Provided by: libsc-doc_2.3.1-22_all bug


       sc::Identifier - Identifier's are used to distinguish and order objects.


       #include <identity.h>

   Public Member Functions
       Identifier ()
           Create an Identifier for a null object.
       Identifier (const Identity *i)
           Create an Identifier for the given object.
       Identifier (const Identifier &i)
           Create an Identifier for the given object.
       ~Identifier ()
           The destructor does nothing.
       void operator= (const Identifier &i)
           Assign to the given Identifier.
       int operator< (const Identifier &i) const
           Less than.
       int operator> (const Identifier &i) const
           Greater than.
       int operator== (const Identifier &i) const
       int operator<= (const Identifier &i) const
           Less than or equal.
       int operator>= (const Identifier &i) const
           Greater than or equal.
       int operator!= (const Identifier &i) const
           Not equal.
       void print (std::ostream &) const

Detailed Description

       Identifier's are used to distinguish and order objects.

       On many architectures a pointer to the object will suffice, but the C++ standard only
       guarantees that this works for two pointers pointing within the same structure or array.
       Classes need to inherit from Identity to use this mechanism. Identity, Identifier, and the
       shorthand boolean operations may have to be modified for certain architectures.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for MPQC from the source code.