Provided by: debian-goodies_0.88.1ubuntu1.2_all bug


       popbugs - find RC bugs in packages you commonly use


       popbugs [options] [popularity-contest log]


       The popbugs program fetches the list of release critical bugs from the Debian bug tracking
       system on the internet.  It correlates the bug log with the popularity-contest  data  from
       your system to obtain a list of release critical bugs in packages, which are commonly used
       on your system.  Normally this list is displayed in a web  browser.   Helping  to  resolve
       these  bugs  is a good idea, if you want to see your favourite programs in the next stable
       release of Debian.



       --help Show a very short usage message.


              Place the output in outputfile instead of displaying it in a browser.


              Output debugging information.


       rc-alert(1), popularity-contest(8)


       The popbugs program is copyright © 2001 Matt Zimmerman <>.  This manual page
       is copyright © 2004  Jochen Voß <>.