.1.poly  (and  possibly
              object.1.node, if the vertices are  omitted  from  object.1.poly)  and  writes  its
              constrained Delaunay triangulation to object.2.node and object.2.ele.  The segments
              are copied to object.2.poly, and all edges are written to object.2.edge.

              `triangle  -pq31.5a.1  object'  reads  a  PSLG  from  object.poly   (and   possibly
              object.node),  generates  a  mesh whose angles are all between 31.5 and 117 degrees
              and whose triangles all have  areas  of  0.1  or  less,  and  writes  the  mesh  to
              object.1.node  and  object.1.ele.   Each  segment  may  be  broken up into multiple
              subsegments; these are written to object.1.poly.

              Here is a sample file `box.poly' describing a square with a square hole:

              # A box with eight vertices in 2D, no attributes, one boundary marker.  8 2 0 1

              # Outer box has these vertices: 1   0 0   0 2   0 3   0 3   3 0   0 4    3  3    33
              # A special marker for this vertex.  # Inner square has these vertices: 5   1 1   0
              6   1 2   0 7   2 1   0 8   2 2   0

              # Five segments with boundary markers.  5 1

       1      1 2   5      # Left side of outer box.

              # Square hole has these segments: 2   5 7   0 3   7 8   0 4   8 6   10 5   6 5   0

              # One hole in the middle of the inner square.  1

       1      1.5 1.5

              Note that some segments are missing from the outer square, so you must use the `-c'
              switch.  After `triangle -pqc box.poly', here is the output file `box.1.node', with
              twelve vertices.  The last four vertices were added to meet the  angle  constraint.
              Vertices  1,  2,  and 9 have markers from segment 1.  Vertices 6 and 8 have markers
              from segment 4.  All the other vertices but 4 have been  marked  to  indicate  that
              they lie on a boundary.

       12     2  0  1

       1      0   0      5

       2      0   3      5

       3      3   0      1

       4      3   3     33

       5      1   1      1

       6      1   2     10

       7      2   1      1

       8      2   2     10

       9      0   1.5    5

       10     1.5   0    1

       11     3   1.5    1

       12     1.5   3    1

              # Generated by triangle -pqc box.poly

              Here is the output file `box.1.ele', with twelve triangles.

       12     3  0

       1      5   6   9

       2      10   3   7

       3      6   8  12

       4      9   1   5

       5      6   2   9

       6      7   3  11

       7      11   4   8

       8      7   5  10

       9      12   2   6

       10     8   7  11

       11     5   1  10

       12     8   4  12

              # Generated by triangle -pqc box.poly

       Here is the output file `box.1.poly'.
              Note that segments have been added

              to represent the convex hull, and some segments have been subdivided by newly added
              vertices.  Note also that <# of vertices> is set  to  zero  to  indicate  that  the
              vertices should be read from the .node file.

       0      2  0  1

       12     1

       1      1   9     5

       2      5   7     1

       3      8   7     1

       4      6   8    10

       5      5   6     1

       6      3  10     1

       7      4  11     1

       8      2  12     1

       9      9   2     5

       10     10   1     1

       11     11   3     1

       12     12   4     1


       1      1.5 1.5

              # Generated by triangle -pqc box.poly

       Refinement and Area Constraints:

              The  -r switch causes a mesh (.node and .ele files) to be read and refined.  If the
              -p switch is also used, a .poly file is read and used to  specify  edges  that  are
              constrained  and cannot be eliminated (although they can be subdivided into smaller
              edges) by the refinement process.

              When you refine a mesh, you generally want to impose tighter constraints.  One  way
              to  accomplish  this  is to use -q with a larger angle, or -a followed by a smaller
              area than you used to generate the mesh you are refining.  Another way to  do  this
              is  to  create an .area file, which specifies a maximum area for each triangle, and
              use the -a switch (without a number following).  Each triangle's area constraint is
              applied to that triangle.  Area constraints tend to diffuse as the mesh is refined,
              so if there are large variations in area constraint between adjacent triangles, you
              may  not  get  the  results  you want.  In that case, consider instead using the -u
              switch and writing a C procedure that determines which triangles are too large.

              If you are refining a mesh composed of linear  (three-node)  elements,  the  output
              mesh  contains all the nodes present in the input mesh, in the same order, with new
              nodes added at the  end  of  the  .node  file.   However,  the  refinement  is  not
              hierarchical:  there  is  no  guarantee  that each output element is contained in a
              single input element.  Often, an output element can  overlap  two  or  three  input
              elements,  and  some  input  edges  are  not  present in the output mesh.  Hence, a
              sequence of refined meshes forms a hierarchy of  nodes,  but  not  a  hierarchy  of
              elements.  If you refine a mesh of higher-order elements, the hierarchical property
              applies only to the nodes at the corners of an element; the midpoint nodes on  each
              edge are discarded before the mesh is refined.

              Maximum  area  constraints  in  .poly files operate differently from those in .area
              files.  A maximum area in a .poly  file  applies  to  the  whole  (segment-bounded)
              region  in  which a point falls, whereas a maximum area in an .area file applies to
              only one triangle.  Area constraints in .poly files are used only when  a  mesh  is
              first generated, whereas area constraints in .area files are used only to refine an
              existing mesh, and are typically based on a posteriori  error  estimates  resulting
              from a finite element simulation on that mesh.

              `triangle  -rq25  object.1'  reads object.1.node and object.1.ele, then refines the
              triangulation to enforce a 25 degree minimum angle, and  then  writes  the  refined
              triangulation to object.2.node and object.2.ele.

              `triangle  -rpaa6.2  z.3'  reads  z.3.node, z.3.ele, z.3.poly, and z.3.area.  After
              reconstructing the mesh and its subsegments, Triangle refines the mesh so  that  no
              triangle  has  area  greater  than  6.2,  and furthermore the triangles satisfy the
              maximum area constraints in z.3.area.  No angle  bound  is  imposed  at  all.   The
              output is written to z.4.node, z.4.ele, and z.4.poly.

              The  sequence  `triangle  -qa1  x',  `triangle  -rqa.3  x.1', `triangle -rqa.1 x.2'
              creates a sequence of successively finer meshes x.1, x.2,  and  x.3,  suitable  for

       Convex Hulls and Mesh Boundaries:

              If  the  input is a vertex set (not a PSLG), Triangle produces its convex hull as a
              by-product in the output .poly file if you use the -c  switch.   There  are  faster
              algorithms for finding a two-dimensional convex hull than triangulation, of course,
              but this one comes for free.

              If the input is an unconstrained mesh (you are using the -r switch but not  the  -p
              switch), Triangle produces a list of its boundary edges (including hole boundaries)
              as a by-product when you use the -c switch.  If you also use  the  -p  switch,  the
              output .poly file contains all the segments from the input .poly file as well.

       Voronoi Diagrams:

              The  -v  switch  produces a Voronoi diagram, in files suffixed .v.node and .v.edge.
              For  example,  `triangle  -v  points'  reads  points.node,  produces  its  Delaunay
              triangulation  in  points.1.node and points.1.ele, and produces its Voronoi diagram
              in points.1.v.node and points.1.v.edge.  The .v.node file contains a  list  of  all
              Voronoi  vertices,  and the .v.edge file contains a list of all Voronoi edges, some
              of which may be infinite rays.  (The choice of filenames makes it easy to  run  the
              set of Voronoi vertices through Triangle, if so desired.)

              This  implementation does not use exact arithmetic to compute the Voronoi vertices,
              and does not check whether neighboring vertices are identical.  Be forewarned  that
              if the Delaunay triangulation is degenerate or near-degenerate, the Voronoi diagram
              may have duplicate vertices or crossing edges.

              The result is a valid Voronoi diagram only if Triangle's output is a true  Delaunay
              triangulation.  The Voronoi output is usually meaningless (and may contain crossing
              edges and other pathology) if the output is a CDT or CCDT, or if it  has  holes  or
              concavities.  If the triangulated domain is convex and has no holes, you can use -D
              switch to force Triangle to construct a conforming Delaunay  triangulation  instead
              of a CCDT, so the Voronoi diagram will be valid.

       Mesh Topology:

              You  may wish to know which triangles are adjacent to a certain Delaunay edge in an
              .edge file, which Voronoi cells are adjacent to a certain Voronoi edge in a .v.edge
              file,  or  which Voronoi cells are adjacent to each other.  All of this information
              can be found by cross-referencing output  files  with  the  recollection  that  the
              Delaunay triangulation and the Voronoi diagram are planar duals.

              Specifically,  edge  i  of  an  .edge  file  is  the  dual of Voronoi edge i of the
              corresponding .v.edge file, and is rotated 90  degrees  counterclockwise  from  the
              Voronoi  edge.   Triangle  j  of  an  .ele  file  is  the  dual  of vertex j of the
              corresponding .v.node file.  Voronoi cell  k  is  the  dual  of  vertex  k  of  the
              corresponding .node file.

              Hence,  to  find the triangles adjacent to a Delaunay edge, look at the vertices of
              the corresponding Voronoi edge.  If the endpoints of a  Voronoi  edge  are  Voronoi
              vertices  2  and  6  respectively, then triangles 2 and 6 adjoin the left and right
              sides of the corresponding Delaunay edge, respectively.  To find the Voronoi  cells
              adjacent  to  a  Voronoi  edge, look at the endpoints of the corresponding Delaunay
              edge.  If the endpoints of a Delaunay edge  are  input  vertices  7  and  12,  then
              Voronoi cells 7 and 12 adjoin the right and left sides of the corresponding Voronoi
              edge, respectively.  To find which Voronoi cells are adjacent to each  other,  just
              read the list of Delaunay edges.

              Triangle  does  not  write a list of the edges adjoining each Voronoi cell, but you
              can reconstructed it straightforwardly.  For instance, to find  all  the  edges  of
              Voronoi cell 1, search the output .edge file for every edge that has input vertex 1
              as an endpoint.  The corresponding dual edges in the output .v.edge file  form  the
              boundary of Voronoi cell 1.

              For each Voronoi vertex, the .neigh file gives a list of the three Voronoi vertices
              attached to it.  You might find this more convenient than the .v.edge file.

       Quadratic Elements:

              Triangle generates meshes with subparametric quadratic elements if the  -o2  switch
              is  specified.   Quadratic  elements have six nodes per element, rather than three.
              `Subparametric' means that the edges of the triangles are always straight, so  that
              subparametric  quadratic  elements  are geometrically identical to linear elements,
              even though they can be used with quadratic  interpolating  functions.   The  three
              extra  nodes  of  an  element  fall  at  the midpoints of the three edges, with the
              fourth, fifth, and sixth nodes appearing opposite  the  first,  second,  and  third
              corners respectively.

       Domains with Small Angles:

              If  two  input  segments  adjoin each other at a small angle, clearly the -q switch
              cannot remove the small angle.  Moreover,  Triangle  may  have  no  choice  but  to
              generate  additional triangles whose smallest angles are smaller than the specified
              bound.  However, these triangles only appear between input  segments  separated  by
              small  angles.  Moreover, if you request a minimum angle of theta degrees, Triangle
              will generally produce no angle larger than 180 - 2 theta, even if it is forced  to
              compromise on the minimum angle.


              After  generating  a  mesh, Triangle prints a count of entities in the output mesh,
              including the number of vertices, triangles, edges, exterior boundary  edges  (i.e.
              subsegments  on  the  boundary  of  the  triangulation, including hole boundaries),
              interior boundary edges (i.e. subsegments of input segments not on  the  boundary),
              and  total  subsegments.   If you've forgotten the statistics for an existing mesh,
              run Triangle on that mesh with the -rNEP switches to read the mesh  and  print  the
              statistics  without  writing  any files.  Use -rpNEP if you've got a .poly file for
              the mesh.

              The -V switch produces extended statistics, including a rough  estimate  of  memory
              use,  the number of calls to geometric predicates, and histograms of the angles and
              the aspect ratios of the triangles in the mesh.

       Exact Arithmetic:

              Triangle uses adaptive exact arithmetic to  perform  what  computational  geometers
              call  the  `orientation'  and `incircle' tests.  If the floatingpoint arithmetic of
              your machine conforms to the IEEE 754 standard (as most workstations do), and  does
              not  use  extended precision internal floating-point registers, then your output is
              guaranteed to be an absolutely true Delaunay or constrained Delaunay triangulation,
              roundoff  error notwithstanding.  The word `adaptive' implies that these arithmetic
              routines  compute  the  result  only  to  the  precision  necessary  to   guarantee
              correctness, so they are usually nearly as fast as their approximate counterparts.

              May  CPUs,  including  Intel x86 processors, have extended precision floating-point
              registers.  These must be reconfigured so their  precision  is  reduced  to  memory
              precision.   Triangle  does this if it is compiled correctly.  See the makefile for

       The exact tests can be disabled with the -X switch.
              On most inputs, this

              switch reduces the computation time by about  eight  percent--it's  not  worth  the
              risk.   There  are  rare  difficult  inputs  (having  many collinear and cocircular
              vertices), however, for which the difference in speed could be a factor of two.  Be
              forewarned  that  these are precisely the inputs most likely to cause errors if you
              use the -X switch.  Hence, the -X switch is not recommended.

              Unfortunately,  the  exact  tests  don't  solve  every  numerical  problem.   Exact
              arithmetic  is  not  used to compute the positions of new vertices, because the bit
              complexity  of  vertex  coordinates  would  grow  without  bound.   Hence,  segment
              intersections  aren't  computed  exactly;  in very unusual cases, roundoff error in
              computing an intersection point might actually lead to an inverted triangle and  an
              invalid triangulation.  (This is one reason to specify your own intersection points
              in your .poly files.)  Similarly, exact arithmetic  is  not  used  to  compute  the
              vertices of the Voronoi diagram.

              Another  pair  of problems not solved by the exact arithmetic routines is underflow
              and overflow.  If Triangle is compiled for double precision arithmetic,  I  believe
              that  Triangle's geometric predicates work correctly if the exponent of every input
              coordinate falls in the range [-148, 201].   Underflow  can  silently  prevent  the
              orientation  and  incircle  tests  from  being  performed  exactly,  while overflow
              typically causes a floating exception.

       Calling Triangle from Another Program:

              Read the file triangle.h for details.


              Please read this section before mailing me bugs.

              `My output mesh has no triangles!'

              If you're using a PSLG, you've probably failed to specify a proper set of  bounding
              segments,  or forgotten to use the -c switch.  Or you may have placed a hole badly,
              thereby eating all your triangles.  To test these possibilities, try again with the
              -c  and  -O  switches.  Alternatively, all your input vertices may be collinear, in
              which case you can hardly expect to triangulate them.

              `Triangle doesn't terminate, or just crashes.'

              Bad things can happen when triangles get so small that the distance  between  their
              vertices  isn't  much  larger  than the precision of your machine's arithmetic.  If
              you've compiled Triangle for single-precision arithmetic, you might  do  better  by
              recompiling it for double-precision.  Then again, you might just have to settle for
              more lenient constraints on the minimum angle and the maximum  area  than  you  had

              You  can  minimize  precision problems by ensuring that the origin lies inside your
              vertex set, or even inside the densest part of your mesh.  If you're  triangulating
              an  object  whose  x-coordinates  all  fall between 6247133 and 6247134, you're not
              leaving much floating-point precision for Triangle to work with.

              Precision problems can occur covertly if the input PSLG contains two segments  that
              meet  (or intersect) at an extremely small angle, or if such an angle is introduced
              by the -c switch.  If you don't realize that a tiny  angle  is  being  formed,  you
              might  never discover why Triangle is crashing.  To check for this possibility, use
              the -S switch (with an appropriate limit on the number of Steiner points, found  by
              trial-and-error)  to  stop Triangle early, and view the output .poly file with Show
              Me (described below).  Look carefully for regions where dense clusters of  vertices
              are  forming  and  for  small  angles  between  segments.  Zoom in closely, as such
              segments might look like a single segment from a distance.

              If some of the input values are too large, Triangle may suffer a floating exception
              due  to overflow when attempting to perform an orientation or incircle test.  (Read
              the section on exact arithmetic above.)  Again, I recommend compiling Triangle  for
              double (rather than single) precision arithmetic.

              Unexpected  problems  can  arise if you use quality meshing (-q, -a, or -u) with an
              input that is not segment-bounded--that is, if your  input  is  a  vertex  set,  or
              you're  using  the  -c  switch.   If  the  convex  hull  of your input vertices has
              collinear vertices on its boundary, an input vertex that  you  think  lies  on  the
              convex  hull might actually lie just inside the convex hull.  If so, the vertex and
              the nearby convex hull edge form an extremely thin triangle.  When  Triangle  tries
              to  refine  the mesh to enforce angle and area constraints, Triangle might generate
              extremely tiny triangles, or it might fail because of  insufficient  floating-point

              `The numbering of the output vertices doesn't match the input vertices.'

              You may have had duplicate input vertices, or you may have eaten some of your input
              vertices with a hole, or by placing them outside the area enclosed by segments.  In
              any case, you can solve the problem by not using the -j switch.

              `Triangle  executes without incident, but when I look at the resulting mesh, it has
              overlapping triangles or other geometric inconsistencies.'

              If  you  select  the  -X  switch,  Triangle  occasionally  makes  mistakes  due  to
              floating-point  roundoff  error.   Although these errors are rare, don't use the -X
              switch.  If you still have problems, please report the bug.

              `Triangle executes without incident, but when  I  look  at  the  resulting  Voronoi
              diagram, it has overlapping edges or other geometric inconsistencies.'

              If  your  input is a PSLG (-p), you can only expect a meaningful Voronoi diagram if
              the domain you are triangulating is convex and free of holes, and you  use  the  -D
              switch to construct a conforming Delaunay triangulation (instead of a CDT or CCDT).

       Strange things can happen if you've taken liberties with your PSLG.

       you have a vertex lying in the middle of a segment?
              Triangle sometimes

       copes poorly with that sort of thing.
              Do you want to lay out a collinear

       row of evenly spaced, segment-connected vertices?
              Have you simply

              defined  one  long  segment connecting the leftmost vertex to the rightmost vertex,
              and a bunch of vertices lying along it?  This method occasionally works, especially
              with  horizontal  and  vertical  lines,  but  often  it doesn't, and you'll have to
              connect each adjacent pair of vertices with a separate segment.  If you don't  like
              it, tough.

              Furthermore, if you have segments that intersect other than at their endpoints, try
              not to let the intersections fall extremely close to PSLG vertices or each other.

              If you have problems refining a triangulation not produced  by  Triangle:  Are  you
              sure  the  triangulation  is  geometrically  valid?   Is it formatted correctly for
              Triangle?  Are the triangles all listed so  the  first  three  vertices  are  their
              corners  in counterclockwise order?  Are all of the triangles constrained Delaunay?
              Triangle's Delaunay refinement algorithm assumes that it starts with a CDT.

       Show Me:

              Triangle comes with a separate program named `Show Me', whose primary purpose is to
              draw meshes on your screen or in PostScript.  Its secondary purpose is to check the
              validity of your input files, and do so more thoroughly than Triangle does.  Unlike
              Triangle,  Show  Me  requires that you have the X Windows system.  Sorry, Microsoft
              Windows users.

       Triangle on the Web:

              To see an illustrated version of these instructions, check out


       A Brief Plea:

              If you use Triangle, and especially if you use it to accomplish real work, I  would
              like  very much to hear from you.  A short letter or email (to
              describing how you use Triangle will mean a lot to me.  The more people I know  are
              using  this  program,  the more easily I can justify spending time on improvements,
              which in turn will benefit you.  Also, I can put you on a  list  to  receive  email
              whenever a new version of Triangle is available.

              If  you  use  a  mesh  generated  by  Triangle  in a publication, please include an
              acknowledgment as well.  And please spell Triangle with a capital `T'!  If you want
              to include a citation, use `Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, ``Triangle: Engineering a 2D
              Quality Mesh  Generator  and  Delaunay  Triangulator,''  in  Applied  Computational
              Geometry:  Towards Geometric Engineering (Ming C. Lin and Dinesh Manocha, editors),
              volume 1148 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages  203-222,  Springer-Verlag,
              Berlin,   May  1996.   (From  the  First  ACM  Workshop  on  Applied  Computational

       Research credit:

              Of course, I can take credit for only a fraction of the ideas that made  this  mesh
              generator  possible.   Triangle  owes  its  existence  to  the efforts of many fine
              computational geometers and other researchers, including  Marshall  Bern,  L.  Paul
              Chew,  Kenneth  L.  Clarkson, Boris Delaunay, Rex A.  Dwyer, David Eppstein, Steven
              Fortune, Leonidas J. Guibas, Donald E.  Knuth, Charles  L.  Lawson,  Der-Tsai  Lee,
              Gary  L.  Miller,  Ernst  P.  Mucke, Steven E. Pav, Douglas M. Priest, Jim Ruppert,
              Isaac Saias, Bruce J.  Schachter, Micha Sharir, Peter W. Shor, Daniel  D.  Sleator,
              Jorge  Stolfi,  Robert  E.  Tarjan,  Alper  Ungor,  Christopher J. Van Wyk, Noel J.
              Walkington, and Binhai Zhu.  See the comments at the beginning of the  source  code
              for references.

       -p     Triangulates a Planar Straight Line Graph (.poly file).

       -r     Refines a previously generated mesh.

       -q     Quality mesh generation.  A minimum angle may be specified.

       -a     Applies a maximum triangle area constraint.

       -u     Applies a user-defined triangle constraint.

       -A     Applies attributes to identify triangles in certain regions.

       -c     Encloses the convex hull with segments.

       -D     Conforming Delaunay:  all triangles are truly Delaunay.

       -j     Jettison unused vertices from output .node file.

       -e     Generates an edge list.

       -v     Generates a Voronoi diagram.

       -n     Generates a list of triangle neighbors.

       -g     Generates an .off file for Geomview.

       -B     Suppresses output of boundary information.

       -P     Suppresses output of .poly file.

       -N     Suppresses output of .node file.

       -E     Suppresses output of .ele file.

       -I     Suppresses mesh iteration numbers.

       -O     Ignores holes in .poly file.

       -X     Suppresses use of exact arithmetic.

       -z     Numbers all items starting from zero (rather than one).

       -o2 Generates second-order subparametric elements.

       -Y     Suppresses boundary segment splitting.

       -S     Specifies maximum number of added Steiner points.

       -i     Uses incremental method, rather than divide-and-conquer.

       -F     Uses Fortune's sweepline algorithm, rather than d-and-c.

       -l     Uses vertical cuts only, rather than alternating cuts.

       -s     Force segments into mesh by splitting (instead of using CDT).

       -C     Check consistency of final mesh.

       -Q     Quiet:  No terminal output except errors.

       -V     Verbose:  Detailed information on what I'm doing.

       -h     Help:  Detailed instructions for Triangle.


       The  full  documentation  for triangle is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info and
       triangle programs are properly installed at your site, the command

              info triangle

       should give you access to the complete manual.