Provided by: libcpan-audit-perl_20230709.001-1_all bug


       cpan-audit - Audit CPAN modules


       cpan-audit [command] [options]


           module         [version range]    audit module with optional version range (all by default)
           modules        [version range]    audit module list with optional version range (all by default)
           dist|release   [version range]    audit distribution with optional version range (all by default)
           deps           [directory]        audit dependencies from the directory (. by default)
           installed                         audit all installed modules
           show           [advisory id]      show information about specific advisory


           --ascii               use ascii output
           --freshcheck|f        check the database for freshness (CPAN::Audit::FreshnessCheck)
           --help|h              show the help message and exit
           --no-color            switch off colors
           --no-corelist         ignore modules bundled with perl version
           --perl                include perl advisories
           --quiet               be quiet (overrules --verbose)
           --verbose             be verbose (off if --quiet in effect)
           --version             show the version and exit
           --exclude <str>       exclude/ignore the specified advisory/cve (multiple)
           --exclude-file <file> read exclude/ignore patterns from file
           --json                output JSON


           cpan-audit dist Catalyst-Runtime
           cpan-audit dist Catalyst-Runtime 7.0
           cpan-audit dist Catalyst-Runtime '>5.48'

           cpan-audit module Catalyst 7.0

           cpan-audit modules "Catalyst;7.0" "Mojolicious;>8.40,<9.20"

           cpan-audit deps .
           cpan-audit deps /path/to/distribution

           cpan-audit installed
           cpan-audit installed local/
           cpan-audit installed local/ --exclude CVE-2011-4116
           cpan-audit installed local/ --exclude CVE-2011-4116 --exclude CVE-2011-123
           cpan-audit installed local/ --exclude-file ignored-cves.txt

           cpan-audit installed --json

           cpan-audit show CPANSA-Mojolicious-2018-03


       "cpan-audit" is a command line application that checks the modules or distributions for
       known vulnerabilities. It is using its internal database that is automatically generated
       from a hand-picked database <>.

       "cpan-audit" does not connect to anything, that is why it is important to keep it up to
       date. Every update of the internal database is released as a new version. Ensure that you
       have the latest database by updating CPAN::Audit frequently; the database can change
       daily.  You can use enable a warning for a possibly out-of-date database by adding
       "--freshcheck", which warns if the database version is older than a month:

               % cpan-audit --freshcheck ...
               % cpan-audit -f ...

               % env CPAN_AUDIT_FRESH_DAYS=7 cpan-audit -f ...

   Finding dependencies
       "cpan-audit" can automatically detect dependencies from the following sources:

           Parses cpanfile.snapshot file and checks the distribution versions.

           Parses cpanfile taking into account the required versions.

       It is assumed that if the required version of the module is less than a version of a
       release with a known vulnerability fix, then the module is considered affected.

   JSON data
       If you request JSON output, the data looks like

             "meta" : {
                 ... meta information ...
             "dists": {
               "<distribution1>": {
                 ... distribution info ...
             "errors" : [
               ... list of errors - if any ...

       Meta information

       The meta data contains information about the run of "cpan-audit".

             "args": [
             "cpan_audit": {
               "version": "20230601.002"
             "total_advisories": 19,
             "command": "modules"

       These information are shown

       •   cpan_audit

           The version of "cpan_audit" that is used for the audit

       •   command

           The command of "cpan_audit" that was run

       •   args

           Arguments for the command

       •   total_advisories

           Number of found advisories

       Distribtion information

       For each distribution where at least one advisory was found, the JSON looks like:

           "Dist-Name": {
             "queried_modules": [
             "version": "Any",
             "advisories": [
                 ... advisory data as in the audit database ...
                 ... more advisories ...

       The advisory data is basically the data from the database. So this depends on what is
       known for the given advisory.

       The distribution information contains:

       •   version

           The version (range) that is checked for advisories. If there's no version specified,
           all versions are checked and the version is report as "Any".

       •   queried_modules

           The actual namespaces queried, either from the command line or another source, such as
           a cpanfile.

       •   advisories

           A list of all vulnerabilities found for the version range

   Exit values
       In prior versions, "cpan-audit" exited with the number of advisories it found. Starting
       with 1.001, if there are advisories found, "cpan-audit" exits with 64 added to that
       number. The maximum number of reported advisories is 62, since values over 126 are spoken

       •   0 - normal operation

       •   2 - problem with program invocation, such as bad switches or values

       •   64+n - advisories found. Subtract 64 to get the advisory count, up to 62 advisories

       •   255 - program error


       Copyright (C) Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi.

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself.