Provided by: libnetpbm11-dev_10.97.00-2_amd64 bug


       pm_system - run a Netpbm program with program input and output


       #include <netpbm/pm_system.h>

       pm_system(void                  stdinFeeder(int, void *),
                 void *          const feederParm,
                 void                  stdoutAccepter(int, void *),
                 void *          const accepterParm,
                 const char *    const shellCommand);

       pm_system_lp(const char *  const progName,
                    void                stdinFeeder(int, void *),
                    void *        const feederParm,
                    void                stdoutAccepter(int, void *),
                    void *        const accepterParm,

       pm_system_vp(const char *  const progName,
                    const char ** const argArray,
                    void                stdinFeeder(int, void *),
                    void *        const feederParm,
                    void                stdoutAccepter(int, void *),
                    void *        const accepterParm);

       pm_system2(void                  stdinFeeder(int, void *),
                  void *          const feederParm,
                  void                  stdoutAccepter(int, void *),
                  void *          const accepterParm,
                  const char *    const shellCommand,
                  int *           const termStatusP );

       pm_system2_lp(const char *  const progName,
                    void                stdinFeeder(int, void *),
                    void *        const feederParm,
                    void                stdoutAccepter(int, void *),
                    int *         const terminationStatusP,
                    void *        const accepterParm,

       pm_system2_vp(const char *  const progName,
                    const char ** const argArray,
                    void                stdinFeeder(int, void *),
                    void *        const feederParm,
                    void                stdoutAccepter(int, void *),
                    void *        const accepterParm,
                    int *         const termStatusP);


       This  simple  example  converts  a  PNM  image on Standard Input to a JFIF (JPEG) image on
       Standard Output.  In this case, pm_system() is doing no more than system() would do.

           pm_system(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "pnmtojpeg");

       This example does the same thing, but moves the data through memory buffers to  illustrate
       use with memory buffers, and we throw in a stage to shrink the image too:
       #include <netpbm/pm_system.h>

       char              pnmData[100*1024];   /* Input file better be < 100K */
       char              jfifData[100*1024];
       struct bufferDesc pnmBuffer;
       struct bufferDesc jfifBuffer;
       unsigned int      jfifSize;

       pnmBuffer.size = fread(pnmData, 1, sizeof(pnmData), stdin);
       pnmBuffer.buffer = pnmData;
       pnmBuffer.bytesTransferredP = NULL;

       jfifBuffer.size = sizeof(jfifData);
       jfifBuffer.buffer = jfifData;
       jfifBuffer.bytesTransferredP = &jfifSize;

       pm_system(&pm_feed_from_memory, &pnmBuffer,
                 &pm_accept_to_memory, &jfifBuffer,
                 "pamscale .5 | pnmtojpeg");

       fwrite(jfifData, 1, jfifSize, stdout);

       This  example reads an image into libnetpbm PAM structures, then brightens it, then writes
       it out, to illustrate use of pm_system with PAM structures.
       #include <netpbm/pam.h>
       #include <netpbm/pm_system.h>

       struct pam       inpam;
       struct pam       outpam;
       tuple **         inTuples;
       tuple **         outTuples;
       struct pamtuples inPamtuples;
       struct pamtuples outPamtuples;

       inTuples = pnm_readpam(stdin, &inpam, sizeof(inpam));

       outpam = inpam;

       inPamtuples.pamP = &inpam;
       inPamtuples.tuplesP = &inTuples;
       outPamtuples.pamP = &outpam;
       outPamtuples.tuplesP = &outTuples;

       pm_system(&pm_feed_from_pamtuples, &inPamtuples,
                 &pm_accept_to_pamtuples, &outPamtuples,
                 "pambrighten -value +100");

       outpam.file = stdout;
       pnm_writepam(&outpam, outTuples);


       These library functions are part of Netpbm(1).

       pm_system() is a lot like the standard C library system() subroutine.  It runs a shell and
       has  that  shell execute a shell command that you specify.  But pm_system() gives you more
       control over the Standard Input and Standard Output of that shell command  than  system().
       system() passes to the shell command as Standard Input and Output whatever is the Standard
       Input and Output of the process that calls system().  But with pm_system(), you specify as
       arguments subroutines to execute to generate the shell command's Standard Input stream and
       to process the shell command's Standard Output stream.

       Your Standard  Input  feeder  subroutine  can  generate  the  stream  in  limitless  ways.
       pm_system()  gives  it  a  file  descriptor  of  a  pipe  to  which to write the stream it
       generates.  pm_system() hooks up the other  end  of  that  pipe  to  the  shell  command's
       Standard Input.

       Likewise,  your  Standard  Output  accepter  subroutine  can do anything it wants with the
       stream it gets.  pm_system() gives it a file descriptor of a pipe from which to  read  the
       stream.   pm_system()  hooks up the other end of that pipe to the shell command's Standard

       The argument stdinFeeder is a function pointer that identifies your Standard Input  feeder
       subroutine.   pm_system()  runs  it  in  a  child  process  and  waits for that process to
       terminate (and accepts  its  completion  status)  before  returning.   feederParm  is  the
       argument that pm_system() passes to the subroutine; it is opaque to pm_system().

       If  you  pass  stdinFeeder  =  NULL, pm_system() simply passes your current Standard Input
       stream to the shell command (as system() would do), and does not create a child process.

       The argument stdoutAccepter is a function pointer that  identifies  your  Standard  Output
       accepter  subroutine.   pm_system()  calls  it in the current process.  accepterParm is an
       argument analogous to feederParm.

       If you pass stdoutAccepter = NULL, pm_system() simply passes your current Standard  Output
       stream to the shell command (as system() would do.

       The  argument  shellCommand  is a null-terminated string containing the shell command that
       the shell is to execute.  It can be any command that means something to the shell and  can
       take a pipe for Standard Input and Output.  Example:

           pambrighten -vale +100 | pamdepth 255 | pamscale .5

       pm_system()  creates  a  child  process  to  run  the  shell and waits for that process to
       terminate (and accepts its completion status) before returning.

       If the shell fails, i.e. does not exit voluntarily with zero exit status, pm_system  calls
       pm_error(),  which  normally  issues  an  error  message  to  Standard Error and exits the
       program.  Use pm_system2() if you don't want that.

       Note that the 'termination status' of a Unix process is a value which is a combination  of
       1) whether the process exited voluntarily or was killed by the operating system; 2) in the
       case of termination by the OS, what class of  signal  did  it;  and  3)  in  the  case  of
       voluntary exit, what 'exit status' the program declared.

   Interface Header File
       These interfaces are declared by <netpbm/pm_system.h<.

       This  is  the  same  as  pm_system() except that rather than respond to the shell process'
       termination status, it just returns it to you (via your termStatusP argument).

       pm_system_lp() is like pm_system() except that instead of running a shell, which  in  turn
       typically runs another program, you run a program of your choice directly.

       Argument  progName identifies the program to run, the same way as with execlp() or a shell
       command: if it contains a slash (/), it is the full name of the  file  that  contains  the
       program.   If  not,  it  is  a  name  to  be looked up in the system's program search path
       (determined by the PATH environment variable).

       You identify the arguments to the program the same way as for execlp(): with the  variable
       arguments  at  the  end  of  the  pm_system_lp()  argument list.  Each is a NUL-terminated
       string.  The last argument must be NULL to tell pm_system_lp() where the arguments end.

       Note that the first argument ("arg0") to a program is conventionally the first word of the
       command  used  to  run the program, as if it were being run for a shell command.  In other
       words, typically the name of the program.


           pm_system_lp("pnmtojpeg", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                        "pnmtojpeg", "mypicture.jpg", "-quality=50", NULL);

       pm_system_lp() is much safer than pm_system() when your program computes the arguments  or
       gets  them  from a user.  If you build a shell command using such arguments, unless you're
       really careful, you may end up building a shell command that does something very different
       from  what you intended, because the argument could contain characters that mean something
       to the shell such as "|".

       pm_system_lp() can also be considerably faster that pm_system(), since it skips the  whole
       running of the shell.

       If  the  process  fails,  i.e.  produces  nonzero  termination  status, pm_system_lp calls
       pm_error(), which normally issues an  error  message  to  Standard  Error  and  exits  the
       program.  Use pm_system2_lp() if you don't want that.

       This  is  the  same  as  pm_system_lp()  except  that  rather than respond to the process'
       termination status, it just returns it to you (via your termStatusP argument).

       pm_system_vp() is like  pm_system_lp()  except  that  instead  of  supplying  the  program
       arguments  as  variable  arguments, you supply them as an array, as with execvp().  A NULL
       element in the array identifies the end of the arguments.


           const char * argArray[3];

           argArray[0] = "pnmtojpeg";
           argArray[1] = "-quality=50";
           argArray[2] = NULL;

           pm_system_vp("pnmtojpeg", argArray, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

       If the process  fails,  i.e.  produces  nonzero  termination  status,  pm_system_vp  calls
       pm_error(),  which  normally  issues  an  error  message  to  Standard Error and exits the
       program.  Use pm_system2_vp() if you don't want that.

       This is the same as pm_system_vp()  except  that  rather  than  respond  to  the  process'
       termination status, it just returns it to you (via your termStatusP argument).


       The  point of pm_system() and friends is to allow you to write a C program that uses other
       programs internally, as a shell script would.  This is particularly desirable with Netpbm,
       because  Netpbm consists of a lot of programs that perform basic graphic manipulations and
       you'd like to be  able  to  build  a  program  that  does  a  more  sophisticated  graphic
       manipulation  by  calling  the  more basic Netpbm programs.  These building block programs
       typically take input from Standard Input and write output to Standard Output.

       The obvious alternative is to use a higher level language -- Bourne  Shell  or  Perl,  for
       example.   But often you want your program to do manipulations of your graphical data that
       are easier and more efficient in C.  Or you want to use the Netpbm subroutine  library  in
       your program.  The Netpbm subroutine library is a C-linkage library; the subroutines in it
       are not usable from a Bourne Shell or Perl program.

       A typical use of pm_system() is to place the contents of  some  graphical  image  file  in
       memory,  run a Netpbm program against it, and have what would ordinarily go into an output
       file in memory too, for further processing.  To do that, you can  use  the  memory  buffer
       Standard Input feeder and Standard Output accepter described below.

       If  your program uses the Netpbm subroutine library to read, write, and manipulate images,
       you may have an image in an array of PAM tuples.  If you want  to  manipulate  that  image
       with  a Netpbm program (perhaps remap the colors using pnmremap), you can use the pamtuple
       Standard Input feeder and Standard Output acceptor described below.

Broken Pipe Behavior

       When you set up a shell command to take input from a pipe, as you do with pm_system(), you
       need  to  understand how pipes work with respect to the programs at either end of the pipe
       agreeing to how much data is to be transferred.  Here are some notes on that.

       It is normal to read a pipe before the process on the other end has written the  data  you
       hope  to read, and it is normal to write to a pipe before the process on the other end has
       tried to read your data.  Writes to a pipe can be buffered until the reading end  requests
       the data.  A process reading or writing a pipe can block until the other end is ready.  Or
       a read or write can complete with an indication that the other end is  not  ready  at  the
       moment and therefore no data, or less data than was requested, was transferred.

       The  pipe  is normally controlled by the writing end.  When you read from a pipe, you keep
       reading until the program on the other end of the pipe closes it, and then you get an end-
       of-file  indication.   You then normally close the reading end of the pipe, since it is no
       longer useful.

       When you close the reading end of a pipe before getting the end-of-file indication and the
       writer subsequently tries to write to the pipe, that is an error condition for the writer.
       In a typical default Unix environment, that error causes the writer to receive  a  SIGPIPE
       signal  and  that  signal  causes  the  writer  process  to terminate abnormally.  But if,
       alternatively, the writer has ordered that SIGPIPE be blocked, ignored,  or  handled,  the
       signal  does  not  cause  the  death  of  the writer.  Instead, the write operation simply
       completes with an error indication.

Standard Feeders And Acceptors

       You can supply anything you like as a Standard Input feeder or Standard  Output  acceptor,
       but the Netpbm subroutine library comes with a few that perform commonly needed functions.

   Memory Buffer
       These  routines  are  for when you just want to treat an area of memory as a file.  If the
       shell command would ordinarily read a 513 byte regular file from its Standard  Input,  you
       want  it to take 513 bytes from a certain address in your process' memory.  Whatever bytes
       the shell command wants to write to its output file  you  want  it  to  store  at  another
       address in your process' memory.

       The  Standard  Input  feeder  for this is called pm_feed_from_memory.  The Standard Output
       accepter is pm_accept_to_memory.

       For both of these, the argument is the address of a struct bufferDesc, which is defined as

       struct bufferDesc {
           unsigned int    size;
           unsigned char * buffer;
           unsigned int *  bytesTransferredP;

       size is the size of the memory buffer and buffer is its location in memory (address).  The
       Standard Input feeder will attempt to feed  the  entire  buffer  to  the  shell  command's
       Standard  Input; the Standard Output accepter will not accept any more data from the shell
       command's Standard Output than will fit in the buffer.  Both return the actual  amount  of
       data  read  or written, in bytes, at the location identified by bytesTransferredP.  Unless
       bytesTransferredP is NULL.

       Because a process typically terminates abnormally when it is not able to write  everything
       to a pipe that it wanted to, bytesTransferredP is not usually useful in the Standard Input
       feeder case.

       These routines are for when you have images in memory in the data structures used  by  the
       PAM  family of subroutines in the Netpbm library -- i.e. struct PAM and an array of struct
       tuple.  With these routines, you can run a Netpbm program against such an  image  just  as
       you would against the same image in a regular file.

       The  Standard Input feeder for this is called pm_feed_from_pamtuples.  The Standard Output
       accepter is pm_accept_to_pamtuples.

       For both of these, the argument is the address of a struct pamtuples, which is defined  as

       struct pamtuples {
           struct pam * pamP;
           tuple ***    tuplesP;

       For  the  Standard  Input feeder, you supply a struct pam, valid up through the tuple_type
       member (except it doesn't matter what the file member is) and array of tuples.

       For the Standard Output Accepter, you supply only space in memory for the struct  pam  and
       the  address  of  the  tuple  array.   The  routine fills in the struct pam up through the
       tuple_type member (except leaves the file member undefined) and allocates  space  for  the
       tuple array with malloc().  You are responsible for freeing that memory.


       pm_system() was introduced in Netpbm 10.13 (January 2003).

       pm_system_lp() and pm_system_vp() were introduced in Netpbm 10.40 (September 2007).

       pm_system2(),  pm_system2_lp(),  and  pm_system2_vp() were introduce in Netpbm 10.75 (June


       This manual page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML source.  The  master
       documentation is at


netpbm documentation                   Netpbm subroutine library: pm_system() subroutine, etc.(3)