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       wxTaskBarIcon - Functions for wxTaskBarIcon class


       This  class  represents  a  taskbar  icon.  A  taskbar icon is an icon that appears in the
       'system tray' and responds to mouse clicks, optionally with a tooltip  above  it  to  help
       provide information.

       X Window System Note

       Under  X  Window System, the window manager must support either the "System Tray Protocol"
       (see by  (WMs
       used  by modern desktop environments such as GNOME >= 2, KDE >= 3 and XFCE >= 4 all do) or
       the older methods used in GNOME 1.2 and KDE 1 and 2.

       If it doesn't, the icon will appear as a toplevel window on user's  desktop.  Because  not
       all  window  managers  have system tray, there's no guarantee that wxTaskBarIcon will work
       correctly under X Window System and so the applications should use it only as an  optional
       component  of  their  user interface. The user should be required to explicitly enable the
       taskbar icon on Unix, it shouldn't be on by default.

       This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxEvtHandler

       wxWidgets docs: wxTaskBarIcon


       Event types emitted from this  class:  taskbar_move,  taskbar_left_down,  taskbar_left_up,
       taskbar_right_down, taskbar_right_up, taskbar_left_dclick, taskbar_right_dclick


       wxTaskBarIcon() = wx:wx_object()


       new(Options :: [Option]) -> wxTaskBarIcon()


                 Option =
                     {iconType, wx:wx_enum()} |
                     {createPopupMenu, fun(() -> wxMenu:wxMenu())}

              Default constructor.

              The iconType is only applicable on wxOSX/Cocoa.

       destroy(This :: wxTaskBarIcon()) -> ok

              Destroys the wxTaskBarIcon object, removing the icon if not already removed.

       popupMenu(This, Menu) -> boolean()


                 This = wxTaskBarIcon()
                 Menu = wxMenu:wxMenu()

              Pops up a menu at the current mouse position.

              The events can be handled by a class derived from wxTaskBarIcon.

              Note:  It  is  recommended  to  override  CreatePopupMenu() (not implemented in wx)
              callback instead of calling this method from  event  handler,  because  some  ports
              (e.g. wxCocoa) may not implement popupMenu/2 and mouse click events at all.

       removeIcon(This) -> boolean()


                 This = wxTaskBarIcon()

              Removes the icon previously set with setIcon/3.

       setIcon(This, Icon) -> boolean()


                 This = wxTaskBarIcon()
                 Icon = wxIcon:wxIcon()

       setIcon(This, Icon, Options :: [Option]) -> boolean()


                 This = wxTaskBarIcon()
                 Icon = wxIcon:wxIcon()
                 Option = {tooltip, unicode:chardata()}

              Sets the icon, and optional tooltip text.