Provided by: libperl-prereqscanner-perl_1.025-1_all bug


       Perl::PrereqScanner::Scanner::Perl5 - scan for core Perl 5 language indicators of required


       version 1.025


       This scanner will look for the following indicators:

       •   plain lines beginning with "use", "require", or "no" in your perl modules and scripts,
           including minimum perl version

       •   regular inheritance declared with the "base" and "parent" pragmata

       Since Perl does not allow you to supply a version requirement with a "require" statement,
       the scanner will check the statement after the "require Module" to see if it is
       "Module->VERSION( minimum_version );".

       In order to provide a minimum version, that method call must meet the following

       •   it must be the very next statement after "require Module".  Nothing can separate them
           but whitespace and comments (and one semicolon).

       •   "Module" must be a bareword, and match the "require" exactly.

       •   "minimum_version" must be a literal number, v-string, or single-quoted string.  Double
           quotes are not allowed.


       This library should run on perls released even a long time ago.  It should work on any
       version of perl released in the last five years.

       Although it may work on older versions of perl, no guarantee is made that the minimum
       required version will not be increased.  The version may be increased for any reason, and
       there is no promise that patches will be accepted to lower the minimum required perl.


       •   Jerome Quelin

       •   Ricardo Signes <>


       This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Jerome Quelin.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
       the Perl 5 programming language system itself.