Provided by: libffi-platypus-perl_2.05-1_amd64 

FFI::Probe::Runner::Builder - Probe runner builder for FFI
version 2.05
use FFI::Probe::Runner::Builder; my $builder = FFI::Probe::Runner::Builder->new dir => "/foo/bar", ); my $exe = $builder->build;
This is a builder class for the FFI probe runner. It is mostly only of interest if you are hacking on FFI::Platypus itself. The interface may and will change over time without notice. Use in external dependencies at your own peril.
new my $builder = FFI::Probe::Runner::Builder->new(%args); Create a new instance. dir The root directory for where to place the probe runner files. Will be created if it doesn't already exist. The default makes sense for when FFI::Platypus is being built.
dir my $dir = $builder->dir(@subdirs); Returns a subdirectory from the builder root. Directory will be created if it doesn't already exist. cc my @cc = @{ $builder->cc }; The C compiler to use. Returned as an array reference so that it may be modified. ccflags my @ccflags = @{ $builder->ccflags }; The C compiler flags to use. Returned as an array reference so that it may be modified. optimize The C optimize flags to use. Returned as an array reference so that it may be modified. ld my @ld = @{ $builder->ld }; The linker to use. Returned as an array reference so that it may be modified. ldflags my @ldflags = @{ $builder->ldflags }; The linker flags to use. Returned as an array reference so that it may be modified. libs my @libs = @{ $builder->libs }; The library flags to use. Returned as an array reference so that it may be modified. file my $file = $builder->file(@subdirs, $filename); Returns a file in a subdirectory from the builder root. Directory will be created if it doesn't already exist. File will not be created. exe my $exe = $builder->exe; The name of the executable, once it is built. source my $source = $builder->source; The C source for the probe runner. extract $builder->extract; Extract the source for the probe runner. run $builder->run($type, @command); Runs the given command. Dies if the command fails. run_list $builder->run($type, \@command, \@command, ...); Runs the given commands in order until one succeeds. Dies if they all fail. build my $exe = $builder->build; Builds the probe runner. Returns the path to the executable.
Author: Graham Ollis <> Contributors: Bakkiaraj Murugesan (bakkiaraj) Dylan Cali (calid) pipcet Zaki Mughal (zmughal) Fitz Elliott (felliott) Vickenty Fesunov (vyf) Gregor Herrmann (gregoa) Shlomi Fish (shlomif) Damyan Ivanov Ilya Pavlov (Ilya33) Petr Písař (ppisar) Mohammad S Anwar (MANWAR) Håkon Hægland (hakonhagland, HAKONH) Meredith (merrilymeredith, MHOWARD) Diab Jerius (DJERIUS) Eric Brine (IKEGAMI) szTheory José Joaquín Atria (JJATRIA) Pete Houston (openstrike, HOUSTON)
This software is copyright (c) 2015-2022 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.