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       snmpa_error_io - Functions for Reporting SNMP Errors on stdio


       The    module    snmpa_error_io    implements   the   snmp_error_report   behaviour   (see
       snmpa_error_report) containing two callback functions which are called in order to  report
       SNMP errors.

       This  module  provides a simple mechanism for reporting SNMP errors. Errors are written to
       stdout using the io module. It is provided as an simple example.

       This  module  needs  to  be  explicitly  configured,  see  snmpa_error  and  configuration


       config_err(Format, Args) -> void()


                 Format = string()
                 Args = list()

              The  function  is  called  if  an  error occurs during the configuration phase, for
              example if a syntax error is found in a configuration file.

              Format and Args are as in io:format(Format, Args).

       user_err(Format, Args) -> void()


                 Format = string()
                 Args = list()

              The function is called if a user related error occurs at run-time, for example if a
              user defined instrumentation function returns erroneous.

              Format and Args are as in io:format(Format, Args).