Provided by: libcoap3_4.3.1-1_amd64 bug


       coap_endpoint_client, coap_new_client_session, coap_new_client_session_psk2,
       coap_new_client_session_pki, coap_session_set_mtu, coap_session_max_pdu_size - Work with
       CoAP client endpoints


       #include <coap3/coap.h>

       coap_session_t *coap_new_client_session(coap_context_t *context, const coap_address_t
       *local_if, const coap_address_t *server, coap_proto_t proto);

       coap_session_t *coap_new_client_session_psk2(coap_context_t *context, const coap_address_t
       *local_if, const coap_address_t *server, coap_proto_t proto, coap_dtls_cpsk_t

       coap_session_t *coap_new_client_session_pki(coap_context_t *context, const coap_address_t
       *local_if, const coap_address_t *server, coap_proto_t proto, coap_dtls_pki_t *setup_data);

       void coap_session_set_mtu(coap_session_t *session, unsigned mtu);

       size_t coap_session_max_pdu_size(const coap_session_t *session);

       For specific (D)TLS library support, link with -lcoap-3-notls, -lcoap-3-gnutls,
       -lcoap-3-openssl, -lcoap-3-mbedtls or -lcoap-3-tinydtls. Otherwise, link with -lcoap-3 to
       get the default (D)TLS library support.


       This man page focuses on the setting up of a CoAP client endpoint and hence creation of a
       CoAP Session used to connect to a server. For a CoAP server endpoint, see
       coap_endpoint_server(3). There is no need to call coap_new_endpoint(3) for a client as
       well as one of the coap_new_client_server*() functions.

       The CoAP stack’s global state is stored in a coap_context_t Context object. Resources,
       Endpoints and Sessions are associated with this context object. There can be more than one
       coap_context_t object per application, it is up to the application to manage each one

       A CoAP Ssssion maintains the state of an ongoing connection between a Client and Server
       which is stored in a coap_session_t Session object. A CoAP session is tracked by local
       port, CoAP protocol, remote IP address and remote port.

       The Session network traffic can be encrypted or un-encrypted if there is an underlying TLS

       If TLS is going to be used for encrypting the network traffic, then the TLS information
       for Pre-Shared Keys (PSK) or Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) needs to be configured before
       any network traffic starts to flow. For Servers, this has to be done before the Endpoint
       is created, for Clients, this is done during the Client Endpoint/Session set up.

       For Clients, all the encryption information can be held at the TLS Context and CoAP
       Context levels, or at the TLS Session and CoAP Session levels. If defined at the Context
       level, then when Sessions are created, they will inherit the Context definitions, unless
       they have separately been defined for the Session level, in which case the Session version
       will get used. Typically the information will be configured at the Session level for

       In principle the set-up sequence for CoAP client endpoints looks like

           coap_context_set_pki_root_cas() if the root CAs need to be updated and PKI
           coap_new_client_session(), coap_new_client_session_pki() or coap_new_client_session_psk2()

       Multiple client endpoints and hence sessions are supported per Context.

       Different CoAP protocols can be defined for proto - the current supported list is:


       coap_tcp_is_supported(), coap_dtls_is_supported() and coap_tls_is_supported() can be used
       for checking whether the underlying TCP or (D)TLS protocol support is available. See
       coap_tls_library(3) for further information.

       The coap_new_client_session() function creates a client endpoint for a specific context
       and initiates a new client session to the specified server using the CoAP protocol proto.
       If the port is set to 0 in server, then the default CoAP port is used. Normally local_if
       would be set to NULL, but by specifying local_if the source of the network session can be
       bound to a specific IP address or port. The session will initially have a reference count
       of 1.

       The coap_new_client_session_pki() function, for a specific context, is used to configure
       the TLS context using the setup_data variables as defined in the coap_dtls_pki_t structure
       in the newly created endpoint session - see coap_encryption(3). The connection is to the
       specified server using the CoAP protocol proto. If the port is set to 0 in server, then
       the default CoAP port is used. Normally local_if would be set to NULL, but by specifying
       local_if the source of the network session can be bound to a specific IP address or port.
       The session will initially have a reference count of 1.

       The coap_new_client_session_psk2() function, for a specific context, is used to configure
       the TLS context using the setup_data variables as defined in the coap_dtls_cpsk_t
       structure in the newly created endpoint session - see coap_encryption(3). The connection
       is to the specified server using the CoAP protocol proto. If the port is set to 0 in
       server, then the default CoAP port is used. Normally local_if would be set to NULL, but by
       specifying local_if the source of the network session can be bound to a specific IP
       address or port. The session will initially have a reference count of 1.

       To stop using a client session, the reference count must be decremented to 0 by calling
       coap_session_release(). See coap_session(3). This will remove the client endpoint.

       The coap_sesson_set_default_mtu() function is used to set the MTU size (the maximum
       message size) of the data in a packet, excluding any IP or TCP/UDP overhead to mtu for the
       client endpoint’s session. The default MTU is 1152.

       The coap_session_max_pdu_size() function is used to get the maximum MTU size of the data
       for the client endpoint’s session.


       coap_new_client_session(), coap_new_client_session_psk2(), coap_new_client_session_pki()
       functions returns a newly created client session or NULL if there is a creation failure.

       coap_session_max_pdu_size() function returns the MTU size.


       CoAP Client Non-Encrypted Setup

           #include <coap3/coap.h>

           #include <netinet/in.h>

           static coap_session_t *
           setup_client_session (struct in_addr ip_address) {
             coap_session_t *session;
             coap_address_t server;
             /* See coap_context(3) */
             coap_context_t *context = coap_new_context(NULL);

             if (!context)
               return NULL;
             /* See coap_block(3) */
                                         COAP_BLOCK_USE_LIBCOAP | COAP_BLOCK_SINGLE_BODY);

    = AF_INET;
             server.addr.sin.sin_addr = ip_address;
             server.addr.sin.sin_port = htons (5683);

             session = coap_new_client_session(context, NULL, &server, COAP_PROTO_UDP);
             if (!session) {
               return NULL;
             /* The context is in session->context */
             return session;

       CoAP Client PKI Setup

           #include <coap3/coap.h>

           #include <netinet/in.h>

           static int
           verify_cn_callback(const char *cn,
                              const uint8_t *asn1_public_cert,
                              size_t asn1_length,
                              coap_session_t *c_session,
                              unsigned int depth,
                              int validated,
                              void *arg
           ) {
             /* Remove (void) definition if variable is used */

             /* Check that the CN is valid */

             /* ... */

             return 1;

           static coap_session_t *
           setup_client_session_pki (struct in_addr ip_address,
                                     const char *public_cert_file,
                                     const char *private_key_file,
                                     const char *ca_file
           ) {
             coap_session_t *session;
             coap_address_t server;
             coap_dtls_pki_t dtls_pki;
             /* See coap_context(3) */
             coap_context_t *context = coap_new_context(NULL);

             if (!context)
               return NULL;
             /* See coap_block(3) */
                                         COAP_BLOCK_USE_LIBCOAP | COAP_BLOCK_SINGLE_BODY);

    = AF_INET;
             server.addr.sin.sin_addr = ip_address;
             server.addr.sin.sin_port = htons (5684);

             memset (&dtls_pki, 0, sizeof (dtls_pki));

             /* See coap_encryption(3) */
             dtls_pki.version                 = COAP_DTLS_PKI_SETUP_VERSION;
             dtls_pki.verify_peer_cert        = 1;
             dtls_pki.check_common_ca         = 1;
             dtls_pki.allow_self_signed       = 1;
             dtls_pki.allow_expired_certs     = 1;
             dtls_pki.cert_chain_validation   = 1;
             dtls_pki.cert_chain_verify_depth = 1;
             dtls_pki.check_cert_revocation   = 1;
             dtls_pki.allow_no_crl            = 1;
             dtls_pki.allow_expired_crl       = 1;
             dtls_pki.allow_bad_md_hash       = 0;
             dtls_pki.allow_short_rsa_length  = 0;
             dtls_pki.is_rpk_not_cert         = 0; /* Set to 1 if RPK */
             dtls_pki.validate_cn_call_back   = verify_cn_callback;
             dtls_pki.cn_call_back_arg        = NULL;
             dtls_pki.validate_sni_call_back  = NULL;
             dtls_pki.sni_call_back_arg       = NULL;
             dtls_pki.additional_tls_setup_call_back = NULL;
             dtls_pki.client_sni              = NULL;
             dtls_pki.pki_key.key_type        = COAP_PKI_KEY_PEM;
             dtls_pki.pki_key.key.pem.ca_file = ca_file;
             dtls_pki.pki_key.key.pem.public_cert = public_cert_file;
             dtls_pki.pki_key.key.pem.private_key = private_key_file;

             session = coap_new_client_session_pki(context, NULL, &server,
                                                   COAP_PROTO_DTLS, &dtls_pki);
             if (!session) {
               return NULL;
             /* The context is in session->context */
             return session;

       CoAP Client PSK Setup

           #include <coap3/coap.h>

           #include <stdio.h>
           #include <netinet/in.h>

           #ifndef min
           #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

           static const coap_dtls_cpsk_info_t *
           verify_ih_callback(coap_str_const_t *hint,
                              coap_session_t *c_session,
                              void *arg
           ) {
             coap_dtls_cpsk_info_t *psk_info = (coap_dtls_cpsk_info_t *)arg;
             /* Remove (void) definition if variable is used */

             coap_log(LOG_INFO, "Identity Hint '%.*s' provided\n", (int)hint->length, hint->s);

             /* Just use the defined information for now as passed in by arg */
             return psk_info;

           static coap_dtls_cpsk_t dtls_psk;
           static char client_sni[256];

           static coap_session_t *
           setup_client_session_psk (const char *uri,
                                     struct in_addr ip_address,
                                     const uint8_t *identity,
                                     unsigned int identity_len,
                                     const uint8_t *key,
                                     unsigned int key_len
           ) {
             coap_session_t *session;
             coap_address_t server;
             /* See coap_context(3) */
             coap_context_t *context = coap_new_context(NULL);

             if (!context)
               return NULL;
             /* See coap_block(3) */
                                         COAP_BLOCK_USE_LIBCOAP | COAP_BLOCK_SINGLE_BODY);

    = AF_INET;
             server.addr.sin.sin_addr = ip_address;
             server.addr.sin.sin_port = htons (5684);

             /* See coap_encryption(3) */
             memset (&dtls_psk, 0, sizeof(dtls_psk));
             dtls_psk.version = COAP_DTLS_CPSK_SETUP_VERSION;
             dtls_psk.validate_ih_call_back = verify_ih_callback;
             dtls_psk.ih_call_back_arg = &dtls_psk.psk_info;
             if (uri)
               memcpy(client_sni, uri, min(strlen(uri), sizeof(client_sni)-1));
               memcpy(client_sni, "localhost", 9);
             dtls_psk.client_sni = client_sni;
             dtls_psk.psk_info.identity.s = identity;
             dtls_psk.psk_info.identity.length = identity_len;
             dtls_psk.psk_info.key.s = key;
             dtls_psk.psk_info.key.length = key_len;
             session = coap_new_client_session_psk2(context, NULL, &server,
                                                   COAP_PROTO_DTLS, &dtls_psk);
             if (!session) {
               return NULL;
             /* The context is in session->context */
             return session;

       CoAP Client Anonymous PKI Setup

           #include <coap3/coap.h>

           #include <netinet/in.h>

           static coap_session_t *
           setup_client_session_dtls (struct in_addr ip_address) {
             coap_session_t *session;
             coap_address_t server;
             /* See coap_context(3) */
             coap_context_t *context = coap_new_context(NULL);

             if (!context)
               return NULL;
             /* See coap_block(3) */
                                         COAP_BLOCK_USE_LIBCOAP | COAP_BLOCK_SINGLE_BODY);

    = AF_INET;
             server.addr.sin.sin_addr = ip_address;
             server.addr.sin.sin_port = htons (5683);

             session = coap_new_client_session(context, NULL, &server,
             if (!session) {
               return NULL;
             /* The context is in session->context */
             return session;


       coap_block(3), coap_context(3), coap_encryption(3), coap_endpoint_server(3),
       coap_resource(3), coap_session(3) and coap_tls_library(3)


       See "RFC7252: The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)" for further information.


       Please report bugs on the mailing list for libcoap: or raise an issue on GitHub at


       The libcoap project <>