Provided by: spamassassin_4.0.0-4_all bug


       URIDetail - test URIs using detailed URI information


       This plugin creates a new rule test type, known as "uri_detail".  These rules apply to all
       URIs found in the message.

         loadplugin    Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDetail


       The format for defining a rule is as follows:

         uri_detail SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME key1 =~ /value1/i  key2 !~ /value2/ ...

       Supported keys are:

       "raw" is the raw URI prior to any cleaning (e.g. "http://spamassassin.apache%2Eorg/").

       "type" is the tag(s) which referenced the raw_uri.  parsed is a faked type which specifies
       that the raw_uri was parsed from the rendered text.

       "cleaned" is a list including the raw URI and various cleaned versions of the raw URI

       "text" is the anchor text(s) (text between <a> and </a>) that linked to the raw URI.

       "domain" is the domain(s) found in the cleaned URIs, as trimmed to registrar boundary by

       "host" is the full host(s) in the cleaned URIs. (Supported since SA 3.4.5)

       Example rule for matching a URI where the raw URI matches "%2Ebar", the domain ""
       is found, and the type is "a" (an anchor tag).

         uri_detail TEST1 raw =~ /%2Ebar/  domain =~ /^bar\.com$/  type =~ /^a$/

       Example rule to look for suspicious "https" links:

         uri_detail FAKE_HTTPS text =~ /\bhttps:/  cleaned !~ /\bhttps:/

       Regular expressions should be delimited by slashes.