Provided by: octopussy_1.0.6-0ubuntu2_all 

Octopussy::Storage - Octopussy Storage module
Add($conf_storage) Add a new Storage Remove($storage) Removes Storage '$storage' Default() Default_Set($conf_new) List() Get list of storages Returns: @storages - Array of storages names Configuration($storage) Get the configuration for the storage '$storage' Parameters: $storage - Name of the storage Returns: \%conf - Hashref of the storage configuration Configurations($sort) Get the configuration for all storages Parameters: $sort - selected field to sort configurations Returns: @configurations - Array of Hashref storage configurations Directory($storage) Returns directory for Storage '$storage' Directory_Service($device, $service) Returns directory for Device '$device' Service '$service' Logs Directory_Incoming($device) Returns directory for Device '$device' Incoming Logs Directory_Unknown($device) Returns directory for Device '$device' Unknown Logs Valid_Name($name) Checks that '$name' is valid for a Storage name
Sebastien Thebert <>