Provided by: dh-ros_0.13.0_all bug


       rosbuilder - execute appropriate build commands for ROS packages


       rosbuilder [options]


       rosbuilder  is  invoked  internally  by  the  ros  buildsystem.  You  can use this in your
       debian/rules with dh --buildsystem=ros.


       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       --sourcedir DIR
              root directory of the source package

       --search-depth N
              limit maximum depth to N directory levels when searching for  packages  recursively
              (default: 2)

              do not limit maximum depth when searching for packages

       --builddir DIR
              build directory

       --destdir DIR
              install staging directory (default: debian/tmp)

       --install-prefix DIR
              install prefix (default: /usr)

              make verbose output

              detect if ROS packages are to be built

              list detected build types

              list packages in build order


       The  rosbuilder  behavior  can  be  customized by setting various environment variables in

       Remember to prefix the declarations with the export keyword, or  the  variables  will  not
       propagate to the environment properly.

   General behavior
              override the location for the staged installation

              override the install prefix

              do  not  fail  the build if the dh_auto_test step fails for the listed packages. If
              set to the special value 1, test failures for all packages will be ignored.

              set to 2 or 3 to force the respective Python version for the build

              do not build the listed packages at all

              skip tests for the listed packages. If set to the  special  value  1,  all  package
              tests will be skipped. This is equivalent to passing nocheck via DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS.

   Customizing dh_auto_*
       For  the  clean,  configure,  build,  test,  and  install  steps,  there  are hooks to run
       additional commands before and after each step.  Also, either additional arguments can  be
       passed to the dh_auto_* helpers or the whole step can be replaced by a different command.

              pass  additional  arguments  to  a  dh step. The placeholder step stands for one of
              CONFIGURE, BUILD, TEST, INSTALL, or CLEAN, all in upper-case.

              pass additional arguments to a dh step, but only for  packages  with  a  particular
              build type. Known build types are AMENT_CMAKE, AMENT_PYTHON, CATKIN, and CMAKE.

              wrap  a dh step with another command, i.e., prepend the command line with the given
              command and its arguments. The wrapper command is expected to execute the remainder
              of  its  arguments.  An example for a wrapper is xvfb-run, which can be used to run
              tests in a virtual X server.

              wrap a dh step with another command, but only for a particular build type.

              execute additional commands before a dh step. The value is subject to some variable
              expansion (see below) and treated as shell command line.

              execute additional commands before a dh step

              execute additional commands before a dh step for packages of build type type.

              execute additional commands after a dh step for packages of build type type.

              replace  the  dh  step by a custom shell command line. This will replace the entire
              command line, so any COMMAND_PREFIX will be ignored as well.

              replace the dh step for packages of build type type by a custom shell command line.
              This will replace the entire command line, so any WRAPPER will be ignored as well.

   Variable expansions for shell command lines
       rosbuilder  supports a few placeholders in custom command lines. All values will be quoted
       as required to prevent spurious shell expansions.

       {dir}  the source directory of the currently processed ROS package

              the temporary build directory of the currently processed ROS package

              the location for the staged installation

              the name of the currently processed ROS package

              the sanitized package name, suitable for use as variable identifier

              the version number of the currently procssed ROS package

              the build type of the currently processed ROS package

              the install prefix


       The dh-ros helper and rosbuilder was written by  Timo  Röhling  ⟨⟩  for

