Provided by: libpll-dev_0.3.2-4_amd64 bug


       libpll — Phylogenetic Likelihood Library


       Partition management
              pll_partition_t * pll_partition_create(unsigned int tips, unsigned int clv_buffers,
              unsigned int states, unsigned int sites, unsigned int rate_matrices, unsigned int
              prob_matrices, unsigned int rate_cats, unsigned int scale_buffers, unsigned int

              void pll_partition_destroy(pll_partition_t * partition);

       Partition parameters setup
              int pll_set_tip_states(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int tip_index, const
              unsigned int * map, const char * sequence);

              int pll_set_tip_clv(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int tip_index, const
              double * clv);

              void pll_set_pattern_weights(pll_partition_t * partition, const unsigned int *

              int pll_set_asc_bias_type(pll_partition_t * partition, int asc_bias_type);

              void pll_set_asc_state_weights(pll_partition_t * partition, const unsigned int *

              void pll_set_subst_params(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int params_index,
              const double * params);

              void pll_set_frequencies(pll_partition_t * partition,  unsigned int params_index,
              const double * frequencies);

              void pll_set_category_rates(pll_partition_t * partition, const double * rates);

              void pll_set_category_weights(pll_partition_t * partition, const double *

       Transition probability matrices
              int pll_update_prob_matrices(pll_partition_t * partition, const unsigned int *
              params_index, const unsigned int * matrix_indices, const double * branch_lengths,
              unsigned int count);

              int pll_update_eigen(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int params_index);

              void pll_show_pmatrix(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int index, unsigned int

       Invariant sites
              unsigned int pll_count_invariant_sites(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int *

              int pll_update_invariant_sites(pll_partition_t * partition);

              int pll_update_invariant_sites_proportion(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int
              params_index, double prop_invar);

       Conditional probability vectors
              void pll_update_partials(pll_partition_t * partition, const pll_operation_t *
              operations, unsigned int count);

              void pll_show_clv(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int clv_index, int
              scaler_index, unsigned int float_precision);

       Evaluation of log-Likelihood
              double pll_compute_root_loglikelihood(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int
              clv_index, int scaler_index, const unsigned int * freqs_index, double *

              double pll_compute_edge_loglikelihood(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int
              parent_clv_index, int parent_scaler_index, unsigned int child_clv_index, int
              child_scaler_index, unsigned int matrix_index, const unsigned int * freqs_index,
              double * persite_lnl);

       Likelihood function derivatives
              int pll_update_sumtable(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int parent_clv_index,
              unsigned int child_clv_index, const unsigned int * params_indices, double *

              int pll_compute_likelihood_derivatives(pll_partition_t * partition, int
              parent_scaler_index, int child_scaler_index, double branch_length, const unsigned
              int * params_indices, const double * sumtable, double * d_f, double * dd_f);

       FASTA file handling
              pll_fasta_t * pll_fasta_open(const char * filename, const unsigned int * map);

              int pll_fasta_getnext(pll_fasta_t * fd, char ** head, long * head_len, char ** seq,
              long * seq_len, long * seqno);

              void pll_fasta_close(pll_fasta_t * fd);

              long pll_fasta_getfilesize(pll_fasta_t * fd);

              long pll_fasta_getfilepos(pll_fasta_t * fd);

              int pll_fasta_rewind(pll_fasta_t * fd);

       PHYLIP file handling
              pll_msa_t * pll_phylip_parse_msa(const char * filename, unsigned int * msa_count);

              void pll_msa_destroy(pll_msa_t * msa);

       Newick handling
              pll_rtree_t * pll_rtree_parse_newick(const char * filename, unsigned int *

              pll_utree_t * pll_utree_parse_newick(const char * filename, unsigned int *

              pll_utree_t * pll_utree_parse_newick_string(char * s, unsigned int * tip_count);

       Unrooted tree structure manipulation
              void pll_utree_destroy(pll_utree_t * root);

              void pll_utree_show_ascii(pll_utree_t * tree, int options);

              char * pll_utree_export_newick(pll_utree_t * root);

              int pll_utree_traverse(pll_utree_t * root, int (*cbtrav)(pll_utree_t *),
              pll_utree_t ** outbuffer, unsigned int * trav_size);

              unsigned int pll_utree_query_tipnodes(pll_utree_t * root, pll_utree_t **

              unsigned int pll_utree_query_innernodes(pll_utree_t * root, pll_utree_t **

              void pll_utree_create_operations(pll_utree_t ** trav_buffer, unsigned int
              trav_buffer_size, double * branches, unsigned int * pmatrix_indices,
              pll_operation_t * ops, unsigned int * matrix_count, unsigned int * ops_count);

              int pll_utree_check_integrity(pll_utree_t * root);

              pll_utree_t * pll_utree_clone(pll_utree_t * root);

              pll_utree_t * pll_rtree_unroot(pll_rtree_t * root);

              int pll_utree_every(pll_utree_t * node, int (*cb)(pll_utree_t *));

       Rooted tree structure manipulation
              void pll_rtree_destroy(pll_rtree_t * root);

              void pll_rtree_show_ascii(pll_rtree_t * tree, int options);

              char * pll_rtree_export_newick(pll_rtree_t * root);

              int pll_rtree_traverse(pll_rtree_t * root, int (*cbtrav)(pll_rtree_t *),
              pll_rtree_t ** outbuffer, unsigned int * trav_size);

              unsigned int pll_rtree_query_tipnodes(pll_rtree_t * root, pll_rtree_t **

              unsigned int pll_rtree_query_innernodes(pll_rtree_t * root, pll_rtree_t **

              void pll_rtree_create_operations(pll_rtree_t ** trav_buffer, unsigned int
              trav_buffer_size, double * branches, unsigned int * pmatrix_indices,
              pll_operation_t * ops, unsigned int * matrix_count, unsigned int * ops_count);

              void pll_rtree_create_pars_buildops(pll_rtree_t ** trav_buffer, unsigned int
              trav_buffer_size, pll_pars_buildop_t * ops, unsigned int * ops_count);

              void pll_rtree_create_pars_recops(pll_rtree_t ** trav_buffer, unsigned int
              trav_buffer_size, pll_pars_recop_t * ops, unsigned int * ops_count);

       Topological rearrangement moves
              int pll_utree_spr(pll_utree_t * p, pll_utree_t * r, pll_utree_rb_t * rb, double *
              branch_lengths, unsigned int * matrix_indices);

              int pll_utree_spr_safe(pll_utree_t * p, pll_utree_t * r, pll_utree_rb_t * rb,
              double * branch_lengths, unsigned int * matrix_indices);

              int pll_utree_nni(pll_utree_t * p, int type, pll_utree_rb_t * rb);

              int pll_utree_rollback(pll_utree_rb_t * rollback, double * branch_lengths, unsigned
              int * matrix_indices);

       Parsimony functions
              int pll_set_parsimony_sequence(pll_parsimony_t * pars, unsigned int tip_index,
              const unsigned int * map, const char * sequence);

              pll_parsimony_t * pll_parsimony_create(unsigned int * tips, unsigned int states,
              unsigned int sites, double * score_matrix, unsigned int score_buffers, unsigned int

              double pll_parsimony_build(pll_parsimony_t * pars, pll_pars_buildop_t * operations,
              unsigned int count);

              void pll_parsimony_reconstruct(pll_parsimony_t * pars, const unsigned int * map,
              pll_pars_recop_t * operations, unsigned int count);

              double pll_parsimony_score(pll_parsimony_t * pars, unsigned int

              void pll_parsimony_destroy(pll_parsimony_t * pars);

       Auxiliary functions
              int pll_compute_gamma_cats(double alpha, unsigned int categories, double *

              void * pll_aligned_alloc(size_t size, size_t alignment);

              void pll_aligned_free(void * ptr);

              unsigned int * pll_compress_site_patterns(char ** sequence, const unsigned int *
              map, int count, int * length);

       Core functions
              void pll_core_create_lookup(unsigned int states, unsigned int rate_cats, double *
              lookup, const double * left_matrix, const double * right_matrix, unsigned int *
              tipmap, unsigned int tipmap_size, unsigned int attrib);

              void pll_core_update_partial_tt(unsigned int states, unsigned int sites, unsigned
              int rate_cats, double * parent_clv, unsigned int * parent_scaler, const unsigned
              char * left_tipchars, const unsigned char * right_tipchars, const unsigned int *
              tipmap, unsigned int tipmap_size, const double * lookup, unsigned int attrib);

              void pll_core_update_partial_ti(unsigned int states, unsigned int sites, unsigned
              int rate_cats, double * parent_clv, unsigned int * parent_scaler, const unsigned
              char * left_tipchars, const double * right_clv, const double * left_matrix, const
              double * right_matrix, const unsigned int * right_scaler, const unsigned int *
              tipmap, unsigned int attrib);

              void pll_core_update_partial_ii(unsigned int states, unsigned int sites, unsigned
              int rate_cats, double * parent_clv, unsigned int * parent_scaler, const double *
              left_clv, const double * right_clv, const double * left_matrix, const double *
              right_matrix, const unsigned int * left_scaler, const unsigned int * right_scaler,
              unsigned int attrib);

              int pll_core_update_sumtable_ti(unsigned int states, unsigned int sites, unsigned
              int rate_cats, const double * parent_clv, const unsigned char * left_tipchars,
              double ** eigenvecs, double ** inv_eigenvecs, double ** freqs, unsigned int *
              tipmap, double * sumtable, unsigned int attrib);

              int pll_core_likelihood_derivatives(unsigned int states, unsigned intsites,
              unsigned int rate_cats, const double * rate_weights, const unsigned int *
              parent_scaler, const unsigned int * child_scaler, const int * invariant, const
              unsigned int * pattern_weights, double branch_length, const double * prop_invar,
              double ** freqs, const double * rates, double ** eigenvals, const double *
              sumtable, double  * d_f, double * dd_f, unsigned int attrib);

              double pll_core_edge_loglikelihood_ii(unsigned int states, unsigned int sites,
              unsigned int rate_cats, const double * parent_clv, const unsigned int *
              parent_scaler, const double * child_clv, const unsigned int * child_scaler, const
              double * pmatrix, double ** frequencies, const double * rate_weights, const
              unsigned int * pattern_weights, const double * invar_proportion, const int *
              invar_indices, const unsigned int * freqs_indices, double * persite_lnl, unsigned
              int attrib);

              double pll_core_edge_loglikelihood_ti(unsigned int states, unsigned int sites,
              unsigned int rate_cats, const double * parent_clv, const unsigned int *
              parent_scaler, const unsigned char * tipchars, const unsigned int * tipmap, const
              double * pmatrix, double ** frequencies, const double * rate_weights, const
              unsigned int * pattern_weights, const double * invar_proportion, const int *
              invar_indices, const unsigned int * freqs_indices, double * persite_lnl, unsigned
              int attrib);

              int pll_core_update_pmatrix(double * pmatrix, unsigned int states, double rate,
              double prop_invar, double branch_length, double * eigenvals, double * eigenvecs,
              double * inv_eigenvecs, unsigned int attrib);


       libpll is a library for phylogenetics.

       pll_partition_t  *  pll_partition_create(unsigned  int  tips,  unsigned  int  clv_buffers,
       unsigned  int  states,  unsigned  int  sites,  unsigned  int  rate_matrices,  unsigned int
       prob_matrices,  unsigned  int  rate_cats,  unsigned  int   scale_buffers,   unsigned   int
              Creates a partition with either tips character arrays or tips CLV arrays (depending
              on attributes,  see  Partition  Attributes),  and,  additionally,  clv_buffers  CLV
              vectors,  for  storing  conditional  probabilities  at  inner nodes.  The partition
              structure is constructed for states number of states (e.g. 4 for nucleotide and  20
              for amino-acid data) and sufficient space is allocated to host an alignment of size
              sites*tips. The number of rate matrices that can be used is given by rate_matrices.
              Additionally,  the  function  allocates  space  for hosting rate_matrices arrays of
              substitution parameters,  frequencies,  and  auxiliary  eigen-decomposition  arrays
              (transparent  to  the  user).  The  parameter  prob_matrices dictates the number of
              probability matrices for which space will be allocated. This parameter is typically
              set  to  the  number of branches the tree has (e.g., 2n-3 for unrooted and 2n-2 for
              rooted, where n is the number of tips/leaves).  libpll  will  automatically  create
              space  for prob_matrices*rate_cats, where rate_cats is the number of different rate
              categories. The array of probability matrices is indexed from 0 to prob_matrices-1.
              Each  matrix  entry consists of sufficient space to accommodate rate_cats matrices,
              which are stored consecutively in memory.  Note that libpll will not allocate space
              for  the  different substitution matrices specified by rate_matrices. The user must
              indicate that to libpll by multiplying prob_matrices with the corresponding factor.
              Finally,  scale_buffers  sets  the  number  of scaling buffers to be allocated, and
              attributes states the hardware acceleration  options  to  be  used  (see  Partition
              Attributes).  The  function  returns  a  pointer  to  the allocated pll_partition_t
              structure.  Note  that,  rate_matrices  are  used  to  address  heterotachy,   i.e.
              transition  probability  matrices  computed  from different rate matrices. For more
              information, see Updating transition probability matrices.

       void pll_partition_destroy(pll_partition_t * partition);
              Deallocates all data associated with the partition pointed by partition.

       int pll_set_tip_states(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int tip_index, const unsigned
       int * map, const char * sequence);
              Set  the  tip  CLV  (or  tip  character  array)  with  index  tip_index of instance
              partition, according to the character sequence sequence and  the  conversion  table
              map,  which  translates (or maps) characters to states.  For an example see Setting
              CLV vectors at tips from sequences and maps.

       int pll_set_tip_clv(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int tip_index,  const  double  *
              Set  the tip CLV with index tip_index of instance partition, to the contents of the
              array clv. For an example see Setting CLV vectors  manually.  Note,  this  function
              cannot  be  used  in  conjunction  with  the  PLL_ATTRIB_PATTERN_TIP (see Partition

       void pll_set_subst_params(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned  int  params_index,  const
       double * params);
              Sets   the  parameters  for  substitution  model  with  index  params_index,  where
              params_index  ranges   from   0   to   rate_matrices-1,   as   specified   in   the
              pll_partition_create()  call.  Array  params should contain exactly (states*states-
              states)/2 parameters of type double.  These values correspond to the upper triangle
              elements (above the main diagonal) of the rate matrix.

       void  pll_set_frequencies(pll_partition_t  *  partition,  unsigned int params_index, const
       double * frequencies);
              Sets the base frequencies for the substitution model with index params_index, where
              params_index   ranges   from   0   to   rate_matrices-1,   as   specified   in  the
              pll_partition_create() call.  The array of base frequencies (frequencies) is copied
              into  the  instance.  The  order of bases in the array depends on the encoding used
              when converting tip sequences to CLV. For example, if the pll_map_nt map  was  used
              with  the pll_set_tip_states() function to describe nucleotide data, then the order
              is A, C, G, T. However, this can be arbitrarily set by adjusting the provided map.

       void  pll_set_pattern_weights(pll_partition_t  *   partition,   const   unsigned   int   *
              Sets  the  vector  of pattern weights (pattern_weights) for partition. The function
              reads and copies  the  first  partition->sites  elements  of  pattern_weights  into

       void pll_set_category_rates(pll_partition_t * partition, const double * rates);
              Sets  the  rate  categories  for partition. The function reads and copies the first
              partition->rate_cats elements of array rates into partition->rates.

       int pll_update_invariant_sites(pll_partition_t * partition);
              Updates the invariant sites array partition->invariant, according to the  sequences
              in     the     partition.     This     function    is    implicitly    called    by
              pll_update_invariant_sites_proportion() when the specified proportion of  invariant
              sites  is greater than zero, but it must be explicitly called by the client code if
              the sequences change.

       int  pll_update_invariant_sites_proportion(pll_partition_t  *  partition,   unsigned   int
       params_index, double prop_invar);
              Updates  the  proportion of invariant sites for the partition rate matrix with with
              index params_index. Note that, this call will not implicitly update the  transition
              probability  matrices  computed  from  the particular rate matrix, but must be done
              explicitly for example with a call to pll_update_prob_matrices().

       int  pll_update_prob_matrices(pll_partition_t  *   partition,   const   unsigned   int   *
       params_index, const unsigned int * matrix_indices, const double * branch_lengths, unsigned
       int count);
              Computes the transition probability matrices specified  by  the  count  indices  in
              matrix_indices, for all rate categories. A matrix with index matrix_indices[i] will
              be computed using the branch length branch_lengths[i]. To compute  the  matrix  for
              rate  category  j,  the function uses the rate matrix with index params_indices[j].
              Matrices are stored in partition->pmatrix[matrix_indices[i]]. Note that, each  such
              entry holds the matrices for all rate categories, stored consecutively in memory.

       int pll_update_eigen(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int params_index);
              Updates the eigenvectors (partition->eigenvecs[params_index]), inverse eigenvectors
              (partition->eigenvecs[params_index]),                and                eigenvalues
              (partition->eigenvals[params_index])     using    the    substitution    parameters
              (partition->subst_params[params_index])        and         base         frequencies
              (partition->frequencies[params_index]) specified by params_index.

       void  pll_show_pmatrix(pll_partition_t  *  partition,  unsigned  int  index,  unsigned int
              Prints the transition probability matrices for  each  rate  category  of  partition
              associated  with index to standard output. The floating point precision is dictated
              by float_precision.

       unsigned  int  pll_count_invariant_sites(pll_partition_t  *  partition,  unsigned  int   *
              Returns  the  number  of  invariant sites in the sequence alignment from partition.
              The array state_inv_count must be of size partition->states and is filled such that
              entry i contains the count of invariant sites for state i.

       int pll_update_invariant_sites(pll_partition_t * partition);
              Updates  the invariant sites array partition->invariant, according to the sequences
              in    the    partition.    This    function     is     implicitly     called     by
              pll_update_invariant_sites_proportion()  when the specified proportion of invariant
              sites is greater than zero, but it must be explicitly called by the client code  if
              the sequences change.

       int   pll_update_invariant_sites_proportion(pll_partition_t   *  partition,  unsigned  int
       params_index, double prop_invar);
              Updates the proportion of invariant sites for the rate  matrix  of  partition  with
              index  params_index. Note that, this call will not implicitly update the transition
              probability matrices computed from the particular rate matrix,  but  must  be  done
              explicitly for example with a call to pll_update_prob_matrices().

       void  pll_update_partials(pll_partition_t * partition, const pll_operation_t * operations,
       unsigned int count);
              Updates the count conditional probability vectors (CPV) defined by the  entries  of
              operations,  in the order they appear in the array. Each operations entry describes
              one CPV from partition. See also pll_operation_t.

       void pll_show_clv(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int clv_index,  int  scaler_index,
       unsigned int float_precision);
              Prints  to  standard  output the conditional probability vector for index clv_index
              from partition, using the scale buffer with index scaler_index.  If no scale buffer
              was  used,  then  scaler_index  must be passed the value PLL_SCALE_BUFFER_NONE. The
              floating  precision  (number  of  digits  after  decimal  point)  is  dictated   by
              float_precision.  The  output contains brackets, curly braces and round brackets to
              separate the values as sites, rate categories and states related, respectively.

       double pll_compute_root_loglikelihood(pll_partition_t * partition, unsigned int clv_index,
       int scaler_index, const unsigned int * freqs_index, double * persite_lnl);
              Evaluates  the  log-likelihood  of  a  rooted  tree,  for the vector of conditional
              probabilities (partials) with index clv_index, scale buffer with index scaler_index
              (or  PLL_SCALE_BUFFER_NONE),  and  base frequencies arrays with indices freqs_index
              (one per rate category). If persite_lnl is not NULL, then it must be  large  enough
              to  hold partition->sites double-precision values, and will be filled with the per-
              site log-likelihoods.

       double   pll_compute_edge_loglikelihood(pll_partition_t   *   partition,   unsigned    int
       parent_clv_index,    int    parent_scaler_index,   unsigned   int   child_clv_index,   int
       child_scaler_index, unsigned int matrix_index, const unsigned int * freqs_index, double  *
              Evaluates  the  log-likelihood  of  an  unrooted tree, by providing the conditional
              probability vectors (partials) for two nodes  that  share  an  edge   with  indices
              parent_clv_index    resp.    child_clv_index,    scale    buffers    with   indices
              parent_scaler_index   resp.   child_clv_index   (or   PLL_SCALE_BUFFER_NONE),   the
              transition  probability  matrix with index matrix_index and base frequencies arrays
              with indices freqs_index (one per rate category). If persite_lnl is not NULL,  then
              it  must be large enough to hold partition>sites` double-precision values, and will
              be filled with the per-site log-likelihoods.


       Source code and binaries are available at <>.


       Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Tomas Flouri, Diego Darriba

       All rights reserved.

       Contact:  Tomas  Flouri   <>,   Scientific   Computing,   Heidelberg
       Insititute for Theoretical Studies, 69118 Heidelberg, Germany

       This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version

       GNU Affero General Public License version 3

       This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
       version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY  WARRANTY;
       without  even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
       See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along  with  this
       program.  If not, see <>.


       New  features and important modifications of libpll (short lived or minor bug releases may
       not be mentioned):

              v0.2.0 released September 9th, 2016
                     First public release.

              v0.3.0 released May 15th, 2017
                     Added  faster  vectorizations  for  20-state  and  arbitrary-state   models,
                     unweighted  parsimony  functions,  randomized  stepwise  addition,  portable
                     functions for parsing trees from C-strings, per-rate  category  scalers  for
                     preventing  numerical  underflows.  Modified  newick  exporting  function to
                     accept callbacks for custom printing. Fixed derivatives computation, parsing
                     of  branch  lengths, invariant sites computation, log-likelihood computation
                     for  cases  where  we  have  scaling  and   patterns,   ascertainment   bias
                     computation,  per-site  log-likelihood computation, memory leaks. Added run-
                     time detection of hardware.

              v0.3.1 released May 17th, 2017
                     Correct updating of paddded eigen-decomposition arrays  for  models  with  a
                     number of states not being a power of two. Added portable hardware detection
                     for clang and GCC.

              v0.3.2 released July 12th, 2017
                     Added optional per-rate category scalers for protein  and  generic  kernels.
                     Improved   fix  for  negative  transition  probability  matrices  caused  by
                     numerics.  Fixed initialization of tip CLVs when  using  ascertainment  bias
                     correction  with  non-DNA  sequences. Fixed excessive memory allocation when
                     compressing site patterns and issue with PHYLIP  parsing  when  header  ends
                     with CRLF.